Or those delivering demonic messages from Agartha.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 7 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
It seems that everyone in the underworld is quite upset about my last series of articles.
I have been inundated with angry, snide e-mails and comments.
I was surprised to receive not critical e-mails and comments, but simply snide e-mails and comments (all of which I have deleted, of course).
I guess this proves that my articles hit the nail on the head.
Also, I have provided all kinds of evidence and proof.
So as far as they are concerned, there should be no room for refutation.
Therefore, they have no choice but to make me shrivel up by bad-mouthing me from the very beginning and keep my mouth shut.
But I have told them that I will ignore all the bad words from the beginning.So, I will continue to ignore them.
Yesterday I told you that somehow the same God appears in “Zoroastrianism,” “Hinduism,” “Buddhism,” and “Shintoism” under different names, and that God is really a lecherous and evil devil.
The god of this world is usually full of demons. Be careful with stories about yoga, ascension, and Agartha. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=24226
Yesterday I talked about “Sanat Kumara,” who is said to have created “Shambhala,” among other things.
This “Sanat Kumara” is also the “Ahura Mazda” of Zoroastrianism and the “First Kumara” of Hinduism.
He is also the “Daikokuten” of Buddhism and the “Okuninushi” of Shintoism.
Moreover, Hinduism is a religion known for its lewd on-barade of gods, and “Okuninushi” is a lewd “god of marriage” who makes people have orgies.
However, the Bible clearly identifies this “Sanat Kumara” as a demon. In other words, the Bible is the only source of truth.
Therefore, I too have come to understand various aspects of the world by reading the Bible.
For some reason, many people promote Shambhala (or Agartha), which is said to have been created by the demon “Sanat Kumara,” as if it were an ideal world for humanity.
In short, they are all minions of the devil.
Furthermore, Sanat Kumara, the creator of Shambhala, is said to have first descended on Mt. Kurama in Japan.
This was 18.5 million years ago.
Another 1 million years ago, this “Sanat Kumara” moved his base to the etheric layer (?) above the Gobi Desert. The “Sanat Kumara” moved its base to the etheric layer (?) above the Gobi Desert.
More recently, in 1998, he moved his base to a mountain in the United States (Mt. Shasta in California).
(For more information, see the following link. The linked article also states that “Sanat Kumara” descended 2.5 million years ago, which is somewhat different from Wikipedia, etc. (Is this a misunderstanding on his part? (Could this person be mistaken?)
What is the festival of Uesak? What is the Festival of Uesak?
Looking at it this way, it seems that this “Shambhala” refers to a spiritual place, not just an underground city.
First of all, it is said that “Agartha” itself is a four-dimensional world.
Moreover, it is believed that followers of “Tibetan Buddhism” and “Esoteric Buddhism” perform various rituals to communicate with demons in this four-dimensional world.
Therefore, “Shambhala” may not be a place that can be reached by simply descending underground.
If so, this “Shambhala” is more and more nothing but “hell (the underworld).
Even now, many websites report that a message has arrived from Shambhala (Agartha).
If we look at the content of the message, it is almost the same as what the famous conspiracy theorists say.
They are saying that Rockefeller (and Rothschild) are the root of evil in the world and will soon be destroyed.
They also seem to be saying that the “Zionists” will soon be destroyed.
But unfortunately, the “Zionists” are now very good friends with Abe and the Emperor of Japan. (For more information, see the following links).
In fact, the “Islamic State” and “Israel” were puppets of the Emperor’s party. Once again, we try to reconstruct the conspiracy theory. https://nozomi-creation.com/in-fact-the-islamic-state-and-israel-were-puppets-of-the-emperors-party/
Moreover, the background of their friendship involves the “World Red Swastika Society” that created “Nazi Germany”.
(For more information on the relationship between the Nazis and the Red Manjikai, click here.)
Among the members of “Sekai Beni Manjikai” are “Oomoto-kyo” guru “Deguchi Ohninzaburo” and “Deguchi Nao.
Nao Deguchi is from Ayabe City, Kyoto Prefecture.
In addition, Shizusui Hirose, father of Beni Deguchi, the fifth head minister of Omoto-kyo, serves as chairman of the Japanese Religious Committee for the World Federation and promotes the “World Federation Movement.
We have written before about the World Federation Movement.
It is an organization that promotes an Emperor-centered NWO plan.
(For more information, click here.)
So, the same organization that created Nazi Germany is now creating friendly relations between Japan and Israel.
It is truly a scary story.
The Nippon Foundation, founded by Ryoichi Sasakawa, a member of the Red Swastika Society, created the Islamic State.
And Oomoto-kyo, which is also a member of Beni Manjikai, has established friendly relations with Israel, an enemy of Islam.
Israel=Beni Manjikai=Islamic State.
It is a terrible farce.
It is a common figure in conspiracy theories, but famous conspiracy theorists have never mentioned it.
Why is that?
The conspiracy theorists say that the Zionists created the Islamic State.
So, if Japan is credited with suppressing the Islamic State (in fact, Abe is spending a lot of money to bomb the Islamic State), Japan’s status will be further enhanced and the emperor’s status will be enhanced.
Moreover, Abe is a member of the far-right “Nippon Kaigi” (Japan Council) and chairman of a roundtable discussion group of the “Jinja Honcho” (Shinto Shrine Headquarters), also a far-right organization.
So, there is no doubt that he will eventually begin to elevate the emperor in a big way.
