The Abe government wants to create a nation capable of waging war for the emperor.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 23 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
I have received a message from one of my readers who is unable to view my site.
I am wondering if you are able to view my site properly.
If you are not able to view my site, you cannot read this text, so there is no point in making such a call to you.
In any case, if you find anything wrong with this site, we would appreciate it if you would contact us.
Yesterday I briefly explained how to get rid of underworld Internet agents.
Recently, there has been a sudden increase in the number of people who have written emails and comments criticizing me.
Therefore, I have decided to bring this to your attention as a matter of urgency.
To those who have been spreading information about my blog posts. I would like to mention a few points of caution.
I have some tips on how to hunt down and destroy underworld operatives. We should also learn a little about the principles of the devil’s actions.
After I wrote yesterday’s article, I again received several e-mails from people who appear to be agents.
Perhaps some of you who are copying and pasting my article and spreading information are receiving these ridiculous emails and comments.
So, in the meantime, I will share these emails with you.
At the same time, I will tell you how to deal with such emails.
It seems to me that the Emperor’s family is not the Illuminati…
We do not find their names on the list of members of the Committee of 300, which includes Queen Elizabeth II of England.
Nor are they included in the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati.
The Rothschilds also have a big power struggle (Jacob Rothschild in the direct line and the Rothschilds behind the fascists…?)
Jacob R. controls the Japanese Emperors…?
I have watched some of your other videos.
I have watched some of your other videos, etc. and they are well researched, but on the other hand, I also felt that there was a lack of research and some important misconceptions. ・・・・
Who OR what are your sources for ・・・・・?
Intentional to control some hardworking people?
Or just a lack of research?
If you had read my blog properly, you would not be saying such nonsense.
If the Emperor’s name was properly on the Illuminati’s organizational chart, I wouldn’t have had any trouble either.
Also, I don’t remember saying anything about Jacob R. controlling the Emperor’s family. ……
I am pretty sure that people who pretend not to read my blog and mock me like this are agents.
And it is useless to argue with them.
They will just argue, and the argument will just continue to run parallel.
And when they run out of room to argue, they just end up talking bad about us.
I can see that this is happening, so now I don’t respond to every single email I receive like this. If you receive such e-mails, please do not reply to them, but ignore them completely. If you do, the underworld will be even more depressed.
By the way, the fact that the head of the Illuminati is the Emperor seems to be written in the following book.
A Warning to Humanity III: Draconians vs. Reptilians: This is the Super Ecology of Bloodsucking and Cannibalism! The supreme predators of the earth who have shed their disguises and appeared on earth.
I wonder if the sender of this e-mail doesn’t know these things.
Does he/she not know these things, but comes to me as if he/she knows everything?
And most of these people who write as if they know everything are probably agents.
First of all, the only people who know anything about the underworld are the people in the underworld. That’s why they write these stupid emails to bother us.
By the way, I would like to tell you that you should not take the contents of the above “Draconian vs. Reptilian” book seriously.
The author of this book, “Chobo Takayama”, is a high-ranking member of the Illuminati.
And he claims that the Illuminati is a “good” organization (see here for details).
Therefore, he proudly claims that the head of the Illuminati is the Emperor.
How can the Illuminati be a “good” organization?
Recently, the Illuminati seem to have registered on FACEBOOK and posted a lot of information.
Are they trying to brainwash the people of this world into believing that the Illuminati is a “good” organization?
Somehow, I have a feeling that they are, but, well, such manipulative activity will soon come to a halt.
No matter how many imposters say they are not imposters, no one will believe them.
From the text of this email above, I sense something like a huge negative aura.
If you are spiritually sensitive, you can feel it.
To be honest, just looking at it for a moment makes me feel sick.
After all, the sender of this e-mail must also worship the devil on a regular basis.
That’s probably why they can see right away that I’m wrong about some of my misunderstandings.
When you receive an e-mail with such a negative aura (wavelength) in full bloom, you should all immediately curse the person who wrote it.
Some of you may think it is too scary to curse someone.
But if you feel so badly for the devil, you will be enveloped in the devil’s aura. This is a secret way to protect yourself.
So, I really did not want to introduce this kind of e-mail.
However, I thought that there must be people who receive such e-mails without my knowledge, so I decided to tell you how to deal with them.
Of course, the sender of this e-mail will later say that he is not an agent.
But this is all a lie.
Whether it is a lie or not, just think it and ignore it.
