English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

A total of 70 trillion yen has been disbursed overseas by the Abe government in the past two years.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 23 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


A total of 70 trillion yen has been disbursed overseas by the Abe government in the past two years. The depressing reality is that our blood money is being used to expand the power of the ‘emperor’s faction’.

Yesterday we briefly discussed what the underworld is planning with the kidnapping of Japanese citizens by the Islamic State.

The kidnapping of Japanese citizens by the Islamic State could be a stepping stone to World War III. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-kidnapping-of-japanese-citizens-by-the-islamic-state-could-be-a-steppingstone-to-world-war-iii/

It seems as if World War III will happen at any moment.

When I write articles like this, someone often sends me anxious comments or emails.

To be honest, being that worried isn’t going to change the world.

So, I think, why don’t you stop worrying about unnecessary things and just do your job?

However, there are people in this world who are mentally weak or mentally unstable.

Young people in particular can be prone to this.

So, I have written many times in this blog about praying to God for such people.

See for example the following links.

Let us pray together for the destruction of the Satanists and the blessing of the Japanese people. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16837

The way to fundamentally destroy Satanists is to know the secrets of the spiritual world. It starts with knowing the inner workings of the ‘spirit world’. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=19013

Of course, it is up to you whether you believe that your prayers will be answered or not. If you don’t believe, you are free not to believe.

But it will be easier on your mind and free from unnecessary worry if you do believe it and pray for it.

And maybe the prayer will come true.

When the devil makes a wish, it takes a lot of time and money to build the Tokyo Tower, the Tokyo Sky Tree, the Yamanote Line, shrines, and so on.

Prayer, on the other hand, does not require a lot of money and effort.

And there is no need to go to shrines and temples and take the trouble to join hands in front of idols.

All you have to do is pray quietly in your mind at home or at work.

I have written many times about the existence of spiritual demons in the world.

As surely as demons exist, so surely does God exist.

This is because the devil was originally an angel in the service of God. The angels rebelled against God and became the demons they are today.

The difference between ‘demons’ and ‘evil spirits’. The difference between ‘Illuminati’ and ‘Freemasonry’. (1) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16171

The demons were hateful and loathsome when they saw that God created man and loved him very much.

In short, they were jealous.

So, they hated man terribly and made him suffer a lot.

However, since demons are only spiritual beings, they could not rule over humans directly.

So, they chose an emperor from among the humans and decided to use the emperor’s body to rule over the humans.

So, they deified that emperor and ruled the people.

In the ancient world, the land where the emperor lived was called Hiizurukuni.

And the land where the people lived was called ‘Yomotsukuni’.

Hiizlukuni was the ‘Kingdom of the Sun’, which used a solar calendar.

Yomotsukuni is the ‘Land of the Moon’, which uses a lunar calendar.

The Sun Kingdom is now the Emperor Faction.

The Kingdom of the Moon is now the Papacy.

So, the conflict between the two was a popular uprising against the royalty and nobility.

It is just like the Peasants’ Revolt. This ‘peasant revolt’ has gone on and on from ancient times to the present day.

It may be hard to believe, but it is a fact.


That is why the ‘imperialists’ are rather few and the ‘papists’ rather many.

That is why the ‘papists’ have always been dominant. In the Second World War and the Cold War, the ‘papists’ won over the ‘imperialists’.

The world is based on the struggle between the ‘Emperor = Rothschild’ and the ‘Vatican = Rockefeller’. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17932

The Cold War was a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17844

However, the ‘Papalists’ are by nature a popular force, so they are not very good at anything they do.

They are not noble.

They have done all sorts of bad things, just like the thugs in your neighborhood.

In comparison, the Emperor faction is rather elegant and not very noble.

Perhaps they are proud of their royalty and aristocracy, and so want to pretend that they are only superficially noble.

So, once again, the ‘papists’ are letting the ‘Islamic State’ run rampant.

On the other hand, the ‘Emperor’s Faction’ fears nothing and does not even try to defend itself.

They pretend to be silent and patient.

Perhaps they have been pretending this attitude to their people since ancient times.

But many of the people have been put off by their genteel attitude.

Especially those who had been involved in devil worship with the emperors were furious.

