(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 3 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
When demons try to hide the truth, they often deliberately change the subject to an unimportant point and prevent us from discussing what is really important.
In the case of the Islamic State, the important point is that the papists (Vatican = Rockefeller) want to go to war with the emperors (Emperor = Rothschild).
The ‘ emperors ‘ cannot stop the ‘ papists ‘ and are forced into a situation where they have no choice but to ride the ‘papists’ provocations. ……
The devils are afraid that my article exposing this fact will be read by many people in this world.
And they point out details that are not my mistakes and say they are wrong.
They try to label me as a dangerous person.
Anyway, the ‘Emperor Faction’ has been trying to promote the image of the Emperor as a clean, good man.
But all their hard work is about to come to a halt because of me.
Since I exposed the Emperor’s conspiracy, many conspiracy theorist blogs, which used to be dominated by US conspiracy theories, have started posting articles about the Emperor.
In addition, Lollipop’s suppression of speech has brought my blog to the attention of many people.
The underworld has indeed dug its own grave.
So, once again, Lollipop has restricted access to my old blog since the day before yesterday.
But now that I have set up a new blog, there is no point.
there have always been plenty of people who have said bad things about the Emperor.
But when such people appeared, most of them were silenced when the right wing threatened them, or the netizens harassed them.
In my case, however, the more I was attacked, the more I did not shut up, but rather argued loudly about the Emperor and even presented my arguments and evidence.
So now many pseudo-intellectuals are desperately trying to pretend that they are better than PAPT and know more than RAPT.
And while they are pretending to be intellectuals, they are writing in big letters, “Be careful of RAPT’s articles”.
And when you read the articles of these supposed academics, they are nothing of the sort.
It was boring and tedious reading, a slight adaptation of traditional conspiracy theories.
They say that all the elites of the world are bad guys who are in bed with the US.
Well, some of it is true, but it’s such an overused conspiracy theory that I got tired of reading it.
In any case, this kind of manipulation is probably counterproductive.
If people are told not to read something, they will want to read it.
If they read my articles, they will understand that they are a hundred times more sensible than those written by other people.
Most people in this world are not as stupid as they think they are.
So many people can tell at a glance whether your article or mine makes sense. It doesn’t matter how much you bash me.
Is that why?
You bash me by saying ‘RAPT said Kenji Goto was Korean, but Kenji Goto had Japanese citizenship.
If you say that, I would like you to provide proper proof that he was a Japanese citizen.
But if he really is an underworld agent, it would be easy for him to make up his Japanese citizenship.
After all, the underworld controls Japan.
If Mr Goto had a passport, he would probably say he had Japanese nationality, wouldn’t he?
People in the underworld can forge passports in many ways. ……
So, it is pointless to discuss whether or not Kenji Goto has Japanese nationality.
We should be discussing whether or not he is an agent.
The fact that he is an agent is not just something that I say, but something that many other people say.
I wrote about this in my article the other day.
The reality that Japan has become a target of the Islamic State. How far will the prophecy of the Illuminati map come true? https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-that-japan-is-a-target-of-the-islamic-state/
Kenji Goto was a collaborator of the Islamic State, the Foreign Ministry, Jordan and the Mossad.
So the devils are not the person who wrote this article, but they are trying to make sure that nobody reads my articles by saying that I am dangerous.
I don’t think it’s necessary to announce that article is dangerous if it’s not important.
But they can’t leave it alone, so they go to the trouble of posting this notice.
Also, the Yahoo Chiebukuro article I mentioned in the article linked above, ‘Kenji Goto is a Korean living in Japan’, seems to have been deleted.
According to a reader, the number of views of this article jumped from 8,000 to 16,000 immediately after I posted the link to this article.
So, it seems that Yahoo removed it in a panic.
In addition, many threads were subsequently posted on this Yahoo Chiebukuro page stating that Mr Goto was Japanese. It’s so funny.
How impatient are people in the underworld?
I think the more they do this kind of manipulation, the more people will get suspicious. ……
Anyway, there is no point in discussing Mr Goto’s nationality.
The question is whether he is an agent or not.
But the devils cleverly change the point and say, “Mr Goto had Japanese nationality, so he is not an agent. So, he is not an agent. “
But there are probably many agents in this world who have Japanese citizenship.
First of all, even the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, is an agent.
Furthermore, the FACEBOOK article that prompted me to write that Kenji Goto is Korean was also deleted immediately after I reprinted it.
Mr Kenji Goto, who was kidnapped by the Islamic State, is a South Korean resident in Japan who does not have Japanese citizenship. Is he an agent sent to Syria to sacrifice Mr Yukawa to the Islamic State?
This happened once in the past.
It was the Shuntaro Torigoe case.
Does Mr Torigoe’s website still say “I impersonated Shuntaro Torigoe” or something like that?
I’m sorry, but is there even one person in the world who would benefit from impersonating Mr Torigoe? (See the link below for more information.)
Soka and Zainichi’s plan to destroy RAPT is now visible. There is a strong possibility that Yasuyuki Nanbu (Pasona) = Shuntaro Torigoe = Masayoshi Son (Yahoo) are involved. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=14865
Anyway, most of the people who would call me dangerous could be Soka or Zainichi.
In other words, they are puppets of the ‘Emperor Faction’.
At the time I wrote the above article about Mr Torigoe, I was not aware of the existence of the ‘Emperor Faction’.
So, I wondered why someone like Mr Torigoe, who is not pro-American, was hanging out with the Soka Gakkai and bashing me.
