English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The Emperor faction is responding to repeated provocations by the Papal faction with Japanese anime.


Please stop pretending to be on the side of justice in the fight against terrorists.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 6 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Jordan has finally resumed air strikes against Islamic State, as announced.

Jordanian military resumes air strikes suspended after pilot’s arrest : International : YOMIURI ONLINE

But this is not literally an attack on the Islamic State.

It is an attack by the ‘emperors’ on the ‘papists’, as we have written many times before. See the links below for more information.

The Jordanian government, which has announced massive retaliation against the Islamic State, is a puppet of the Emperor and the Rothschilds. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-jordanian-government-which-has-announced-massive-retaliation-against-islamic-state-is-a-puppet-of-the-emperor-and-the-rothschilds/

So, the war between the Emperor and the Papacy will heat up and the war in the Middle East will escalate.

And if the war cannot be settled in the Middle East alone, they must intend to extend it to the neighboring countries.

In the worst-case scenario, it is not impossible that the Islamic State will suddenly carry out terrorist attacks in the countries of the Emperor’s faction.

Anyway, there is such a firestorm going on all over the world right now.

Even a cursory glance at today’s news clearly shows that the battle between the ‘Emperors’ and the ‘Popes’ is heating up.

 —————- (Reproduced below from MBS News)

The computer servers of the second largest health insurance company in the US have been attacked by hackers and the personal information of 80 million customers and others has been stolen.

The FBI = US Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched an investigation.

It is believed that the hack was most likely carried out in China.

On 5 May, Ansem, the second largest health insurance company in the US, announced that its computer server storing personal data had been hacked and that customer and employee information had been stolen.

The stolen information included names, addresses and social security numbers.

It is believed that the information of 80 million people, including former customers, may have been compromised.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened an investigation and is working to determine the extent of the damage, etc.

The FBI is currently conducting an investigation following a report from Anthem.

However, several US media outlets have reported that after analyzing the software and other information used in the hack, it is highly likely that a department linked to the Chinese government was involved.

In relation to hacking from China, the US Department of Justice last year indicted five officials of China’s People’s Liberation Army for launching hacking attacks against US companies.

 —————- (reprinted here)

This is how the underworld creates an excuse for the “Imperial Faction” and the “Papal Faction” to fight.

The same is true here.

 —————- (Reprinted below from NHK News)

North Korea responded to U.S. President Barack Obama’s statement that the North Korean regime “will eventually collapse,” among other things.

And it reiterated its stance that it will not accept dialogue with the U.S. on the premise of denuclearization.

On April 4, North Korea’s National Defense Commission issued a statement to the U.S. government via state television.

The statement strongly condemned the U.S. government’s imposition of financial sanctions on North Korea over cyber-attacks and other issues.

It also strongly condemned President Obama’s statement last month that the North Korean regime “will eventually collapse.

And, the statement said, “We don’t need to deal with the United States any more.


He also insisted that North Korea should “stop talking nonsense” about the U.S. government’s call for North Korea to take steps toward denuclearization.

Regarding the U.S.-North Korea dialogue, Kim, the U.S. government’s special representative for North Korean affairs, said last month that “the door is open for dialogue with North Korea on denuclearization,” suggesting that he was seeking direct dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea to restart the six-party talks. In its statement, however, North Korea reiterated that it would not accept direct dialogue with the U.S. on the premise of denuclearization.

 —————- (reprinted to here)

When we post a link to NHK News, NHK immediately deletes the article.

So, this time we copied and pasted the article correctly.

This is to preserve the evidence.

As for North Korea and the U.S., not long ago they were fighting over a Hollywood movie about the assassination of Kim Jong-un.

North Korea is the “Emperor faction” and the U.S. is the “Papal faction.

So, it is obvious that they are trying to create a firestorm of war in various ways.

The supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is a descendant of the Japanese imperial family.

The following news was also reported in Japan.

—————- (reprinted from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun below)

On May 5, the Public Security Intelligence Agency conducted simultaneous on-site inspections of Hikari no Wa’s Minamikarasuyama facility (Setagaya-ku, Tokyo) and other related facilities in seven prefectures under the Law for the Regulation of Associations.
The organization was founded by former Aum Shinrikyo leader Fumihiro Jyosuke.

This inspection was the first since the decision to extend the cult’s fifth round of probation.

“Hikari no Wa” protests that the decision was based on faulty fact-finding and says it will file a lawsuit to overturn the order.

