(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 20 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Shinzo Abe has finally shown his true colors in the Diet. Many of you may already know this, but for now, please read the following article.
—————-(The following is reprinted from withnews)
Japan Teachers’ Union! Prime Minister Abe Suddenly Yells at House Budget Committee, Embarrasses Even LDP Committee Chairman
Prime Minister Abe suddenly shouted “Japan Teachers’ Union” during a question by a Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker at the House of Representatives Budget Committee on Nov. 19, and was rebuked by the committee chairman.
Yuichiro Tamaki’s question was about donations received by Minister Nishikawa from the sugar industry.
Mr. Tamaki is not a member of the Japan Teachers’ Union.
However, it is believed that he was referring to the past incidents of donations from the Japan Teachers’ Union to Democratic Party of Japan lawmakers.
On the afternoon of March 19, Prime Minister Abe was intercepted during a question by Yuichiro Tamaki, a member of the House of Representatives of the Democratic Party of Japan.
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Kimiya Nishikawa was responding to a question about donations from a company affiliated with a sugar industry group to the political party branch of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Kimiya Nishikawa.
About 20 minutes into the meeting, Prime Minister Abe, who was sitting and listening, suddenly uttered the words “Japan Teachers’ Union!
From there, a shouting match ensued with Rep. Tamaki and LDP leader Osima and other LDP members.
The questioning was interrupted for about 30 seconds.
The following is a summary of what Prime Minister Abe and the other three said.
Prime Minister Abe: “Japan Teachers Union!”
Councillor Tamaki: “Prime Minister, please don’t shout at me.”
Congressman Tamaki: “I’m speaking now, Prime Minister.
Councillor Tamaki: “Please don’t shout at me, Prime Minister.
Councillor Tamaki: “This is a serious matter. We are talking about how to ensure trust in politics.
Prime Minister Abe: “What are you going to do about the Japan Teachers’ Union?
Chairman Oshima: “No, no, no, Prime Minister, Prime Minister ……, a little quiet.
Prime Minister Abe: “What about the Japan Teachers’ Union?
Chairman Oshima: “No, Prime Minister, hey…”
Councillor Tamaki: “I didn’t say anything about the Japan Teachers’ Union!
Chairman Oshima: “Well, let’s not exchange wild accusations. The Prime Minister is also a bit…” Councilor Tamaki: “No, anyway, I’m not…”
Councilman Tamaki: “Anyway, what I want to say is…”
Councillor Tamaki: “Please don’t get upset, Prime Minister.
■The floor was abuzz.
This exchange caused a brief uproar in the auditorium, with some audience members shouting, “This is an irrelevant question, isn’t it?
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Mr. Tamaki joined the former Ministry of Finance. He was first elected in 2009 from Kagawa’s 2nd district.
His background does not seem to be directly related to the Japan Teachers Union.
On the other hand, there have been past cases involving Japan Teachers Union donations to Democratic Party of Japan lawmakers, including a conviction for violating the Political Funds Control Law.
On Twitter, people are saying, “What a mess,” and “It’s embarrassing to watch.
Criticism of Japan Teachers’ Union is his pet theory
Prime Minister Abe has repeatedly stated in campaign speeches that the Japan Teachers’ Union has distorted Japanese education. In his policy speech during the current Diet session, he listed revitalizing education as one of the issues to be addressed.
On the other hand, in April 2001, when a Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker shouted at Prime Minister Abe while he was explaining the pension issue during the intense deliberations of the House of Councillors’ Budget Committee, he asked, “Is it all right for you, the people, to shout at me while I am giving my answer? Everyone watching TV, please look at this situation,” he said.
—————- (reprinted here)
Many of you may think that this alone is a bit strange.
But if you watch the video of this scene, you might think that it really is a bit dangerous, and that Mr. Abe has finally lost his mind. (*)The link has expired.
The Japan Teachers’ Union has long been a strong supporter of the “anti-Japanese national anthem” and “anti-Japanese flag” movements.
It is a leftist force that hates the “emperor system” to the bitter end.
The Japanese Communist Party is also ostensibly leftist, but in reality it is a subordinate organization of the emperor.
Therefore, it is doubtful whether the Japan Teachers’ Union is a genuine leftist organization.
But in any case, its claim is clearly “anti-emperor.
(For proof that the Communist Party is not a real leftist, see the following link)
Perhaps Shinzo Abe’s forcing of the constitutional amendment was not due to U.S. pressure, but to the Emperor’s order. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18351
This makes me wonder whether the Japan Teachers’ Union is a “papist” force.
If so, then Abe, who criticizes the Japan Teachers’ Union, is also an “imperialist.