But the truth is that the Soka Gakkai is not an American organization, but a subordinate organization of the ‘Emperor Faction’.
The Emperor is the supreme power in Japan, and the Soka Gakkai supported him behind the scenes. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17493
In short, Shuntaro Torigoe was a member of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’.
And the reason why Mr Torigoe seemed to be an ally of us common people is because he was bashing the evils of the ‘ papalists ‘.
He was never bashing the evils of this world for the sake of us ordinary people.
He was only bashing the evils of the ‘papalists’ to protect the interests of the ‘imperialists’.
That is why they were making strange quibbles about the fact that Seiji Maehara, who is also a member of the ‘Emperor Faction’, received donations from foreigners and that it was no big deal.
It is now clear that many government academics, journalists, famous conspiracy theorists and well-known companies such as Lollipop, Yahoo and others are all pawns of the ‘Emperor Faction’.
Apparently, both Lollipop and its parent company, GMO, are located at the ‘Devil’s Gate’ of the Imperial Palace.
Are they trying to protect the Emperor from something? Good luck with that.
Anyway, now the ‘Emperor’s Faction’ also wants to go to war with the ‘Papal Faction’.
And they don’t want us, the common people, to know about it.
That is why they are so nervous about me writing an article about it.
But no matter how much they try to hide this fact, if you watch the daily news, their movements are already obvious.
In fact, the ‘papists’ don’t seem to want to hide this fact at all.
They have had so many of their abuses exposed that perhaps they are so torn up that they don’t care.
In fact, the USA, the central country of the ‘papalists’, has finally revealed its true nature as a ‘papalist’.
It has begun to violently bash Japan and Abe, using the ‘comfort women’ issue as a shield, in league with South Korea.
Congressman Honda: ‘Prime Minister Abe’s demand to revise US textbooks is nonsense’.
Abe’s ‘appalled by US textbooks’ comment backfires in the US : Politics : Hankyoreh : The Hangyoreh https://japan.hani.co.kr/arti/politics/19527.html
While Abe belongs to the ‘Seiwa-kai’, a faction of the ‘papalist’ faction, he has made a large expenditure in the Middle East to expand the power of the ‘emperor’s faction’.
Does this mean that the ‘papists’ are angry and have started bashing Abe and Japan?
In addition, the TPP negotiations, part of the US NWO plan, are still going on behind the scenes.
There the USA is still taking a hard line.
Its impatience seems to be visible. However, there still seems to be strong opposition. ……
TPP: 11 countries without Canada aim for deal this spring – Mainichi Shimbun
Canada has been strongly opposed to the TPP from the start.
But Canada’s opposition is unexpected.
The US-centered TPP is not only disliked by the ‘emperor’s faction’, but also by ordinary people.
After all, the TPP is the ultimate unequal deal that only suits the US. If it goes through, ordinary people will be hit harder than anyone else. That is why any sensible person would say no to the TPP.
But it is probably the ‘emperor faction’ that hates the TPP the most.
If the TPP is passed, the USA will indeed be completely on top of the world.
This would make the emperor-centered NWO project more and more distant.
Therefore, if the US tries to push through the TPP any further, the ‘Emperor faction’ may resort to a more serious use of force.
The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, which seemed to have ended temporarily, also seem to have resumed.
CNN.co.jp: Hong Kong marches for first time in a month ‘Movement is not over’ https://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35059807.html
When this movement started, I had not yet uncovered the Emperor’s conspiracy, so I saw this demonstration as nothing more than a US-Rockefeller BRICS crush.
But the reality is that this demonstration was a ‘papist’ defeat of the ‘imperialists’.
For China is a participant in BRICS, and BRICS are puppets of the ‘Emperor’s School’.
And Xi Jinping may well be a graduate of Soka University.
Muneo Suzuki became a politician with the Soka vote. Xi Jinping may also be a graduate of Soka University; BRICS turns out to be black in every sense of the word. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18010
The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have been subsiding for some time.
But the ‘emperor faction’ had successfully pocketed the ‘pope faction’. But here, all of a sudden, these demonstrations have resumed.
This must mean that the ‘Papists’ have once again become angry with the ‘Imperialists’ and have issued a challenge to them.
Of course, I think it is safe to assume that this anger has been fuelled by Abe’s dismemberment policy.
In other words, it is no coincidence that the Hong Kong demonstrations resumed at about the same time that the Islamic State was threatening the Japanese government.
From my point of view, the ‘papists’ and the ‘emperors’ are like the ‘north wind and the sun’: the ‘papists’ whipped their opponents into submission, while the ‘emperors’ gave them sweets and made them their subordinates.
The ‘papists’ were originally of popular status, while the ‘emperors’ were of royal and aristocratic status.
So it may be that the difference in their origins is also apparent.
The Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. The Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the ‘Emperor’ and ‘Papal’ factions began in prehistoric times. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/
As a result, many countries are now opposed to the ‘papists’.
And even the same ‘papist’ NATO faction, Canada, has rejected the TPP.
So now the US has become more and more isolated, and in desperation it has threatened Japan with ‘war if this happens’, using the Islamic State.
But that wasn’t enough, so they started the demonstrations in Hong Kong again.
But I think it is no longer possible to hide this struggle between the ‘Emperor Faction’ and the ‘Papal Faction’ from us ordinary people.
The reason for this is that many people will be able to gain a clearer understanding of complex and incomprehensible world affairs just by reading this article of mine today.