English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Several ways to track down and destroy underworld agents.

投稿日:2025-01-13 更新日:

We should also learn a little about the principles of the devil’s actions.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 22 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Recently I have received an unusual number of critical comments and emails.

This has made me wonder if those who are spreading information about my blog posts are also suffering from the same alarming situation.

I have decided to draw attention to this.

To those who spread information about my blog posts. I would like to mention a few points of caution. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23605

Of course, the majority of people who write and send these ridiculous comments and emails must be agents.

But they will never admit to being agents.

Even those who, in my experience, must be agents will never admit that they are agents.

I have never seen such a person.

Maybe there is a manual in the underworld that says this is the one thing that should never be allowed.

I can only assume that from what I see them saying and doing.

Of course, there may be some people in the mix who are not agents.

In fact, there are many people in this world who have bad personalities and try to ease their pain by talking bad about someone else.

However, most of the people who have come to my blog lately to slander me are clearly professionals.

In many cases, they write too long sentences to be anything but a distraction.

They also know too much information for amateurs.

Of course, most of that information is bullshit. ……

And the bullshit is similar to that of the world’s famous conspiracy theorists (although they are not as good liars)..

So even I can easily see that this is obviously a professional.

If you all spread information about my blog post, I am sure the agents will speak ill of me.

At the same time, I am sure they will speak ill of you as well.

In this way, they will try to make you lose confidence and motivation.

At the same time, they will try to convince you that what you are doing is shameful, disgraceful, and anti-social.

In addition, some of the agents are very belligerent.

If we don’t argue with them, some of them will try to provoke an argument by saying things like, “Oh, you’re trying to run away,” or “You’re not confident in your own opinion.

They are desperate to provoke you in this way.

But in my experience, it is useless to deal with such people.

Even if I talk to them with a legitimate opinion or theory, they will just argue with me.

If I say this, they will say that, and if I say that, they will say that.

The discussion will always end in a parallel line.

 Also, most of them, when they run out of things to talk about, will just keep on bad-mouthing each other.

They will say things like, “You think you are spreading information for the sake of the world, but what you are doing is wrong, anti-social, and the worst thing you can do as a human being. “

Also, recently there has been a trend for people to assume that I belong to some strange Christian religious group just because I recommend the “Bible” in my blog, and to say bad things about that religious group.

And many people say bad things about that religious group.

They make assumptions that I am a member of some strange Christian religious group, etc., and then make unfounded accusations about me, especially when they mention the name of a Christian religious group that I have not criticized.

Maybe some people have told you directly that “RAPT belongs to this or that religious group” or something like that.

It is true that there are many strange religious groups (cults) in this world.

However, I do not know all of them.

Even if I knew them all, I would not criticize them all.

That is not the purpose of this blog.

I will only investigate and write about the underworld and the religious groups involved in the underworld.

If you want to read a blog that criticizes cults, please look elsewhere.

Anyway, if I criticize a particular religious group, I will only do so if I can find evidence and proof that they are definitely connected to the underworld.

I would never bash a particular religious group without any evidence or proof.

Nor would I want to.

Yet they say lame things like RAPT is doing this religion just because I did not criticize a particular religious group.

Then they try to discredit my character.

Some of them say stupid things like RAPT is a foreign agent trying to destroy the good traditions and culture of Japan while criticizing the Emperor.

They also say that Japan has always had a wonderful tradition and culture of “respect with harmony” and that you are trying to destroy it.

However, when that person comes to my blog and speaks ill of me, he or she is not practicing the phrase “respect with harmony.

This is an obvious self-contradiction.

Moreover, the Emperor is using Abe and others to further militarize this country.

So he is not practicing the phrase “harmony is the key to success” at all. Rather, the Emperor is trying to scare harmony and destroy peace in this world.

That is why I criticize the emperor.

It is wise not to deal with such foolish people in the first place.

You should not waste your time, energy, and stamina with them.

They come to you with the intention of wasting your precious time, energy, and stamina.

So, you should not respond to every word they say.

If you respond to their words, they will definitely be pleased.

They will be delighted. Maybe in the underworld this is considered an achievement, a reference point.

It is called “quota fulfillment.

To avoid giving them such an accomplishment, it is better for us not to say a single word to them from the beginning. If we show even the slightest reaction, they will immediately jump on our bandwagon and start talking bad about us.

No matter how much you may be offended by their words and want to say something back, it is better to hold back and remain silent.

This will only make them more upset, depressed, and demotivated.

Of course, if you do not respond, they may continue to write strange comments.

But still, ignore them all.

If you do, they will be labeled as useless in the underworld and eventually be fired from their jobs.

Or they will quit the job themselves.

This is how we have to get rid of pests like them.

It is no exaggeration to say that now that we know the truth in this way, we are fighting a battle of ideas, a battle of information, so to speak.

The readers of this blog must have started reading this blog out of curiosity, trying to learn what they wanted to know.

But once you learn about the underworld and start spreading information, you have become a fighter.

Whether you realize it or not, it is a fact and a reality.

So if you start a blog and spread the word, even a little, never be discouraged.

The devil is far more cunning, devious, persistent, and insidious than you think.

He is much more evil than you can imagine.

That is why some people have trouble dealing with them and even lose sight of themselves.

That is why I have been saying for a long time, “If you are even a little afraid, you should refrain from spreading information.

Of course, if you still have the courage to fight, please continue to spread the information.

If you still have the courage to fight, please continue to spread the information.

I will also continue to provide more and more information on how to fight demons and how to fight or defend against them. Today is the first part.

Anyway, lately I have been unraveling the underworld’s turmoil at a rate that surprises even me.

I am no longer at the point where I can immediately unravel the Underworld whenever a suspicious incident or event occurs in this world.

