English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Ancient Egyptian sun worship = devil worship, until it drifted into today’s Japanese emperor family, making the emperor family one of the largest conglomerates in the world.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted on 28 October 2014, from the voluminous RAPT blog posts.  The original source can be found at the following URL link.


(Translated text below)

I have been writing articles about the relationship between the Emperors and Satanism for the past few days, and I believe that yesterday’s article has so completely topped it off that no one can refute it anymore. (Yesterday’s article is below).

Proof that the Emperor is in fact a Satanist. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16687

However, yesterday’s article may have been a little difficult to understand for those with no prior knowledge of the subject, as there were so many religions, such as Shinto, Judaism and Christianity, and even Japanese history, such as the ‘Tabuse System’ and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Yesterday’s article is of such grandiose content that it would take a thick book to explain it properly, and it is not something that can be explained in such short sentences, but I had to force myself to write it in a compact form, and to be honest it was quite difficult for me to write.

I don’t know how I managed to keep it so short.

So today I would like to add to yesterday’s article by writing a chronological article on how Satanism was introduced to the current Japanese Emperor family.

By looking at Japanese history from a different perspective, you may discover something new.

Firstly, the greatest flourishing of Satanism in ancient history was the ancient Egyptian dynasty.

Some say that it originally flourished on the continent of Atlantis, but when that continent was destroyed and sank to the bottom of the sea, Satanists drifted to Egypt, where they built pyramids and other structures while practicing Satanism in a spectacular way.

Many history books say that sun worship flourished in Egypt.

And it is this sun worship that is Satanism. This is a clear fact because the Freemasons, as the Satanic organization is called, use the pyramid motif as their symbol.

They believe that the triangular pyramid contains the power of the devil (for them, God).

So, yesterday I happened to be watching a video by Koji Hayashi about this, and this amazing thing came up.

He said it was found at an ancient Egyptian site.

I couldn’t help but tear my eyes out.

It is the very symbol of the imperial family, the Chrysanthemum Crest.

If you saw something like this without any prior knowledge, you would wonder why on earth the Emperor’s symbol was found in ancient Egypt.

You would think it was just a coincidence.

But it is no coincidence.

There are undeniable similarities between Ancient Egypt and the Emperors.

It may seem like I’m repeating myself, but the same devil worship is practiced in ancient Egypt and in the Emperor’s family in Japan today.

The Chrysanthemum Crest is not really a symbol of the Chrysanthemum.

It is a symbol of ‘sun worship’.

Sun worship means devil worship.

In other words, the Chrysanthemum Crest is a symbol of Satanism.

So, how on earth did devil worship make its way from ancient Egypt to the ancient emperors of Japan?

Let’s start by unravelling the story.

The first step was the arrival of the Israelites, who were Jews, in Egypt.

The Israelites went to Egypt in search of food when a great famine struck Canaan, where they lived.

They must have heard rumors that great cities were flourishing in Egypt and that food was being stored there in abundance.

In Egypt, a man called Joseph, who happened to be a fellow Israelite, was a minister and had great power.

Joseph decided to give the Israelites shelter in Egypt.

But after Joseph’s death, the rulers of Egypt were not happy with the foreigners, the Israelites.

They stopped treating them favorably and began to abuse them as slaves.

Just as the Satanist financial Jews are using the common people as slaves today, they forced everyone else to work as slaves.

After about 400 years of slavery, a man called Moses appeared among the Israelites and led them out of Egypt.

They then returned to the land of Canaan where they had originally lived.

However, the blood of devil worshippers was probably already mixed with the Israelites by this time.

Alternatively, pure Satanists may have mixed with the Israelites as spies, as they always did.

So, one by one, the Israelites rebelled against Moses, who was supposed to have saved their lives, and continued to rebel against God’s teachings, known as the ‘Law of Moses’.

And when God Yahweh saw this, he was angry.

