English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor Faction”.


Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 7 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Today I would like to report a very serious fact to you all.

 It turns out that the Vatican has already been taken over by the “papists.

Therefore, the power of the “papists” seemed to be diminishing rapidly these days.

 In fact, the “Jesuits” and the “Vatican” were two separate powers.

The “Jesuits” belonged to the “Papacy” and were the power of the “Sun Faith”.

And the current Pope Francis is the first bishop from the “Jesuits” in history.

This all explains why the previous Pope Benedict XVI mysteriously abdicated before his death.

He was removed from power by the “papists”.

(By the way, in the nearly 2,000-year history of the Vatican, the Pope has only abdicated twice. This is extremely rare).

A warrant was issued for Benedict XVI’s arrest after he and Queen Elizabeth of England were found to have practiced devil worship and murdered as many as 50,000 infants.

I have talked about these many times.

Does Satanism exist? The slaughter of 50,000 babies by Queen Elizabeth and the Pope. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8267

I had assumed that Benedict XVI was removed from power because of this incident.

However, in the subsequent Satanism trial, the current Pope, Francis, was also convicted.

Pope Francis has been convicted of child molestation and human trafficking. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13698

Yet for some reason, Francis was never defrocked.

Why on earth is that……?

Benedict XVI was not deposed because he was exposed as a Satanist.

It was because he lost a power struggle between Satanists.

If the “Vatican” and the “Jesuits” were identical, there would be no need to distinguish between them.

However, the “Vatican” has long been classified as the “Vatican” and the “Jesuits” as the “Jesuits.

Moreover, a careful examination of the history of the “Jesuits” reveals that the “Jesuits” have been in bitter conflict with the “Vatican” from the very beginning of their establishment.

The following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article on the Jesuits.


While advocating obedience to the Pope, Ignatius (note: the founder of the Jesuits) and the early members fully understood the need for reform and renewal in the Catholic Church at that time.

The Jesuits recognized the importance of looking within the Catholic Church first, rather than superficially attacking Protestants.

They were also highly critical of the corruption, injustice, and spiritual malaise that plagued the Church.

As a result, Jesuits who swore allegiance to the pope sometimes got into trouble with the pope and the high-ranking clergy of the church.

It was an ironic situation.


Moreover, the symbol of the “Jesuits” is the sun itself.

This was a complete blind spot.

Just by looking at this, I can tell that the “Jesuits” are the “Sun School” or the “Emperor School.

However, I recently learned that Satanists are divided into the “Sun School” and the “Moon School.

Therefore, I was not aware of the “Jesuit” symbol at all.

Papal School = Lunar Calendar = Kingdom of the Moon.  Emperor School = Solar Calendar = Kingdom of the Sun. The structure of the world looks more and more simple. https://nozomi-creation.com/papists-lunar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-moon-emperors-solar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-sun/

The Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. The Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the “Emperors” and the “Popes” had already begun before the beginning of history. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/

The conflict between the “Vatican” and the “Jesuits” was quite fierce.

In 1773, the Vatican Pope Clement XIV signed a decree abolishing the Jesuits and ordered their dissolution by letter.

But this Clement XIV later died after being poisoned by the Jesuits. For more information, see the following link.

Vatican: Jesuits: British Royal Family: Genealogy of Darkness – I want us to live in a time when we can believe in tomorrow. Diary of Daily Activities https://blog.goo.ne.jp/capitarup0123/e/dcf116e8a1dc589f682f9b0ffa28d665

The following is an excerpt from the above link.


Unfortunately, I knew that they (the Jesuits) would poison me.

But I did not expect to die so slowly and so cruelly. (Pope Clement XIV, 1774)


So, the “Jesuits” could no longer stay in the Vatican because of this signature of Clement XIV, and they had no choice but to found the Illuminati in 1776.

The Illuminati was founded in 1776 as a front for the Jesuits.

The head of the Illuminati, as you all know, is Rothschild.

The Illuminati is a Jesuit organization that never appears in public, and the Jesuits have the real power.

Some thoughts about the Illuminati. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8699

When Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits, Lorenzo Ricci (1758-1773), the 18th president of the Jesuits, was imprisoned in the Castel Sant’Angelo.

Furthermore, the 28th Superior General of the Jesuits, Pedro Arrupe (1965-1983), seems to have stayed in Japan for a long time.

