(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 5 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Today’s article, like yesterday’s, contains some grotesque and ugly content.
Please refrain from viewing this article if you have a weak heart or are not sure of your heart.
Yesterday we showed you the evidence that Tibetan Buddhism is nothing but devil worship.
Tibet is a holy place for Satan worship. https://nozomi-creation.com/tibet-is-a-holy-place-for-devil-worship/
I have never been able to find out exactly what Satanism is, but I have learned a lot about Tibetan Buddhism.
But by learning about Tibetan Buddhism, I felt that I had a glimpse of what was going on there.
Moreover, such lewd, insane, and vicious rituals are performed day and night as a matter of course and are published on Wikipedia without any shame.
On the contrary, I could not help but be surprised that such rituals are affirmed and written about as if they were noble ceremonies.
However, those who perform these rituals on a daily basis live their lives completely immersed in them.
They are so completely numbed by their consciences that they are not ashamed of these practices, but rather believe them to be noble.
Therefore, they write and publish such articles on Wikipedia without any shame.
The Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism, which I introduced yesterday, is also believed in by the Dalai Lama, the supreme leader of Tibet, and of course he too must perform these gruesome rituals day and night.
It makes me sick just to think about it.
Kukai,” who introduced this Tibetan Buddhism to Japan as “Esoteric Buddhism,” must of course have performed such lewd rituals.
Monks who believe in “Esoteric Buddhism” must be the same.
No, no. Some of you may send me useless, disturbing e-mails or comments saying, “No way, Japanese monks do that.
So, just in case, I’d like to present some evidence that Japanese monks today are indeed quite suspicious, so that you don’t have to do such useless things.
First, let me start with a definition of what “esoteric Buddhism” is.
There are two main types of “Buddhism,” namely “exoteric Buddhism” and “esoteric Buddhism.
Exoteric Buddhism is the teaching that is not secret and is clearly taught in public.
Esoteric Buddhism, on the other hand, is considered to be so profound that it cannot easily be revealed in public.
(For more information, see the links below.)
Xenkyō – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A1%95%E6%95%99
Exoteric Buddhism” is said to be taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, while “Esoteric Buddhism” is said to be taught by Dainichi Nyorai Buddha.
Furthermore, Dainichi Nyorai is said to be the same as Amaterasu.
In other words, the teachings of “Esoteric Buddhism” were preached by “Amaterasu.
How strange. Amaterasu is a demon.
Dainichi Nyorai – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E6%97%A5%E5%A6%82%E6%9D%A5
So, the Shingon sect preaches “manifest Buddhism” in public and pretends to be a good person, but behind the scenes they preach “esoteric Buddhism” and do lewd and lascivious things.
In Shikoku, where I live, there are 88 temples built by Kukai, and many people still visit 88 temples.
On the Relationship Between Hitler and the Occult. Or, The Shadow of the “Kaiser Faction” Hiding Behind Hitler. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-hitlers-relationship-with-the-occult/
Most of them probably do not know what “Esoteric Buddhism” is really about, and only respect “Kukai” by listening to his supposed teachings called “Kekkyo,” believing that by visiting 88 shrines they will be freed from all their worries (troubles) and live their lives happily.
Unfortunately, “Kukai” is just a devil worshipper.
Therefore, no matter how much you visit the 88 temples in Shikoku, there is no benefit for you.
If there is any benefit, it is the realization that no matter how many shrines and temples you visit, it will mean nothing.
In fact, I heard such a story from someone who visited 88 temples and shrines. (Of course, it depends on the individual.)
Some people might say, “No, no, no, Kukai was definitely not like that.
So, in case you are wondering, here are some of the dubious scriptures recited in the various schools of Shingon Buddhism.
In Shingon esoteric Buddhism there is a sutra called “Rishu-kyo.
In this sutra you will find the following statement.
—————- (The following is taken from Wikipedia)
The strange ecstasy of the union of man and woman is the state of a pure Bodhisattva.
The desire to work as fast and furious as an arrow flies is also the state of a pure bodhisattva.
The touch between a man and a woman is also the pure state of a bodhisattva.
The pure and clean phrase of love binding is the Bodhisattva state; loving the opposite sex and firmly embracing each other is also the state of a pure Bodhisattva.
The pure and clean phrase is the bodhisattva state – the state of a man and a woman who are content to embrace each other, free in all things, master of all things, and feel like they are ascending to heaven is the state of a pure bodhisattva.