As I have progressed to this point, readers must have discovered through reading my blog posts that the knowledge and information they had was indeed of tremendous importance. In fact, I have been receiving an increasing number of such comments and emails lately.

I myself have often taken cues from the information I have received from you and revealed tremendous truths to you.

In such cases, the devil has no way to hide his deeds. Even if he wanted to, there is no way to hide it.

So they just talk bad about us, slander our character, and try to ruin our reputation.

That is the only way they have left.

In the past, they could hide their hand by telling various lies and disrupting information.

But now, no matter how many lies they tell, they are immediately exposed as lies. So they have no choice but to bad-mouth us and attack our personalities.

Some people may be so hurt by the bad words that they become mentally unbearable.

Or they may take my bad words to heart and think that I am a bad person.

Or some people may be so offended by my bad words that they may stop trying to find out the truth or stop spreading the information.

It is war, after all, and there will be some such losers.

That can’t be helped. But I think we should pray for each other constantly to prevent such people from coming out.

We should pray for each other so that God’s power will be poured out on us so that we, the ordinary people, will be able to fight the demons to the bitter end.

I don’t want to force those who don’t believe in the power of prayer.

But if you believe in the power of prayer, please do.

For your prayers will surely be tremendously powerful.

In fact, I felt the power of your prayers tremendously when I started working on this new site.

I was able to finish the site in just a few days. I even stayed up all night one night, but my body was still very energetic.

I didn’t feel tired until the next day.

It was truly a miracle that even I was surprised.


However, what I have written here today only applies to cases where an agent comes to my blog and writes bad things about you or me.

It does not apply if you see them criticizing my articles on some forum or another.

In that case, you should refute them to the best of your ability.

This is to prevent people from taking the misinformation to heart, even if only a little. However, if you do not have the confidence to refute it, it would be wise to ignore it in the first place and walk away from it. That’s because I don’t think there’s any need to waste blood wrestling with something you’re not sure about.

Instead, just curse in your heart the person who wrote such a foolish thing and pray for the devil’s destruction.

I believe it is wisdom to do so.

Since the enemy attacks have become so severe in the last few days, we decided to bring this to your attention today.

Please also see this article below for reference.

When you read this, you will understand how ridiculous it is to give in to the agents.

 —————-(reprinted below from wanton’s blog)

Also from a former agent who used to work for an agent.

One comment came in the form of a confession of truth.

The Identity of Net Supporters

You may see the term “LDP net supporter”.

I am not one of them.

In fact, I am a former member of such an industry where confidentiality is required.

I am ashamed to admit it, but I must confess,

I am ashamed to confess.


A giant advertising agency – to put it bluntly

Dentsu (note: the top picture is of the Dentsu headquarters building in Caretta Shiodome) and McCambley Hakuhodo.

I was asked to join a certain department (in Dentsu’s case, it is called the “Liaison Department”) within that agency,

The “organization” you are talking about has its command center in that department.

This is where marketing, research and media executives, editorial directors, and PA planners and producers meet.

The directors and editorial managers of media companies and PA planning and production companies will be gathered here.

Among them, manpower and human resources from various professions will be gathered to form a PA (Public Acceptance) to respond to the anti-nuclear power and anti-nuclear movement.

Public Acceptance (PA) strategy to respond to the anti-nuclear power and anti-nuclear movements.

Strategies are developed, and at the end of these strategies, tactics are implemented according to a certain algorithm.

The young men and women who were selected to be the actual fighting force for the tactics prescribed under a certain algorithm were dispatched as temporary workers to various locations in Japan,

They are then placed as temporary employees in “offices” in various locations throughout the country,

Deletion Type, Confusion Type, Hate Speech = Bad Mouthing Type, Security Myth Type, New Security Myth Type, and New Security Myth Type etc,

The “office” is where they work.


There are no personal zaitokus, neto-yos, or

LDP Net Supporters.

PA is, roughly speaking, “public opinion management”.

It begins with the “creation” of security myths to “create” public opinion,

This is done according to a careful plan.

Allegedly, the Japan Nuclear Culture Foundation

(which produced a “Manual on Public Opinion Countermeasures” related to nuclear power plants) and

(which produced a manual on public opinion related to nuclear power plants), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Nuclear Power History” as part of its “Information for Education Support” activities and other supplementary reading materials, as well as lectures on the nuclear fuel cycle by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

These are the ones that make you realize, “Ha~~ this is it! I am reminded of this.

The reality is that they are a “conspiracy” to mobilize academics and the media.

The reality is more of a conspiracy to mobilize academics and the media.

The “repetition of a lie has an imprinting effect” = “a lie told a hundred times becomes the truth” or something like that,

The list of cultural figures and entertainers who are favorable to nuclear power (and who are stupid enough not to understand it) is always kept up, and they are used as the official cultural figures and billboards of the government.

They recommend them to the mass media as their favorite cultural figures and billboards.

They also try to entrap the leaders of anti-nuclear power groups.

This means that they offer to host neutral debates and pay “unbeatable” speaking fees and appearance fees.

They offer to host neutral debates and pay “unbeatable” lecture and appearance fees, and then, while observing the situation, they try to make them out to be “actually proponents of nuclear power with an apparently oppositional face.


I am sorry!

I was once a member of such a core group.

I was once in such a central part of the organization, and I still earn a small hourly wage (about 2,000-4,000 yen, depending on the role).

I am still tied to the computer as an eraser, a mazakeshiya

and others tied to the computer as erasers

I feel pain in my heart when I think of them.

I know this because most of their work is done Monday through Friday.

(Some are private contractors who do it from home, etc.),

They are often responsible for Saturdays and Sundays).


Anyway, I would never want to sell my soul for these crappy people.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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