English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Christianity was destroyed from within by Satanists. More about its history.


(Translator’s Note)
The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on May 12, 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.

(Translated text below)

When reading articles on the Internet about the Illuminati and Satanism, one sometimes comes across articles that make it sound as if Christianity itself is a Satanic religion.

Many Japanese people do not have much knowledge of Christianity.

Therefore, it may be understandable for them to have such a misunderstanding.

However, perhaps some of the people who write such articles may be agents who aim to destroy Christianity.

Christianity was originally founded in a small country called Israel, and its founder was Jesus Christ.
At the time of Christ’s death, it was not yet very large.

Later, however, the Apostle Paul began his missionary work in Rome, and the number of believers increased significantly.
Soon, Christianity became the state religion of Rome.

This was the beginning of Roman Catholicism.

However, Satanists entered the Catholic Church one after another in order to destroy the Christianity that had become so large.
In other words, they joined the Christian faith, pretended to be pious, and slowly mixed Satanic elements into the Christian faith.

For example, the birthday of Jesus Christ is supposed to be December 25, but no such statement is found anywhere in the Bible.

It is actually the birthday of the Mithraic god Mithras. By designating that day as Christ’s Day, they have made it possible for Christians to celebrate the birth of Mithras.

(Incidentally, Mithraism is today defined as a religion with a strong Satanic component.)

Thus, the Satanists successively planted Mithraic doctrines within the Roman Catholic doctrine.
At that time, few believers actually read the entire Bible, since many Romans were still illiterate and did not have printing technology.
Therefore, Satanists could easily slip Satanic doctrines into Christian doctrines.

The same technique was used during the Renaissance.
The Renaissance has a very spectacular image, but in reality it is nothing more than the subversion of Christianity by Satanists.
They told a seemingly grating story that people should not believe in God, but only in man’s own strength.
The goal was to rob people of their piety and bring them under the control of the devil.

Christianity at that time was very authoritarian.
That is, if someone did not believe in Christ or was not devout, they were suppressed very severely.
However, the transformation of Christianity into such a religion was actually all due to Satanists who infiltrated the church.
They mixed Satanic elements into the Christian doctrine.
And they made people not believe in God and Christ, but rather hate and loathe them.

They kept the image of Christianity as an evil religion in people’s heads and launched what became the Renaissance just as the faith was about to disappear from people’s minds.

In this way, they succeeded in driving people out of Christianity altogether.

This same method of infiltrating the church and destroying its doctrines was later adopted in the same way when a Christian organization called Freemasonry was established.
Satanists calling themselves the Illuminati infiltrated Freemasonry to escape violent repression.

  1. As for infiltrating Freemasonry, their objective is to take advantage of whatever is offered by that organization and by the secretive Freemasons.
    It is possible to organize one’s own Daitosha inside Blue Freemasonry and carry out subversive activities, while concealing the true meaning of one’s activities in the name of philanthropy.
    Every member who joins the Daitosha must be used for recruiting and for spreading atheistic materialism among the goyim.
    When the day comes when our Sovereigns who rule the whole world will take the throne, this same hand will sweep away all that might block their path.

In this way, Christianity was being progressively transformed from what it should have been.
As a result, some devout believers became highly dissatisfied with the church.
As a result, Martin Luther started the Reformation and established Protestantism in opposition to Catholicism.

Many Japanese do not even know the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism.
To explain it simply, Catholics have gorgeous stone churches with priests dressed in fancy costumes and hold worship services.
Protestants, on the other hand, worship in simple buildings (in some cases, just ordinary houses or apartments) and wear suits and other very ordinary attire.
This is the biggest difference between the two religions.

However, the reality today is that Protestantism, like Catholicism, is being destroyed by Satanists.
Many Protestant churches today are also corrupt.
There are some churches that are not so corrupt, but on a global scale, it is safe to say that Christianity today has no power to save people spiritually.

Nor did the corruption of Catholicism ever stay afterwards.
As I have written many times in this blog, it was revealed that the Vatican was actually a center of devil worship.
If Christianity has become so corrupt, some people who do not know much about Christianity may see it as a religion of Satanism.
It is only natural that they would see it that way.
Therefore, there will be people who will make the extreme claim that Christianity is a Satanist religion.
However, this view is actually quite erroneous.
Frankly, I think it is a very disrespectful statement to devout Christians.

There is a movie that goes into great detail about how Satanists have destroyed Christianity so far.
I found it on YouTube, so if you are interested, please see the video link below.
In case you are interested, the movie seems to be made for Christians, so it may be a little boring for those who have no knowledge of Christianity.
However, for those interested in Satanism, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, etc., it may be a very valuable resource.

(Reference Links)

RAPT | イルミナティに関する幾つかの考察。 (rapt-neo.com)

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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