Or the shadow of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’ that hides behind Hitler.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 27 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Yesterday we talked about the current situation in Japan, which is becoming more Nazi by the day.
The present situation in Japan, which is becoming more Nazi by the day. https://nozomi-creation.com/japan-is-becoming-more-nazi-every-day/
As I mentioned in this article yesterday, I became aware of the Emperor’s conspiracy at the end of October last year.
The following month, on the 14th of November, I had a premonition that Japan would eventually become like Nazi Germany, and I wrote an article directly about this premonition.
At the time I wrote that article, I thought it would take a year or two for Japan to become a full-fledged Nazi state.
But to my horror, in the last three months their plan has come to fruition. This is the information society.
Between television and the Internet, the underworld has brainwashed the Japanese people at such a rapid pace that they have created a climate of praise for Japan and the Emperor.
At the present time, however, it does not seem that an atmosphere of “admiration for the Emperor” has been created in Japan.
Nevertheless, as far as the present situation is concerned, we can only assume that the day is near.
To everyone’s surprise, Hitler also rose to prominence, and he too enjoyed the enthusiastic support of the people.
In a way, this is very similar to the current situation in Japan.
After all, the devil behind the Nazis is the same as the devil behind Japan.
Frankly speaking, there is no other political party in the world that has the same smell of devil worship as the Nazis. It is well known to the public that the Nazis were deeply involved in the occult. The occult is nothing but Satanism.
It is a well-known story that Hitler originally wanted to be a painter.
Somehow, he suddenly began to walk the path of a politician.
So why did he change from a painter to a politician?
In fact, from this point on, we can already see a deep connection between Satanism and Hitler.
—————- (Reprinted below from Life of the Young Hitler)
Hitler himself did not speak much about this period, which is still colored by the “legend of the hobo,” even in later years. Did he really lead a life of simply painting and selling pictures during this period? Or was he engaged in some other special work besides painting?
This is an important period in Hitler’s life when he made a major change in direction from “artist” to “politician.
The British historian Trevor Rebenscroft has described the last five and a half years as Hitler’s training as a “conjurer.
During this period, Hitler met Ernst Preisch, an antiquarian bookshop owner in Vienna who specialized in books on the mystical realm.
Plessch was himself a mystic, and it is believed that he had studied the ritual magic of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans in Mexico.
He saw Hitler’s qualities and trained him in mental control and inner discipline. He trained Hitler in the concentration of purpose, the imagination to manipulate thoughts like objects, the intense suppression of emotions, and the control of primordial desires, and then used his treasured Mayan drug peyote to lead him into the realm of the mystical.
(* The ancient Aztecs and Mayans are said to have used peyote to communicate their minds with the cosmic abyss. It is said that by directing their own unconscious to the universal unconscious of the universe, they awakened their ability to hear its speaking voice.)
Researchers have also listed Hitler’s reading habits in the public library during this period.
Ancient Rome, Eastern religions, yoga, mysticism, hypnosis, astrology …… and the Bible had long since been read to death. Ancient Aryan scriptures such as the Rig Veda and the Upanishads are said to have been added, as well as the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta and the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Aztec. Mayan. Ancient Rome. All countries where devil worship flourished. And there are many Eastern religions (Shinto?), mysticism, astrology, Zoroastrianism, etc., mysticism, astrology, Zoroastrianism, and many other elements that remind us of Satanism.
Well, of course. Hitler’s grandfather is said to have been a Rothschild, and this Rothschild is an undeniable Satanist. In a sense, it is only natural that Hitler would turn to Satanism.
And Hitler, like many others, must have had multiple personalities (most Satanists have multiple personalities).
(See here for more details on the multiple personalities of most Satanists.) https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-many-satanists-have-multiple-personalities-and-have-been-abused-since-childhood/
He was usually a very introverted and quiet person, but as soon as he started talking about politics or war, it is said that his personality changed, as if he was possessed by something.
Many people have also testified that he seemed to be possessed by something when he delivered his speeches to the public.
You must have heard such testimonies on several occasions.
But it was never a metaphor.
He was really possessed.
And Rothschild must have liked him because of his multiple personalities.
They must have expected him to be able to whip people into a frenzy.
That is why he suddenly stopped being a painter and became a politician.
In short, Hitler did not become a politician of his own free will.
He was simply manipulated by someone behind the scenes.
So many conspiracy theorists have said that Hitler was a puppet of Rothschild.
But in fact, the real mastermind behind Hitler’s manipulation was not Rothschild.
In fact, someone has clearly stated that it was an “Oriental esoteric group” that manipulated Hitler.
(Conspiracy buffs believe that the only evil in the world is the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, so no one has ever taken them seriously).
When you hear the term “Oriental esoteric groups,” readers of this blog will immediately recognize the term. Japan is also part of the “Orient”.
Yes, it is. Probably this “esoteric group” must be the “Emperor Faction”. Or rather, if you read the following testimony, you will undoubtedly know that it is the “Emperor Faction.
