A brief summary of the past.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 12 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
It seems like a lot of people are reading my blog these days.
This is something for which I am truly grateful.
However, it seems that some people are misinterpreting the information I write about.
So today I would like to take a moment to review the past and briefly explain my current point of view.
Just the other day, someone introduced me to the following video.
In this video, the name “RAPT” is not mentioned at all.
However, it is obvious that he made this video after reading my blog.
They have made a video to explain in an easy way what is difficult to understand in text alone.
This video is the 140th episode of the “Rakki DeTarauma Broadcasting Station”.
The previous episode (the 139th) was also made into a video directly from the following article I wrote.
If you are interested, please take a look.
The “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” are using the “Islamic State” as a pretext for their battle. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-the-structure-of-the-battle-between-the-emperors-faction-and-the-papal-faction-under-the-pretext-of-the-islamic-state/
So, as you can see in this video, it has been said that there is only one underworld organization (i.e., the Illuminati).
But in fact there are two, and these two forces are fighting each other.
Therefore, their NWO will not be completed anytime soon.
This is certainly true.
This is what I have been saying for a long time.
I am very glad that you seem to have understood exactly what I am saying.
Unfortunately, however, there is actually one crucial error in this video.
This is that there are not two pyramids in this world.
If you think that there are two pyramids, sooner or later you will hit a dead end.
I know this because I have experienced it myself.
When I first became aware of the Emperor’s conspiracy, I myself thought that there were two pyramids in this world.
The first thing I noticed was that the Emperor and Rothschild were working together to destroy Rockefeller.
At that point, I thought that Rothschild was manipulating the emperor from behind the scenes.
But upon further investigation, I realized that the Emperor is actually far superior to Rothschild.
Then I looked into it and thought that maybe there was someone above Rockefeller.
Then I found out that the Vatican actually controls Rockefeller.
So, there are two forces in this world: “Vatican=Rockefeller” and “Emperor=Rothschild.
And I thought that each of them was violently fighting with each other.
So, at first I also thought that these two forces were building a pyramid of power and trying to topple the other pyramid.
But as I continued to investigate, I realized that there was only one pyramid.
This is because it was discovered that two forces, the “Papal Faction” and the “Emperor’s Faction”, were mixed up in the Vatican.
In reality, the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor’s Faction. Or the reason why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/
The Vatican is originally “papalist.
And yet the Vatican has existed for a long time with the “imperialists” attached to it. ……
In other words, they tried to expand their own pie in the pyramid, changing black to white and white to black, just like in the game of Othello.
After all, no one else controls this world but them.
There is no other way to conquer this world than to take from the other side what belongs to the other side.
So, they have no choice but to take each other’s cake.
Until the rise of “communism” in this world, I think the power of the “papists” was quite great.
After all, the center of the world was the Vatican, and the papists had taken over the Vatican.
The “emperor faction” was fed up with such a situation, and first started the Meiji Restoration in Japan to make the “emperor” the head of Japan, and then planned to advance further into the world.
Therefore, they started the Russo-Japanese War, the Sino-Japanese War, the First World War and the Second World War.
At the same time, the “Emperor’s Faction” also turned many countries, including the Soviet Union, into “communist” countries.
This is because once a country becomes “communist,” it can openly ban religious freedom within that country.
This would legally prohibit the Vatican from proselytizing and prevent the Vatican from expanding its power.
However, the “emperor faction” suffered a devastating defeat in World War II.
Furthermore, “communism” collapsed in the Cold War.
Therefore, the momentum of the “Emperor Faction” became weaker and weaker.
So the world power diagram became like this.
Pope > Emperor > King > President > Prime Minister
After that, it seemed that the power of the “papacy” was expanding rapidly.
Recently, however, there has been a complete reversal of fortune within the Vatican, and the “Papalists” have taken over the Vatican.
As a result, their power structure has been rewritten as follows.
Emperor > Pope > King > President > Prime Minister
But, of course, the “papists” cannot and will not recognize such a power relationship.
So, they must still be plotting to overthrow the “emperor” and make the “pope” the head of the world with a watchful eye.