Many of you who read this blog have probably read many blogs by other famous conspiracy theorists.
They have all criticized Abe as a Rockefeller puppet, haven’t they? No, they still criticize him.
But as I wrote in the article linked above, Abe’s policies are more for the benefit of the Emperor than for the benefit of the U.S., no matter how you look at it.
Whether it is constitutional reform or Abenomics, they are all policies that benefit the Emperor.
They are not in any way US traitor policies.
(See the following link for evidence that Abenomics benefits the Emperor)
The underworld has already completed its plan to take over Japan. From now on, they probably want to establish a world government with the Emperor at the center. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16982
Moreover, as I wrote in yesterday’s article, the World Cup is actually a global festival held by the Emperor.
When the World Cup is a great success, Mitsubishi, which has close ties to the imperial family, makes a huge profit, and even the Abe family is enriched by it.
The strong connection between the Emperor and the World Cup. When the World Cup is a great success, the devil is happy. https://nozomi-creation.com/strong-ties-between-the-emperor-and-the-world-cup/
In addition, Abe and the Emperor are very close relatives.

Abe is a member of the “Seiwa-kai” and it has been said that the “Seiwa-kai” is a group of American traitors.
In fact, one of the Seiwa-kai, Junichiro Koizumi, privatized the postal system and tried to sell the wealth in the postal system to the US Rockefellers.
Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, is also a known CIA agent.
Moreover, famous conspiracy theorists have been all over Shinzo Abe, the current Prime Minister, calling him a traitor to the USA.
Therefore, whenever Abe has proposed a policy that is detrimental to the people, it has been assumed that it is all a Rockefeller conspiracy.
However, these famous conspiracy theorists are actually all agents of the underworld. I was convinced of this when I saw all these famous conspiracy theorists spouting false nonsense during the Islamic State fiasco.
All the conspiracy theorists who praise “Ichiro Ozawa” with open arms are agents of the underworld. Some of them criticize the Emperor. Some criticize the taboo system.
But for some reason, only Ozawa is proudly supported.
Even though Ichiro Ozawa is actually part of the “Tabu System”. The proof is in the following link.
Genealogy 5 – Genealogy of collusion between political and financial circles throughout Japan – arsmagna Jimdo Page (*)The link has expired.
The Soka Gakkai is a group of Japanese politicians who have been involved in the Soka Gakkai since the 1960s.
Ichiro Ozawa has deep ties to the Soka Gakkai. He must be a central figure in the Emperor’s family. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17608
And today I would like to show you more evidence that clearly shows at a glance how important “Ichiro Ozawa” is to the Emperor’s family.
The following pictures will make it impossible for anyone to deny it.
(The following pictures are borrowed from this website.) http://crowker.seesaa.net/article/162396430.html

Of course, “Ozawa House” is a company owned by Ichiro Ozawa.
And Ichiro Ozawa’s company cooperates with the imperial family in this way. The company cooperates with the Emperor’s family to create a boundary between the Emperor’s family and the rest of the world.
At this point, Ichiro Ozawa is no longer a puppet of the Emperor, but rather the most important figure of the “Emperor Faction”.
If he were not so bad, he might even be on the same level as the Emperor.
That is why Ichiro Ozawa was defeated by the “Papists” so many times.
On the other hand, famous conspiracy theorists from the “Emperor Faction” have been praising him as much as they can.
Anyway, the map above clearly shows how strange it is to praise “Ichiro Ozawa” without giving him any credit.
So, if you see a well-known conspiracy theorist praising “Ichiro Ozawa” with open arms, you can be sure that they are agents of the “Emperor Faction”.
Not a few of them criticize the emperor and the taboo system.
But such criticism is just a distraction.
No matter how much they criticize the emperor and the tabu system, if they support Ichiro Ozawa, this country will naturally return to a country where the emperor is a god.
Now back to Abe.
We, the general public, have been led to believe by well-known conspiracy theorists that the Seiwa-kai is Rockefeller’s lapdog.
But to be clear, the underworld (Illuminati) all recognize that the Emperor is a much higher being than Rockefeller.
To them, the Emperor is truly equal to God.
I wrote about this the other day.
The Jesuits (Illuminati) rule the world, and the head of the Jesuits is the Emperor. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-jesuits-illuminati-rule-the-world-and-the-head-of-the-jesuits-is-the-emperor/
Proof that Rothschild, the Jesuits, and the Emperor are professionals at summoning demons. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=22907
Therefore, even members of the Seiwa-kai can never go against the Emperor.
However, since Japanese politicians cannot go against Rockefeller either, they are forced to listen and follow what Rockefeller says.
