(Translator’s Note) The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 13 October 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts. The original source can be found at the following URL link.
(Translated text below)
The day before yesterday and yesterday I wrote articles about religion.
And I am very happy that some of you have been helped by them, even if only a little.
Genuine religions enhance people’s virtue, but cults undermine it. But for some reason there are people in this world who are active in cults and shine brightly. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16229
Christian Protestants may well have been taken over by Satanists. The ‘Japan Christian Church’ was one and the same with the Zainichi and anti-Japanese forces. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16236
But when I talk about religion in this way, even a little, people say:
‘I don’t like religion because it causes wars. I hate religions because they start wars, and I wish religions would disappear from the world’.
Unfortunately, that was the case again this time.
This is obviously a contradiction, since the man himself is the one who tried to start a conflict with me.
But anyway, today I would like to briefly explain that the idea that wars are caused by religion is a complete misconception.
You all know that in the First and Second World Wars, the financial Jews placed their puppets in each country, put them at the top and then manipulated them to start the wars.
Similarly, all the religious wars in the past have been started by the Satanists.
They caused wars by having their puppets in the religions, putting them at the top and manipulating their enemies and allies alike.
This is how they made money selling weapons and ammunition, and probably took pleasure in watching the carnage.
Even today the financial Jews are manipulating Shinzo Abe to start a war in Japan, but everything the Satanists are doing is a re-creation of the past.
Everything that is happening now in front of our eyes is exactly the same as what happened in the past.
The fact that Muslims are currently causing terrorism and wars in many parts of the world is all the work of the puppets of the financial Jews, and real Muslims do not fight wars.
You all know this.
Al-Qaeda and Islamic State are all puppets of the financial Jews.
They are not real Muslims.
Nor are the people dropping rockets on Gaza real Jews.
They are Satanists who call themselves Jews.
The Crusades were not led by Christians either.
All the famous religious wars of the past were not fought by real Christians or Muslims.
They were all done by Satanists.
After all, Judaism, Islam and Catholicism were all taken over by Satanists early on. ……
In the case of Christianity, Martin Luther saw how corrupt Catholicism was and decided that it could not go on as it was, so he started the Reformation and created a new denomination, Protestantism.
But as I wrote in yesterday’s article, most of these Protestants have now been taken over by the Satanists.
So, all religious wars have been started by Satanists.
Although if you look at the Old Testament, you will see that God once commanded the Jews to go to war with other races on several occasions.
At that time, God even commanded that His enemies should be utterly destroyed, leaving not a single person alive.
So, some people say that God is very cruel, but that is also a big misconception.
The command was given thousands of years before Christ.
At that time, people were in such a situation that they had no choice but to go to war.
It was a primitive age, after all, and the Jews were surrounded by bloodthirsty barbarians.
These barbarians would attack any tribe that was even slightly different from their own, taking women and children, robbing them of their possessions, raping their women, taking their men captive and enslaving them.
It was a time when such things seemed almost commonplace.
So, wherever the Jews lived, they had to fight these barbarians all the time.
It was not a time when you could negotiate and come to an agreement.
That is why God commanded the Jews to make war several times in the ‘Old Testament’.
But after a certain period of time had passed and the times had developed to the point where people could live without wars, Jesus Christ appeared and stopped all wars.
He started to spread the teaching of ‘love your enemies’.
For some reason the Catholics ignored this teaching of Jesus Christ and started wars in many parts of the world.
Perhaps they have forcefully pulled out God’s command in the ‘Old Testament’ to ‘go to war’, made up an excuse for war and gone around persuading all believers to go to war.
In the present day, Shinzo Abe is trying to start wars by twisting the interpretation of the ‘Constitution’, which is exactly the same thing.
In the past they have also started wars by twisting the interpretation of the ‘Bible’.
Of course, real Jews are aware of God’s command to wage war in the Old Testament, but they live their lives knowing that this is a story from the past.
Therefore, real Jews would never start a war.
However, the financial Jews have taken this ancient commandment out of the Old Testament and even created a false Jewish scripture, the Talmud, which decrees that all non-Jews are enemies, goyim (cattle), and must be killed or enslaved.
So, I say that the Talmud is a false scripture.
But there are some who say that this Talmud is a compilation of Jewish teachings and is a proper canon of Judaism.
Of course I don’t believe that, and in fact I have read the Bible many times, so I know how different the contents of the Bible and the Talmud are.
They are not similar at all.
In the same way, all the teachings of Christianity today are very far from what is written in the Bible.
Satanists have made bones out of all Christian teachings, twisted their interpretations and taught false doctrines to people all over the world.
And Satanists have used their followers to do what they want.
This is how cults were born all over the world.
All terrorism and wars in the world involve Satanists.
Not only religious wars, but almost all wars and terrorist attacks are the same.
It is safe to say that there is no war or terrorism in this world in which they are not involved.
Even the Aum sarin gas attack was orchestrated by the financial Jews.
However, many people in this world, both those who believe in religion and those who do not, do not know this fact. That’s why people who don’t believe in religion say ‘I don’t like religion because it causes wars’, and those who believe in religion don’t know what to say.
But if there is a religion that really wants to start wars, it is not a religion but a cult.
It is a cult hijacked by Satanists.
It is not wrong to think so.
Just recently, the followers of ‘Happy Science’ marched in Saga Prefecture to accept the Osprey, and they did so because they are undeniably a cult.
Real religions do not interfere in politics.
Moreover, a true religion would never be burdened with war.
If there are any religions that are involved in war, they are definitely cults.
The Komeito Party’s decision to allow the right of self-defence is also because it is a cult.
This can be a guide to whether or not a particular religion is a cult.
When I talk like this, some people may argue that because there are religions, cults appear, people are deceived and their offerings and donations are used for war, so it is better to eliminate religions from the beginning.
But such an argument is just a quibble.
If you say that, it is the same as saying that there is war because there is a state, that state taxes are used for war, so it is better to get rid of the state, and so on.
So, Satanists are trying to get rid of this concept of the state and establish a ‘one world government’.
All this talk about ‘removing border walls’ and ‘removing religious barriers’ is the devil’s theory.
They always say such grating things and try to do what they want.
That is why I say that people who indiscriminately beat up on religions are also considered cults.
Because that is what the devil does.
If you beat up all religions as evil, people who are saved by religion will have a hard time.
There are many people in the world who have peace of mind and live happily because of religion.
Because they don’t know this reality, they only see the bad parts of religions and criticize them.
Everything in this world has a dark side and a light side.
Fire is a very useful thing, but it can also cause serious burns and fires if not used properly.
But that doesn’t mean we can dismiss fire as something we don’t need.
Cars are also very useful, but if they are not used properly, they can cause accidents.
Sometimes people die in those accidents.
But if we say we want to get rid of cars, people living in the countryside will not be able to live.
It is exactly the same kind of logic to insist on getting rid of religion.
This is the only thing that needs to be properly understood.