(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 26 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
It was in late October last year, 2014, that I became aware of the Emperor’s conspiracy and began blogging about it on a daily basis.
And less than a month later, I had a hunch that this country would eventually suffer the same fate as Nazi Germany, and I wrote an article about it.
The article is linked below.
The transfer of the capital to Kansai will begin with the accession of the next emperor. They will probably intend to establish a “God’s Nation” centered on the emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17196
I wrote this article on November 14 of last year.
Three months have passed since then.
Is it just my imagination? Now, according to my intuition, I hear voices praising Japan and the Emperor from all over the world.
In these three months, Japan has certainly become more and more nazified.
Since then, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has continued on the same path of military expansion.
Now he is even using the Islamic State as a pretext for war.
Unbeknownst to us, he has even changed the organizational structure of the Ministry of Defense to make it easier to wage war.
Tokyo Shimbun: Bill to Abolish “Civilian Control”: Uniformed Personnel on an Equal Footing (TOKYO Web)
In addition, the dissolution of the Diet at the end of last year led to a cabinet reshuffle in which 16 members of the far-right “Nippon Kaigi” organization were selected as cabinet ministers.
At the same time, video after video praising the “emperor” was uploaded to the Internet.
Nowadays, when you open the top screen of YOUTUBE, the following videos are displayed one after another with the words “Recommended for you.
(*)The link has expired.
This video praises the emperor to the skies.
However, there is not one word of explanation as to why the “Emperor” has a higher status than anyone else in the world.
Why is he the “greatest” in the world just because he is called “Emperor”?
Who gave him this authority?
Is it God? Or is it the devil?
If it is really the devil, I thought it would be a terrible story, so I did some research.
After doing so, I have come to the conclusion that it really is the devil.
What is even worse is the following video.
It is the well-known right-wing extremist video “Kazuya Channel”.
(*)The link has expired.
If you kick the feet of anyone who respects the “Emperor” in this way, even a little, you will be called names in this “Kazuya Channel”.
We will be called “crazy.
In this way, they are trying to implicitly plant the obsession in our heads that if we do not respect the Emperor, we will be called a bad person, if we do not respect the Emperor, we will be made fun of, and if we do not respect the Emperor, we will be called crazy.
This is exactly the same as the Internet agents who often visit my blog. I am really surprised at how similar their tone is.
In short, both the Internet agents who visit my blog and those who created the “Kazuya Channel” come from the same source.
The mastermind is probably Dentsu or Hakuhodo.
(For more information, see the following link.)
Several ways to hunt down and destroy the agents of the underworld. We should also learn something about the devil’s principle of action. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-ways-to-track-down-and-destroy-underworld-agents/
The evidence is this “Kazuya” person.
He speaks in a very refined way. He really is a professional actor.
He never bites, never stumbles, and never repeats anything he says.
In other words, he has a well-written script prepared in advance, and he reads from it.
This means that “Kazuya”, an ordinary person, does not speak his own words.
He is just saying what someone told him to say.
Also, this “Kazuya Channel.
It is getting weirder and weirder as the days go by.
Maybe spiritually sensitive people like me can’t really watch this video all the way through.
I myself cannot watch it to the end because it makes me feel sick.
To be honest, what this video says that “the emperor and his people have lived in unity of mind since ancient times” is also an outright lie.
The “emperor” was just sitting on his laurels of power.
There is no historical fact that he was united in heart with his people at all.
Especially during the Warring States period, the “emperor” really did nothing.
He just wore the title “Emperor” and lived and breathed in this world.
Of course, behind his back, he might have been worshipping the devil and eating the flesh of his children. ……
Furthermore, from what I have researched, the Showa Emperor made the people worship him as a god and obligated the people to go to war in his name.
He was also a war profiteer himself.
Why the Showa Emperor became a war madman Takashi Nakagawa http://www.asyura2.com/09/reki02/msg/321.html
Moreover, when he lost the war, he hid all his property in various places around the world so that the U.S. GHQ would not confiscate it.