There is ample evidence that Shinzo Abe and Ichiro Ozawa are the most important members of the Emperor’s faction. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23467
Therefore, those who call “Zionists” evil and make noises that “Zionists” will soon be judged must be the “Emperor Faction” who worship the Emperor.
By the way, you may have seen how Shintoism and Buddhism in Japan have been contaminated by lewd and evil demons in the last series of articles at ……..
The Rothschild-affiliated “Disney” movies are also known to contain numerous lewd subliminally, even though they are aimed at children.
In fact, Japanese shrines and temples also display various lewd items as if they were subliminally.
Of course. After all, the sutras usually read by monks (such as the Rishu-kyo) not only affirm but also encourage human sexual desire.
(For more information, click here.) https://nozomi-creation.com/japanese-esoteric-buddhism-is-also-satan-worship-itself/
This is probably the reason.
There are many shrines throughout Japan that shamelessly display male and female reproductive organs as sacred objects.
Sometimes they are carried around as portable shrines.
Yesterday, someone introduced me to the following site.
Kanayama Shrine (Kawasaki City) – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%87%91%E5%B1%B1%E7%A5%9E%E7%A4%BE_(%E5%B7%9D%E5%B4%8E%E5%B8%82)
But this is only the beginning. There are many other such festivals in Japan.
The police usually frown on “public indecency” and “indecent exposure”.
But when it comes to festivals, for some reason they tolerate all such obscenities.
This is because most festivals in Japan involve the local yakuza (tekiya), and the police work hand in hand with the yakuza behind the scenes.
This is the same structure that tolerates the gambling game Pachinko.
Why are the Yakuza in charge of the shops at the festivals? – Yahoo! Wisdom Bukuro https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1311007053
Why are yakuza and gangsters involved in festivals?
Of course, it is because devil worshippers hide in the heart of shrines and temples.
Of course, not all festivals are like this.
However, it is a fact that there are some such festivals that are certainly mixed in with the healthy festivals.
In addition, according to one of our readers, the “shimenawa” (sacred rope) at shrines also seems to have a hidden meaning.
—————- (Reprinted from Shimenawa)
(*)The link has expired.
According to Yuko Yoshino, a lecturer at Gakushuin Women’s Junior College, the shape of the shimenawa rope mimics the mating of a snake.
In her book “Snake: Japanese Snake Beliefs” (Kodansha Gakujutsu Bunko), Ms. Yoshino explains the beliefs and customs of various regions based on the shape and ecology of snakes, and describes how snake beliefs have penetrated the Japanese people. Some of his writings are introduced below.
Japanese snake beliefs have been inherited since the Jomon period, and the following symbols were taken as the source of the Jomon people’s feelings toward snakes.
The phallic resemblance of the snake’s form
The intense vitality of pit vipers and their venom, which can kill an enemy with a single blow.
The power of rebirth and renewal through molting
Longing, worship, awe, and delight in sex,
These were considered to be cohesive and divinely endowed.
The Jomon clay figure of the goddess with a pit on her head and the worship of a stone pole with a turtle’s head are symbols of this.
The conical shape of the mountain, derived from the shape of a snake coiled in a spike, is associated with worship.
By analogy with the folklore of snake gods in various regions, such as the traditions of Nukahime in Jochiku Fudoki and the Chopstick Grave tradition, and the ancient word for snake, “Kaka,” Kagami (round eyes of a snake) and Kakashi (to protect the rice field) were made in the image of a snake.
Kagamimochi (mirror rice cake) at New Year’s is shaped like a snake wrapped in a saddlecloth, and round rice cakes common in the Kansai region are shaped like a snake’s egg.
—————- (reprinted here)
A “serpent” is a “devil. (For more details, click here.)
And I was really surprised to see that the “shimenawa” was designed with the mating of the “snake”.
What also caught my attention was a Buddhist image called “yabu-yum”.
This “abhyum” is a Buddha image of a man and a woman having sexual intercourse as it is.
It is already incomprehensible when such a thing is made.
In addition, the Wikipedia article says the following.
—————- (Reprinted below from Wikipedia)
Yabuyum has a slightly different meaning for Hinduism.
The meaning of the masculine and feminine principles is reversed.
In Hinduism, the embracing posture represents the creative power of God.
In this view, yabuyum is the embrace of one of the passive male deities by his spouse, who represents his active and powerful nature.
It is clear that strong sexual associations can be read here, as the image of a white sperm pluck is applied to Shiva, and the image of a red egg (originally rakta, meaning blood) is applied to his consort Parvati.
—————- (reprinted here)
It says that the “white sperm pluck” and the “red egg” “read strong sexual associations. When I read that, I immediately associated it with something.
Here it is.

I hope this is just my imagination.
However, after doing some research, I found that everything related to Japanese tradition and culture is filled with the elements of “Satan.
So I feel that this conclusion may be somewhat correct.
We have been told that there are many hidden meanings in Japanese culture and tradition.
While this is true, we have lived our lives without being taught their true meaning.
Also, all Japanese people love formal things.
They did not even try to dig deep into the meaning they contained.
This must have been very convenient for the underworld.
But this will not be the case from now on.
Let’s tear off all their masks and humiliate them.
There are still agents (all of them hired by Dentsu for about 2,000 yen an hour) who write stupid things like I am destroying Japan because I speak badly about Japan in this way.
But to thoroughly clean up the dirt of Japan is to truly love Japan.
Shouting “Japan is the best” or “war with Korea or China” is not patriotism.
War destroys not only other countries but also your own country.