Seeing the pure and clear pure passages is the bodhisattva posture, and looking at the opposite sex with greed is also the pure state of a bodhisattva.
Yue Ye Cheong Pure Pure Phrase – Having sexual intercourse with men and women and enjoying the pleasure of it is the pure state of a bodhisattva.
The pure and clean phrase of love is the bodhisattva state – love between man and woman is also the pure state of a bodhisattva.
Pride is also bodhisattva purity.
It is the bodhisattva state to be proud of one’s accomplishments and to be proud of one’s achievements.
The pure and clear phrase is the state of a bodhisattva.
Being satisfied and having a radiant mind is the state of a pure bodhisattva.
The lightness of the body is the state of a pure bodhisattva.
The colors we see are also the state of a pure bodhisattva.
The sounds you hear are also bodhisattva purity.
The smell of the world is also the state of a pure bodhisattva.
The taste of the mouth is also the state of a pure bodhisattva.
—————- (reprinted here)
As you can see, about half of the text is filled with statements praising “sexual” acts.
Moreover, this kind of writing gave birth to a radical sect called “Shingon Tachikawa-ryu” (about which I wrote a little yesterday).
Wikipedia also proudly describes what kind of crazy sect this “Tachikawa school” is.
—————-(The following is reprinted from Wikipedia)
The scripture is the Prajnaparamita Rishu-kyo, the so-called Rishu sutra of the future of Kukai, which is revered by Dakini-ten.
In Buddhism, sexual intercourse is originally prohibited by the precept of non-penetration.
In esoteric Buddhism, however, it is affirmed in the Rishu-kyo Sutra and many other texts of Musho Yogic Tantra.
There is a doctrinal interpretation that one can attain sokushin-jyubutsu (the attainment of Buddhahood) through sexual intercourse.
In Japan, however, there are many yogatantras that have been transmitted to Japan.
However, the Mushojo-Yu Tantra, which specifically discusses sexual intercourse, has only been partially transmitted in Japan, and most esoteric schools, with the exception of the Tachikawa school, are negative toward sexual intercourse. (Note: As I said, this is completely false.)
In particular, there are different types of skull main deities such as Ootou, Koutou, Gekirin Gyoretsu, etc. The skulls used for this erection must be skulls of kings, parents, and other nobles, skulls with no suture lines at all, a collection of the upper parts of 1000 skulls called Sencho, and skulls selected through a ritual called Hokkai Kuro.
(Note: I am puzzled by the sudden appearance of the skull. In short, without skulls (corpses), this “Tachikawa style” would not be possible. The reason why the skulls were collected in the catacombs was to perform this kind of ritual. (For more details, click here.) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=19459
The surface of the skull is then coated thousands of times with water (a mixture of semen and love juice), gold and silver foil is applied as glue, a spell is placed inside the skull, a mandala is drawn, and delicacies from the mountains and the sea are offered.
In addition, they must have sexual intercourse in front of the main image and recite the mantra incessantly throughout the process.
(Note: This is really crazy. What can we call this without calling it devil worship?)
The main image of the skull, which took about seven years to create, is said to manifest three kinds of powers according to its rank. The lower rank grants all wishes, the middle rank gives omens in dreams, and the highest rank speaks words and tells all the truths of the three thousand worlds.
However, there is another truth hidden behind this lascivious ritual. The Rishu Sutra basically teaches that things can only be created when there is a yin and yang of male and female. The reason this ritual takes seven years is because the purpose of the ritual is to help the monk and his female companion attain enlightenment, and once that happens, there is no longer any need for a skull-shaped main image.
The essence of the Tachikawa school is that a man and a woman become one with Dainichi Nyorai, the main deity of the Shingon sect, through sexual intercourse.
In this respect, it differs from existing sects that teach that women are impure and cannot become Buddhas.
—————- (reprinted here)
I don’t understand what’s going on. Can we really call this a religion? Of course it is not a religion but clearly devil worship.
On the surface, the “Tachikawa School” was supposedly abolished during the Edo period (1603-1867) because of its excessively radical content.
However, Wikipedia clearly states, “Its unique teachings influenced many schools of Buddhism and were a major factor in the formation of esoteric thought in Japan later.
(Click here to read the article.) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AB%8B%E5%B7%9D%E6%B5%81_(%E5%AF%86%E6%95%99)
In other words, devil worship like this “Tachikawa School” is still secretly rampant in this world.