However, he was in Hiroshima during the Second World War when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city.

He was spared death, at least for the moment.

However, if he were a “pope”, the same “pope” would not have deliberately dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, where he was staying.

The USA and the “Jesuits” were indeed enemies.

In fact, it is quite possible that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima to target the president of the Jesuits.

As evidence, Nagasaki, which was also hit by the atomic bomb, had a forest of Catholic churches.

Just recently, it was announced that the city of Nagasaki has applied for the registration of this church complex as a World Heritage Site.

To be honest, I have always wondered why the “papists” dropped the atomic bombs on these two places, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I think it was the same for all of you. It must have been a mystery to everyone in the world for a long time.

But now all the mysteries have been solved.

The “Jesuits” are the “imperialists”.

And they were the enemy of the “Papists”, the USA.

That is why Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the bases of the “Jesuits”, were targeted.

It seems that the long seclusion of the Tokugawa family, who were “papists,” also hindered the missionary activities of the “Jesuits.

From now on, it seems that we must consider the history of the “Jesuits” as the “Emperor’s faction” rather than the “Papal faction” of the Vatican.

It also seems better to consider the secret underground facility in Yotsuya as an “imperialist” facility after the Ignatius Church was built after the war.

Yotsuya is located between the Akasaka State Guest House and the Imperial Palace, so it would certainly make more sense to think that way.

The strange connection between the Marunouchi subway line, GHQ, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Queen Elizabeth and the Jesuits. Secret facilities of the papacy also sleep underground in Tokyo. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=19625

The current Pope Francis is the first Pope elected by the Jesuits.

He is also the first pope elected from South America.

—————- (The following is an excerpt from Newsweek)

Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, has been elected the 266th pope.

As pope, he will take the name Francis I and lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.

He is the first pope from Latin America.

It is also the first time that a Jesuit has been elected Pope.


 So, if you look at the flag and emblem of Argentina, you will see another imposing “sun” symbol at ……..

Furthermore, when this Francis visited Cagliari in Sardinia, Italy, last year, he mentioned that “God does not want money, which is the center (of the economy), but people.

He caused a stir when he criticized the “capitalist economic system” and supported the “communist economic system.

It was the “emperor’s faction” that created “communism”.

Therefore, the “Jesuits” are, for all intents and purposes, the “Emperor Faction.

And because this “papist” Francis became Pope, the Vatican Bank was investigated.

And its income was reduced to 3%.

Allegedly, this investigation has led to the dissolution of the Italian Mafia and the Vatican.

But what is the truth?

Rothschild is said to be heavily involved in the dismantling of the Vatican.

It is a very suspicious story.

The following blog post describes the details of the demolition.

The author of this blog is also optimistic that Rothschild will not do anything too bad.

But is this really the case?

The history of money laundering at the Vatican Bank since the 20th century (*)The link has expired.

When the emperor was defeated in World War II, he hid his wealth in a bank in the Vatican.

After that, however, the emperor could not spend the money as he wanted.

I heard such a story from a person related to the royal family.

Perhaps it was the “Jesuits” who were entrusted with the emperor’s property.

The Italian Mafia used the property without permission and made a huge profit under the name “Vatican Bank”.

The Emperor was furious and planned to dismantle the Vatican Bank.

Finally, he got his wish and put Francis, a “faction of the Emperor” at the head of the Vatican and actually had the Vatican Bank investigated.

He also got back all his own money deposited in the Vatican.

In addition, he had 800 Vatican clergy arrested for child molestation, and he was thoroughly pissed off.

With that, the “papists” were backed into a corner. ……

Vatican defrocked 848 clergy for child abuse. Satanism was centered in the Vatican. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9346

I guess this means that the “Moon faction” was so angry about this that they invented the “Islamic State” and suggested assassinating the Pope.

Last September 14, there was this news.

—————- (The following is reprinted from the Asahi Shimbun)

Islamic State targets Pope, warns Iraqi ambassador

The Islamic State militant group is targeting the pope, Iraq’s ambassador to the Vatican, Habib Sadr, has warned.

Habib Sadr, the Iraqi ambassador to the Vatican, has warned that the Islamic State is targeting the Pope.

The Italian newspaper Messaggero (electronic edition) and other newspapers reported the news on March 13.

The Islamic State is spreading like a cancer cell, affecting people outside its area of operations,” Sadr said.

