(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 26 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Yesterday I spoke about the suspicion that Kenji Goto, who was kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a Zainichi agent.
I also talked about the suspicion that the underworld is trying to provoke World War III through his operations.
The topic of conversation among Japanese conspiracy theorists is now all about this “Islamic State.
My article from yesterday seems to have been copied and used by various conspiracy theory blogs. Thank you for your prayers and sharing of information.
However, many conspiracy theorists still focus on the “U.S.” conspiracy rather than the “Emperor” or “Vatican” conspiracy.
So, no matter how much I write about the struggle between the “Emperor” and the “Papacy,” most of they either do not understand or do not take me seriously.
So today I would like to talk about this so that everyone can clearly understand that the turmoil in the Middle East is merely a struggle between the “Emperor’s faction” and the “Papal faction.
I am sure you all know that the United States and Europe are united in bombing Iraq and Syria under the pretext of eradicating the “Islamic State.
This has been widely reported in the mainstream media. The following message is one of them.
US Secretary of State: Working Together to Destroy Islamic State NHK News
So, these two countries, Syria and Iraq, are trying to lay oil pipelines in cooperation with Russia. In fact, Syria, Iraq and Iran are working with Russia to begin construction of the following oil pipeline

However, there are those who do not agree with the construction of this pipeline.
They are the USA, NATO and Israel.
For more details, please see the following link.
Behind the Syrian Pipeline – Behind the Scenes | Behind the World News (*)The Link has expired.
Russia, on the other hand, as you know, is one of the BRICS countries.
In fact, the Japanese Emperor is the head of the BRICS.
Since no one has ever talked about this area before, there may be many who do not understand it well.
However, if you read the article linked below, you will understand that this is a definite fact.
The reality is that the Soka Gakkai is deeply rooted in the BRICS countries. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17984
Suzuki Muneo became a politician with the Soka vote. The BRICS countries have been found to be completely in the black. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18010
The emperor is the supreme power in Japan, and the Soka Gakkai has supported him from behind the scenes. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17493
The Soka Gakkai is the source of the power of the Emperor and the Soka Gakkai. If the Soka Gakkai disappears, the power of the Emperor will also disappear. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17504
And those who oppose Russia are, as I said, the USA and NATO.
In fact, they are connected to the “Vatican,” and I call them collectively the “Papists.
I call them collectively the “papists.
And the “papists” are actually in conflict with the “emperors” behind the scenes.
The struggle between NATO and BRICS is a manifestation of the power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18097
The fact that BRICS and NATO are at odds with each other has been widely reported in the mainstream media.
Ostensibly, the conflict is over issues such as the situation in Ukraine.
In reality, however, the conflict between BRICS and NATO is nothing more than a power struggle between the “Emperor” and the “Vatican” that has come to the surface.
However, neither the “Emperor” nor the “Vatican” want anyone in this world to know that they are in conflict with each other.
This is exactly the same thing that is happening with the Islamic State.
The Islamic State is said to be hiding in Iraq and Syria.
That is why the U.S. and NATO are desperately bombing Iraq and Syria.
But as I said, there are Russian oil pipelines in Iraq and Syria.
And the “papists,” including the U.S., are eager to destroy these oil pipelines.
Because if they don’t, the “papists” will become more powerful.
So, they create a fake Islamic organization called “Islamic State” and bomb Iraq and Syria, lying that the “Islamic State” is rampaging in Iraq and Syria.
Or rather, they do not want anyone to know that the “Emperor” and the “Vatican” are the masterminds of evil in this world.
So, they make up the Ukraine issue and make it look as if BRICS and NATO are in conflict because of the situation in Ukraine.
This is what they make the media and others report.
Yes, they are.
The Islamic State and other Islamic extremists are almost entirely U.S.-trained terrorist organizations.
I know that Russia, Iran, and others have reported this extensively. For more information, see the following links.
The US has been training Islamic terrorists. The revelations are coming out everywhere. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=11651
Therefore, the reason they are bombing in the Middle East is not to wipe out the “Islamic State”, but actually to wipe out the “Emperor’s Faction”.
And the Emperor’s Faction cannot leave the Emperor’s Faction alone.
So, they tried to make friends with the “Emperor Faction” by using Shinzo Abe to distribute large sums of money to Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries.
This is how he tried to get them to cooperate in the construction of this oil pipeline.
Of course, there are many other reasons.
The Abe government has spent a total of 70 trillion yen in the past two years. The depressing reality is that our blood taxes are being used to expand the power of the “Emperor Faction.
In case you are wondering, Shinzo Abe is a member of the Seiwa-kai and is said to have strong ties with the US.
However, the head of this Japan is only the Emperor.
Therefore, even though he is a member of the Seiwa-kai, he cannot go against what the Emperor says.
If they go against him, the “right wing” will expose more and more scandals in his cabinet, as they did just recently, and his cabinet will be torn to pieces.
However, Abe did not want his cabinet to be destroyed and demoted in the underworld.
Therefore, he obeyed the Emperor’s orders and spent a lot of money in the Middle East and Africa to expand the power of the “Emperor’s Faction.
Angered by this, the “papists” used the “Islamic State” to threaten Japan to stop such lavish spending.
This is the truth behind the recent Japanese kidnappings.
The kidnapping of Japanese by the Islamic State could be a stepping stone to World War III.
So many conspiracy theorists still believe that Abe and the US have a strong pipeline.
And they do not even believe that the Emperor is to blame at all.
So even if you copy and paste my article from yesterday, I will only emphasize the connection between Abe and the US.
I am not “sure” about the emperor or that “the guy named RAPT writes biased stuff”.
But BRICS is an organization created by Soka Gakkai in Japan. And the Soka Gakkai is a subordinate organization of the Emperor.
This is what I have shown in the link above.
If you understand this, you can immediately understand the logic I am talking about.
However, the A-listers are very reluctant to admit this point.
They do not want to admit it.
But no matter how much they do not want to admit it, the truth is that all the turmoil in the Middle East so far has been a struggle between the “emperor faction” and the “pope faction.
This is the truth of the world.
For example, can anyone explain why Pakistan separated from India and why the “Taliban” are rampaging in Afghanistan and Pakistan in a way that everyone can understand?
It is said that even Indians living in India do not have a proper understanding of the situation in these areas.
But is it possible to be so stupid that you cannot understand the situation in your own country? This is not a normal situation.
In short, in India, as in Japan, there are people who manipulate the media behind the scenes.
And because they hide the truth and lie all the time, information becomes more complicated and difficult to get.
Or they deliberately make their reports complicated and difficult to understand so that no one can understand what is really going on from the beginning.
But in the end, the conflict between India and Pakistan was only a conflict between the “emperor faction” and the “papal faction.
India is the “Emperor faction” in the BRICS, but it was the “Papists” who split India in two and separated Pakistan.
The “Emperor’s Faction” was not satisfied with this, and they sent the “Taliban” on a rampage in Pakistan and tried to destroy Pakistan.
In other words, the “Taliban” are nothing, but fake Muslims created by the “Emperor’s Faction.

