(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 8 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Over the past few days we have talked about how elements of devil worship are mixed into Japanese culture and tradition.
The gods of this world are, as they say, full of demons. Be careful with stories about yoga, ascension, and Agartha. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=24226
The demons that lurk in shrines and temples. Or those who carry the message of demons from Agartha. https://nozomi-creation.com/demons-that-lurk-in-shrines-and-temples/
Most Japanese have probably never thought that devil worship is a common occurrence in this world.
As a result, some of you may have been quite distracted after reading the articles over the past few days.
However, once you know the cause of the stench, all you have to do is eliminate the cause of the stench.
Of course, the removal process is very difficult.
However, knowing the cause of the odor is much easier than not knowing it at all.
Therefore, I intend to continue to thoroughly uncover the cause of the smell.
So today I’m going to deliver another devastating blow.
Yesterday I mentioned that Japanese shrines and temples are littered with lewd and lascivious things.
Did you know that the very creation of these shrines was actually a lewd subliminal?
However, Satanists seem to worship “sexual” things as “sacred” things, so this is also a “sacred” thing.
So, it seems that this is another quibble that the shrine was designed to be “sexual” for a “sacred” purpose. ……
—————- (Reprinted below from Appraisal Diary 110905)
Shrines are created based on the female body (mainly the organ that gives birth to children).
First of all, a shrine has a forest, and when you pass through the Torii gate, there is an approach to the shrine, and the shrine is located at the back of the forest.
Similarly, a woman’s body first has a pubic hair (forest), then a pubic area (torii), a birth canal (approach), and at the end of the birth canal is the uterus (omiya).
The approach (birth canal) and the womb (uterus)… the names and nuances are just as they are.
In front of the womb there is a golden ball (rattle) with a long string (male genitalia) attached to it, which is shaken back and forth to stimulate it, and money (semen?) is thrown into the money offering box. ) and pray hard.
After the visit, the process continues back along the approach to the shrine (the birth canal) and out through the Torii (female vulva).
In the womb dwells the deity, and in the womb dwells the child (the child of the deity, according to the Japanese Shinto tradition that man’s ancestors are deities).
Therefore, it is necessary for women to live their lives with the noble spirit that they are the protectors of the gods (those who inhabit the shrine of the gods).
If a woman thinks that she can have sex with anyone, she is out of harmony with the original way of life of a woman.
When a woman marries and becomes a wife, she is called kami-san. It is pronounced the same as kami-san (God).
The wife is also treated as an “incarnation of God” who resides in the inner sanctum (Okumiya).
————– (reprinted here)
It’s so funny, isn’t it? They go so far as to spread lewd subliminals all over the place and then tell the women of this world not to live a lewd life.
And yet they are the ones doing the “too deep” lewd acts behind their backs, night after night. ……
Another blow.
In my article the day before yesterday, I introduced an e-mail from a reader who thought that the “Chrysanthemum Crest” of the imperial family might mean “Chrysanthemum Gate(Kikumon)”.
I would like to clearly prove that this is not an unfounded story.
If you don’t know what “Chrysanthemum Gate” means, please search it on the Internet and you will find it immediately.
I will not write about it here because it is too vulgar.
It is said that it was Emperor Go-Toba who established the “Chrysanthemum Crest” as the coat of arms of the imperial family.
Family Name and Coat of Arms Column (Chrysanthemum) http://www.harimaya.com/kamon/column/kiku.html
Emperor Go-Toba was a follower of Chogen, a priest of the Shingon sect of Buddhism.
About Chogen – Kotobank https://kotobank.jp/word/%E9%95%B7%E5%8E%B3-1091563
The Shingon sect is a sect that adopted the teachings of the esoteric Buddhism founded by Kukai.
I have already written about how Esoteric Buddhism is a lewd and evil religion.
Esoteric Buddhism” is “Satanism” itself.
Esoteric Buddhism in Japan is also Satanism itself. https://nozomi-creation.com/japanese-esoteric-buddhism-is-also-satan-worship-itself/
This means that Emperor Go-Toba was deeply involved in Esoteric Buddhism.