Their strategy is to spread fear through the media by releasing videos of hostages being killed, and the Pope, who attracts the world’s attention, is a prime target, he said.

Pope Francis has strongly condemned the Islamic State’s persecution of Christians and ethnic minorities.

He sent a special envoy to Iraq in August.

He has said he would not hesitate to go to the region if necessary.

The Islamic State has also declared “war on Christians living in Syria and European countries.

Italy’s Interior Minister Alfano, who has provided weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Iraq fighting the Islamic State, has said that “Italy and Rome could be targets. (Rome=Hiroshi Ishida)

—————- (reprinted to here)

This may mean that the enemies of the “Emperor Faction”, the “Moon Faction”, are no longer in the Vatican.

Or perhaps they are still in the Vatican and are still trying to deprive Francis of his power.

In short, the Vatican has never been monolithic. That is why Hitler and Mussolini, who were supposed to be “pro-emperor,” were supported by the Vatican and came to power.

(During World War II, Japan, Germany, and Italy formed the Tripartite Pact.)

They were not supported by the Vatican, but by the Jesuits.

This also makes sense.

Just recently, someone wrote a comment saying that the Emperor faction is not monolithic either.

Below is that comment.


The Emperor Faction is not monolithic either.

Emperor Showa was a navy man.

His younger brother, Prince Chichibu, was in the army.

The Navy was more American and the Army more continental.

The 226 incident that we learn about in history was also a conflict between the navy and the army.

In other words, they wanted to abolish the Showa Emperor and install Prince Chichibu as the next emperor.

On the surface, Emperor Showa and Prince Chichibu are considered to be close brothers, but in reality they are the opposite.

After the incident, Prince Chichibu was placed in semi-imprisonment by the Showa Emperor.


If the Vatican is in such a state, the Emperor’s Faction might be as well.

There is a possibility that the “Sun Faction” and the “Moon Faction” are fighting fiercely for power inside the Vatican.

Meanwhile, I sometimes see people writing on the Internet that the “Southern Dynasty” and the “Northern Dynasty” are fighting within the imperial family.

It is true that they are right.

However, when I read their stories, there are many parts that do not make sense to me at all.

I have always been a “question mark” in this area.

However, when I look at the Vatican case, I can say that the possibility has become a bit higher.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s article, the symbol of Islam is the “moon”.

But even this is generally controversial.

There is a “moon faction” and a “sun faction” among Islamic extremists, which is made up of the underworld.

Boko Haram and the Taliban are clearly the sun faction, puppets of the Rothschilds. Al-Qaeda and the Nation of Islam are the Moon faction, puppets of the Rockefellers.

To be clear, it is very difficult for us to see where the devil is lurking.

Even if we could see it, it is even more difficult to classify whether it is a “moon faction” or a “sun faction.

In fact, it is said that even Obama is a Rothschild.

So maybe he is an “emperor faction”.

Just recently the U.S. and Cuba normalized diplomatic relations through Pope Francis, right?

I thought this was a sign of the “papacy”, but in fact it may have been a sign of the “emperor faction”.

In other words, the American nation may be leaning toward the “emperor faction.

I am not sure about the details yet, but you can read more about it at ……..

Anyway, it is certain that there are two forces, the “Sun Faction” and the “Moon Faction,” that infest every country in the world, and they are at odds with each other.

And which of them will make the faster progress will determine which power will own the country.

But it is not easy to distinguish between them. The mystery of the “Jesuits” has been solved only today. ……

It will be necessary to take another look at the distribution of power between the “solar group” and the “lunar group” for some time to come.

Today’s talk may have been a little difficult to follow for those who have come to this blog recently.

I have already given a rough outline of the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” in “TALK_RADIO vol.2”. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=22322

If you want to understand them in more detail, please take a look.

By the way, the suspicion that the “Emperor Faction” might be nostalgic for the “Papal Faction” has been smoldering in my mind since the end of last year.

This is because a reader pointed me to the following video.

In this video, an obvious “pro-apostolic” conspiracy theorist clearly declares and praises that “the current Pope Francis is different from previous Popes”.

This made me think, “Oh. I wondered if the “Emperor Faction” were trying to win over the “papacy.

I also got a hint from this video that the ancient Satanists were divided into the “Kingdom of the Moon” and the “Kingdom of the Sun.

If you are interested, please watch it for your reference.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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