In this way, it can be said that their struggle is just like the struggle between the forces that want Mr. A to be president and the forces that want Mr. B to be president, each fighting within a single company.
Both sides are trying to increase their respective sales, and Mr. A’s forces are trying to get Mr. A elected president, and Mr. B’s forces are trying to get Mr. B elected president.
If Mr. A becomes president, all those who supported Mr. A will benefit, and conversely, if Mr. B becomes president, all of Mr. B’s forces will benefit.
As long as they are simply competing for power and sales, this is fine.
However, as Mr. A’s force grows, Mr. B’s force becomes jealous and sabotages Mr. A’s force.
In the worst case, they might even murder one of Mr. A’s troops.
However, since Mr. A is a powerful man, he will not kill him.
When Mr. B becomes president, he will keep Mr. A alive so that he can use him as a subordinate.
When he kills them, he will only kill those at the bottom who have no power.
Besides, if we completely destroy Mr. A’s power, the company itself may go bankrupt.
Therefore, we will keep Mr. A’s forces alive to some extent.
In other words, they are thinking of making Mr. A’s forces shout at them and bring them under their control.
So, I think there is only one pyramid in the underworld.
The more I look into it, the more I can only think that there is.
However, there are probably many people in this society who are neutral.
There will undoubtedly be forces that do not care which side becomes president.
In fact, there is a sect in the Vatican called the Franciscans.
They seem to have been neutral from the beginning.
I found this on the Franciscan website. (Click here for their website). https://catholic-denenchofu.jp/francisgroup/
Now, when we talk about Francis, we cannot ignore the fact that he was a “man of love and peace”.
He called the sun his brother and the moon his sister, and he loved all the creatures of nature as his wonderful brothers created by God.
He became an “instrument of peace” who led all creation to reconciliation.
There is no end to the number of people who have joined the ranks of the “Little Brothers” because of his way of life.
His way of life is still followed by many people today.
Through their simple and humble way of life, the Little Brothers continue their efforts to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world.
The Franciscans came to Japan with the Jesuits during the Warring States period and were part of Oda Nobunaga’s global strategy.
So it is clear that they were not real Christians. They were definitely members of the underworld.
And there is no way that the founder of this underworld organization would seriously “call the sun his brother and the moon his sister, and love all creatures in the natural world as his wonderful brothers created by God. “
Therefore, the “sun” and “moon” here must represent the “sun faction = the emperor faction” and the “moon faction = the pope faction” respectively.
In other words, they are saying that they will get along well with both the “papists” and the “emperors.
Therefore, these Franciscan members have been neutral and have given their support to both the “Papists” and the “Emperors” for the development of the Illuminati.
Perhaps the majority of the Illuminati hold this position.
They are just waiting for the Illuminati to develop and take over and rule the world, and I think they are heartbroken that their bosses are at loggerheads.
How nice it would be if the bosses would get along. ……
However, they are probably not allowed to publicly take a position of “neutrality” within Japan.
Japanese Illuminati members must be required to act as “Emperor Faction” members.
The “Seiwa-kai” members who were thought to be American traitors are certainly not real American traitors.
They may have been spying on the US while posing as US traitors.
Shinzo Abe and Nobusuke Kishi were not used by the US, but were actually spies for the Emperor sent by the US. https://nozomi-creation.com/both-shinzo-abe-and-nobusuke-kishi-were-not-being-used-by-the-us-but-were-actually-spies-for-the-emperor-sent-to-the-us/
The story gets a bit complicated when you get to that point.
But, well, it is natural for it to be complicated.
If they were carrying out manipulation activities that even an amateur like me could easily detect, they would be completely taken down by the other side.
However, I have a feeling that the Illuminati will not be around much longer once I have noticed their differences.
This is the best proof that they are involved in such a violent and bloody conflict.
And the Bible says this.
Roughly speaking, a nation divided within will destroy itself, and a city or house divided within will not stand. When Satan casts out Satan, it will be a nation divided within itself. How then will that nation stand?
(Matthew 12:25-26)
Of course, as ordinary people, we can only hope that they will soon fall together.