In addition, a ritual called “Kanjou” is performed in esoteric Buddhism. This ritual is described by Wikipedia as “a ceremony in which water is poured on the top of the head to connect one with the Buddha and the mandala, and to bestow various precepts and qualifications to make one a legitimate successor. (That article is here.) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%81%8C%E9%A0%82
However, this is only a superficial story, and in fact this “Kanjou” is not so simple.
—————- (Reprinted below from the Pixiv Encyclopedia)
The Dark Side of the Japanese Buddhist World
Kanjou is a Buddhist term.
It is a term used by the ancient Indian civilization (ancient India is the birthplace of the Buddha and the cradle of Buddhism).
The word abhiṣeka or abhiṣecana in the Sanskrit of
Originally, it is said that in the “baptismal ceremony” (purification ceremony) when a great king or prince ascended the throne in the Indian world, the water of the four seas was poured on the top of his head, and he was likened to the Four Seas World Man (the ruler of the whole world, i.e., the emperor).
It is thought to be like painting water on a Jizo statue.
The douche ritual was introduced into Indian Buddhism and became a baptism ceremony for virtuous monks (high priests) and saints.
In Mahayana Buddhism, when a bodhisattva (Buddha) who has completed his or her final training becomes enlightened and a Buddha, he or she is supposed to receive the perfusion of wisdom water from various Buddhas to become a Buddha.
But this is where the story gets weird.
Japanese Buddhism, of course, also spread the rituals of the consecration ceremony…
In time, however, the Tendai and Shingon sects developed a ritual to legally consume (have sex with) young ascetic monks (7 to 18 years old) who did not shave their hair.
The Tendai and Shingon sects, however, believed that by performing the ritual of perfection on the child (boy), he would become an incarnation of Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), and therefore an object of faith, not a flesh and blood human being, but “the Supreme Being without this world”. Therefore, it is acceptable to worship and associate with children as objects of worship.
Children of the imperial family or high nobility are sent to temples as apprentices to learn manners.
The “middle child” is a child who is expected to be intelligent and follows the priests as a caretaker.
The “lower class children” were hired or sold to monks for their talent in the arts.
Of these, the middle and lower children are the ones who are subjected to the priesthood ceremony.
Eventually, this custom spread secretly throughout the Japanese Buddhist world, and only beautiful boys became conspicuous.
In short, Buddhism in Japan is in exactly the same situation as the Vatican.
(For more information on the Vatican, click here.) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9346
Or rather, if Satanists are at the root, it is only natural that all religions would be in a similar situation.
So, I delved further into “esoteric Buddhism” and found that there is an esoteric religion called “Vajrayana Esoteric Buddhism.
The scriptures of this “Vajrayana Esoteric Buddhism” also contained overtly sexual and evil things.
The following is part of the content of the Hevajra Tantra scripture.
He” means “invocation,” and “vajra” means “vajra,” which in Chinese characters is translated as “call vajra” or “joy vajra.
—————-(The following is taken from Wikipedia)
■ The First Ritual
The first chapter is the introduction and the most organized of what is thought to be the last to be established in the sutra.
The sezon addresses the bodhisattva Vajrasattva in the audience and explains the origin of the names Vajrasattva and Hevajra, the reasons for preaching tantra, the 32 pulsating organs, the four chakras, and that the various subjects in the sutra are composed of four components.
The second chapter is a collection of prose mantras.
Mantras for the rituals of “bali” (i.e, giving food to comforting spirits, hungry ghosts, etc.); mantras for the ); mantras for the Five Buddhas, Hevajra, and Yogini; mantras for practices such as ward, surrender, abstinence, banishment, separation, spell-killing, and hooking; mantras for rain-worship and rain-stopping rituals; Mantras of spell rituals such as the method of repelling, burning, vomiting, seducing, controlling the sun and moon, finding lost objects, and releasing animals are also explained.
Chapter 3 is the contemplation of Hevajra and Dakini and their union.
Chapter 4 is a continuation of the previous chapters.
Chapter 6 describes the rituals of singing, dancing, eating, and drinking in which a young female partner is dressed as “Heeruka” (a prototype of Hevajra, a Shiva-like left-handed tantric Buddha with secret lust) and dressed as a female deity of the “Vajra” rank, singing, dancing, eating, and drinking at night in a place where only one tree stands, in a cemetery, in a mother’s house, in the deserted suburbs, and so on.