This is proof that he was truly united with the people. We, the people, want the emperor to be a rich man forever. I want to say something ironic.
As a result of this propaganda, which is being spread everywhere, Japan is now in the following disastrous condition.
—————- (The following is reprinted from Yahoo News)
<”Japan-praising books are gaining more momentum than hating Korea or hating China? Exploring the reasons for the boom
■ A stabilizer for future fears? Spreading in the wake of the earthquake disaster
I picked up the title of the book in a bookstore. I picked up some titles in a bookstore: “The German Ambassador Was Convinced Why Japan Is Loved All Over the World,” “Japan Is Amazing After All,” “From the British Point of View, Japan Is the Country Closest to Paradise,” and “My Conclusion After Living in England, Japan, France, and the U.S.: Japan is the easiest country to live in. That’s why the world respects Japan. All of these were published last year.
If you think about it, even on TV, “Tokoro-san’s Nippon no Deban” and “The World’s Surprised Nippon! Amazing Japan!”
One of the “sparklers” of the boom was “Why Japan is the most popular country in the world” (Tsuneyasu Takeda, PHP Shinsho), published in December 2010, which sold 470,000 copies.
Takeya Fujioka, the editor in charge of the book, said, “At that time, there were very few books that openly praised their own country. Readers were eagerly awaiting a message that they could praise their own country,” he analyzes.
Three months after its release, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. The Japanese people’s orderly and cooperative attitude toward each other drew praise from around the world.
The number of copies of the book has increased dramatically as more and more people say, “Japan is wonderful,”” he said.
The slogan on the cover of the third book in the series, “When Did Japanese People Become Likers of Japan?
<We could finally honestly say, “My country is the best. >
Indeed, in NHK’s 13th annual survey of Japanese attitudes, 68% and 54% of respondents said that “the Japanese people have excellent qualities” and “Japan is a first-rate country,” respectively, a U-shaped recovery from the lows of 51% and 36% in 2003 to the highs of 1983. Is this boom due to an increase in the number of people who like Japan?
On the other hand, the novel book titles “Living in Germany: Japan Wins 8-2” and “Living in Europe: Japan Wins 9-1” (written by Maemi Kawaguchi, Kodansha + Alpha Shinsho) have attracted a lot of attention. The former has sold 160,000 copies and the latter 140,000. Although the title of the book is a glorification of Japan, the content of the book is not a glorification of Japan. The book also contains bitter criticism of Japan, especially in the field of education, and the impression one gets after reading it is “6-4” at best.
Takashi Mabuchi, the editor in charge of the book, reveals, “Books that make people proud of Japan sell well, so after consulting with the author, I wanted to slightly exaggerate the score to ‘7 wins and 3 losses,’ but since the score was bad, I decided to make it ‘8 wins and 2 losses. Until the mid-1900s, books by Japanese women married to Westerners pointing out the pitiful aspects of Japan sold well, but the tide turned in 2007 when Durand Reiko’s “Japan Has Never Been a Colony” sold over 200,000 copies. The earthquake added to the trend.
Last year, many books that bashed South Korea and China, such as “Bo-Kan Ron” (The Theory of Korea and China), became bestsellers and attracted attention as part of the “anti-Korean and anti-Chinese book boom. Readers are getting tired of them,” Mabuchi said, and this time the “boom of books praising Japan” has gained momentum. Some people have criticized it on the Internet, saying that it is “inextricably linked to the hate book boom” and that it is “like ‘patriotic pornography.
But Mr. Mabuchi is skeptical about the idea that ‘books that praise Japan are the flip side of books that hate Korea and China’.
“If it is only read by people motivated by patriotism, it will only sell a few tens of thousands of copies, not 160,000. It is true that the first book initially sold well among Sankei Shimbun readers and men in their 50s and 60s who read anti-Korean and anti-Chinese books. But the readership has expanded, and the second book is also well read by women.”
Does this mean that there is another reason for attracting so many readers?
