(Translator’s Note) The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 27 July 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts. The original source can be found at the following URL link.
(Translated text below)
I have been investigating Satanism from a number of angles.
In particular, since the Benesse data leak incident, I have thought that there might be a link between the leaked personal data of children and the rapidly increasing number of missing children across the country.
And I have conducted various investigations to confirm this.
The results have shown that it is extremely close to ‘black’.
If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll know what I’m talking about, but for those of you who haven’t read it, or have read it but don’t quite understand, I’d like to briefly summaries my findings so far.
1. World leaders, including Queen Elizabeth and the Pope, are sacrificing babies in satanic rituals.
It all started when Queen Elizabeth and the former Pope were arrested for the slaughter of 50,000 babies and their arrest warrants were published online.
From that point on, I began to suspect that the increasing number of missing children around the world were actually being sacrificed to Satanism by the top elite.
Does Satanism exist? On the massacre of 50,000 children by Queen Elizabeth and the Pope. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8267
Sacrificial rituals and child massacres by the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Pope and the royal family revealed in court. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9088
The United States is an abduction powerhouse of extraordinary proportions. 800,000 missing children a year. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=8495
2. In fact, the number of missing children in Japan has been rising rapidly since around 2011. However, this is not widely reported in the media.
If nearly 800,000 young children go missing every year in the US, the situation must be the same in Japan.
So, I did some research and found that the number of missing children in Japan has indeed been increasing rapidly since around 2011: 1,000 in 2011 and 4,000 in 2013.
This is a much smaller number than in the US, but it is extraordinary that 4,000 young children have disappeared here in Japan.
And for some reason, this significant fact has not been widely reported in the media.
The number of missing children in Japan rose from 1,000 in 2011 to 4,000 in 2013. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9199
3. US FBI agents investigated Satanism and found that the US CIA was involved in child abduction and human trafficking.
The US CIA is an organization that is said to be in sole control of the world drug trade.
This led me to believe that human trafficking is carried out through the same channels as drug trafficking.
And it is the Soka Gakkai that is the main player in the drug trade here in Japan.
Rumors had been circulating for some time.
So, I was suspicious of the Soka Gakkai, but at that point I had no hard evidence.
So, I turned my attention to the Yakuza first.
The Yakuza in Japan have long been believed to be deeply involved with the US CIA.
Also, it is the Yakuza who actually run the drug trade.
This is not just a rumor, but a well-known fact.
The US CIA has set up a network of child abduction and trafficking for Satanism. The investigation report. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=11727
The Soka Gakkai is the largest drug trafficking organization in Japan. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=10158
44 children unaccounted for in Kanagawa. Is there a link to Satanism? https://rapt-neo.com/?p=12056
4. in order to carry out organized mass abductions of young children, a certain amount of information is required. What if the source of this information is Benesse = Soka?
Even though child abductions are taking place all over Japan, the fact that they are taking place is not well known at the moment.
This means that the criminals are quite clever in their crimes.
Then the criminals must be very sophisticated in their planning and have very detailed information.
But just when I was wondering where they would get such information, the Benesse personal data leak happened.
I thought, “This is it.”
Benesse has personal information on children all over Japan.
They are also a Soka-affiliated company.
The name of the Soka Gakkai, which I had suspected for some time, appeared here.
I could not believe it was just a coincidence.
The leak of Soka-Benesse’s personal information is very dangerous at a time when child abductions are on the rise. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=12900
5. It is a hoax that the organs of abducted babies are sold and transplanted in China and South East Asia. The hoax has been spread by Japan UNICEF. JCU is also a Soka affiliated organization.
There have been rumours for a long time that babies are being kidnapped for organ trafficking.
However, when I researched this rumour, the evidence seemed weak.
It is true that there have been cases in some areas, such as China, but there is absolutely no evidence that this is happening on a global scale.
Japanese doctors have also dismissed these rumours as unfounded.
It is estimated that a heart transplant requires the hands of eight doctors, and even if this operation were carried out in the dark, the profit margin would be very small.
Furthermore, it is almost impossible to find parents who would be willing to take the life of someone else’s child to save their own.
Moreover, even if organ transplants were carried out in the dark, no formal hospital would accept any post-transplant care, and if care were requested, the criminal act would be immediately exposed.
For these various reasons, we had to consider the possibility that the black route organ trade was apparently frowned upon.
When the film ‘Children of Darkness’ was released, a film about this black market organ trade, there were many complaints that it was completely untrue.
The film was sponsored by ‘Japan UNICEF’.
It turns out that this ‘Japan UNICEF’ also has close ties with the Soka Gakkai.
The Soka Gakkai is a puppet of the financial Jews.
I suspected that they were trying to spread the falsehood that organ trafficking was taking place in China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere to hide the fact that large numbers of children were being kidnapped for devil worship.
Dark organ trafficking is mostly a hoax. Propaganda to hide devil worship? https://rapt-neo.com/?p=12837
I could see a clear connection between the rapidly increasing number of child abductions and the Soka-Benesse. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13211
The strange links between Benesse, UNICEF, the Foreign Ministry, the Imperial Family and the Soka Gakkai. This Japan is controlled by a handful of people. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13398
6. Is Japan ruled by a handful of satanists, mainly the imperial family?
This is just a guess on my part, but if the people believed to be involved in child abductions are connected behind the scenes, and if the names of the royal family appear there, one cannot help but suspect that Satanism in Japan is centred around the Imperial Family.
When we actually looked into the matter, our suspicions became stronger and stronger.
