English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Both Shinzo Abe and Nobusuke Kishi were not being used by the US, but were actually spies for the Emperor sent to the US.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 24 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Until now, we have been led to believe that Shinzo Abe’s push to amend the constitution and expand Japan’s military was due to US pressure.

Many well-known conspiracy theorists have been saying this for a long time and beating up on Abe.

Recently, the mainstream media have also been talking about it.

However, if you actually unravel the world’s schema, it is actually Japanese companies such as ‘Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ that benefit from Japan’s military build-up, not American companies.

Moreover, Shinzo Abe’s brother is an executive officer of ‘Mitsubishi’.

The Abe family also benefits from Mitsubishi’s profits. Shinzo Abe’s brother is a “merchant of death” and Shinzo Abe is his salesman. Japan is steadily moving toward the path of militarism. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18691

Moreover, the “Iwasaki family” that runs “Mitsubishi” has a fourfold kinship with the imperial family.

Therefore, when Mitsubishi makes a profit, the imperial family is also enriched.

The strong ties between the emperor and the World Cup. When the World Cup is boosted, the devil is satisfied with the system. https://nozomi-creation.com/strong-ties-between-the-emperor-and-the-world-cup/

In this way, we cannot help but think that Shinzo Abe has pushed so hard for the expansion of Japan’s military not for the sake of the U.S., but for the sake of Japan and the Emperor.

Moreover, the U.S. is a “papist” country, and it should be a threat to the “emperor’s” Japan to have great military power.

That is why, when the U.S. won World War II, it imposed the Peace Constitution on Japan and prohibited Japan from expanding its military.

So how is it possible that Abe’s push for Japan’s military buildup is due to U.S. pressure?

Rather, we should think of it as Japan pressuring the US.

In fact, Japan lends a lot of money to the US.

Famous conspiracy theorists say that Japan was forced to take the money from the US.

But in the normal course of events, the lender should be in a stronger position than the borrower.

Japan is the world’s biggest money lender. The Japanese government and the Bank of Japan are secretly making a rags-to-riches profit from the continued devaluation of the yen. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16760

Abe certainly has deep ties to the Unification Church (which is unmistakably a puppet of the Rockefellers in the U.S.).

He is also a member of the International Victory Coalition, a political organization created by the Unification Church.

As evidence of this, Abe even appeared on the cover of the International Victory Coalition’s magazine, as shown below.

So, it is natural to think of Abe as a Rockefeller stooge.

In a way, it is a very plausible story.

However, it should not be possible that a Japanese Prime Minister is an agent of the Rockefellers in the USA.

If it were true, such information must be kept absolutely secret from the public.

 But why is such important top-secret information circulating on the Internet as a matter of course?

Why did Abe so brazenly allow his picture to appear on the cover of the “International Victory Coalition”?

And why doesn’t the Japanese government properly censor this kind of information?

Abe was so desperate that he smashed the Asahi Shimbun when it made a slight criticism of the Abe government. ……

In short, all this information circulating on the Internet was also a distraction.

Abe is not a US lapdog.

He pretends to be the lapdog of the US, but in fact he is an agent working for the emperor.

In fact, his Abenomics policy was not for the benefit of the US but for the benefit of the emperor.

The underworld’s plan to take over Japan is already complete. It will establish a world government centered on the emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16982


First of all, Abe has always been “right-wing” in everything he does.

Generally speaking, “right-wing” and “left-wing” are defined as follows.

Abe is a “right-winger” in every way.

Right Wing ………… “Conservative,” “Strengthen the Self-Defense Forces,” “Maintain the Japan-U.S. security treaty,” “Maintain the emperor system,” “Support constitutional revision.

Left wing: ………… “Innovative,” “Abolish the Self-Defense Forces,” “Abolish the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty,” “Abolish the Emperor System,” and “Oppose Constitutional Revision.

