English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Tibet is a holy place for devil worship.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 4 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


This article is about the true reality of “Satanism” and it contains some grotesque and ugly content. 

My previous articles have also contained quite shocking content that may have come as a strong shock to some people.

However, this article stands out from the rest.

Some people may be so shocked that they may lose their minds.

Please do not read this article if you are weak of heart or have a weak heart.


This article is about the true nature of Satanism.

This article also clearly shows how common Satanism is throughout the world.

Perhaps most of you who have been reading my blog for a long time have lived your lives with proper decency and conscience.

However, because of such a way of living, it has been difficult, confining, and sometimes very oppressive for you to live in this world.

But as you read today’s article, you will clearly understand where that difficulty, constriction, and oppression come from.

For the past few days, I have been talking on this blog about the relationship between Japan, Nazi Germany and Tibet.

In case you are interested, here is a list of those articles.

On the Relationship Between Hitler and the Occult. Or, The Shadow of the “Kaiser Faction” Hiding Behind Hitler. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-hitlers-relationship-with-the-occult/

The real reason why Nazi Germany lost the war. Or about the “Green Dragon Society” that manipulated Hitler. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-real-mechanism-by-which-nazi-germany-lost-the-war/

The relationship between the Nazis, Tibet and the Green Dragon Society. The existence of the underground city of Shambala. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-relationship-between-the-nazis-tibet-and-the-green-dragon-society/

The Emperor-centered NWO plan is nothing more than a plan to recreate the underground city of Agartha on Earth. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-emperor-centered-nwo-plan-is-nothing-more-than-a-plan-to-recreate-the-underground-city-of-agartha-on-earth/

The evidence is overwhelming that the underground city of Agartha (Shambhala) is a true hell. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-proofs-that-the-underground-city-of-agartha-shambhala-is-a-real-hell/

Let me briefly explain the flow of the article so far,

Green Dragon Society → World Red Swastika Society → Oomoto-kyo → Nazi Germany → Tibet → Tibetan Buddhism → Shamballa (Agartha)

This is how it is now.

They are all connected as one behind the scenes.

And even now the Japanese elite are trying to recreate the underground city of “Shambhala,” which is considered an ideal world in Tibetan Buddhism, here on earth.

And this “Shambhala” is undoubtedly the true hell. I have told you these stories.

Today’s article will be a continuation of this series.

I hope that today’s article will make you sickeningly understand how Tibetan Buddhism is nothing but Satanism and how dangerous a religion it is.

Currently, the most mainstream sect in Tibet is the “Gelug” sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

In Tibetan Buddhism, each sect has its own tantra.

The Gelug sect seems to use a scripture called “Secret Meeting Tantra”.

(For more information, click here.) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E4%B8%8A%E7%91%9C%E4%BC%BD%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9

Let’s take a closer look at what this “Secret Assembly Tantra” is all about from the following Wikipedia article.

Secret Assembly Tantra – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A7%98%E5%AF%86%E9%9B%86%E4%BC%9A%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9

Please note that by using this Wikipedia article in this way, there is a risk that the Underworld may delete or change this Wikipedia article.

For this reason, I have saved this article in PDF format, just in case. If in the future there is a difference between what I have reprinted here and the original article, please assume that the Wikipedia content has been tampered with.

In the meantime, the PDF version of the article I saved can be found at the following link.


First, the Wikipedia article states.

‘The Secret Perfection Tantra takes the form of a “compilation of truths that have been kept secret” that is preached before all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.’

(It is written in the “Contents” section.)

In other words, it is written in a style in which “Tigers” and “Bodhisattvas” gather together to reveal all the truths that have been kept secret until now.

And as a characteristic of the scriptures, the following explanation is given first.

 —————- (reprinted from here)

The main words and concepts that characterize the content include the following

The Five Pleasures (color, voice, smell, taste, and touch)

The Five Flesh (human flesh, beef, dog flesh, elephant flesh, and horse flesh)

The Five Nectars (feces, urine, semen, blood, and flesh)

The Great Seal (female partner)

These things, which have been avoided in conventional manifestation or secular social ethics, are taken up as a process of reflection of the truth, and in samadhi, instead of being thoroughly enjoyed and consumed, they are fully symbolized (while emphasizing their superiority and ultimate nature), affirmed and recommended, and concretely contemplated as if they were real. It is necessary to contemplate them concretely as if they were real.

Incidentally, the “great seal” (female partner) appears in the text, of course, as a symbol of “lust” (sexually oriented yoga, nirvana), but the name of its deity is,

Twelve-year-old maiden (seventh and fifteenth minutes)

Sixteen-year-old maiden (fourth, seventh, sixteenth)

Maiden of 25 years (the eighth minute)

and so on, with variations.

