English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The reality is that many Satanists have multiple personalities and have been abused since childhood.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 7 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. 


(Translated text below)

As announced yesterday, today I would like to talk about the witchcraft practiced by the underworld.

Before I go into this, I would like to tell you an important story. (Yesterday’s article is below.)

The plan to move the capital to the Kansai region is progressing steadily behind the scenes. How effective is the spell the Emperor’s faction is relying on? https://nozomi-creation.com/the-plan-to-move-the-capital-to-the-kansai-region-is-progressing-steadily-underwater/

Since the end of October last year, I have been investigating the Emperor’s background in detail, suspecting that he might also be a Satanist.

Until then, I had been investigating the Rockefellers and the Vatican in particular.

This is because much of this information is posted on the Internet and can be easily picked up.

It may no longer be appropriate to call it a ‘conspiracy’.

Their misdeeds are almost all out in the open.

With regard to the Vatican in particular, the repeated sexual abuse of young children by a number of Catholic priests has been widely reported in the mainstream media.

However, the arrests of the Pope and Queen Elizabeth still seem to be treated as a lost cause. ……

The current Pope Francis has been convicted of child abuse and human trafficking. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13698

So sexual abuse by priests is almost a regular occurrence in the Vatican.

And it has been going on in secret for decades, even centuries.

But last year, when the situation came to light, more than 800 Vatican clerics were arrested and defrocked for sexual abuse.

More than 2,000 others were given lesser sentences.

The Vatican defrocked 848 clergy for child abuse. Satanism was centralized in the Vatican. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9346

This is an extremely unusual case, no less so than the Aum sarin gas attack.

If a religious organization in Japan was found to be sexually abusing its followers on a daily basis, the media would have a field day with it.

The media would be in a frenzy and the coverage would be unparalleled to that of Aum.

And yet the Vatican case has received very little coverage in Japan.

This can only be described as extraordinary.

So did these 800 priests all sexually abuse each other on a whim?

Well, that is not normally possible.

Of course, this is an act committed in a Satanic ritual.

But why does such sexual abuse take place in Satanic worship rituals?

Is it just done for fun?

Is it just to satisfy their own desires?

Of course not.

Some of them may do it for fun, but they do it with one purpose in mind.

That is to create multiple personalities.

When a person is sexually abused from an early age, their personality is greatly distorted.

Eventually it causes schizophrenia and, in some cases, multiple personalities.

These people who become multiple personalities are then raised by the elite and eventually become agents of the underworld.

This is a theory long held by a well-known conspiracy theorist named John Coleman.

Soon Japan Will Save the World: 10 Urgent Suggestions from Ben & Ryu – Ryu Ota – Google Books https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=oPSepisiRzUC&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=%E5%A4%9A%E9%87%8D%E4%BA%BA%E6%A0%BC%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A8%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88&source=bl&ots=TSUtKU6HqX&sig=UMZIoHdQLd_emCcvkCUlEuFNP1E&hl=ja&sa=X&ei=UtCsVPKtO4LpmQW8i4GwBg&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%E5%A4%9A%E9%87%8D%E4%BA%BA%E6%A0%BC%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A8%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88&f=false

There is also a book of testimonies from people who were actually sexually abused by Satanists from an early age and became multiple personalities.

The book is called ‘How Multiple Personalities Are Created – Monarch Programming and Mind Control’ (Chochi Library).


The following video testimonies have also been found on the internet.

The people of the underworld do a tremendous amount of evil on a regular basis.

They cheat people, deceive people, make people suffer and kill people.

Sometimes they kill large numbers of people at once. For example, they start wars or cause man-made earthquakes.

Ordinary people cannot in good conscience do such evil things.

Even if they tried, they would hesitate and stop themselves.

The underworld has trained its agents as multiple personalities in advance to prevent this from happening.

If there are many personalities in one person, that person can be a bad person at any time, or a good person at any time.

Also, what one personality does, the other personality will not remember.