He repeated his judgement over and over again, finally dividing Israel into two nations.

These were Northern Israel and Southern Judah.

But the Israelites continued to rebel against God, which made God even more angry.

He sent Assyria to destroy northern Israel and Babylon to destroy southern Judah.

This was the famous ‘Babylonian Captivity’.

Moreover, both Assyria and Babylon were built by Satanists.

So, it is not surprising that more and more Satanists mixed with the Israelites.

This was an unbearable situation for the pure Jews.

Therefore, some Jews left Israel to escape the difficulties and then travelled around the world, arriving in the land of Japan after a long time.

It is believed that the route taken at that time was as follows.

However, it is likely that, again, Satanists were mixed in with the Jews, and together they flowed into Japan.

At the very least, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

For more information, see the following links.

‘Japanese-Jewish syncretism’ is an unquestionable fact. That does not make the Japanese people great or bad. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16401

The Jews who arrived in Japan continued to believe in Judaism as they had before.

This is what remains today as ‘Shinto’.

If you look at Japanese Shinto, you will see that it is unmistakably Judaism itself.

Japanese Shinto, in other words, was Judaism brought by the Israelites.

The similarities between Judaism and Japan Mysterious ancient history M-kun https://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~mkun/nazo/JapanJ.htm

The Judaism of the time took root in various parts of Japan, and eventually the Shinto religion gave birth to the Emperor, a ‘present god’.

However, the logic behind the birth of the ‘Emperor’, the ‘present god’, is completely at odds with Judaism.

The act of deifying and worshipping a human being constitutes idolatry, which is forbidden in the Bible.

It is clearly a sin.

So why did the Jews create such a ‘present god’?

This part of Judaism is so far removed from Judaism that, despite the fact that Shinto and Judaism are so similar, there have been many people who think that Shinto is not Judaism.

However, if Satanists have infiltrated the Jewish population and twisted the teachings of Judaism (Shinto) to create the theory that ‘the emperor is God’, then it all makes sense.

In fact, Satanists have always managed to infiltrate a major religion, twist its doctrines to suit themselves and control the population.

Catholicism is a prime example of this.

As Catholicism spread throughout the Roman Empire, Satanists infiltrated Catholicism one by one, pretending to be devout Christians and becoming its leaders, destroying Christian doctrine from within.

Thus, they established a satanic cult called the ‘Vatican’, which still rules over all the Christians of the world, pretending to be pious Christians as ever.

In order to live comfortably and luxuriously, they made the people live in poverty, lied to them that they had to work harder because the country was leaning, made them work like slaves and robbed them one by one.

Exactly the same thing was done in ancient Japan.

The tactics of the Satanists are the same throughout the ages.

Eventually, however, the Warring States period began, and the warlords became more powerful than the emperor.

By the Edo period, the power of the emperor was no longer a thing of the past.

Their pride was now shattered.

So they gathered the connections of the ‘Tabuse-cho’, a meeting of the imperial family of the southern court, and planned to stage a coup in Japan and restore the emperor’s power.

This was the beginning of what is known as the ‘Tabuse System’.

However, money and contacts were needed to implement this plan.

So, they teamed up with financial Jews who had come from abroad and provided them with contacts and funds.

In other words, the “connections of the Tabuse people” could also be convinced.

They may not have been simply instigated by the financial Jews.

Indeed, Ryoma Sakamoto, a Japanese, was a Freemason, so it is not impossible that many of the ‘Tabuse’ connections were also Freemasons.

Or perhaps Toranosuke Omuro was a Freemason of the highest order.

That may be why he was made ‘Emperor’.

Otherwise, I feel that even other people might not have been convinced to make him the most powerful person.

For more information on this, please read yesterday’s and the day before yesterday’s articles, which will help you understand the background to this period.