—————- (reprinted up to here)

If you think Tibetan Buddhism is a very ordinary Buddhism, you will not understand what I mean when you read this part.

To be honest, I didn’t understand it either. It is something that makes me question my common sense.

This is definitely not Buddhism. It is “Satanism” itself.

There is a review of this “Secret Meeting Tantra” on Amazon.com.

In the commentary, there is a review that gives an approximate explanation of this “Secret Meeting Tantra”.

Secret Meeting Tantra Japanese Translation

This review will give you an approximate idea of what is intended by this “Secret Meeting Tantra”.

 —————- (reprinted from here)

This is the first sutra that clearly states the destruction of the five precepts, the destruction of good and evil as prescribed by religion, or “all purity.

In the background of the need for religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Christian sutras to prescribe good and evil, and in the period in which they were established, there was a vicious cycle of rampant uncontrolled brutal executions by those in absolute power, which led to a backlash from the people and the killing of the rulers themselves.

In addition, it was necessary to observe the “Five Commandments” (not to kill, commit adultery, steal, lie, or drink alcohol) in order to govern the country moderately and establish peace among the people.

Buddha’s enlightenment is all equality and karma.

It is the realization that the purpose of human life is to support the cycles of the earth (eating, excreting, and breathing), that we are no different from other living things that support the cycles of the earth, and that we exist even in the absence of humans, and that “all people and all things work and live equally to support the cycles of the earth.

This was a groundbreaking discovery at a time when it was not even clear that the Earth was a planet, and not everyone could understand it.

Secret Gathering Tantra was founded more than 1,000 years after the founding of Buddhism.

The historical background and values have completely changed since the time of its establishment.

The “Five Precepts” were the foundation of Tantra, and various precepts were established, and while religious right and wrong became clear, good and evil became fixed concepts, and the distinction between “good people” and “bad people” was born.


The Secret Gathering Tantra was established for the purpose of destroying religious good and evil for the sake of a new age of enlightenment.

And the means to “enlightenment” is to eat the “five nectars (human excrement, human urine, sperm, sutra blood, and human flesh).

It is said that the philosopher’s stone can be refined from the salt of human excrement and the salt of human urine.

Eating nectar is the greatest aversion and the greatest taboo of human instinct. The act easily destroys even the stereotypes of religious right and wrong that are deeply embedded in our consciousness.

This scripture is only the gateway to esotericism. There is no good or evil in nature because there is no good or evil. In other words, the “Five Precepts” are not instincts, but mere imprints. Nature’s sense of right and wrong is greed and awe.

The destruction of good and evil as instinct is the next stage.

This leads us to the Mother Tantric Sutra.

The destruction of instinct makes infinite creation possible. It is beyond the divine.

In the East, esoteric Buddhism died out after the establishment of Jirin Tantra.

In the West, however, Tantra developed from alchemy to science and continues to this day.

Tantra in the West was consolidated into medicine, which inherited the idea of transcending the divine. In other words, it is progressing daily to achieve immortality.

 —————- (reprinted here)

In short, he is saying that in order to destroy our previous notions of good and evil, we should thoroughly do “evil” and become enlightened.

So, devour your instinctive desires, eat and drink ‘faeces, urine, semen, sperm, blood and flesh’, and even have sex with women of 12, 16 and 25.

The Pope and Queen Elizabeth have been arrested and tried for exactly this kind of lunacy, and this is exactly the kind of teaching that is being used on the ground.

Pope Francis has been convicted of child molestation and human trafficking.  https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13698

So, perhaps fearing that the content of Tibetan Buddhism will be known and denigrated, there are articles on the internet that excuse these teachings by saying that they are not actually practiced, but only in ‘thought’.

But of course, all these articles are probably wrong.

Because in Tantra it says,

If all flesh is not available, then all flesh must be produced through contemplation.

This is because it is written in Tantra. In other words, ‘Only if the actual flesh is not available, do it through imagination’.

So, there is no doubt that they are actually practicing these things.

In addition, this ‘Tantra’ contains the following outrageous statements.

—————- (reprinted from here)

Practitioners who are full of greed, hatred, and deviance will attain the most perfect realm in the highest, unsurpassed vehicle (by transforming even the three fundamental vexations into the wisdom of Buddha through ‘enlightenment’).

Those who make the flute or flute-making, etc., and those who think only of the benefits of killing beings, attain fulfilment in the highest of all Mahasiddha Vehicles.