Everything is forgotten.

So, no matter how good a person one personality is, it will have no remorse for the bad things the other bad person has done.

It is because of these multiple personalities that many Satanists can usually behave as very normal people.

The Underworld creates many of these multiple personalities, raising them as elites and making them work as their own agents.

They also kidnap children from other countries and repeatedly sexually abuse them while ……

In fact, there was even a YouTube video of an FBI agent testifying to this, which has since been removed.

However, I have made all this testimony available in writing.

So, if you are interested, please see the following links.

The US CIA established a network of child abduction and human trafficking for Satanism. A report on the investigation. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=11727

However, I could not help but ask myself a question here.

It is true that there are multiple personalities in this world, and it is certainly true that they have multiple personalities.

However, no matter how many personalities there are in a person, I wondered if it was really possible for one personality to completely forget everything that another personality has done.

After all, there must be at least a little bit of memory left over.

However, after doing some research, it seems that it is indeed possible to forget all memories.

Billy Milligan, who I introduced the other day, had 24 personalities, but each of the 24 in him didn’t seem to remember anything that the other personality had done.

He was also in it as a three-year-old girl, a 16-year-old boy, a 23-year-old foreigner (who can speak a real foreign language) and an 18-year-old Jewish man.

So, I don’t think Billy Milligan was acting.

He had all those personalities in him.

 ———— (Reproduced below from Seigo Matsuoka’s A Thousand Nights and a Thousand Books)

Billy Milligan (26 years old) = Often referred to as Split Billy or Billy U, although he seems to be the core of his original personality.

Arthur (age 22) = A rational, unemotional, bespectacled Englishman. As well as being self-taught in Physical Chemistry, he is also fluent in Arabic.

Reigen Vadaskovinic (23) = A 120-pound moustachioed Yugoslavian who speaks Serbian and Croatian and is a karate expert. He prides himself on being able to manipulate adrenaline at will. His name is apparently taken from ‘Rage Again’.

Allen (18 years old) = He is a smooth talker and comes out of every negotiation. He is close to Billy’s mother for some reason.

Tommy (16 years old) = a boy who loves electricity, has amber eyes and plays the saxophone. He is also a master of rope removal. Sometimes mistaken for Allen.

Danny (14 years old) = a small, skinny boy who is always afraid of men. Apparently, he has experienced being buried alive. He only paints still lifes.

David (8 years old) = Blue-eyed boy. He seems to be responsible for absorbing the suffering of the others, but he doesn’t last long. Kristen (3 years old) = Blonde girl born in England. Dyslexic. Paints pictures of flowers and butterflies.

Christopher (10 years old) = Kristen’s brother with a Cockney accent. Plays harmonica.

Adanara (19) = dark-haired poet, but lesbian.

These ten were with Billy.

Among them, Arthur seems to dominate the other personalities when Billy’s consciousness is stable.

And he seems to hold the key to who in Billy’s family will appear in his public consciousness.

Reigen has tremendous strength and adrenaline control, but he is usually the protector of the other family members and sometimes shows violence when the situation becomes dangerous. Allen, with his eight words, appears when Billy wants to get out of a difficult situation.

The ten personalities, natures and languages are bizarre, unusual and unpredictable, but they are not the only ones. While Billy Milligan was being transferred to the Ascend Mental Health Centre in Ohio and undergoing extensive ‘treatment’ by Dr David Cole, 13 other people and a ‘teacher’ emerged. Philip (20).

Philip (20), a philistine; Kevin (20), an essay-loving criminal; Walter (22), an Australian who fancies himself a big-game hunter; April (19), who is vengeful towards Billy’s adoptive father; Samuel (18), a Jewish man trapped in another personality; Mark (16), who moves when trapped in another personality; Steve (21), who makes fun of others by imitating their features; Lee (20), a prankster; Jayson (13), who is good at losing his own memories in exchange for taking on those of his friends; Robert (17), a dreamer; Sean (4), a deaf man. (4), Martin (19), a pretentious New York kid, Timothy (15), an autistic boy surrounded by queers, and finally the 26-year-old ‘teacher’ who has emerged.