Let me explain why.
Afghanistan, which is next to Pakistan, was occupied by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The Cold War was a battle between the capitalist countries led by the United States and the communist countries led by the Soviet Union.
In fact, it was a battle between the “Emperor” and the “Vatican.
For more details, see the links below.
The Cold War was a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17844
The connection between the Soka Gakkai and the Rothschilds can be seen at a glance. Or the connection between the Emperor, Communism and Rothschild. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18457
In short, the communist countries were the “Emperor’s Faction” and the capitalist countries were the “Papal Faction”.
For example, the flag of “Afghanistan” was bright red when it was occupied by the Soviet Union.
This supposedly means that this country became a “communist country.
But the truth is that it became an “imperialist faction” country.
The “Emperor Faction” includes the “Emperor” and the “Rothschilds” because the Rothschilds use the color “red” as their own symbol.

So, the U.S. was angry about this and joined hands with Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union.
But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan was taken out of Soviet hands.
So, the “Emperor’s Faction” was forced to give up Afghanistan.
So, the red color temporarily disappeared from the Afghan flag and vanished.

It was during this time that the “Taliban” began their rampage in Afghanistan.
Ostensibly, the Taliban began their rampage in Afghanistan under the guise of cleaning up the country.
However, the truth of the matter is that the “Emperor’s Faction” created an Islamic extremist group called the “Taliban” and tried to bring Afghanistan back under the “Emperor’s Faction”.
This probably gradually restored Rothschild’s power in Afghanistan.
The “red” is once again mixed into the Afghan flag.
Currently, the flag of Afghanistan looks like this.

By the way, the following links provide more information about the evolution of the flag of Afghanistan.
Flag of Afghanistan – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%95%E3%82%AC%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AE%E5%9B%BD%E6%97%97
The red color has been restored, which may mean that Rothschild’s power in Afghanistan has been restored to that extent.
Had Afghanistan been completely under Rothschild’s power, the oil pipeline above could have been connected to Afghanistan.
However, since this has not been done, it may mean that the struggle between the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction” in Afghanistan is still in a state of antagonism.
Therefore, the “Emperor Faction” probably tried to use Abe to distribute large sums of money to Middle Eastern countries in order to expand the power of the “Emperor Faction” and complete this pipeline.
When the “papists” saw this, they became impatient and angry, kidnapped Japanese people, and threatened them not to distribute any more money.
They even killed one Japanese.
The “emperor’s faction” may launch air raids in the Middle East to attack the “papists” under the guise of “Islamic State.
The “Papists” provoked the “Emperor’s Faction” to go to war against them.
So, the “Emperor’s Faction” will take advantage of it.
And if the war in the Middle East is not enough to solve the problem, they will eventually expand the war to other countries.
In other words, it could turn into World War III.
Perhaps it is privately agreed that whoever wins this war will be able to rule the world.
On the surface, the situation in the Middle East looks very complicated and intricate.
In reality, however, it is merely a power struggle between the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction.
The real mastermind is not the Islamic State, but the Emperor and the Vatican.
Once you understand this fact, you will no longer be deceived by the underworld.
You will be able to understand the movements of this world more easily and smoothly.
(RAPT Note: In the previous “Paid Version of TALK RADIO”, we talked about the “Taliban” as a puppet of the U.S., but this is a mistake of a puppet of the “Emperor’s Faction”. That is how we interpret it at this time. We apologize for the correction.