Chapter 7 is eating dead flesh and the flesh of a person who has been reborn seven times and has accumulated enough good roots, etc.
Chapter 8 is the progression of the fifteen venerable mandalas, with Hevajra as the main deity.
Chapter 10 is Secret Perfection, etc.
Chapter 11 is the accomplishment of the female deity Kurukulla.
■ The Second Ritual
In Chapter 1, in response to a question from Bodhisattva Vajrasattva, Sezon gives a commentary on the Pratishtha, the rite of initiation. Goma, mandala, offerings, etc.
In Chapter 3, the Sezon explains to Vajrabhadra Bodhisattva the thorough breaking of the precepts, along with the ideas of emptiness and purification of the self-nature. He also lists the hidden words such as killing, lying, stealing, adultery, carnal acts, and so on. Also a list of hidden words.
Chapter 4 follows on from the previous chapter and explains how one can be liberated from ignorance and delusion by practicing the precepts, as if one were “conquering poison with poison.
Chapter 5 describes the group rituals. The women are placed on all eight sides of the mandala and offered to 12- and 16-year-old women by embracing and kissing them, semen is put in their mouths and sprinkled on the mandala, the women are also made to drink, alcohol and meat are consumed, the women are stripped naked and kissed repeatedly on the female genitals, the women return with singing and dancing, sexual yoga is performed, and so on. Also related to perfumery.
(Note: I wrote about this in yesterday’s post).
In chapter 6, Hevajra explains the method of esoteric image painting in response to the question of the female deity (yogini). He uses a kapala (skull cup) as a container for paint, and the hair of a corpse as brush and canvas. He paints in a deserted place, on the eve of the new moon, naked, with human bone ornaments, drinking alcohol, with a woman (mudra) in his presence, eating unclean food, etc.
(Note: This is even crazier. The point is that the “Tachikawa style” is not the only dangerous one).
Chapter 7, like the previous chapters, describes a method of writing sutras in the esoteric style. Writing with honey ink on a conch shell, with a pen made of human bones, etc. The second half of the book is a festival-like group ritual. The nine mandalas, with Hevajra himself in the center and female dakini ascetics in all directions, etc.
(Note: I don’t understand why a feather made of human bones or something like that appears as a matter of course. Also, by “feast like group rituals” do you mean essentially orgies?)
—————- (reprinted here)
The fact that Wikipedia proudly lists such an article indicates that “esoteric” believers did (or do) such things as a matter of course.
As you can see, there are many people in this world who take for granted what we consider insane. This is the reality of this world.
I have been writing about “Satanism” as the main topic of this blog.
Many readers must have been shocked and skeptical about what I wrote.
They must have thought that there was no way that the elite of this world could do such evil and lewd things.
However, the reality of this world is quite different from what you think.
There are many more Satanists in this world than you think, and they worship Satan day and night as a matter of course.
And because Satanists like them rule the world, the world is becoming more and more lewd and wicked as time goes by.
However, when the world is flooded with such lewdness and wickedness, the world will eventually go wrong and be destroyed.
History has clearly proven this.
Sexual promiscuity destroys civilization. On its principles. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8736
No parent wants his or her child to be exposed to obscenity.
No matter how unskilled a person was once, once he or she becomes a parent, he or she does not want his or her child to see or hear anything obscene.
Why is that?
I think it is because somewhere in their hearts they consider “sexual” things to be impure.
And yet, sexuality is being flooded, praised, and celebrated more and more in this world.
Even the prime minister’s wife attended a parade to praise “homosexuality.
Prime Minister Abe’s wife attends Tokyo LGBT parade 3 photos International News: AFPBB News
Many celebrities and entertainers have come out as gay.
Just recently, the CEO of Apple Inc. came out as gay and even stated that he was proud to be gay.
And even Pope Francis has stated that he “welcomes” homosexuals.
Of course, I am in direct opposition to this trend in the world.
(Whenever I say this, agents always complain about this and that. I don’t want to go through the trouble of refuting each one of them, so I’ll just post the following link for now).
Discrimination against “homosexuals” is different from denouncing the spread of “homosexuality”. But in any case, “homosexuality” is not a normal feeling. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=15231
The way the underworld promotes “homosexuality”. Now that we have found the pattern, we will briefly introduce it. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=15256
We must change this world into a very decent world as soon as possible and create a system ruled by people with common sense.
If you agree with me, please join me in praying for this world and spreading the word.