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Kenji Goto, kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a South Korean resident of Japan who does not have Japanese citizenship.

Is he an agent sent to Syria to sacrifice Mr. Yukawa to the Islamic State? (Translator’s Note) …

The strange connection between the Marunouchi subway line, GHQ, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Queen Elizabeth and the Jesuits.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 14 …

Solid evidence that the Emperor, Prime Minister Abe and the politicians in Nagata-cho are Satanists who believe in “esoteric Buddhism”.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 8 M …

上級国民の危険思想 9.11の真実! 「世界は狂人によって支配されている」

Several ways to track down and destroy underworld agents.

We should also learn a little about the principles of the devil’s actions. (Translator’s …