Even those who have committed the evil karma of falling into hell, even those who have committed great sins, will attain fulfilment in this Buddha Vehicle, which is superior among the oceans of Mahayana.

Those who make their living by killing, those who love to tell lies, those who are attached to other people’s possessions, and those who always indulge in lust are actually those who are worthy of fulfilment.

Practitioners who develop lust for their mothers, sisters and daughters attain vast all-pervading realms in the highest Dharma of Mahayana.

This is the pure Dharma nature arising from the righteousness of the Dharma, which is the quintessence of the heart of all Buddhas, and is actually the phrase of bodhisattva behavior.

—————- (reprinted here)

In short, no matter how much evil you do, or rather, the more evil you do, the more you can go to the wonderful paradise.

Now, what they mean by paradise is “hell.

So, it is true. ……

If you do all these things, you will definitely be able to go to the most wonderful “hell” because you will definitely be able to go to the most wonderful “hell.

—————- (reprinted from here)

Contemplating the Buddha mandala and Akshobhya vajra, killing all sentient beings

Contemplating the Wheel Mandala and Vairochana and all the Buddhas, one takes away all the goods.

Contemplating the Lotus Mandala, Muryakari, and all the Buddhas, enjoying all the queens through the yugas (Nirvana)

Contemplating the Buddha Mandala, Vajrayaksa, and all the Buddhas, and deceiving all the victors.

Contemplating the Samādhi Mandala and the Hodanas and using coarse language

 —————- (reprinted up to here)

You kill people, you take things from people, you have sex with people, you cheat people, you slander people. So these kinds of deeds are encouraged.

It even says this.

 —————- (reprinted from here)

There are four types of Tibetan esoteric perfectionism

Bottle perfection – similar to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism in Japan. The “Towa-obtaining Buddha” to determine the guardian deity, vajra, vajra bell, vajra name bestowal, etc.

Himitsu Kyokai (Secret Perfection) – Offering a “Great Seal” (a female partner, usually a beautiful sixteen-year-old virgin) to the master and the sperm/love-juice mixture produced by their “sexual yoga” as “Bodhicitta” in one’s (the disciple’s) mouth.

Hannya Chikanjo – The disciple performs sexual yoga with his “Great Seal” (female partner). (Ejaculation is forbidden (considered the release of the “bodhicitta” put into the body), and the “bodhicitta” is held in each chakra of the body as needed to experience rapture.

Gokanjo – also translated as “word dowsing” or “symbolic dowsing. The master monk imparts the symbolism itself directly to the student in a ritual.

(*With regard to the “Great Seal” (female partner), it is said that in India and early Tibet sexual intercourse was actually practiced. However, in the Gelug school from Tsongkhapa onward, it is said, “If you have reached the stage where you have completely conquered your sexual desire, you may practice with an actual woman, but if not, you should only do so in contemplation, and if you violate this principle, you will suffer the pain of the fallen earth and prison.)

 In order to advance to the “final stage” or become an esoteric Buddhist leader, one must have completed steps 2 to 4 above.

—————- (reprinted to here)

I can only think he is crazy.

You give your beautiful 16 year old virgin to a leader to have sex with him and then drink his semen and the woman’s love juice as “bodhichitta” …….

Have sex with a woman and experience rapture without ejaculation: …….

The leader gives his disciple “symbolism”, i.e. sexual intercourse: …….

Anyway, there are all kinds of crazy things written in the book that are not considered religious scriptures.

 It is written that those who “have not reached the stage where they can completely overcome their sexual desire” must do all these things only with their thoughts, or they will fall into hell.

But those who have “reached the stage where they can completely overcome their sexual desire” must actually do these things.

And of course, since the leader has already reached that stage (or so it is assumed), he must actually do these things. That’s how they enjoy themselves to the fullest. It is the devil himself.

In fact, Shoko Asahara of Aum Shinrikyo became a big problem when he had a number of women around him.

(Aum Shinrikyo is the so-called “left path” of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism.)

Wikipedia has a lot more to say about this.

But that is enough. You must have understood how crazy the “Gelug sect” of Tibetan Buddhism is without further description.

It was “Kukai” and “Saicho” who introduced this Tibetan esoteric Buddhism to Japan.

In Japan, however, the true nature of esoteric Buddhism was rarely discussed, and it was hidden from the public. Even today it is still hidden from the public.

What Kukai and Saicho taught is not what we consider “good” religion.

It is simply “Satanism.

In the case of “Kukai,” he was supported by the people because he put a lot of effort into volunteer work and other charitable activities.

