English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Some Thoughts on the Illuminati


(Translator’s Note)
The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on May 2, 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


(Translated text below)

Whenever the names Rothschild or Rockefeller are mentioned, the secret society known as the Illuminati is always mentioned.

However, there are many different theories about the existence of the Illuminati on the Internet, and it is difficult to get to the bottom of it.

However, it is clear that Satanism is a real practice in this world.

It is quite possible that Satanism itself has been handed down from generation to generation since ancient times.

(For more information, please see the following link.)

Is there Satanism? The Massacre of 50,000 Infants by Queen Elizabeth and the Pope.

RAPT | 〈TALK RADIO〉悪魔崇拝はあるのか? エリザベス女王とローマ法王による5万人の幼児虐殺事件について。 (rapt-neo.com)

For those of us who live a very ordinary life like the Japanese, the existence of demons is not something we think about first.

However, if you are born into a Christian society, you are bound to be exposed to the doctrine of angels and demons.

It is quite possible that you will suddenly think about angels and demons in your daily life.

And it is possible that you may have a paranormal experience, as if you were encountering the devil,

when you playfully call out the name of the devil.

In fact, I myself have had many spiritual experiences in my life.

So, I believe it is quite possible that there are evil spiritual beings in this world that we call demons.

For example, Kokkuri-san or hide-and-seek by oneself have become popular in Japan.

It is natural, in my opinion, that if you call bad spirits, they will immediately come to your side.

Therefore, it is safer not to play such games out of curiosity.

In the worst scenario, you may be possessed by a bad spirit and your life may turn out to be unhappy.

Spirits do exist in this world. But people don’t know how to deal with spiritual things.


Be that as it may, the question is whether the Illuminati organization really exists in this world, as it seems to be making the rounds on the Internet.

Various people have testified about the Illuminati on the Internet.

Some of them testify that they were abducted and subjected to various humiliations.

However, there are many of their testimonies whose credibility is doubtful, such as the appearance of cloned humans and aliens called Reptilians.

However, it may be that there really are cloned humans in this world, or that there are Reptilians, just because I do not know.

Snowden, a former NSA agent, has also testified to the existence of subterranean beings.

So, I am well aware that I cannot deny such things out of my mind.

However, we cannot be totally sure about them at the moment. Therefore, we cannot assert that such things are real just by speculation.

Certainly, such stories attract people’s interest, but they are not out of the realm of urban legends.

I am researching Rothschild and Rockefeller because I want to pursue the truth of this world.

If something is doubtful about its truth, it must be thoroughly investigated first.

However, after doing some research on the Illuminati, I feel that the following statement is quite plausible.

I have been looking at the historical movements of the Jewish people, and there are many aspects that seem to be in perfect accord with them.

I will continue to research and discuss the Illuminati based on this statement.

The Founding of the Secret Society Illuminati and Beyond

On May 1, 1776, with the financial support of Meyer Amschel Rothschild, Professor Adam Weishaupt, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Ingolstadt University, founded a secret society called the Illuminati.

The word “Illuminati” is derived from Satan (Lucifer) and means “he who holds up the light.

The Illuminati’s stated goal is to create a “One World Government” in which the world will be ruled by people of proven intellectual ability.

It is said to have gathered as many as 2,000 members, including the brightest minds in the fields of literature, education, art, science, finance, and industry.

Among the Illuminati’s co-founders is the combative messiah Jacob Frank (footnote).

On the day of the formation of the association, Weishaupt published a book entitled Novus Ordo Seclorum.

This Latin term means “New World Order.”

Weishaupt’s stated Illuminati Platform for Action is as follows.

  • The abolition of all established governments and the establishment of a single world government under the control of the Illuminati.
  • The abolition of private property and inheritance.
  • Eradication of patriotism and ethnic consciousness.
  • The abolition of the family and marriage systems and the communal education of children.
  • The abolition of all religions.

These rules of conduct became the prototype for later communism.

Because of this reactionary danger, it was suppressed after only ten years.

From then on, in order to escape suppression, the members of the society infiltrated a similar secret society, Freemasonry.

Weishaupt is said to have risen to the highest rank in the Freemason lodges and instructed his members to organize a secret society (Illuminati) within the secret society (Freemasonry).

Professor John Robison, then the supreme leader of Scottish Masons, published “Proof Of Conspiracy” in 1798 and saw through Weishaupt’s plot.

He warned high-ranking Masonic leaders in various countries that Satanists had infiltrated the Masonic ranks.

*“Proof Of Conspiracy” can be read online in English.


The Illuminati’s basic strategy is three-pronged

  • Divide the people into camps that are at odds with each other in all political, social, economic, and other issues in order to achieve their goals. = Divide and rule (division and chaos).
  • To give arms to the opposing camps, make them fight each other, weaken them, and gradually turn their national governments and religious organizations toward self-destruction. = Operation Both Sides (Division and Chaos)
  • The use of financial and sexual bribes to control people in high positions in any government. Once seduced, they are manipulated through blackmail, threats of financial ruin, exposure of secrets, financial damage, and threats of murder.


Jacob Frank (1726-1791)

Jacob Frank, a native of Poland, was a “self-proclaimed Messiah” like Sabatai.
He converted the Jewish idea of a messiah into the dangerous idea of “artificially filling the world with evil and misery to its peak, destroying the world, and bringing the Messiah.
Jacob Frank and his followers (i.e., the Frankists) were excommunicated by the rabbis of orthodox Judaism.
However, the Frankists changed their name to “Reform Judaism” and became a major force within Judaism.
And this Frankist is linked to the Sabatai sect, and is trying to blend in with Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists to realize his dangerous apocalyptic ideology.
But the problem is that Rothschild, the Jewish king who rules the world, is not only a millionaire, but also a follower of the Talmud, and also belongs to the Sabbatai = Frankists.
Numerous catastrophic events are taking place around the world as if they are trying to destroy the earth.
Behind all these, is the intention of the family that controls politics, economics, military, religion, media, education, etc.?

Sabbatai Tzvi (1626-76)

Sabbatai Tzvi was a Jew of Turkish origin.
A severe manic-depressive, Sabbatai was aware that he was the Messiah. At first, no one recognized him as the Messiah.
However, after a fateful encounter with Nathan, a Kabbalist, Nathan declared Sabathai to be the Messiah.
With the declaration of the trustworthy Nathan, the people accepted Sabatai as the Messiah.
Sabatai preached a method of warfare in which Muslims, Christians, and others would enter by pretending to be on their side, corrupt them from within, render them impotent, and eventually cause them to disintegrate.
This idea also gave hope and excuses to the Marranos, who had been humiliated and forced to convert.
Sabatai’s ideas gained many enthusiastic followers and caused a great movement among the Jewish people.

[Reference link]

Some Thoughts on Satanism (2)

Some Thoughts on Satanism (2) | Invitation to the RAPT Blog (nozomi-creation.com)

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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