They said, ‘You do all sorts of nasty things behind the scenes, but in front of the people you act all noble.

So, the ‘Yomotsukuni’ rose up against the ‘Hiizukuni’ and a conflict began between the two. ……

However, the ‘papists’ of the ‘Yomotsukuni’ have so far twisted the nations of the world by force.

The ‘Emperor’s Faction’ of the ‘Hiizukuni’, on the other hand, has engaged in ‘wandering diplomacy’.

The two sides have shown a difference like the ‘North Wind and the Sun’.

Successive Japanese prime ministers have always been disingenuous anyway.

The media have made fun of it, calling it weak-kneed diplomacy.

But for some reason, all previous prime ministers never explained why they were doing it and never made excuses when they were criticized.

Why did they not apologize?

They could not say clearly why.

The world is divided between the ‘Emperor’ and the ‘Papacy’, and they are fighting each other, and they are giving money away to increase the power of the ‘Emperor’.

I couldn’t say that even if I wanted to.

They are also giving away our tax money abroad.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it make sense for them to explain to us exactly how they’re using the money?

Moreover, the current Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has spent a total of JPY 70 trillion (!) abroad in the last two years.

And yet it is telling us that there is no money and that the economy is in crisis.

The government has also raised taxes and downgraded permanent employees to temporary workers.

In four months, 52.54 trillion yen was sent abroad, and 300 billion yen was not enough to support childcare!

It is so unreasonable that so much money was spent overseas and no explanation was given as to why.

Moreover, for some reason, famous conspiracy theorists have had very little to do with this spending diplomacy.

This is because this diplomacy was a milestone in the expansion of the Emperor’s Faction.

All the famous conspiracy theorists are agents of the Emperor’s Faction.

Therefore, they cannot criticize what the Emperor is doing.

The Emperor’s Faction has used this diplomacy to gain more and more allies in the Front World.

Behind the scenes, they have used new religions such as the Soka Gakkai to increase the number of believers in countries around the world.

Then they raise elites from among these believers, send them to the center of the state and control the country.

The BRICS are the result of this process.

Suzuki Muneo became a politician with the Soka vote. The BRICS have turned out to be black in every sense of the word. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18010

However, for some reason, the world’s famous conspiracy theorists have praised the BRICS, especially Putin.

It is widely touted that Putin is the one who will save the world.

Certainly Putin will destroy the ‘papists’ because he is an agent of the ‘papists’.

Because he is an agent of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’.

But even if Putin crushes the ‘papists’, the ‘imperialists’ will rule the world afterwards.

If you think the Imperialists are still better than the Papists, that’s fine.

But let’s be clear, the ‘Emperor Faction’ is still distributing the Ebola vaccine, a bioterrorist weapon, all over the world.

And they are such big villains that they are spreading more and more damage from Ebola fever.

The Ebola vaccine is a murder weapon. It is a mechanism by which only those who have been administered it can be infected with Ebola. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16661

Furthermore, the blood donated in good faith by our citizens is being sold to hospitals at exorbitant prices.

These are the same yakuza who carry out this kind of ‘rip-off’ in broad daylight.

Moreover, this blood transfusion treatment is known to be very dangerous.

A number of doctors and medical experts have claimed its dangers.

Yet these claims are not picked up by the media at all.

When they do cover it, they are inundated with hundreds of calls from ‘right-wing’ yakuza complaining about it.

The ‘Japanese Red Cross Society’, run by the Emperor’s family, is the promoter of this dangerous blood transfusion treatment in Japan.

The honorary president of this ‘Japanese Red Cross Society’ is Emperor and Empress Michiko.

Its head is a relative, Tadateru Kondo.

Tadateru Kondo is the younger brother of former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa.

Whenever the media writes something bad about the Japanese Red Cross, the right-wingers call with complaints and threats.

It is said that the recent scandals of the Abe cabinet, which were exposed and the cabinet was heavily criticised, were also the work of these ‘right-wingers’.

Well, it was a split in the Tabuse clan.

Now it seems that this rivalry has been settled for the time being. ……

The Emperor’s family has always maintained that they have nothing to do with this ‘right wing’ and that the ‘right wing’ is just raging on its own.