However, this is exactly the same as Satanists.

They have always pretended to do charity to win people’s support, but they have secretly done all kinds of evil behind their backs.

However, in modern times, “esotericism” has already declined and no Japanese are supposed to practice such doctrines, but readers of this blog know that this is not the case.

However, I have found some articles that claim that the former emperors practiced this Tibetan esoteric doctrine and did all kinds of evil.

—————- (reprinted below from Kukai’s Tantric “Buddhism” and Tibet)

First, there are various schools of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. Among them, the Gelug sect, to which the Dalai Lama belongs, is said to be a decent one.

(Note: If it is still respectable, how bad are the other sects?)

In other words, this school practices exoteric Buddhism thoroughly before practicing esoteric Buddhism.

It is said (is it true?) that many monks have already conquered their sexual desires. Because they do sexual yoga after they have developed a considerable personality.

Second, the Japanese Shingon priests are also known as “Shingon monks.


Second, the “Tachikawa School” of the Japanese Shingon sect, which practiced Tibetan esoteric sexual yoga, sex, and murder on a large scale, has already disappeared as an orthodoxy.

Sometimes a school like “Aum Shinrikyō” appears, but it is a side school.

What is the “Tachikawa School”?

Tachikawa-ryu is a school of Japanese Buddhism associated with the city of Tachikawa in present-day Tokyo. Ajārāshi was the son of Minamoto Toshifusa, Minister of the Left, and a cousin of Emperor Horikawa’s mother (Sageko, Emperor Shirakawa’s middle son).

It is said that here he met an Onmyoji from Tachikawa City and founded the “Tachikawa School” of Shingon Buddhism.

It was Monkan (1278-1357), a close confidant of Emperor Godaigo who is famous for his “Kemmu no Chukyo” (the middle reign of Emperor Kenmu).

He is said to have greatly developed this school.

Monkan is said to have transmitted the profound knowledge of “Tachikawa-ryu” to Emperor Godaigo.

In other words, Emperor Godaigo himself was a practitioner of the “Tachikawa School” of Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Considering how the “Kemmu no Chukyo” (the middle reign of the Kemmu dynasty) and the “Nanbokucho Rebellion” that followed for about 50 years made the Japanese people suffer from senseless warfare, the horror of Tantra is deeply impressed on our minds.

I am very sorry to say this, but Emperor Godaigo is the worst “evil king” in the history of Japan.

All he did was to make the warriors fight each other senselessly in order to restore his own extravagance, in order to reverse the era of the old aristocracy that had lost its raison d’etre (see “Taiheiki”).

In other words, Emperor Godaigo and Bunkan were defeated by the Muromachi Shogunate.

That is why the “Tachikawa School” was destroyed. If they had won, Japanese Shingon would have become completely identical with Tibetan esoteric Buddhism.

Since the defeat of the Tachikawa School, the mainstream of Shingon has always had to distinguish itself from the Tachikawa School. This was the only way to survive.

On the other hand, in Tibet, the “Musho Yoga Tantra” forces won the armed struggle.

As a result, the progress of history was stopped, and a frozen medieval society with no progress was maintained for hundreds of years.

 —————- (reprinted to here)

The writer of this article seems to think that Japan has lost its dangerous religion, which is as dangerous as Tibetan esotericism, and that is why Japan has come to prosper in this way.

And he concludes by saying that because this dangerous religion has been going on in Tibet for so long, there has been no progress for hundreds of years.

But this would be a great mistake.

It is true that the power of “esoteric Buddhism” in this part of Japan has diminished.

But “esotericism” is not the only “Satanism.

Someone has been spreading the bullshit on the Internet that “the emperor and his people have lived together in unity of spirit since ancient times,” and calling those who disagree with him “crazy.

But that is just the height of stupidity. (For more information, click here) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=23841

The Emperor’s job is to pray.

What kind of prayers does he say? Does he always pray boring prayers like we see on TV?

Or does he just go to ……?

Anyway, I found out that Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism is Satanism itself.

If you live your life thinking that such a religion is a virtue, you will never become a decent human being. You will not be able to tell right from wrong, and you will even look down on those who live good lives.

Moreover, they think that they are doing good while they are doing evil, and they believe that they can go to Paradise after they die.

Therefore, they will not even feel remorse and will live in this world as if it were their own.

The reason why they seem so proud and confident is because they believe in such a crazy cult.

We must quickly get rid of these cultists and create a system where decent and good people rule the world.

To this end, we, the ordinary people, should always do real good, pray real prayers, and share real wisdom.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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