English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

About the mysterious Anonymous group.


Or the fastest and greatest way to destroy the Illuminati.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 25 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


It seems that the mysterious group Anonymous has revealed something about Satanism that has caused quite a stir around the world.

It is somewhat lengthy, but “Trends in Japan, the World, and the Universe” has translated it into Japanese, and we reproduce the full text from here.



Veterans Today has received important information from Anonymous that has shaken the world.

For the first time in history, Anonymous has given Veterans Today personal information about a Satanist cult in the United Kingdom that has engaged in child prostitution, sexual abuse, torture, and the sacrifice of infants and children.

The named Satanists sometimes murdered infants and children before cooking and eating the bodies.

Veterans Today immediately posted the personal information obtained from Anonymous on their website (which is read by 50 million people each month).

The information is now posted on their website.

Click here for more information: (*)The link has expired.

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today will be on Veterans Today Radio on Monday to talk about this.

They give out all kinds of confidential information.

Veterans Today is the only one that will stand up against the corruption in the United States.

In addition, Steve Webb has informed me that Anonymous will soon be releasing personal information about a U.S. Congressman who is a Satanist cultist.

As a result, some members of Congress may suddenly be forced to resign from Congress.

It is a very good thing that Veterans Today and Anonymous are working together to release the personal information of Satanic cultists.

If there are sites on the Internet that do not want to deal with Veterans Today or Anonymous information, they are treasonous sites and should not be dealt with.



(Here are just a few of the revelations from Veterans Today)

<Personal information leaked by Anonymous about satanic cults and others in the U.K.>.

Satanic cults and infanticide in Hampstead, London.

Message from Anonymous.

Dear people of the world, we are Anonymous.

We are releasing the world’s biggest information that is not being reported by any of the world’s major media.

The British media is reporting this as a pedophile sex scandal.

However, this is not a case that can be dismissed as a sex scandal.

The children’s bodies were found mutilated in half.

Their sex scandals also include torture to intimidate their Northern Ireland colleagues in Congress.

In England alone, 200 boys were reported missing between 1977 and 1983.

Behind this is a huge criminal organization involving the British media, politicians and intelligence officers that the British police cannot touch.

They also have a huge criminal network and commit these crimes all over the world.

I would like to tell the people of England. You are being fed by the British ruling class.

They are not the people you know. In England, as in Gabon, Africa, there are politicians who torture, murder and mutilate their own children.

Unlike in Gabon, the British media play only information transmitted by pedophiles (with the intention of being understanding to those who love children).

They only talk about sexual activities with children. Those who control the world also control your ability to think.

This is not just a sexual act. They feed off the suffering of others. They wage war and destruction. They torture and murder children as part of their recreation. They do not love children.

They are the ones who feed on death. It is not only the British ruling class that repeats these crimes. It is happening all over the world. There is a worldwide network of those who feed on death. Human trafficking is the biggest criminal business.


Resistance is existence.

We are Anonymous.

We are everywhere.

We are the Legion.

We are those whose homes you have taken.

We are your murderers.

We will no longer be silent.

The world will change. We will change the world. The oppressors of the world.

Wait and see.

・・・・ Satanic cultists have sexually abused, sacrificed, massacred and drunk the raw blood of large numbers of children in Satanic rituals.

This took place mainly at the Christ Church School in Hampstead, London (address: 100028. Christ Church Hill London NW3 1JH, telephone: 020 7435 1361).

In addition, similar crimes have been committed at the following schools Highgate School, Heathside School, Fitzjohn Primary School, Pelotio School, New End School, Northbridge School, Devonshire House School and others.

Staff, parents, priests and others at these schools had sexual intercourse with the children and sexually abused the girls by inserting large plastic penises into their buttocks. The adults also forced the children to perform oral sex on them.

Infants are regularly sacrificed for satanic rituals, and infants are abused and tortured by being caught in a mousetrap or dropped on the floor (bleeding) and then killed. In addition, after injecting the infant with sleeping pills, the infant’s throat is cut and the raw blood flowing from the cut is drunk.

