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The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor Faction”.

Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Translator’s Note) The follow …

The Emperor-centered NWO plan is nothing more than a plan to recreate the underground city of Agartha on Earth.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 2 M …


今月、あるきっかけから二拠点生活を始めました。 小さなことですが、その過程で、どうすべきか神様に祈り求めると、道を示してくださいました。 このことを神様に感謝し証します。 2024年6月30日(日)神 …

Kenji Goto, kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a South Korean resident of Japan who does not have Japanese citizenship.

Is he an agent sent to Syria to sacrifice Mr. Yukawa to the Islamic State? (Translator’s Note) …

In order to defeat a demon, it must be plucked from both the “spirit world” and the “earthly world.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 24 …