In fact, those who did not listen to Rockefeller were murdered one by one. ……
There have been many murders and wrongful convictions under the Koizumi/Takenaka reforms. Japan is no longer a nation under the rule of law. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9584
To put it simply, the Emperor is the “President” and Rockefeller is the “Director”.
And the “director” does not get along with the “president,” and his subordinates must curry favor with both.
However, the Keiseikai only listens to what the President says. Therefore, they were killed one by one by the General Manager.
The Seiwa-kai had always been on good terms with the General Manager, so their lives were spared for the time being.
However, the Seiwa-kai has also been secretly trying to curry favor with the Emperor behind the scenes.
(For those unfamiliar with the Keiseikai and Seiwa-kai, click here.) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18039
In fact, both the Keiseikai and the Seiwa-kai wear the following party emblems as members of the LDP.

If you think this is a lie, please see the following link for proof.
Keiheisei Kenkyukai – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B9%B3%E6%88%90%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E4%BC%9A
Keiwa Policy Research Association – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B8%85%E5%92%8C%E6%94%BF%E7%AD%96%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E4%BC%9A
And now that the Vatican, which was the headquarters of the “Papalists”, has been taken over by the Emperor’s puppet “Jesuits” (see here for more details), the “Papalists” must naturally lose a lot of momentum in Japan as well.
And if the “Japan Teachers’ Union” were a “papist” force, it would naturally be rattled.
Abe must be very happy to hear this because he and the Japan Teachers’ Union have been dog and monkey buddies for so long.
He must be thinking, “Suck it up!
And I guess his good mood must have slipped out during the Diet session, and he unintentionally asked, “Japan Teachers’ Union, what are you going to do about it?
I guess what he meant by “What are you going to do about it?” was “All the papist bosses are in disarray, but what are you, the Japan Teachers’ Union, going to do about it?
Well, only the readers of this blog will know what is going on.
Anyway, it is an outright lie that Abe is a lapdog of the US Rockefellers. He is a perfect servant of the emperor.
Finally, today I would like to share with you an article that provides solid evidence of this.
It is a rather long article, but it is very important.
So, I am going to quote the article from “Litera” in its entirety below.
I think this article clearly concludes that Abe is a pawn of the Emperor.
Not only that, but I think this article clearly shows how the “Emperor Faction” worships the Emperor like a god.
The politicians in this country really are a dangerous cult.
—————- (Reprinted from here)
Neo-Nazis, Zaitokukai, Unification Church …….
The relationship between Abe cabinet ministers and far-right cult groups has been revealed one after another.
In fact, however, this cabinet is supported by an even more powerful and dangerous right-wing extremist group.
This group is the Jinja Honcho(Association of Shinto Shrine).
A whopping 16 of the 19 Abe cabinet ministers are members of the Diet Members’ Advisory Council of the Shinto Political League, a political group whose parent organization is the Honcho.
And Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the chairman of the National Diet Members’ Advisory Council of the Shinto Political Federation.
I was told, “The Jinja Honcho is an organization of Shinto shrines, isn’t it? Shrines are popular places of power for young women these days, so what’s so dangerous about them? “
Some readers may ask, “What’s so dangerous about shrines? “
It is true that the Jinja Honcho is an organization of about 80,000 shrines throughout Japan.
Its stated purpose is “to promote the rituals and prosperity of shrines, and to protect and transmit Japanese traditions and culture.
However, once you learn its true purpose, you should not be able to say, “I will be healed.
For example, if you visit the website of the Shinto Seijiren (Shinto Political Federation), a political organization of the Jinja Honcho, you will find the following claims and activities.
Establishment of an independent constitution, establishment of state rituals at Yasukuni Shrine, promotion of moral and religious education, denial of the Tokyo Trials and the war of aggression, defense of Class A war criminals, opposition to married couples, opposition to gender freedom, and respect for the Imperial Family and Japanese cultural traditions. ……
This much, of course, is not unusual for a conservative religious organization to advocate. But more outrageous claims often appear in the Jinja Shinpo, the official newspaper of the Jinja Honcho. It is “Unity of Rites and Politics.
The concept of “unity of rites and government” was clearly established in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, which stipulated that the Emperor, as the head of the Shinto festivals, should also exercise parental authority, and that the government should play only the role of advising the Emperor on matters of national policy.
The head of the Shinto shrines says it should be reinstated.
For example, in an article entitled “Considering the Shinto Spirit as the Basis of the Constitution” in the October 27, 2008 issue of “Jinja Shimpo,” Norio Tao, senior policy member of the Shinto Seijiren (Shinto Political Federation), emphasized the purpose of revising the Constitution as follows.
What is important here is the restoration of the emperor’s position as the controller of the power of government.