If that is the case, then of course Emperor Go-Toba must have been well versed in the other way, right?
If that is the case, then the chrysanthemum emblem that Emperor Go-Toba adopted must have some meaning.
When you think about it, this “Chrysanthemum Crest” looks like a “Chrysanthemum Gate,” doesn’t it?

Moreover, the yakuza who use this “Chrysanthemum Crest” the most nowadays are also those who are well versed in the ways of the yakuza over there. ……
We can only wonder if the “Chrysanthemum Crest” has a hidden meaning.
In this way, there is a very close relationship between the Emperor family and “esoteric Buddhism.
What about today’s emperors?
I don’t know how it happened.
But before I wrote my article on “Esoteric Buddhism,” someone introduced me to this website.
—————-(The following is reprinted from Secrets of Enemy Surrender and the Great General Law)
In 939 A.D., Taira no Shōmon rebelled against the Imperial Court and ascended the throne, taking the name “Shinnō” (new emperor).
At the behest of the imperial court, the high priest Taishun of Toji Temple in Kyoto performed a secret ceremony to subdue Shomon.
During the ceremony, there was a large amount of blood on the platform, and when he performed the secret seal, the dokkosho, a sacred tool, broke in half and flew far to the east.
It is said that at that moment Taira no Masakado was defeated by Fujiwara no Hidesato, Taira no Sadamori and others (according to the “Shingonden” document of Toji Temple).
What exactly is this “secret law” that defeated the Shogun?
It is the “Taigen no Hou” .
It is the highest esoteric Buddhist secret of the nation.
According to “Zoku Nihon Koki,” it was brought back to Horinji Temple in 840 by the monk Changxiao, who entered the Tang Dynasty.
Horin-ji Temple was the fundamental center of esoteric Buddhism, but it was closed during the Edo period.
Until the pre-war period, the remnants of tile-making were left, but now nothing remains.
This secret art was performed for seven days every year from the 8th to the 14th of the New Year at the Imperial Household Ministry for the protection of the nation.
Because it was the highest legal art, it was strictly forbidden to be performed outside the imperial court. In 995, however, Fujiwara no Korechika secretly performed it, and it became a major event.
This was the Chotoku incident, which led to the rise of Fujiwara no Michinaga to great power.
The reason why Taigen no Hou became an issue at that time is that this secret art is sometimes practiced on special occasions other than New Year’s Day, but it is used to subdue the enemies of the state. In other words, to destroy the enemies of the state.
In short, Fujiwara no Korechika’s actions were considered a revolution against the emperor without exaggeration.
So, what exactly is the secret art of Taigen no Hou?
Actually, there are not many documents on this subject, so I cannot go into detail, but it seems to be as follows. (Note: In short, it is too lewd and wicked a secret art to be easily revealed.)
First, the main deity is Taigen Myoo , a yasha deity with six hands, flaming hair, and an angry expression on his face.
The emperor’s robe is placed in a box and sealed with a scarlet rope.
The priests, dressed in black, recite all 600 scrolls of the “Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra” (Daihannya Haramitta Sutra) while burning gomagi and other sacred objects in a triangular furnace.
The priest must read the entire sutra alone while facing south (called “True Reading of the Great Perfection of Wisdom”).
It is unclear if this is to be repeated or if other scriptures are to be read, but after the ceremony is over, the priest returns the robe to its original position and the ceremony is over.
Hmmm, to be honest, I don’t think it’s that simple, but I don’t know any more.
(Note: Of course it is not that simple. I think it is something much deeper. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here.) https://nozomi-creation.com/japanese-esoteric-buddhism-is-also-satan-worship-itself/
Incidentally, this is a type of Fudo Goma, which differs in the shape of the stove and the color of the garment.
The northward direction means “good health,” the westward direction means “respect,” the eastward direction means “increase in profit,” and the southward direction means “surrender.
The next time this mystical art of surrendering to the enemy was practiced on a large scale was during the Genko invasion.
In 1904, more than 600 years after the Genko invasion, a bronze statue of Emperor Kameyama was erected in Higashi Park in Fukuoka City.