Proof that Japan is ruled by the Koreans The ‘Taube system’ is the beginning of the domination of Japan by the Koreans and the financial Jews. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16671

Proof that the Emperor is basically a devil worshipper. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16687

In this way, the Emperor’s power was spectacularly restored, and all the people could be moved by the call of his crane.

This is how the power of the Satanists was restored in Japan.

However, the Japanese people do not believe that such a conspiracy is secretly taking place.

Rather, they do not believe that they are being enslaved by the devil, as rare Western culture and goods continue to arrive and their lives become richer and richer.

Later, during the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War and the Second World War, many Japanese were killed because of the Emperor, but the Japanese people continued to worship him as a god.

They are really good-natured.

However, after the Second World War, the Emperor himself made his own ‘human declaration’ and his power seems to have diminished somewhat, but in fact I do not see it as a diminution of his power, but rather an increase of his power.

Almost no one in Japan knows this, but the Emperor is actually the richest man in the country.

I have a feeling that this is why the ‘Emperor’ has decided to give up the tedious task of governing (and pretending to govern) Japan and simply concentrate on his position of looking down on the people and indulging in luxury.

In pre-war Japan there were four major conglomerates – Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and Yasuda – .

And the Japanese economy developed around them, but in reality, the Emperor was said to have ten times the wealth of these four major conglomerates.

This is generally referred to as the ‘Emperor’s conglomerates’ and the Emperor’s family is its ‘conglomerates Family’.

Under the Emperor’s family is the Ministry of the Imperial Household, which has 6,000 employees, all of whom still serve the Emperor obediently.

In addition, the Emperor’s family once owned shares in the Bank of Japan, the Yokohama Shokin Bank, the Bank of Korea, the Bank of Taiwan, the South Manchuria Railway, Nippon Yusen, Tokyo Electric Light, the Imperial Hotel, etc.

They also increased their wealth by investing the income they received from the state in “stocks” and “government bonds”.

The Emperor’s colonization of Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria and other areas was actually to develop overseas projects.

The Great East Asia War was also started to make money for the emperor.

This is how they became Japan’s biggest financial tycoons and landowners.

This structure is exactly that of the financial Jews themselves.

They are comparable to Rothschild and Rockefeller.

They made a lot of money from wars without the people knowing.

During the Edo period, the wealth of the emperor’s family was not much.

And is said to have been around 100,000 koku, including the nobility’s share.

And yet, from the Meiji era onwards, they became the wealthiest family in Japan.

This alone makes the Meiji replacement theory plausible.

In case you were wondering, most of the Emperor’s assets were confiscated with the defeat in the Second World War, but that is only a pretext.

In fact, there are rumors that there was an underground vault of the Emperor in the Bank of Japan, from which many gold bars and precious metals were secretly removed by NYK and transferred to banks in Argentina, the Swiss Bank and elsewhere.

Otherwise, political and business tycoons would not have married the emperor or the imperial family one after the other, and the world’s tycoons would not have bothered to visit the emperor all the way to Japan.

For more information, see the links below.

The darkness of the imperial family. The Darkness of the Japanese Red Cross Society. The darkness of the taboo system. The Darkness of the Satanists. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16559

After doing a lot of research on the Emperor in this way, I suddenly realized something.

If the Emperors are almost equal to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, or even better than them.

In fact, the Emperor is the biggest mastermind behind the scenes controlling this world.

In fact, the Emperor is translated into English as Emperor.

Emperor means ‘emperor’. And the general perception of the world is that the ‘emperor’ is higher than anyone else.

emperor >> pope >> king >> president >> prime minister.

It means that the Emperor is higher than the Pope, who is higher than the Satanist Queen Elizabeth.

Is this really a formal superlative?

Or is the Emperor really the highest in the Satanist world?

Perhaps we have not understood this most important point.

That is why, no matter how much we looked into this and that about ‘conspiracy theories’, we were always left with some kind of unconvincing ‘lump’ at the last crucial point. ……

The real awakening is about to begin.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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