 —————- (reprinted here)

Hikari no Wa is a splinter group of Aum Shinrikyo.

Aum Shinrikyo is clearly a “papist” group.

Aum Shinrikyo is a puppet of the US CIA. However, Hikari no Wa, an offshoot of Aum Shinrikyo, has a distinct “Emperor Faction” flavor.

This is because “Josuke”, the founder of Hikari no Wa, has a close relationship with a member of the Communist Party, which is a puppet of the “Emperor Faction”.

Please see the following link for proof.

Tomorrow, the 7th, a Diet member working for non-Japanese : Neko Tama Walking Diary 2 https://kkagayaki2.exblog.jp/20440358/

This “Yoshio Arita” was born in Kyoto and used to be a member of the Communist Party.

He is a complete “Emperor Faction”.

In addition, he seems to be a person who has been quite critical of Aum and the Unification Church, both of which are affiliated with the “Emperor Faction”.

There is no doubt that Hikari no Wa is a member of the Emperor Faction.

And the sudden “scalpel” of the Public Security Intelligence Agency may mean that the Emperor’s faction was about to do something in Hikari-no-wa.

And it may be that the Doctrine Faction got the scent.

First of all, there is no reason given in this article as to why the Public Security Bureau would suddenly enter and investigate at this time of year. It is too suspicious.

However, the “Emperor’s Faction” must have finally lost their temper with this series of provocations by the “Papal Faction. The following funny project was carried out.

Project to Stick the Spear of Longinus into the Moon in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of Evangelion (Executive Committee of the Project to Stick the Spear of Longinus into the Moon) https://archive-pj.readyfor.jp/projects/evangelion/index.html

Many of your older people may never have seen the anime “Evangelion”.

But you have probably heard of it.

After all, “Evangelion” is a big money maker in Cool Japan.

This anime is now popular all over the world.

In this anime, the “Spear of Longinus” appears.

This “Spear of Longinus” refers to the spear that Roman soldiers used to stab the body of Jesus Christ to confirm whether he was alive or dead when they executed him.

For more information, see the following links.

Holy Spear – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%81%96%E6%A7%8D

Someone has proposed a project to actually transport a model of this spear to the moon by rocket, launch it to the moon, and stab it into the moon.

The cost of this project is about 100 million yen, and they have started to raise the money for this project by “crowdfunding” on the Internet.

When you hear all this, it sounds like an interesting project that is somehow romantic, grandiose, and ridiculous.

But if you have been reading my blog for a long time, you will know that there is a serious and profound meaning behind this project.

The “moon” is a sacred object of worship for the “papists.

The “Papists” are Satanists who originally come from the “Moon Kingdom” or “Yomotsukuni”.

It is doubtful whether they really worship the moon, but at least the moon is a very important symbol for them.

Papists = lunar calendar = moon kingdom. Imperialists = solar calendar = kingdom of the sun. The structure of the world looks more and more simple. https://nozomi-creation.com/papists-lunar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-moon-emperors-solar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-sun/

The Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. The Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the “Emperor faction” and the “Papist faction” had already begun before the beginning of history. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/

The “Spear of Longinus”, which is very much related to Jesus Christ, whom the devil hates, is to be thrust into the “Moon”, which is very important to the ” papists”.

This can only be described as a great project that makes fun of the “papists.

And they are asking for 100 million dollars from all over Japan for this ridiculous project.

As of this moment, they have already collected 34 million dollars.

I don’t know who in the world is paying for this project, but I’m sure they know all the circumstances.

But I can’t help but think that people who are familiar with the whole situation are probably investing such a large sum of money to make fun of the “papists.

Moreover, the director of this Evangelion, “Hideaki Anno”, is very close to Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli.

He is also the voice actor for the main character in the movie “The Wind Rises”, which Hayao Miyazaki recently made.

And this Studio Ghibli is a company with close ties to the Soka Gakkai, the puppet of the Emperor.

I have written about this in an earlier article.

Cool Japan is a propaganda tool to brainwash people around the world into believing that “Japan is the center of the world” by opposing Hollywood. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18396

In short, the project of putting the “Spear of Longinus” into the moon is a project that completely provokes the “papalists” by making fun of them.

The Vatican will be more and more outraged by this project.

However, I am surprised at the number of people who criticize this project.

It is not surprising that someone would know that the “Lance of Longinus” has something to do with the Vatican.

But how did these people know that the “Moon” is related to the Vatican?

No matter how much I search the Internet, I can’t find such information from anywhere but ……..