This was the same year that the Russo-Japanese War broke out, and prayers were said for the “surrender of the enemy country”.
Although there is no record of the Taigen no Hou during the Sin-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, it is said that the Taigen no Hou was actually enforced during the Pacific War.
(Note: In short, Emperor Showa firmly inherited this secret art. Then, of course, it is still available at …….)
You say that he assassinated President Franklin Roosevelt (who died on April 12, 1945) by continuing to burn goma at Koyasan.
This is a description I often see on the Internet, but unfortunately it is a legend created by later generations, as it is not mentioned in the True Record of the Showa Emperors.
(Note: It is natural. There is no way such a secret technique could have any power).
—————- (reprinted up to here)
I hope you can now clearly see that there is a close relationship between the modern emperor and “esoteric Buddhism.
There are probably many more such “secret arts” in esoteric Buddhism.
It is said that the aforementioned Emperor Go-Toba also prayed with all the secret techniques of Shingon, such as the secret techniques of the Fifteen Platforms, in order to restore the monarchy.
The “Secret Law of Fifteen Temples” brought a temporary great victory to Emperor Go-Toba.
However, Emperor Go-Toba was eventually overthrown by the Kamakura shogunate at the end of his reign and exiled to an island.
This was the famous “Jokyu Rebellion”.
Jokyu Rebellion – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%89%BF%E4%B9%85%E3%81%AE%E4%B9%B1
Well, of course.
How can there be a “kamikaze” when we chant lewd and wicked prayers?
Even if there were, the “kamikaze” would defeat you instead.
Even the “Taigen no Hou” mentioned above had no effect in World War II, and the emperor was rather punished by Heaven.
But ladies and gentlemen, don’t be surprised.
In fact, it is not only the “emperor” who is deeply involved in this “esoteric Buddhism.
In fact, most of these Japanese politicians are deeply involved in “esoteric Buddhism.
The current Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, is no exception.
In the world of esoteric Shingon Buddhism, there is a dubious prayer master who holds the highest rank of “Dento Ajari” or “High Priest” and calls himself “Hoshu” or “Lord of the Law.
The prayer master is a well-known person named “Keikan Ikeguchi” who is known to many people.
In fact, Shinzo Abe is said to be fascinated by this “Keikan Ikeguchi” and relies on his prayers. I am curious to know what kind of prayer he is praying for. ……
Keikan Ikeguchi – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B1%A0%E5%8F%A3%E6%81%B5%E8%A6%B3
—————- (Reproduced below from Kaleidoscope)
Dharma Master Keikan Ikeguchi (76) of Saifuku-ji Temple in Kagoshima Prefecture.
He was the successful bidder for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions building, which was up for auction this time.
He has reportedly had a long and close relationship with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has been greatly influenced by him.
The weekly magazine described him as the ‘monster monk in Nagata-cho’ who predicted Shinzo Abe’s reappointment to the post five years ago.
The women’s magazine said
Shinzo Abe’s future is as “predicted” by Keikan Ikeguchi. Is this a sign from God or brainwashing?
I suddenly had a flash of inspiration: “In five years,” he said. I can only say yes, even if you ask me why.
I am sure that “Heaven” was looking for Mr. Abe,” said Keikan Ikeguchi, 76, head priest of Saifukuji Temple in Kagoshima Prefecture.
Shinzo Abe, 57, is the new prime minister of Japan, returned to power after the LDP’s stunning victory.
This is the first time in 64 years, since former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, that a prime minister who once resigned has returned to power.
No one could have predicted such a feat, but someone had already “predicted” it in 2007, when Abe resigned as prime minister the previous time.
That person was the Honorable Ikeguchi. (Note: As usual, this was not a prophecy, but a plan of the underworld).
In the January 1, 8, and 15, 2008 issues of the weekly photo magazine “FLASH,” he revealed the following words he told Abe
“If you give up your position once, there will be another big tsunami in about five years. If you give up once, there will be another big tsunami in about five years. It seems that his stomach was really tight and he suddenly resigned. But the tide will rise again in five years. I think Shinzo needs to be back on the board. Considering where Japan is going.”
