English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The secret of the “spirit world”. Satanists have hidden the existence of the “spirit world” from us, the general public.

投稿日:2024-11-30 更新日:

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 2 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. 


(Translated text below)

Yesterday I talked about how the “devil” is not a fictitious or imaginary being, but only a real being.

The Devil is not a figment of the imagination, nor is he a fictitious being. Satanists are not the kind of people who worship such unrealistic things. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-devil-is-not-a-figment-of-the-imagination-nor-is-he-a-fictional-entity/

For some reason, many people talk about “conspiracy theories” in the context of “aliens”.

They talk about aliens pretending to be human and inhabiting the Earth, trying to dominate us, trying to reduce the population, and so on.

This makes more and more people think that “conspiracy theories” are bogus, and perhaps the underworld deliberately manipulates information in this way to make sure that no one believes them. The more fake the “conspiracy theory” smells, the less people will believe it.

Or, even if you do believe the “conspiracy theory”, if you believe that “all the bad guys are aliens”, you will never be able to uncover the real truth behind the world. This is how the underworld tries to smoke people out of this world.

When a person solves a puzzle, if the initial assumptions are wrong, the derived answer will naturally be wrong. For example, suppose someone solves a mathematical equation with the premise “1+1=2” and someone else solves it with the incorrect premise “1+1=3”.

Then, of course, the person who solved the equation with the premise “1+1=3” would never be able to solve the equation correctly. Instead, they will end up in a complicated maze and eventually reach a dead end.

I have been unravelling the underworld conspiracy on the premise that this world is not run by aliens but by those who worship the “devil”.

I am now steadily unravelling the whole scheme of the world.

Even if you don’t believe in the existence of aliens, all the underlying mechanisms of this world are becoming clearer.

We have not entered a complicated maze or reached a dead end.

Rather, the more I investigate, the more reasonable conclusions I come to.

This means that it is not aliens who are in control of this world. Firstly, there is no evidence that the evil people who control this world are aliens.

On the other hand, it is now an open secret that the wicked of this world worship the devil.

On the other hand, it is now an open secret that the wicked of this world worship the Devil, since it has been clearly revealed that the Pope and Queen Elizabeth worship the Devil and have sacrificed tens of thousands of children to him.

Does Satanism exist? Regarding the massacre of 50,000 babies by Queen Elizabeth and the Pope. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8267

However, the question here is who exactly is the “devil” they worship.

I have written about this many times before, so I will not explain it again here.

However, I dare say that the “devil” is a spiritual being, an angel who used to serve God and who betrayed God and became a demon.

For more information, see the following links.

The difference between “demons” and “evil spirits”. The difference between “Illuminati” and “Freemasonry”. (1) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16171

Of course, if I tell you this, some of you will say what is the difference between “aliens” and “demons” and that they are both similar fantasy stories.

But is there even one person around you who claims to have seen aliens?

There are people who say they have seen something like a UFO, but no one who claims to have seen aliens.

However, there are a number of people around me who have seen ghosts, heard ghosts or had some kind of spiritual experience. Perhaps there are some around you.

Perhaps you have had such an experience yourself.

The underworld has said that there are “aliens” that no one has ever seen, and they have even made numerous films about them.

How many alien movies has Hollywood made? ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Alien, Independence Day, Avatar, …….

On the other hand, how many films have dealt with psychic phenomena?

Even when they do, it is obvious that the intention is to make a fake film like “The Omen” to make people think that psychic phenomena are fake.

I think that “The Sixth Sense” is the only film that shows psychic phenomena in a realistic way, and that is why it became such a big hit, but in the end, the director of that film also made some fake films about psychic phenomena after that, and even “The Sixth Sense” is now treated as a fake.

Now even The Sixth Sense is being treated as a fake.

At the very least, I can only think that this is how public opinion is guided.

The Japanese mass media have been broadcasting programs on psychic phenomena since around the year 2000.

Recently, however, there have been no more programs on psychic phenomena, as if the media were being discouraged from reporting on them.

On the surface, this is probably due to reasons such as not wanting to scare people unnecessarily or not wanting to report on something that may or may not exist.

As for the underworld, they do not want people to know about the existence of devil worship.

So, they are probably trying to keep people from opening their eyes to the world of spirits.

They want to keep people ignorant about ghosts.

And when someone sees a ghost or hears the voice of a ghost, they tell him to go to a hospital and treat him immediately as a sick person.

Then they give them psychotropic drugs and turn them into real sick people.

What a horrible world we live in!

As I mentioned yesterday, there is an “imaginary number” in the world of mathematics.

Without this “imaginary number” we cannot solve various phenomena in this world.

It is exactly the same in the reality of this world.

Without the existence of the “spirit world” we would not be able to solve all the phenomena and events in this world.

For example, the following poltergeist phenomenon occurred in Japan and was widely publicized on television.

Many of you may remember it.

Haunted Mansion in Tomikacho, Gifu Prefecture – Poltergeist Affects Town Residence | The Occult Chronicle

If so many people had the same experience, they would not be afraid to tell others about the strange phenomenon.

However, if you are the only one experiencing these phenomena, it is difficult to tell others because you feel that no one will believe you.

I think there are many such people in the world.

In fact, I am one of those people who have been having these inexplicable experiences for years.

Some would call me crazy.

But if I were really crazy, I wonder if I could write a blog like this and solve the mysteries of the world in such a logical and orderly way. ……

Anyway, when Queen Elizabeth and the Pope were arrested for Satanism, the scene was that this world is ruled by people controlled by spiritual beings called “demons” and that is why the world is in such a strange state. ……

I thought that the world is controlled by spiritual beings called “demons” and that is why the world is in such a strange state.

