English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Haruki Murakami’s excessive depiction of sex. Is it harmful to boys and girls?

投稿日:2024-10-27 更新日:

(Translator’s Note)

The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 16 May 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts.  The original source can be found at the following URL link.


(Translated text below)

Last month, Haruki Murakami made headlines with the release of his new novel, his first in many years.

I have always been a great lover of literature and majored in English literature at university.

As such, I have read most of the novels by world-famous authors, and I have also read a lot of Haruki Murakami’s works.

I have even admired his ability to write about complex themes in a way that is easy to understand.

However, every time I read his works, I always wondered why the main characters in his novels are always having sex.

Perhaps it is the influence of the Beatles.

The “sex-druck rock ‘n’ roll” rock music popularized by the Illuminati for the purpose of global moral degradation.

This has affected Haruki Murakami’s generation just as much, for they have had their spirits severely destroyed and have been indoctrinated to believe that cultural and spiritual decadence is the evolution of civilization.

In fact, his works are filled with Beatles’ songs.

Perhaps he has developed an image in his mind that sex is cool.

It is a twisted notion that having sex with lots of people is happiness for human beings.

At least, that’s what I think every time I read his work.

I read the reviews of his works on Amazon.com and found that many people are just as disgusted as I am by the excessive sexual depictions.

Well, it’s not surprising.

Most people don’t have sex all the time, and they live their lives thinking that it is chaste.

If we lived our lives expressing such instinctive desires, we would soon be accused of sexual harassment and lose our social standing.

However, for someone like Haruki Murakami, who stays indoors and indulges only in fantasies, being unchaste may be a status rather than a status.

In fact, for a novelist like him, the more lewd his writings are, the more they arouse people’s interest and the more likely his works are to sell.

In the past, when the Tokyo Metropolitan Government tried to impose restrictions on sexual expression in publications, many writers and manga artists voiced their opposition.

I was really surprised at that time. I wondered if such writers were so eager to write about sexual expression.

Moreover, female writers were more outraged and opposed than male writers, which made me wonder what was going on in the world.

Maybe it was all the Jewish spirit that was banging on about such arguments in the media.

They are always trying to degrade our morals by pushing sexuality to the forefront in such a way.

They think that if they keep our human morals lowered, we will become significantly less intelligent and will have no choice but to meekly submit ourselves to their slavery.

Come to think of it, Haruki Murakami also won something called the Jerusalem Prize sponsored by Israel.

He may have become one of the Jews since then.

Or was he always like that before that?

In any case, it seems that the financial Jews are always trying to attract to their ranks those who have made their mark in any field.

In the first place, I cannot shake the suspicion that “Kafka by the Sea,” which won the Franz Kafka Prize, was written with some kind of instruction from Jews.

I can sense something unexplainable and frightening between the lines of that work.

Of course, no one may sense such a thing just by reading it superficially.

However, perhaps because I am psychic by nature, I am more sensitive to such strange smells than other people.

To put it more clearly, I sense something demonic behind his works.

After that, Haruki Murakami’s works got creepier and creepier.

Now I can no longer read his works at all.

I didn’t even want to read “Men Without Women,” which was just released last month, from the very beginning.

I read the reviews on Amazon.com and found that it was full of sexual descriptions, so I was even more reluctant.

Why does he have to write so many sexual descriptions?

His writing is very easy to read, and many boys and girls love to read his work.

I wonder if he knows this and writes only such works.

No, perhaps Haruki Murakami is completely convinced.

I think he is deliberately trying to lower the morals of the youth of this country by writing excessively sexual expressions.

At least that is what it seems to me.

I do not know whether he is doing so at the behest of the Jews or simply because he thinks it is his own idea.

For him, the morals of this country are of no importance.

He doesn’t care what happens to the youth, as long as he can sell his work.

After all, that is the conclusion I have come to.

I apologize to Haruki Murakami fans.

But I believe that culture and art are supposed to be more noble, precious, and beautiful.

I myself am a musician with this belief.

If culture/art can degrade morals, I consider the author to be one of their own kind, even if the Illuminati are behind it or not.

The Illuminati are the ones who have made pornography an art form.

I would tell them that if they are interested in being lewd, do it where it doesn’t affect anyone else.

That is my honest opinion.

(Related Link)

Academy Award-winning actress Jodie Foster marries the same sex. How far will sexual promiscuity go?

Sexual promiscuity is destroying civilization. The principle behind it.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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