English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Pope Francis publicly apologizes for “Satanism” of Vatican priests. This is a major step forward for the world.

投稿日:2024-10-27 更新日:

(Translator’s Note)

The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 9 July 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts.  The original source can be found at the following URL link.


(Translated text below)

It appears that Pope Francis has publicly apologized for the “Satanism” of Vatican priests.

Moreover, it seems that he publicly admitted that “Satanic Masses” were being held in the Vatican in May of this year.

I had no idea that the Pope had made such a statement.

I have never seen such news.

Perhaps the major mass media had kept it under wraps until now.

Yesterday, AFPBB News reported the following.

(Reprinted below from AFPBB News)

Pope Meets Sexual Abuse Victims for First Time, Apologizes for Church’s “Complicity”

July 8, 2012 (AFP) – Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church met for the first time with victims of clergy sexual abuse of children on July 7, expressing his deepest sorrow at the victims’ suicides and expressing his gratitude for bringing to light the “horrific darkness” that pervades the Church.

In this long-awaited meeting, the Pope expressed his sympathy for the tens of thousands of victims worldwide.

And He apologized for the “enormous criminal act” of child abuse and the Church’s complicity in covering it up.

The victims were represented by three men and three women from the United Kingdom, Germany, and Ireland.

They spent the night at the Pope’s residence near St. Peter’s Basilica and had breakfast with him the next morning.

They then met individually with the Pope for one hour each.

Federico Lombardi, the Vatican’s director of public affairs, said he hoped the meeting would “open a constructive path” for “healing the wounds.

The meeting was long awaited by the victims’ support group, which has criticized the pope’s slow response to the issue that has cast a shadow over the Catholic Church for the past decade.

In May, the pope had declared the sexual abuse of children by clergy to be a crime that amounted to a “Satanic Mass” and vowed that he would “show no mercy.”

The victims had questioned why the pope, who is known for his compassion, had not agreed to meet with them.

(Reprinted here.)

Francis himself does not seem to have publicly admitted to having participated in the ritual.

Still, it is noteworthy that the Pope admitted that “Satanic Masses” were being held in the Vatican.

I was also surprised that he mentioned the tens of thousands of victims worldwide.

It is indeed a great progress that the major media clearly reported the other side of the Vatican in this way.

Perhaps the media intends to report the truth in such a casual manner in the future.

Instead of reporting major events as if they were major events, they will report them in a “casual” manner so as not to raise any eyebrows.

As for why the Pope, who is said to be a man of strong sentiments, does not agree to meet with the pope, it is also understandable to those who understand the situation.

The Pope himself was involved in such acts.

Naturally, he must have felt a strong resistance to meeting the victims, either out of a guilty conscience or out of concern for the reputation of his fellow Satanists.

However, the Vatican has already been judged by God many times.

As expected, the Pope may be afraid to continue his silence.

Pope’s huge cross collapsed, killing a man who was pinned under it. The papacy is being judged one after another.


The world domination by the Satanists of the world is no longer coming to an end.

Some financial Jews are still going down the path of war at the behest of the devil, without any punishment.

But now that the Satanists at the top are beginning to show signs of collapse, many of the Satanists below them, including the financial Jews, will be gradually driven to the brink of extinction.

Their downfall is imminent.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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