The infant’s body is then roasted in an oven or fried in oil and eaten. The cooked infant flesh is then eaten by the leader of the Satanic sect (Mr. Diamant), teachers, 20 specially selected children and the children’s guardians.

Infant sexual abuse and sacrifice rituals take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (important sex days) and Thursdays.

One child is sexually abused by at least 60 to 70 people. The perpetrators of the sexual abuse include 20 specially selected children. The children are indoctrinated to sexually abuse each other.

Parents say this explains why their children were sick every Wednesday and did not want to go to school.

 —————- (reprinted here)

This article has been seen by 50 million people around the world.

So I think it has a lot of power to spread.

However, the Japanese media will probably completely ignore such an article.

And most of the Japanese people will not believe such a story.

First of all, it is doubtful that “Anonymous” itself is a “good” organization.

After all, I have a hunch that they are either a “Emperor Faction” or a “Papal Faction”.

Just today, someone commented on why there is no conflict between the “Papists” and the “Emperors” in England, even though there is a mixture of both in England.

So, this time this conflict has come out in this way.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened many times in England, but not so much in Japan.

In fact, a few months ago, there was an incident where a number of Satanist elites were arrested at once.

1400 children were sexually abused in Rotherham, central England. It may still be better than the U.S., just that this fact is being exposed.  https://rapt-neo.com/?p=15042

The revelation of Queen Elizabeth’s Satanism is also seen as part of the conflict between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction.

Then I decided to investigate whether this “Anonymous” is really a member of the “Imperialists” or the “Popes”.

First of all, I am interested in the mask that “Anonymous” is wearing.

This mask is the mask worn by the main character in the Hollywood movie “V for Vendetta” released in 2006.

In this movie, there is a main character named “V,” and “V” is a person named “Guy Fawkes,” who actually existed in England from the 16th to 17th centuries.

At the time he lived, the reigning king of England was Henry VIII, who was at odds with Roman Catholicism (i.e., the Vatican) and founded the “Church of England”. (Supposedly, he was at odds with the Vatican over a divorce issue, but what is the truth?)

The Church of England was violently suppressing Catholics (i.e., Vatican supporters), and “Guy Fawkes,” enraged by this, planned to bomb the King and the Parliament.

However, someone tipped off the king.

The plan was foiled.

This foiled the plan. Guy Fawkes and his gang were all arrested.

Guy Fawkes – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AC%E3%82%A4%E3%83%BB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9

The fact that the “Church of England” broke with the Vatican suggests that the “Church of England” may have been an “imperial faction” after all.

As I have mentioned many times in the past, the Vatican is a mixture of both the “Papacy” and the “Church of England”.

 However, this “Church of England” continued until the reign of Elizabeth I, and it has already been researched that Elizabeth I was a “papist”.

This is because Elizabeth I supported “Tokugawa Ieyasu” with a large amount of weapons and led him to victory in the Battle of Sekigahara.

This “Tokugawa Ieyasu” is a clear “Papist”.

For more information, please see the following link.

The spiritual power struggle between the Tokugawa family and the Emperor. About the boundary of the Big Dipper and the Taiji diagram that divides it. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-big-dipper-as-believed-by-the-tokugawa-family-and-orion-as-believed-by-the-emperors/

So, we can think that the “Church of England” was also “Papalist.

What we need to pay attention to here is why the “Church of England” ended in the reign of Elizabeth I.

It is possible that the “Church of England” was “papist” and Elizabeth I, who was “papist,” ended the “Church of England” because the “Church of England” was “papist.

So, in fact, the movie “V for Vendetta” was made by “Warner Brothers”, which is a Rockefeller-affiliated (papist) movie company.

If this is the case, the possibility that “Guy Fawkes” was a “papist” suddenly becomes high.

Also, many of the targets of “Anonymous” attacks are more “pro-emperor” countries and organizations.