I would like to say that monkey business should be moderated.

Even if the Emperor and the Right have nothing to do with each other in a hundred steps, you should use the Emperor’s authority to stop the Right from going on a rampage.

After all, the Right Wing worship the Emperor like a god, so they will listen to anything he says.

So please use the authority of the Emperor to say one word to them: ‘Stop rioting’.

The Japanese people are really fed up with the activities of the ‘right wing’.

The same goes for the ‘netouyo’ (online right-wingers) who infest the Internet.

When the Internet first began to spread in Japan, there was a problem with undignified slander and libel being posted here and there on the Internet.

In retrospect, it was probably not real Japanese people who caused such a fuss, but the ‘netouyo’, Koreans living in Japan.

Well, that is true.

There is no way that Japanese people all over the country would write such undignified posts at the same time. Japanese people are not ethnically inclined by nature and …….

It is true that there may be some people in this world who cannot distinguish between the real world and the online world.

But there can’t be that many.

As the saying goes, ‘writing is a person’, and there is not much difference between a person and their writing.

But it is absolutely impossible that the majority of people who post on the internet cannot distinguish between the real world and the online world.

The majority of people who only post defamatory things on the Internet are people who do this kind of thing on a regular basis.

Most of them must be ‘netuyo’ (online right-wingers).

And it was the ‘Emperor Faction’ that kept these ‘netuyos’.

However, the head of the Emperor Faction always pretends to be an aristocrat.

They have pretended that they have nothing to do with the ‘right wing’ or the ‘nettoyo’.

But that is not true at all.

First of all, those at the top who pretend to be royalty and aristocracy practice devil worship behind the scenes.

They sacrifice children’s lives to the devil, abuse children, and do other things that are the most undignified things in the world.

The Tokyo subway, the JR Chuo line, the JR Musashisakai station. They are all connected to devil worship.

The secret facilities that lie beneath Tokyo’s surface. Some thoughts on their structure.

Now they are even planning to build a ‘nuclear facility’ under Tokyo to cover their tracks and cause a major earthquake in Tokyo.

At least we can see the possibility now.

A secret nuclear facility under the University of Tokyo. It is perfect for causing a major earthquake right under the capital.  https://nozomi-creation.com/a-secret-nuclear-facility-lies-beneath-the-university-of-tokyo/

This is now a great epic novel.

No novelist could have come up with such an outlandish fantasy. Even if he had, it would have been a clichéd gag novel.

There is an old saying that ‘truth is stranger than fiction’.

That’s exactly right.

The demons do things that we simply don’t understand.

So, it is no wonder that many people become disillusioned, fearful and lose all hope when they are suddenly told stories like this.

But I think it is a form of shock therapy.

There is a big difference in the recovery of a person who feels unwell and does not know what is wrong with their body.

It is better to know exactly where in the body the abnormality is if you really want to treat it.

That way, if something big happens later, we can deal with it calmly and without too much excitement.

So it is better for us to know where there is something wrong in the world, even if we get a bit of a shock.

And then, when people know about it, they can pray for a solution to the problem.

If we do that, I think eventually a way will open up.

Of course, if there is a way to cure this disease other than prayer, then by all means try that method.

At the moment, I don’t know how to do that, so I recommend that you pray.

Above all, I believe that prayer is the best and greatest way to destroy the devil.

To pray is to ask for God’s power.

God’s power is a thousand or ten thousand times more powerful than man’s power.

This is a science rather than a faith.

I am ready to say that.

Because the devil is stronger than man, but weaker than God.

This is a firm truth.

It is the ‘deepest truth’ of this world that the demons have tried so hard to hide from us.

Of course, all science in this world is controlled by the underworld.

So, we are told that God does not exist and that prayers cannot be answered.

But will you believe the words of such science and live in fear in this world?

Or will you believe in God, pray and live in peace?

That is up to each one of you.

Today I wanted to continue with the story of the old story.

However, I was a little irritated by Abe’s hypocritical diplomacy and the Islamic State kidnappings, and ended up writing a lot about those things.

Tomorrow, as planned, I would like to talk about ancient history.

Please look forward to it.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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