There have been times in the past when books praising Japan and the Japanese have sold well. Takeo Funabiki, professor emeritus of cultural anthropology at the University of Tokyo and author of “The Japanese Theory Reconsidered,” points out that there has always been “anxiety” behind the boom in such books. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japanese theories have been popular at times when the Japanese people were anxious about their identity, both in times of national hardship and in times of economic boom, and have served as a ‘stabilizing agent’ to alleviate their anxiety.”
According to Mr. Funabiki, the first phase of the Japanese-Japanese theory boom was during the period of the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, when Japan became a wealthy nation with a strong military, and included works such as “Bushido” (by Inazo Nitobe) and “Representative Japanese” (by Kanzo Uchimura). This was an outward-looking period that attempted to positively evaluate Japan in comparison to advanced Western countries. The second period was from the Great Depression of 1929 to about the beginning of the war. This was an introverted period that sought value in Japanese traditions based on the premise that “Japan is non-Western”, such as Shuzo Kuki’s “The Structure of ‘Iki'”.
■ Publishers “self-imposed restrictions” as well.
The third period covers the half-century from the end of the war to economic recovery. From ‘Kiku to Katana’ to ‘Japan as Number One,’ Japanese people have long read Japanese theories against a backdrop of anxiety about whether the Japanese people are doing the right thing,” says Funabiki.
“This time it is similar to the second period. The second phase was about the West, but now it is about China and South Korea. Japanese people, who are worried about the future because of population decline and other factors, do not see anything bright in the future, so they seek value and comfort in old traditions and the reputation of Westerners, and try to protect their own identity. “
He analyzes this as “the Japanese are trying to protect their identity, and by extension, their own identity.
On the other hand, this boom seems to have cast a shadow over the publishing scene.
An editor at a medium-sized publishing house said,
“There is a mood of restraint, not only in terms of sales, but also ideologically. Criticism of Shinzo Abe’s government and plans for books favorable to China and South Korea are not accepted for fear of being labeled “anti-Japanese” publications. The self-imposed restrictions are slowly spreading. “
Takase Yukimichi, former president of Ota Publishing, a leading subculture publisher, now edits the bi-monthly magazine “Shakai Undo” at the Citizen’s Sector Policy Organization, a think tank affiliated with the Seikatsu Club movement: “Critical intelligence was the backbone of publishing culture until around 1990. But now readers don’t like discourse that is critical of their own country. Editors, like advertising agencies, analyze data and try to change their products to get the best-selling books. As a result, books with positive discourse abound, and both editors and readers are drowning in them.
The Japan Appreciation books.
Mr. Takase sees them as “a variant of self-help books, a practical tool for self-affirmation in an age of anxiety. “
“Books were originally meant to force us to reflect on our inner selves,” he says.
Mr. Funabiki said.
A moderate amount of boasting about one’s country is desirable, but if you go so far as to look down on other countries, such as saying that they are ‘full of good things’ or ‘the best in the world,’ they will become exclusive and their society will deteriorate. It will strangle your own country.
It would be ridiculous if we dragged our country down by praising Japan too much.
—————-(reprinted to here)
There have been several booms in Japan’s stock market in the past, and the people behind those booms have always been the people’s fears.
But it is the same people who caused that unrest and the current unrest.
It’s the same Dentsu and Hakuhodo. Don’t hide that part.
And the person who started the current boom is, as usual, Tsuneyasu Takeda. He is a monk who is allowed to give lectures for the extreme right-wing organization “Nippon Kaigi” (see the following link for details).
The agents of the Japanese underworld have only one goal. The only way is the revival of National Shinto. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23528

< Tsuneyasu Takeda >
So, the underworld has placed many people here and there to create a boom.
It’s a hit-or-miss strategy.
If they spread out a lot of people like this, one of them will eventually become a hit.
And when most of the public sees people from different places saying exactly the same thing, they assume that this must be the current boom.
And then, not wanting to miss out on the boom, they see and hear one underworld propaganda after another, and use it as a talking point at work or school.
Especially in Japan, the nail that sticks out gets hammered.
If you say something different from others, as I do, you will always get slapped by someone.
