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Strong ties between the emperor and the World Cup.

When the World Cup is exciting, it is a mechanism that makes the devil happy. (Translator’s No …

Here is how satan have ruled this world using Illuminati

Have you ever thought that there are many mysterious incidents in the world? RAPT theory makes me aw …

Kenji Goto, kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a South Korean resident of Japan who does not have Japanese citizenship.

Is he an agent sent to Syria to sacrifice Mr. Yukawa to the Islamic State? (Translator’s Note) …

The Devil is not a figment of the imagination, nor is he a fictional entity.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 1 D …


皆さんは放射能や原子力について、わかりにくいと思うことはないでしょうか。 私は、放射性物質の半減期が何百年もあると聞いて、どうして広島や長崎では普通に人が暮らせるのか不思議に思います。 私たち日本人の …