At the moment, however, there is no clear evidence.
But I can say that it is very close to ‘black’.
There are several reasons why we can only assume that the Emperors are involved in devil worship. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-reasons-why-i-can-only-assume-that-the-emperors-are-involved-in-satanism/
7. The world is, of course, already under the control of Satanists.
Many people have published books on this in the form of Jewish conspiracy theories, so there is no need to explain it here.
However, the fact of ‘Satanism’ has been so neglected in Japan that it has been treated as if it were not true.
But ‘Satanism’ definitely exists.
The world’s top elites worship the devil Lucifer and derive their power from him.
The structure of world domination by Satanists (Illuminati). An overview. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=12254
8. Satanists want to spread all sorts of false rumors about the increase in child abductions, blaming it on organ trafficking, an increase in perverts, and so on.
Although thousands of young children are missing all over Japan, only the recent abduction of a fifth-grade girl in Okayama has been widely reported in the media.
The perpetrators have not yet been caught, and I found it extremely suspicious that such a fuss was being made just because she was missing.
I immediately suspected that the underworld was trying to spread the false rumor that these children had been kidnapped by perverts, similar to the rumor that children were being kidnapped for the organ trade.
So I checked several TV news reports on the case and there were several discrepancies.
There is no doubt that this case was orchestrated by the underworld.
The Okayama girl’s abduction was the only case that made headlines in the media, when it was reported that there were 1,603 missing children in 29 prefectures in Japan. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13599
The possibility that the Okayama case is a fabrication of the mass media (Soka) is still strong. The media lies have gone so far. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13626
9. The case of the confinement of the Okayama girl was fabricated because the media and the police were in on it.
A case like this was fabricated because the police, not to mention the media, were in on it.
The police are also part of the underworld.
Fabrication of the Benesse case. The fabrication of the case of the imprisonment of the five primary school girls. These facts mean that the police are members of the underworld. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13681
10. In the case of the detention of the Okayama girl, the media repeatedly described otaku as abnormal. Is there a darker agenda?
Despite the fact that the case was a fabrication by the media and the police, the media massively spread the propaganda that “the culprit was an otaku, after all “otaku” are abnormal. I knew the nerds were abnormal’, the media spread a lot of propaganda.
As I watched this coverage, I wondered if the media would continue to invent crimes committed by nerds.
Or maybe they were trying to blame some otaku for the real child abductions committed by the underworld.
In fact, the Miyazaki Tsutomu case that happened in the past turned out to be a false accusation as well.
In the future, when crimes committed by the underworld are discovered and a great fuss is made, there is a great possibility that some otaku will be falsely accused.
The media create a climate of ‘nerds are crazy’ and then, together with the police, foment anomalous incidents involving nerds. This is the plan of the underworld. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13713
The Miyazaki Tsutomu case, which was the starting point of the ‘otaku are abnormal’ campaign, was also a false conviction. The media and police had already started fabricating cases. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13737
11.The Soka Gakkai still collects personal information. There is no telling what it could be used for.
I have found that if you want to identify otaku from all over the country and frame them for child abduction, the quickest way is to use personal information from video rental stores such as Tsutaya and GEO.
Both Tsutaya and GEO are Soka-affiliated companies.
Tsutaya in particular issues T Point cards, and many companies participate in these T Point cards.
A single T Point card can reveal your interests, tastes and lifestyle.
Moreover, Culture Convenience Club Co Ltd, which issues and operates the card, is primarily concerned with collecting and reusing personal information.
When I think about it, I get the creeps and wonder what they will misuse it for in the future.
Of course, being targeted is not limited to geeks.
This article has focused on child abduction, so we have only mentioned that otaku may be targeted, but child abduction is not the only crime committed by the underworld.
They also commit a wide variety of other crimes.
They will create a suitable image of the perpetrator of that crime, search all over Japan for people who are close to that image, and try to frame them.
The personal information they collect will also be used for various other purposes.
I suspect that it will also be used for other purposes, especially in the jury system, in the recruitment of judges.
The underworld will use the personal data of the creative companies Tsutaya and GEO to identify the otaku and frame them for child abduction. The T-Point card is particularly important. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13768
12.The underworld’s subterfuge will continue. However, the skin of its charade is definitely peeling off.
We have lived our lives by taking all the news that the media has been feeding us as it is.
However, now that we know these facts, we have to question all news reported by the media from now on.
The world is full of lies anyway.
All of the lies have their roots in the underworld people who practice devil worship behind the scenes.
It is because they are behind the scenes kidnapping and murdering infants that so many lies have become so prevalent in our society.
We should realize that we are now living in the lies they have created.
But those in the underworld are also being hunted down.
The Japanese media continues to be a puppet of the financial Jews and remains silent on Satanism, but the Vatican, the center of Satanism, is certainly being exposed and various measures are being taken to ensure that the darkness is never repeated.
This is what is really happening in this world.
Therefore, all those in the underworld will surely be hunted down in the future.
The UN has finally warned the UK about satanic rituals. Satanists are being hunted down all over the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=11754
Pope Francis has publicly apologized for the ‘Satanism’ of Vatican priests. This is a great step forward for the world. https://nozomi-creation.com/pope-francis-publicly-apologizes-for-satanism-of-vatican-priests-this-is-a-major-step-forward-for-the-world/
660 people suspected of being Satanists are being held in the UK on suspicion of child abuse. Are the UN’s warning and the Pope’s apology still having a major impact? https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13339
Pope Francis has been convicted of child abuse and human trafficking. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13698