Except for “maintain the emperor system,” Abe has thoroughly implemented everything else, hasn’t he?

Abe has not said much about the “Emperor System” so far.

Therefore, we, the general public, have never thought of Abe as “right-wing,” even though we consider him to be “right-wing.

In fact, however, Abe is a member of “Jinja Honcho”, which is a right-wing organization, and is even the chairman of the advisory board of this organization (see the following link for details).

The evidence suggests that Shinzo Abe and Ichiro Ozawa are two of the most important figures in the Emperor Faction. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-indications-that-shinzo-abe-and-ichiro-ozawa-are-the-main-figures-of-the-emperors-faction/

Abe also serves as vice president of the Japan Council, another staunch right-wing organization. In other words, Abe is, for all intents and purposes, a right-winger and a stooge for the Emperor.

The agents of the Japanese underworld have only one goal in mind. The only path that these agents of the Japanese underworld are pursuing is the revival of the State Shinto religion. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23528

In this way, we can only assume that Shinzo Abe’s claim to have been a lapdog of the U.S. was a lie.

And when I came to know these facts, I had to suspect that Shinzo Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was actually not an agent of the U.S. CIA, etc., but an agent of the Emperor.

Indeed, the following photo has appeared on the Internet, showing Unifications’ guru Moon Myung Moon and Kishi Shinsuke shaking hands in good humor.

Certainly, we must assume that Nobusuke Kishi was connected and close to the Rockefellers.

That may be a certain fact.

However, this Nobusuke Kishi did exactly the same thing as Shinzo Abe more than half a century ago.

He revised the “Security Treaty”, a military treaty with the U.S., and concluded a new “New Security Treaty”.

This “New Security Treaty” is nothing but the expansion of Japan’s military.

—————- (The following is reprinted from “Yahoo Chiebukuro”)

Former Security Treaty

Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America

New Security Treaty

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America

The old security treaty was a “treaty allowing the United States of America to protect Japan.

The old security treaty allowed U.S. forces to be stationed in Japan,

The stationing of non-U.S. forces in Japan required U.S. approval,

The new security treaty allows the U.S. military to intervene in the defense of Japan as well as the “maintenance of public order.

The new security treaty is a “mutual treaty” that has been upgraded to a treaty of equals.

The new security treaty is a “mutual treaty” that allows the U.S. military to be stationed in Japan as the U.S. Forces in Japan, rather than as a stationed military force,

The new security treaty was a coordinated effort to promote equality, with the understanding that defense issues would be handled through “mutual consultation.

The new treaty was based on the principle of mutual consultation to deal with any defense problems.

In addition, laws were to be established for the U.S. military presence in Japan,

In addition, a proper Status of Forces Agreement was to be exchanged to establish the law in accordance with the U.S. military presence in Japan.


Some people read on the Internet that Nobusuke Kishi agreed to the U.S. request and decided to increase Japan’s military power.

However, as this article also states, Nobusuke Kishi made the position of Japan and the U.S. equal through this treaty.

It is not the U.S. that benefits from this.

Japan benefits from it.

In other words, Nobusuke Kishi was not a lapdog of the U.S., but a pawn of the Emperor.

To go even further, he was spying for the US while pretending to be a CIA agent.

This makes everything more consistent.

For the Emperor, the Prime Minister of Japan is also his subordinate.

There is no way he would allow his minions to do whatever they want.

If he had done so, he would have mobilized the entire “right wing” to scandalize Nobusuke Kishi and remove him from his position as prime minister.

But the Emperor did not do this.

Rather, he allowed Kishi Nobusuke to do as he pleased.

Why did he do that? Probably because Kishi Nobusuke was not really doing what he wanted.

He only did what the emperor told him to do.

First of all, Nobusuke Kishi was a man who worshipped the Emperor so much that he was designated a Class A war criminal by the U.S. and led the war against the U.S. by shouting, “The devil, Britain and America!