After the LDP suffered a crushing defeat in the upper house election on July 29, 2007, Hōshū Ikeguchi advised Abe, who was in poor health, to resign in this manner. Twelve days later, on September 12, he resigned in a flash.
Exactly five years later, on September 12 of this year, Mr. Abe held a press conference to announce his candidacy for the presidency of the LDP! It was just as Ikeguchi had said.
Born on November 15, 1936, at Saidaiji Temple in Koyasan Kashiwara, Kagoshima Prefecture, Ikeguchi Hoshu is the youngest of six children.
He is the 18th generation in a family of ascetic practitioners that dates back more than 500 years to the Muromachi period.
He is the 18th generation in a family of ascetic practitioners that has been practicing asceticism for over 500 years since the Muromachi period (1333-1573).
His reputation is said to be spreading: “I prayed for a patient whom modern medicine had given up on, and the patient was cured of a malignant tumor.
Ikeguchi has close ties with politicians and has been called “the mysterious monk of Nagatacho.
He is also looked up to as a mentor by successive prime ministers.
And many politicians, including former Prime Ministers Yoshiro Mori and Junichiro Koizumi, worship him.
Abe’s father, Shintaro, is one of them.
After Abe’s resignation, Ikeguchi met with him and expressed concern for his health.
The turning point was the LDP presidential election in September of this year.
Many leading candidates, including Shigeru Ishiba, Nobuteru Ishihara, and Nobutaka Machimura, announced their candidacy for the LDP presidency.
Abe also decided to run early, but everyone around him opposed his candidacy.
On September 1, he sent the following e-mail to Abe.
” I’ve seen people who are supposed to do well, but their luck can’t be matched. Please proceed with confidence. I wish you a long-term government.”
Mr. Abe was then successfully elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party.
In November, Yoshihiko Noda dissolved the House of Representatives in the face of certain defeat by the DPJ, and a number of other favorable events occurred.
Commenting on the LDP’s victory, Hōshū Ikeguchi said,
” Last time, I don’t think Mr. Abe was ready to be prime minister. However, in the five years since then, he has been in good physical condition, studying hard and building up his strength. As a result, I think “Heaven” wanted him.”
News (Source: Joseijishin, Tuesday, December 25, 2012)
Last week, after these things were reported on TV, a video was immediately uploaded to youtube.
But it was immediately deleted.
The LDP only reacts quickly in such cases.
The Shukan Bunshun (weekly magazine) at that time, after Shinzo Abe was “nominated” by Junichiro Koizumi to become prime minister, carried a top story about his “deep relationship” with Keikan Ikeguchi.
—————- (reprinted here)
Wasn’t Mr. Abe a member of the Unification Church? And yet he was also fascinated by “esoteric Buddhism.
Moreover, it seems that you were close to this “esoteric” monk for a long time. ……
(For more information, see the following link.)
It is common knowledge among right-wing Internet users that Shinzo Abe and Keikan Ikeda are in bed together, right? (*)The link has expired.
Oh no. A bigwig so deeply involved with North Korea was connected to Abe.
Then, as I suspected, this is proof that the stories of famous conspiracy theorists that Abe is a lapdog of the U.S. were completely false.
After all, North Korea is an enemy of the United States.
Abe has been in close contact with that North Korea-loving “monk” for a long time.
How can Abe be a lapdog of the US if he is not a traitor to the US?
Abe is not a traitor to the US, but a spy of the “Emperor’s Faction” sent by the US.
I wrote about this the other day.
Shinzo Abe and Nobusuke Kishi were not used by the US, but were actually spies of the Emperor sent by the US. https://nozomi-creation.com/both-shinzo-abe-and-nobusuke-kishi-were-not-being-used-by-the-us-but-were-actually-spies-for-the-emperor-sent-to-the-us/
Moreover, this “Keikan Ikeguchi” seems to be connected behind the scenes not only with Abe, but also with numerous Nagatacho politicians.
Almost all of the country’s top leaders are deeply involved in “esoteric Buddhism”.
This alone is enough to prove that the Japanese political circles and the Emperor’s family are devil worshippers who believe in “esoteric Buddhism.
They have no more excuses.