(Translator’s Note)
The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 7 July 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts. The original source can be found at the following URL link.
(Translated text below)
I have always believed that Satanism is an inevitable element in researching and writing about the workings of the underworld of this world.
That is why I have been researching Satanism for so long.
Unfortunately, there were few people in Japan who had seriously researched and written about Satanism other than myself.
Therefore, I have been writing about my research on this blog in an attempt to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.
Perhaps because of this, many occult enthusiasts seem to have gathered on this blog.
Of course, I am grateful for that.
So this time, I would like to change my point of view a little and talk about my research on Satanism from an occult point of view.
The other day, I spoke briefly about the mechanics of witchcraft.
Witchcraft, after all, is not a power possessed by the person who performs it himself.
It is a phenomenon caused by the power of a demon or evil spirit that possesses the person.
For example, when a sorcerer curses person A, the demon or evil spirit that possessed the sorcerer goes to person A instead.
Then, they do something evil and push the person to the bottom of misfortune.
Most sorcerers may perform witchcraft without realizing this. ……
However, a sorcerer cannot always control his demons/evil spirits to do what he wants.
This is because demons and evil spirits (we will refer to them collectively as “spirits”) have free will just like human beings.
They are not puppets.
If the sorcerer wants to manipulate the spirit as much as possible to do what he or she wants, he or she must first do what the spirit wants him or her to do.
As in human relationships, if there is no give and take, even the spirit will not listen to the person.
However, if the sorcerer can hear the spirit’s voice, he or she can know what the spirit wants him or her to do.
But if he cannot hear the spirit’s voice, it will always be impossible.
But those who seem to be central to Satanism will undoubtedly hear them.
Those central figures are those in the Vatican’s Papacy and the Jesuits.
(Rumor has it that a Jesuit named Peter Hans Kolvenbach is now the head of the Satanists.)
Peter Hans Kolvenbach

Satanists abuse and slaughter infants because that is what the devil wishes for them.
By doing what the devil wishes first, Satanists are trying to get the devil to fulfill their wishes.
It is said that the Satanist organization called Skull and Bones must always have same-sex sex when joining.
This is also said to be because that is what the devil wants.
There are also said to be rituals where multiple men and women have orgies.
This was exposed by Stanley Kubrick in his film “Eyes Wide Shut.
Rumor has it that this led to his assassination.
Was Stanley Kubrick assassinated?
Thus, the devil wants humans to do less than the beasts anyway.
The devil fundamentally hates human beings.
That is why they corrupt human beings spiritually and make them thoroughly despicable.
The Satanists, whether they know it or not, actively fulfill the Satan’s wishes in the form of rituals in order to have their own wishes fulfilled. ……
That is the purpose of performing Satanist rituals.
Satanists also rob the people of the world of their wealth, wage wars, spread killer viruses, develop killer vaccines, destroy human health with pesticides and food additives, and destroy the morals of the world by spreading drugs and pornography.
All of these, too, are probably because they are what the devil wishes for.
They are not doing these things merely to make money.
Whether you believe it or not is up to you.
However, once you understand this point, you will be able to understand more accurately what Satanists are doing.
In fact, they often do inexplicable things that cannot be explained by money-making alone.
And in return for doing so, Satanists receive wealth, fame, status, and glory from the devil to their heart’s content.
In other words, they become presidents, heads of major corporations, super rich, super stars, and so on.
After all, Satanism is based on such a simple mechanism.
It really is that simple.
However, famous Satanists such as Aleister Crowley have written books about Satanism with a lot of complicated stuff.
They deliberately try to make Satanism seem like something very noble by writing complicated texts.
By deliberately writing something that has no content in it in a complicated way, they make it seem as if they have lofty ideas and are doing lofty things.
By doing so, they are trying to indulge their self-absorption and satisfy their self-esteem.
This is the same as what Heizo Takenaka and others are doing.
He, too, has intentionally used difficult economic terms and complicated words to make the public think he is talking about something simple and noble.
By doing so, he has become euphoric and satisfied his self-esteem.
The same is true of Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and others who have spread false knowledge around the world.
They are people of a completely low mental level.
Anyway, Satanists tend to deliberately talk about simple things in a difficult way.
This is probably done to blind people’s eyes so that they cannot see the true nature (core) of things.
Thus, the knowledge possessed by the devil is empty and devoid of any content.
Therefore, they tend to try to look good, at least in appearance.
It is the same as a thug with no substance trying to look good.
Since these empty people have ruled the world for so long, the people of the world will always remain empty and unsatisfied.
However, I believe that Satanists sacrifice far more than they receive from the devil as a reward.
I don’t know why, but they seem to live only for the purpose of making themselves look good to people and satisfying their self-esteem.
They seem to think that this is the only thing that will make them happy.
Are we so brainwashed by the devil?
Perhaps so.
The money-grubber believes that money is the only thing that can make him happy.
That is why they become money losers, but the truth is that money is not the only thing that can make them happy.
But no matter how much you tell that person such a story, he or she will not believe it or accept it.
It is because they have brainwashed themselves that way.
That is the proof that Satanists are fools without wisdom.
Many of them may have been severely abused from childhood and may be schizophrenic, so it may not be helped. …… (see link below for more info)
Some Thoughts on Satanism (2)
However, if Satanists are deemed unwanted by the devil (or the head Satanist), they will be mercilessly discarded like Yoshimi Watanabe.
They would lose all the wealth and honor they had gained, and have no choice but to live in a hellish world of nothingness.
It is truly a cruel and heartless world without mercy.
(There is an interesting (?) episode about this as well, so please check out the link below.
Yoshimi Watanabe’s “Everybody’s Party” is a parade of “666”. How effective is the spell of financial Jews?
On the other hand, pleasing God and having God satisfy one’s desires is the philosophy of Judaism and Christianity, the enemies of Lucifer the Devil.
On the contrary, Judaism and Christianity seek to please God by doing endless good, while devil worship seeks to please the devil by doing endless evil.
In short, depending on what one believes and lives, one’s thoughts and deeds will be completely different.
This is true not only in the world of religion, but also in the world of politics and economics.
Depending on whom one believes and follows, one’s thoughts and deeds will change, and the rewards one receives will also change.
Therefore, we must be careful to discern exactly who the Satanists are and not be deceived by them.
Satanists will never reveal their true identity publicly, so we must be able to discern their true identity from what they say and do.
I intend to keep track of all of this and continue to write about it on this blog.