Would such a right-winger suddenly betray the emperor and support the U.S. just because the war was lost?

And upon closer examination, it turns out that Eisenhower, who signed the “New Security Treaty” with Nobusuke Kishi, was also an outspoken “Emperor Faction” figure.

 —————- (Reprinted below from Wikipedia)

The presidential era was the height of the Cold War between the Eastern powers, led by the Soviet Union, and the capitalist camp, represented by the United States.

Vice President Nixon and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles led the fight against communism (e.g. the Vietnam War).

However, despite the radical anti-communist agitation of the Republican Party, they pursued a policy of peaceful coexistence and a middle course, following the policy of containment advocated by George Kennan.

 —————- (reprinted here)

The “Communists” are the “Emperor’s Faction”.

Eisenhower tried to get along with this “communist” Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries.

Also, Wikipedia says this. (in the “Other” section at the bottom)

He advised President Truman on July 20, 1945 that Japan’s defeat in World War II was decisive and that the use of the atomic bomb was unnecessary, and he strongly opposed the use of the atomic bomb.

In World War II, the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because there was a “Jesuit” (Emperor’s School) base in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, right?

This is what I wrote about in my article the other day.

The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor Faction”. Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/

And since Eisenhower was strongly opposed to these atomic bombings, it means that Eisenhower was an “Emperor Faction” from every point of view.

Therefore, Eisenhower must have agreed to the demands of the “Emperor Faction” and decided to equalize the military power of the U.S. and Japan. It makes more sense to think that way.

Nobusuke Kishi, on the other hand, also tried to protect himself by gathering “right-wing” groups when the “Security Treaty Struggle” broke out.

 —————- (The following is taken from Wikipedia)

Nobusuke Kishi decided that the police and right-wing support groups alone were not enough to contain the demonstrators, so he turned to Honorio Kodama.

He then sent Tomisaburo Hashimoto, chairman of the “Aiku Welcome Executive Committee” within the Liberal Democratic Party, as an emissary to a meeting of gang officials.

Matsuba-kai leader Uichiro Fujita, Kinsei-kai leader Kakuji Inagawa, Sumiyoshi-kai leader Yoshimitsu Kakue, and Shinjuku Market leader and Kanto Ozu gang leader Kinosuke Ozu all agreed to help suppress the demonstrators.

He also asked the following three right-wing allied organizations to join the action force: the All Japan Patriots’ Organization Conference, which was composed of right-wingers and gangsters; the Nihon Goyukai, which included some wartime ultra-nationalists; and the New Japan Council, which was organized by Kishi himself in 1958 and led by Atsutaro Kimura.


It is a strange story that the prime minister of a country used the “right wing” and “gangsters” to protect himself.

It is impossible for a prime minister to ask the “right wing” and “gangsters” for cooperation.

It is also strange that the “right wing” and “gangsters” accepted Kishi Nobusuke’s request.

In short, it is proof that they were usually so close to each other. Therefore, Nobusuke Kishi is also a right-winger.

He is considered to have been a worshipper of the “Emperor” just like Shinzo Abe.

They pretended to be agents of the CIA, but in fact they had infiltrated the U.S. “Papalist” network and sent various contacts there to steal information about the enemy.

They were spies sent by the USA.

That is why the momentum of the U.S. has been declining rapidly in the last year or so, especially since Abe came to power.

Of course, such a thing would be a highly confidential matter in this country.

And in order to protect this top-secret information, the Internet was flooded with information that Nobusuke Kishi and Shinzo Abe were agents of the United States.

And all of this was actually a deception on the part of the Emperor.

Oh, dear. The “Emperor Faction” is very clever.

But I have discovered their deception.

It may be too late to notice it now, but it is still better than not noticing it at all.

But it is still better than not noticing it at all.

Of course, it is up to you whether you believe this story or not.

But there are many other reasons to believe this story.

Of course, I will talk about them in the near future.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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