I also received the following email.
These kinds of e-mails are also sent to me from time to time these days.
I hate to say it, but spreading information by updating my blog from time to time is not going to get me anywhere.
I have been following various conspiracy theory blogs for a long time.
It is meaningless if the general public does not know about it, but they all keep posting niche articles.
It’s like they’re only known to a certain segment of the population.
It’s even like they’re trying to profile that specific demographic one by one over time. The more time that passes, the more favorable the system becomes to those who control the infrastructure.
So, I don’t think a personal blog would make much sense right now (that’s not to say you shouldn’t blog).
It is understandable that you are suspicious of the emperor.
But if you are going to expose something, don’t you think you should start by thoroughly cleaning up the Soka Gakkai, which should be close to everyone’s life?
I have seen a non-profit organization affiliated with Soka Gakkai who is typing on the imac all day long.
I’m just as bad-tempered as they are, so I can easily see what they hate the most. w
I think writing about the Soka Gakkai is much more niche (small market) than writing about the Emperor.
Anyone who has dabbled in conspiracy theories knows that the Soka Gakkai is connected to the underworld, and most people who know about conspiracy theories may have some interest in the Soka Gakkai.
But most people who don’t know about conspiracy theories are not interested in Soka Gakkai at all.
Only a few conspiracy theorists are interested in Soka Gakkai.
To be honest, I am not interested in the Soka Gakkai at all.
I am only writing this article because the Soka Gakkai is so closely related to the underworld.
But everyone in this world knows about the Emperor.
Even if they are not interested in the Emperor, many people are more interested in him than in the Soka Gakkai.
And when the Emperor is really the master of the underworld, everyone is surprised and listens to what he has to say, even if they are only half convinced.
First of all, most people who come across my blog and read it with interest are interested in learning more about the world and how it works.
And most of them must have heard of Rockefeller and Rothschild at least once.
However, no matter how many times they hear about Rockefeller and Rothschild, the majority of Japanese people do not get the idea.
But when they hear the name “Emperor,” everyone reacts with a start.
And if the Emperor were the master of “evil,” many people would listen with interest.
Anyone with a straight head would wonder why the emperor is so respected.
I write my blog for people who are smart enough to think like that. I write my blog only for people who are in their right mind, because if I tell conspiracy theories to people who are not in their right mind, it will be like talking to a horse’s ear.
And no matter how much I talk about Soka Gakkai to such people, it is useless.
They are even less interested in the Soka Gakkai than in the Emperor.
This is only natural. It is not interesting to hear about an unknown new religion. The story about the Emperor is more interesting.
Moreover, pursuing only the evil of the Soka Gakkai and not the evil of the Emperor is like pursuing only the evil of the “section chief” of a certain company when the company is involved in organization-wide evil and the “president” is also involved in that evil.
In this case, exposing only the wrongdoing of the “section chief” will not bring down the company.
But if you expose the wrongdoing of the “president,” of course the company will go bankrupt. That is why I am pursuing the misdeeds of the “Emperor.
Anyway, I have been getting a lot of these absurd e-mails lately.
They say that I should write more about this instead of the “emperor,” that I should pursue the “rigged election” first, and so on, all about their own pet theories.
Well, if you feel that way, please feel free to do so on your own blog.
People are free to decide what their top priorities are.
If everyone in the world only did social studies, science would not progress.
If everyone in the world focused only on literature, science would not progress.
With so many people writing blogs from so many different perspectives, the world is filled with so much knowledge.
And I try to put all this knowledge into one theory.
Of course, while I was doing this, I realized that somehow the “Emperor” is the head of the underworld.
I did not start this blog to criticize the Emperor in the first place.
If you think I am lying, please read my blog from the beginning.
It was more than six months after I started writing this blog that I started writing mainly about the Emperor.
However, as I researched various aspects of the underworld, dubious stories about the Emperor began to erupt from all over.
In the end, I came to the conclusion that the Emperor is the mastermind behind the evil in this world.
Therefore, from now on, I will no longer deal with people who say things like the email above.
It is like an elementary school student reading a high school textbook and asking for a lower level because the content is difficult.
I only write for high school students.
If you want to hear something at the elementary school level, please look elsewhere.
More or less, the person who writes such an e-mail is probably not seriously interested in reforming this world.
That is why they can write such nonsense.
This is proof that they are not trying to see things as they really are.