I wonder if the people who are openly criticizing this project are involved in the underworld.

I would think that a normal person would not criticize such a project so loudly, but rather laugh it off and say, “What a stupid thing to do. ……

First of all, the “Evangelion” anime itself is a dangerous propaganda anime with the smell of Satanism.

For more information, please watch the following video. (*)The Link has expired.

Well, there are some people on the Internet who make a lot of comments about the urban legend told by that comedian.

But the fact is that the animation company that produced Evangelion is also quite strange.

The company is called Studio Color and was founded by director Hideaki Anno.

Take a close look at the company’s logo.

This logo does not read “Studio Color” from any angle.

It just looks like “Xapa” to me. How can it be read as “Studio Color”? It can also be read as “X666” depending on how you look at it.

It is completely like the world of Freemasonry.

In this way, the Japanese animation world is completely controlled by dubious organizations such as “Soka Gakkai” and “Freemasonry.

In fact, the devil-worshipping “Emperor Faction” is behind it.

But many Japanese people are grateful to watch anime produced by these shady organizations.

After I found out how the anime industry works behind the scenes, I stopped watching anime because of its weirdness.

We already know that there are many mind control tricks in Hollywood movies.

But Japanese anime is no different. It’s just that many people don’t know about it.

So the “Emperor Faction” is using Japanese animation to secretly mock and provoke the “Papal Faction”. One can only say that they are completely insane.

And yet, in front of the public, they act as if they are fighting on the side of justice against the “Islamic State” terrorists.

This is the height of stupidity.

Not only those who read my blog, but even those who have never dabbled in conspiracy theories have come to strongly oppose what the Abe government is doing.

No matter how tough they are on the Islamic State, most of the public does not sympathize with the Japanese government.

Rather, many people feel that there is something underhanded about this situation.

That is why many people flooded this blog as soon as I posted the article, “Kenji Goto, kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a Korean. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=20294

This is proof that many people do not trust the Japanese media.

Therefore, the government hastily claimed that the information about the Islamic State is a “specified secret.

—————- (The following is reprinted from Yahoo News)

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida acknowledged at a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on April 4 that there may be information subject to the Specified Secret Protection Law regarding the murder of two Japanese nationals by a group believed to be the Islamic State militant group in the Middle East.

In response to Yoshio Ide, a member of the Restoration Party, Foreign Minister Kishida said, “Since this case involves terrorism against Japanese citizens in a foreign country, I am aware that it may contain information that falls under the scope of the Specified Secrets Protection Law.

On the other hand, he said, “I will refrain from answering whether or not specific secrets are involved in individual cases because of the risk that diplomatic negotiations, etc., may be hindered.

The Specified Secrets Protection Law, which went into effect late last year, can designate four areas of security-related information: 1) defense, 2) diplomacy, 3) espionage prevention, and 4) terrorism prevention.

 —————- (reprinted here)

Do they intend to arrest people like me who claim that “Kenji Goto is a Korean”?

Or do they intend to thoroughly delete these blogs throughout the country?

In addition, many netizens are desperately agreeing with the above Yahoo article.

This is absolutely ridiculous. No one in Japan supports the “Specified Secret Protection Law.

But why are all the people who support it in the comments section of Yahoo!

I’d like to say that they should be more moderate in their own actions.

Anyway, arrest them, delete their blogs, or whatever you can do.

If you do that, more and more people will pay attention to this blog.

After all, just because Lollipop restricted access to this blog, it attracted a lot of attention.

Until recently, this blog had an average of 30,000 hits per day, but as soon as we launched this new blog, we started getting an average of almost 50,000 hits per day.

That’s an increase of 20,000 hits all at once. Thank you very much.

Number of accesses to the new site

Combined with the number of accesses to the old blog, the number of accesses to the new site reached nearly 100,000. It can only be said that it was a blessing in disguise.

Number of accesses to the old site

Meanwhile, Lollipop announced that its parent company, GMO Pepapo, does not expect to make a profit this fiscal year.

GMO Pepabo Forecasts Unusual “Zero Profit” Aggressive Investment to Expand Handmade Market “minne” – ITmedia News

GMO Pepabo is making some kind of excuse that it will have no profit because it is expanding its investment.

However, there is no need to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to expand the market for the site.

If they make such a stupid investment, the management must be stupid.

After all, there is no way that a company that does all kinds of bad things with the underworld can be run properly.

I am sure that such a company will soon go out of business.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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