According to Daniel Kice, the emergence of this ‘teacher’ enabled him to write this book.

 —————- (reprinted here)

It is impossible for any actor in the world to play all these many personalities perfectly.

Sooner or later, it will all come out in shreds.

So, this Billy Milligan must be a real psychopath.

But it is unlikely that such a psychopath would be borne by chance.

So, he is definitely a multiple personality raised by Satanists.

However, Billy Milligan could not control his multiple personalities properly.

In essence, a ‘teacher’ should have been raised to properly control the other 23 personalities.

But the underworld people were not able to do this properly.

So, Billy Milligan would have been abandoned by the underworld and left out in the open.

But the question here is, what is the mental structure of these multiple personalities?

How can a person be switched from one personality to another?

Of course, there is not a single scholar in the world who can give a proper explanation.

As long as we see it as a mere mental illness, we will never be able to understand this mental structure.

Because clearly there must be some spiritual action involved. At least that’s what I think, and it all makes sense when you think about it that way.

In a word, the original ‘spirit’ of the person has gone and another ‘spirit’ has come to dwell in the person.

The Bible has the following passage.

‘Please pray that the God of peace himself may cleanse you completely.

‘And that he may keep you wholly in spirit and in mind and in body, and make you without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ’

(1 Thessalonians 5:23).

According to current science, human beings have a ‘mind’ and a ‘body’.

But the Bible also says that there is a ‘spirit’.

And this Bible is the book that contains the innermost secrets of the ‘spirit world’.

Whether you believe it or not, it is the truth.

The way to radically destroy Satanists. It starts with knowing the secrets of the ‘spirit world’. https://nozomi-creation.com/how-to-fundamentally-destroy-satanists-it-begins-with-knowing-the-inner-workings-of-the-spirit-world/

The Satanists have hidden the secrets of the ‘spirit world’ from us, the ordinary people. The Bible says a lot about the ‘spirit world’.

But today, no Christian pastor or priest can accurately teach about the ‘spirit world’.

Therefore, many people in this world have various psychic experiences, but have no knowledge of the ‘spirit world’ at all.

However, if we know that human beings have a ‘body’, a ‘mind’ and a ‘spirit’, then this problem of multiple personalities, as well as all the various mental problems that we humans usually have, can now be solved more easily.

I can say this from personal experience. However, I will talk about this later in the future, and in this article, I will continue to talk about multiple personalities.

In order to create a person with multiple personalities, the ‘spirit’ within the person must first be expelled.

The way to do this is to torture the ‘spirit’ within the person thoroughly, through repeated sexual abuse and so on.

The ‘spirit’ then feels that it cannot and will not stay in the person any longer and leaves the person.

This is where most personality disorders come from. Of course, the world of psychiatry would never accept such a story.

But that is why modern psychiatry cannot treat any kind of mental illness properly and has to prescribe psychotropic drugs that are not necessary.

So, after the original ‘spirit’ of the person is gone, another spirit comes and takes up residence in the person.

This is the beginning of multiple personalities.

It is also described in the Bible.

—————- (see Matthew 12:43-45 below)

When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it wanders about where there is no water in search of a place to rest, but it cannot find one. So, he said he would return to the house from which he had come, and when he returned, he found it empty, cleaned and decorated.

So, he goes out again and brings with him seven other spirits who are worse than he is, and they go in and live there. Then his later condition will be worse than at first. This is how it will be in this evil present time.


So, the Bible describes the causes of schizophrenia in just one word.

In psychiatry it takes many words to describe a psychological phenomenon.

But the Bible describes every psychological phenomenon in just a few words.

It is so simple that it is hard to understand. ……

Of course, people who don’t believe in the existence of ‘spirits’ won’t believe me when I talk about this.

But I would like to leave such people aside and talk about this in more detail in the next article.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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