So, I began to investigate the child abductions necessary for Satanism.

I found out that thousands of babies go missing in Japan every year.

And that the Soka Gakkai seems to be involved in the abduction of these babies.

I found out that the Soka Gakkai seems to be involved in the abduction of these babies, and I even found a connection between the Soka Gakkai and the Emperor.

The link between Satanism and the Soka Gakkai. A brief summary so far.

And after further in-depth investigations, I came to know that the Emperor, the Soka Gakkai, Rothschild, the Communist countries and the BRICS are all connected behind the scenes, and that the world is divided into two opposing forces, the “Emperor faction” and the “Church faction”.

And so, I came to understand that the arrests of Queen Elizabeth and the Pope were actually the result of this conflict.

If I had not been suffering from years of psychic experiences, I might not have been so serious about trying to understand the underworld.

It would never have occurred to me that Queen Elizabeth and the Pope were Satanists.

Usually “demons” or “evil spirits” do something bad to someone to keep their true identity from being discovered.

Incidents like the one in Gifu Prefecture are quite rare.

In most cases, “demons” and “evil spirits” work on a person’s mind.

They then plague the person or make him addicted to something and send him to the depths of hell.

This is what I wrote the other day.

Two patterns of demons destroying human hearts and offering their lives as sacrifices. https://nozomi-creation.com/two-patterns-in-which-the-devil-destroys-human-hearts-and-sacrifices-their-lives/

I have also been openly mistreated by ‘demons’ and ‘evil spirits’ in recognizable ways.

I have been beaten, strangled and held down.

Believe it or not, I actually had these experiences for many years.

However, I now know that “God” is much more respected and powerful than “the devil”.

So, I pray to “God” to destroy “demons” and “evil spirits”.

This is biblical knowledge, but unfortunately Christianity today does not even teach these things correctly.

Most Christians today do not even believe that there is a “spirit world” or that “spirits” exist in this world.

However, if you look at the Bible, you will find that there are many “evil spirits” in the Bible.

For example, the following scriptures ……


When it was getting dark and the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all those who were sick or demonized. And all the people of the town gathered at the door.

Jesus healed many people with various diseases and cast out many demons.

And he did not allow the demons to speak to him. He did not allow the demons to speak to him because they knew him.

Early in the morning, long before daybreak, Jesus got up and went to a solitary place to pray. Simon and his companions went with him.

They found Jesus and said, “Everyone is looking for you. Jesus said to them, “Let us go together to the other towns nearby and preach the gospel there also. For this I have come out to preach the gospel in all Galilee.

And he went about all Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and casting out demons.

—————- (Mark 1:32-39)

The following scripture is also very famous, but Christians still think of it as a kind of fairy tale.

Perhaps Christian teaching has been manipulated in this way by the Vatican.

“There are so many more important scriptures than this one,” they say, or something like that.


Then they crossed over to the land of the Gerasites on the other side of Galilee. When they came to land, they met a man from that town who had been so demonized that he had not worn clothes for a long time and had not been in his house but only in the cemetery.

When this man saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before Him, saying in a loud voice, “Jesus, Son of the Highest God, what have You to do with me? I beseech you, do not afflict me.

For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of him. For the evil spirit had seized him many times, and he was bound with chains and fetters and guarded, but when he broke them, the evil spirit drove him into the wilderness.

When Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” he replied, “Legion. He replied “Legion” because many evil spirits had entered him. The demons kept begging Jesus not to command them to go into the abyss.

But there was a large herd of pigs on the hillside and the demons asked Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs. Jesus allowed it.

So the demons left the man and went into the swine. And the herd ran down the cliff into the lake in a torrent and drowned.

The guardians saw this and fled, scattering throughout the town and village. People came out to see what was happening. And when they saw the man who had come to Jesus and had the evil spirit cast out of him, clothed and in his right mind, sitting at Jesus’ feet, they were afraid.

When the people saw this, they told them about the healing of the man who had been possessed by the evil spirit. Then all the people in the region of Gerasa asked Jesus to leave their place. They were very afraid. So Jesus got into a boat and started to leave.

The man who had had the demons cast out wanted very much to go with them, but Jesus sent him home, saying, “Go home and see what God has done for you. Go home and tell them what great things God has done for you. So he went and told the whole town what Jesus had done for him.

—————- (Luke 8:26-39)

There are not many books in the world that describe how an “evil spirit” possessed someone like that, or how someone cast out the “evil spirit”.

There are many such books in the form of novels, but you will rarely find such stories in books written as ancient records.

Why is that?

Because even in the ancient world, Satanists ruled this world, and they all kept the existence of “ghosts” from the general public.

For them, the “spirit world” was a deep secret that only the privileged were allowed to know.

That is why they did not reveal their “magic books” to the public at all.

They shared these secrets among themselves and never revealed them to the general public.

If they had been known to the general public, they would have treated everything as a sham.

However, its existence seems to be more widely known these days: ……. Wikipedia also has an article on it.

Grimoire – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AA%E3%83%A2%E3%83%AF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB

However, it is best not to delve too deeply into these books.

They are books on how to summon demons.

If you read them, you may end up inviting demons into your life.

If you do, you will be in trouble later.

Anyway, I try to call on good spirits like “God” and “angels” to fill my heart, not bad spirits like “demons”.

I pray to God to make my wishes come true.

At the same time, it is also to make sure that bad spirits leave me and good spirits gather around me.

Of course, it is up to you whether you believe or not. ……

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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