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The real mechanism by which Nazi Germany lost the war.

Or about the ‘Green Dragon Society’ that manipulated Hitler. (Translator’s Note) T …

The connection between Nazis, UFOs, Shambhala, Snowden, Tokyo’s underground substations and underground nuclear facilities.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 17 …

Proof that the Tower of Babel is a symbol of the NWO.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 5 D …


最近、私が経営する会社で、続けて大きな取引がありました。 そのうちのひとつで問題が発生し、私は窮地に立ちました。 そのとき、自分の不十分な頭で解決しようとするのではなく、祈り、助けを求めたところ、神様 …

The story that radioactivity is dangerous is a lie

Do you think that radioactivity and nuclear power are difficult to understand? When I heard that the …