In the following, I would like to present to you the story of the witness of the “Oriental esoteric group that worked behind Hitler’s back” with some comments.
The following is part of a document provided by a person. A mystic master (Imam) spoke about Hitler more than 25 years ago (around 1975).
From a spiritual point of view, the real cause of Hitler’s downfall is pointed out.
According to him, Hitler was ‘possessed’ by something.
It seems that he was merely a ‘vehicle’ for a greater power.
For now, only the part about Hitler is included. See …… as a reference.
Hitler as a ‘vehicle
In fact, behind the history we know, there is a history we cannot even begin to guess at.
History has a deeper dimension. The periphery of what we know as history is not true. There is another history behind our history.
There is a deeper history that we know nothing about.
For example, ‘Hitler’.
Take his fascism, all his actions, his desperate efforts to do something.
No one could see that there was something hidden behind it all.
Hitler’s actions were a misdirected movement, an attempt to go against what was intended.
At first, Hitler was merely a vehicle for another power. Now there is evidence that he was not the real actor in the drama. He was just a tool. He was just being used. Somebody else was working behind his back. Another force was using him.
He was crazy, he was a killer. These things were manifestations of his own ego. He could not let go of his ego, his prejudices, his insanity.
And he could not surrender his ego to the forces that were trying to work through him. So the attempt failed. It fell short of what was intended.
(Note: This would mean that Germany lost the war because Hitler could not sell all of himself to the devil (the Kaiser faction) and properly carry out the will of the Kaiser faction. More on this later).
Look at Hitler’s choice of the “key cross” (swastika).
This swastika, the symbol of Adolf Hitler’s party, is the oldest ancient symbol of the dojo of certain special adepts.
One of the oldest groups in India is Jainism.
The swastika is their symbol.
But it is not exactly the same symbol that Hitler used. Hitler’s swastika design was upside down. The Jain swastika is clockwise, while Hitler’s is counterclockwise.
The word “swastika” is derived from the Sanskrit word “svastika” (good luck). In Buddhism, it is considered sacred as “a talisman of good fortune concealing 10,000 virtues. The Nazi cross was a distortion of this beautiful “swastika” and was used in reverse rotation.
The counter-clockwise swastika is a symbol of destruction. The clockwise swastika is a symbol of great creation.
It took the Nazis three years to find this symbol. It took the Nazis three years to find a symbol, because a symbol is not just a symbol. When you take a symbol out of a deeper tradition, then and only then does it become a ring.
That is why Hitler sent people to Tibet to discover the oldest symbols of the Aryan race. It was known that the symbols allowed one to contact many hidden things. So the swastika was chosen. But it was upside down.
The man who discovered the symbol, Hessenhoff, advised Hitler to use the symbol upside down. He was one of the people who was in contact with many esoteric groups.
But he was confused. He was looking for two things. First, a very old symbol, and second, a symbol that could be renewed. The swastika was chosen and turned upside down. It had never existed in this form before.
But because of this, the event took on a completely different form. Because of this inversion of the symbol, those in touch with esoteric knowledge around the world knew that Hitler would destroy himself. That he would go mad and commune with a self-destructive force.
The concepts behind Hitler’s philosophy were all given to him in a secret dojo. They used him just like the Theosophists and the hidden groups used him. That is why Hitler always won up to a certain point, up to a certain moment.
He only won and never lost. The situation was simply phenomenal. He could win against everything. It even seemed that he was unbeatable.
But after a certain point, everything started to “turn around. Herein lies the great secret.
The Real Cause of Hitler’s Downfall
The story that the allied side against Nazism defeated Hitler is not a fact.
It is just an external phenomenon. Hitler was used by an esoteric group. This attempt was one of the most desperate efforts of this group.
This group had been working for centuries and had not been able to save humanity as they wanted. Therefore, they made one last desperate attempt to save humanity before it destroyed itself on Earth.
(Note: This is exactly what the “Emperor Faction” is talking about. Perhaps the “Emperor Faction” believes that what they are doing will save humanity. In reality, instead of saving it, they are simply destroying it. (This is obvious from what Hitler did.)
Before that, they worked through the saints, the people without power, the righteous in heart. Finally, they used Adolf Hitler to take control of the whole world before the world collapsed and to give a certain teaching to mankind.
But Hitler was beyond the control of the group. That is why he was eventually defeated.
(Note: Ostensibly, Germany and the Soviet Union were supposed to be enemies, but in reality, Germany and the Soviet Union were working together behind the scenes. However, Hitler eventually attacked the Soviet Union, which was supposed to be his ally, and lost the battle. Because of this, the “Emperor’s School” also lost in the Second World War (for more information, please click here).https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17932
What happened to Hitler was a miracle in the history of war, a truly unprecedented event.
Not only did Hitler refuse to heed the advice of any strategist, he took no advice from his generals in moving or attacking his armies.
He did as he pleased, moving his armies even when the entire general staff disagreed with him. And still he won.