Maybe this e-mail was just written on the spur of the moment.
Blogging doesn’t get you anywhere, does it?
Well, to you, the entire content of this blog seems useless.
But those who understand the importance of the content of this blog will understand. It is enough for me if only those people read this blog. It is not important that many people read it.
Because if people who really want to change this world read this book, it will certainly change this world.
Even if we cannot change this world in our lifetime, future generations will reform it.
The history of this world will always be like this.
The demons have made this world their own for hundreds and thousands of years.
So, it will take some time for us to take this world back from their hands.
I’ve said a lot of preambles.
Anyway, the mastermind behind the ‘evil’ in this world is the Emperor.
The famous conspiracy theorists of this world have tried to hide this fact by spreading false information and blowing smoke up our asses.
But now the identity of the mastermind is becoming clear.
In particular, in an article the day before yesterday, I mentioned that 16 of the 19 ministers in the Abe cabinet are members of ‘Nippon Kaigi’, and that ‘Nippon Kaigi’ is actually planning to revive ‘State Shinto’ (a religion in which the emperor is the god).
The agents of the Japanese underworld have only one goal. It is the revival of National Shinto.
How dangerous this “State Shinto” ideology is can be easily seen in the “Wikipedia” article.
The Constitution of the Empire of Japan clearly states freedom of religion in its text.
However, based on the interpretation of the Public Rights Law that “Shinto is not a religion” (the non-religious shrine theory), the government took the official position that placing Shinto and shrines above other religious sects was not inconsistent with the constitutional freedom of religion.
The right to freedom was also reserved “as long as it does not violate the law and the duties of subjects” under the theory of unified external coercion.
Religious beliefs were separated from respect for shrines and shrine rituals.
However, this became a source of friction with Christians, who held a position of complete monotheism, denying the worship of other religions, and with the Jodo Shinshu sect, which insisted on a strict separation of church and state.
It is a somewhat confusing sentence, but the bottom line is that “Shinto” is not a religion and cannot be compared to any other religion, and that the Emperor is superior to the gods of any other religion in the world.
No, no, no, no matter how you look at it, “Shinto” is a religion.
Moreover, before the war, this “State Shinto” philosophy was taught to children in schools throughout the country.
Even though the teaching of all other religions was forbidden, Shinto was not a religion, so it was said that children should be taught about it, and school teachers meekly followed the national policy.
And because of this education, all the people worshiped the emperor as a god.
What is even more frightening is that fighting for the emperor against other countries was considered a “holy war” and a duty of the people.
Holy War – The battles of one’s country are always just, and participating in them is a noble duty.
Heroic Spirit – If you engage in a holy war and die in battle, you become a god. For this reason (whether because they fought in a holy war or because they are gods is unknown), the dead are enshrined.
Honor – follow the example of the heroic spirits and follow in their footsteps.
How is this different from what Aum Shinrikyo did?
The “Nippon Kaigi” is planning to revive this horrible “State Shinto”.
There are 16 Nippon Kaigi members in the Abe cabinet.
And all the policies of the Abe cabinet are exactly in line with the activities of the Nippon Kaigi.
It means that the LDP’s campaign posters saying “Restore Japan” were not a lie or something.
They are seriously trying to bring back the “old” Japan.
They are trying to bring back the “state Shinto” in which the emperor is worshipped as a god.
The extent of their seriousness is clearly shown in their posters.

Both of them have killer eyes (although I think they were later edited by PHOTOSHOP).
Also, although not a poster, “Taro Aso”, a special advisor to the “Nippon Kaigi” (Japan Council), made the following statement in the past.

“Yasukuni visit. Naturally. Who needs to be reserved?”
I think most people did not understand why so many politicians were so desperate to visit Yasukuni Shrine.
Behind it all was this terrible truth.
They seriously worship the Emperor as a god.
That is why “Taro Aso” is angry that who cares about the Emperor?
And they want to force their worship of the emperor on us, the people.
However, the media in this country is not at all interested in reporting the hidden agenda of the Abe government.
Only the Asahi Shimbun and the Tokyo Shimbun have reported it.
However, the Asahi Shimbun was promptly reassigned and dismantled by Shinzo Abe. The Tokyo Shimbun was also severely beaten up by the “right wing” people.
Anyway, beware of this “Nippon Kaigi”. We must definitely stop their plans.
I intend to pursue this “Nippon Kaigi” and thus “State Shinto” more and more in the future.