For example, “Japan (Kasumigaseki)”, “North Korea (Kim Jong-un is related to the Emperor)”, “Mossad (good friends with both the Emperor and Abe)”, “Islamic State (originally pro-Emperor)”, “Turkey (pro-Japan)”, “PayPal (in partnership with Yahoo! Sun Mei of Yahoo! is probably pro-Emperor),” “NATO (originally pro-Emperor, but traitors like Canada keep coming),” “China (pro-United States, but traitors like Canada keep coming),” and “Japan (pro-Japan). (some of them are now in the same boat),” “China (the Emperor’s BRICS),” and so on. ……


Even more problematic is the “Anonymous” icon.

He is “faceless. Faceless reminds me of that person in Spirited Away.

And this “faceless” kind of looks like the following “Anonymous” symbol: ……. Is it my imagination?

So, in this movie “Spirited Away”, there is a scene where this “faceless” is implied to be the devil (Satan).

I borrowed the image above from “The Mystery of Spirited Away (5)”. (*)The link has expired.

This scene is said to pass in an instant, so only those who have seen it many times would notice it.

By the way, I have not seen “Spirited Away”.

I tried to watch it once and fell asleep immediately.

Apparently, Ghibli does not suit my skin.

So maybe this mysterious world where “Faceless” exists is the world of the “Papalists” as seen from the “Emperor’s School”, or in other words, “Yomotsukuni”.

That is how I see it from reading the synopsis of this movie. (If you don’t know what Yomotsukuni is, click here.)

Therefore, I still think that this “Anonymous” who resembles “Faceless” is a monster (a ghost) of “Yomotsukuni” and is a force of the “Papists”.

Perhaps in the “Papalist” world, this “Anonymous” mask may have some meaning.

In addition, the blogger of this “Mystery of Spirited Away” also seems to be quite knowledgeable about the Bible and Shinto.

He has made various revelations about “Spirited Away” from the viewpoint of the Bible and Shintoism.

This site makes it clear that the Ghibli movie was made by Satanists.

I have told you many times that Ghibli is the devil of the “Emperor School”.

This site has proven it almost completely.

So, in a way, my opinion at this stage is that “Anonymous” is “papist”.

However, if I say this, someone might ask me why “Anonymous” does not target “Emperor” from the beginning.

If I were to answer this question, it would be because the Illuminati itself would not be able to survive if the “Emperor”, who is the head of the Illuminati, is completely destroyed.

After all, the “Emperor” is the only one who has the “Book of Depths” to summon Lucifer.

And unless the “papists” take away this “Book of Depths”, they cannot summon “Lucifer” either.

So, you cannot really be at the top of the Illuminati.

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please see the following links.)

Proof that the Rothschilds, Jesuits, and Emperors are pro-summoning demons. https://nozomi-creation.com/proof-that-rothschild-the-jesuits-and-the-emperor-are-professional-demon-summoners/

No matter how much you kill the “Emperor”, no matter how much you push down the status of the “Emperor”, unless you can summon “Lucifer”, unless you have “Lucifer” on your side, you cannot say you are at the top of the Illuminati.

At least such an unwritten rule must be established in the Satanist world.

That is why I believe that when the “Papists” won the Second World War, the “Papists” could not kill the Emperor.

If they killed the “Emperor”, they would not even know where the “Book of Secrets” was to summon Lucifer.

And if they tortured the “emperor,” they would never know what Lucifer would do to them. At the very least, the “Emperor” would put Lucifer’s curse on them.

Nothing is more terrifying to Satanists than this.

Therefore, the “papists” can never lay a hand on the “emperor.

Of course, it would be against the law to reveal to the world that the “Emperor” is a devil worshipper.

If someone were to confiscate the “Book of Secrets” that the “Emperor” possesses, not only the “Emperor Faction” but also the “Faith Faction” would suffer a serious blow.

It would be as if the connection between the devil and human beings had been severed.

Therefore, it is believed that the emperor was able to continue his position as emperor without being attacked or killed by anyone.

So I have a crazy story to tell you at the end of this day.

Perhaps the fastest and greatest way to destroy the “Illuminati” is to take away the “Book of Secrets” that summons Lucifer from them.

This is truly the deepest of the deep.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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