Stupid moves, nonsensical advances – no one who knows anything about warfare would have taken such actions.
But Hitler won, no matter what the strategy.
Everyone in his entourage knew that Hitler was merely a vehicle for some greater power. Otherwise, this would have been an inexplicable event.
It is a fact that has only recently become known, but Hitler was not always in a conscious state when he gave orders.
Whenever he did, he was in a state of forgetfulness. He would close his eyes. Eventually he would begin to tremble, and eventually he would begin to sweat. Then his voice would change completely. Then another voice would give the command.
(Note: This is evidence that he was, for all intents and purposes, a spirit-possessed multiple personality).
But from the day he began his decline, his own voice began to command. From that point on, from that moment on, he never experienced a state of forgetfulness again. For he lost contact with the esoteric groups with whom he had worked.
(Note: This means that Hitler left the ” Emperor’s Group”. This is why Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, which was supposed to be his last ally. I will discuss this in more detail next time).
All those who study Hitler and his life now feel that this phenomenon was not merely political. Hitler himself was not merely a political madman. He was not just a crazy politician.
He was not just a crazy politician, because everything he did, his whole approach, was very apolitical. Those who worked under him felt that he was a split personality.
Normally, Hitler was so ordinary that you could not imagine him. He had no magical powers, he was just an ordinary man.
But when his mind took over and something possessed him, he became a completely different person.
Hitler, full of confidence and charisma, usually looked like a very ordinary person. Was he just a vehicle?
Who was behind Hitler? An esoteric group. The esoteric group was trying to achieve a goal.
(Note: Of course, this esoteric group must be the “Kaiser Group”.)
But when Hitler became independent of the group, he lost all power. In those last days he was a very ordinary man. So as soon as he lost contact with the group, everything he did went against him. Before that, whatever he did, he did as he wanted.
He was an ordinary man.
The same group was behind everything I talked about. They wanted to win the whole world.
(Note: I assume you mean that the “Emperor Faction” was trying to conquer the world and establish an Emperor-centered NWO).
When an esoteric force begins to work on you, you may not even be aware of it. On the surface, you may succeed, but you are not aware that someone else is actually succeeding.
The awareness that you are the one who has succeeded will strengthen your ego. Eventually, there comes a moment when your ego becomes so strong that you stop listening to any power. This is not unusual.
Esoteric groups, as I have told you before, by their very nature function as continuations. So they are always in a place where they can help when the need arises. Moreover, they can help in many different ways.
It is no coincidence that Japan and Germany have become close. It is because of what this group has done. This is a hidden fact.
The esoteric group that worked behind Hitler’s back was a Buddhist group of Tibetan (Himalayan) origin. That is why they were able to inspire Japan, a Buddhist country, to side with Hitler.
(Note: There may be some connection between the Emperor’s group and Tibet. It is a matter to be clarified).
During Hitler’s victory the whole Orient was in high spirits. The whole Orient was inwardly with Hitler. Because the group working behind his back was the Oriental group.
Nothing happens by chance. There is a chain of cause and effect behind everything.
—————- (reprinted up to here)
Now you can see a little bit of the background behind the defeat of the “Emperor’s Faction” in World War II. Hitler’s departure from the “Emperor’s Faction” is what caused Germany to lose.
And Japan suffered the same fate. I will talk about this in detail next time.
By the way, there is a rumor about Hitler.
—————- (Reprinted below from Hapism)
(*)The link has expired.
He (Hitler) had a deep interest in astrology and magic, as well as channeling. Nazi Germany formed a channeling group and communicated telepathically with “Orion” and “Sirius” extraterrestrials.
And when they received information about advanced science and technology from the aliens, they developed and built V2 rockets, intercontinental ballistic missiles, etc. The reason why only Germany developed and modernized its military during World War II was because it received advanced knowledge from the aliens.
—————- (reprinted to here)
Of course, the aliens here are “spiritual beings”, i.e. demons. At least that is my interpretation. Of course, I think the author of this article really believes that they are aliens.
So, Hitler communicated with “Orion” and “Sirius” aliens.
Orion” and “Sirius” are the very stars that the “Emperor Faction” worships. For more information, see the following links.
The spiritual power struggle between the Tokugawa family and the Emperor family. About the boundary of the Big Dipper and the Taiji diagram that breaks it down. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-big-dipper-as-believed-by-the-tokugawa-family-and-orion-as-believed-by-the-emperors/
This alone shows that Hitler was a member of the “Emperor Faction.
Also, the flag of Nazi Germany is bright red, as shown below. Speaking of “red,” that’s Rothschild. (If you don’t understand this, please click here.) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18457

So here is the symbol of the German Reich (a.k.a. the Second Reich. That is, Nazi Germany) symbol is here.

It is truly a perfect “Yatagarasu”. And since both Rothschild and Yatagarasu are “Emperor Faction”, this alone shows that Nazi Germany is an “Emperor Faction”.
I will continue this story in the next issue.