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上級国民の法支配 ”黒川検事長辞任”国税や憲法9条にも通じる根深い問題

The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅰ)

In Japan, the number of cancer deaths is increasing. Now, one in three Japanese men die from cancer. …


はじめに:混乱が続く世界情勢/感謝が絶えない私の日常 世界は混乱と矛盾に満ちています。特に、この数年はコロナや予防接種・紛争テロ等々について目も当てられない偏向報道と愚策が続く毎日です。この閉塞感に堪 …


Here is how satan have ruled this world using Illuminati

Have you ever thought that there are many mysterious incidents in the world? RAPT theory makes me aw …