Most people don’t like it and are afraid of it, so they tend to go along with the people around them.
They do not express their true feelings.
As a result, Japan today is really going the same way as Nazi Germany. The only difference is that the object of worship has changed from “Hitler” to “Emperor.
The clever thing about the “Emperor” is that he lets Shinzo Abe create policy after policy that suits him.
And he wants the people’s anger to be directed at Abe alone.
This makes him completely different from Hitler.
As a result, Japan is now in the following situation.

How is this different?

So, it is “Tsuneyasu Takeda” who started this boom of praise for Japan.
His father is called “Tsunekazu Takeda”.
He was selected twice to represent Japan in the equestrian events at the Olympic Games.
Now he is the president of the Japanese Olympic Committee.
Tsunekazu Takeda’s father is Tsuneyoshi Takeda, a member of the imperial family known as “King Tsuneyoshi of Takeda Palace”.
For more information, please see the genealogy at the following link.
Takeda family, Kitashirakawa family, in the modern era through genealogy https://episode.kingendaikeizu.net/25.htm
The Olympics is an international festival hosted by the “Emperor”.
In other words, the Imperial Family works together to make the Olympics a great success.
And they try to restore the power of the Emperor.
It seems that the Takeda family was forced to withdraw from the Imperial Family Register by the occupation policy of the GHQ.
In the end, however, this is only a superficial story.
As usual, they are working together with the entire Imperial Family to restore the Emperor’s power, and at the same time they are trying to make a profit from the Olympics.
(For more details, please click here.)
This is why people like Tsuneyasu Takeda suddenly appear in the media one after another and become the talk of the town.
Also, if you look closely at the genealogy chart above, you will see the name “Li Fangzi” on the far right.
This is the mother of Sakie Yokota, a family member of one of the abductees.
In fact, they look very much alike.

(Left: Ms. Fangzi Lee, Right: Ms. Sakie Yokota)
However, Ms. Sakie Yokota continues to deny it, saying that she is not a member of the Imperial Family and has nothing to do with the Emperor.
No, no, no, she is a member of the Imperial Family, no matter how you look at it.
Moreover, there is a rumor that Ms. Megumi Yokota married Mr. Kim Jong-il after being abducted by North Korea, and it is suspected that the child born to them is Kim Jong-un.
For more information, please see the following link.
North Korean leader “Kim Jong-un” is a descendant of the Japanese imperial family. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17555
In this way, the royal family continues to risk their lives for the restoration of the emperor’s power, while cutting the white line that they are not members of the royal family.
If the head of North Korea is a relative of theirs, it is as if they have taken over the country itself.
Tsuneyasu Takeda desperately says, “Don’t bite the Olympic medals,” or “It’s impossible to fail to qualify for the Olympics and then goof off and talk about how ‘fun’ it was.
He really believes that “the Olympics are a sacred event held by the emperor. It would be disrespectful to participate in such an event with half a sense of fun. “
Of course, “Don’t bite the medals” is also an attempt to tell people not to disrespect the rewards given to them by the emperor.
Recently, Keisuke Kuwata was severely criticized by the media for imitating the Emperor’s words at the Purple Ribbon Medal award ceremony in a live performance, and for miming to take the Purple Ribbon Medal out of his pocket and put it up for auction.
The root of it is exactly the same.
In other words, they want to say, “Respect the emperor more”.
Does this mean that most of the media people who want to bite the medals are “papists”?
Were they implicitly encouraging the Olympic athletes to insult the emperor in this way?
In any case, the imposition of “emperor worship” must stop.
The following article will quickly show you how dangerous it is.
Revival of “National Shinto” as envisioned by the Nippon Kaigi. The Abe administration aims to create a nation capable of waging war for the sake of the emperor. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-nippon-kaigi-plans-to-revive-state-shinto/
If possible, we hope that many people in Japan will not be seduced by such underworld propaganda, but will instead live their lives with their eyes fixed solely on the truth.
It’s just a muddy, scary world beyond the propaganda of the underworld.