In other words, the emperor, as the master of the rituals, conducts benevolent administration as the ruler of the nation and follows the imperial rituals, so that the political function of the front and the rituals of the back are integrated and the nation is governed.
Politics is always full of party politics and intrigues, but the spirit of the festivals must lead the country in the right direction. His Majesty has the function of leading us in that direction.
Just by asking questions, His Majesty can encourage the prime minister, ministers, politicians and others to reflect on the situation. We must make sure that politicians respect His Majesty’s feelings and think about what is best for the people beyond party interests and party politics.
His Majesty comes into contact with the gods through rituals to realize what is good for the people and what the ancestors of the emperor expect of him.
This will be reflected in politics, and unless His Majesty’s government can work to correct politics, which tends to be driven by party interests and intrigues, to a pure and pure state, a true spiritual revival will not be possible.
The revival of an absolute monarchy in which the emperor, as the master of rituals, has the power to make political decisions. ……
This is an incredible claim in this day and age.
The Jinja Shimpo also often argues that the new constitution should give the emperor the “right of command” over the armed forces.
The “right of command” refers to the supreme command of the armed forces.
Article 11 of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan states, “The Emperor shall command the Army and the Navy.
The emperor’s right to command was stipulated in Article 11 of the Constitution.
The emperor also had the power to determine the size of the army (number of troops), including the number of divisions and fleets.
In 1930, at the signing of the London Naval Disarmament Treaty, the then cabinet of Yuko Hamaguchi seized the naval headquarters, which was opposed to the treaty, and signed it.
Opposition parties, military hardliners and right-wing groups strongly criticized the signing as a ‘violation of the Emperor’s right to command’, and Prime Minister Hamaguchi was shot by nationalists (he later died).
Party politics were subsequently weakened.
It also provided an opportunity for the military to run amok as the ‘Emperor’s Army’, ignoring the government and using the ‘right to command’ as a shield.
After the war, the Prime Minister is the supreme commander of the Self-Defence Forces (Self-Defence Forces Law, Article 7).
This is known as civilian control by the prime minister, who is elected by popularly elected Diet members, based on the lessons of the pre-war period when the military ran amok.
But the Association of Shinto Shrine denies even this civilian control.
There is no sense of remorse for the 3.3 million Japanese casualties in the Pacific War alone, which was fought by a ritualistic state.
However, in an earlier article, Chief Policy Commissioner Tao brushed off such criticism as follows: “(Such restoration of status) is not a nuisance to the Imperial Household.
“There seems to be a fear that (such restoration of status) would be a nuisance to the Imperial Family, that the Emperor would be used politically, or that the pre-war mistakes of the rising military would be repeated.
However, this is precisely the idea of the occupying forces that created the current constitution.
It only means that they are thinking about constitutional change under the influence of post-war education based on the ideology of the enemy. “
So, the demands of the Jinja Honcho are almost identical to those of the right-wing nationalists.
No, you can clearly see that it is even more extreme right-wing. But that is not surprising.
First of all, the Jinja Honcho itself is an organization created for the purpose of reviving State Shinto, which is the opposite of ritual unanimity.
State Shinto, of course, refers to the Shinto nationalization policy promoted in the context of Japan’s modernization.
The Meiji government sought to unify the modern state by placing all value on the emperor.
The government established Shinto as the dominant ideology.
To this end, shrines were brought under state control, and those that were rooted in local communities and took a variety of forms were placed in a hierarchical order, with Ise Jingu at the top.
It forcibly linked folk shrine beliefs with imperial Shinto and reorganized them into a state religion of emperor worship.
From this state Shinto, absolute loyalty to the emperor was enforced on the people.
This gave rise to the concept of ‘kokutai’, the idea that Japan alone had a sacred national identity that no other country possessed.
Kokutai then developed into the ideology of Hakko Ichiu, which justified wars of aggression.
In other words, Kokutai Shinto was linked to militarism and nationalism under the Emperor, the ‘present god’.
It was the ideological pillar that drove the country into the Second World War.
However, when Japan was defeated in the Pacific War in 1945, GHQ demanded the establishment of religious freedom.
It issued the Shinto Directive, which ordered the complete separation of the state and Shinto shrines.
Although Shinto was allowed to continue as a private religious corporation, the directive sought to abolish state Shinto through a thorough separation of church and state.
So in 1947, shrine officials set up a religious organization, the Jinja Honcho.
Its purpose was clearly to preserve the state and national Shinto ideology.
Shigeyoshi Murakami, an authority on religion, writes in his book State Shinto (Iwanami Shinsho).
The Jinja Honcho was established on the basic idea that all Shinto shrines should unite around the Ise Jingu Shrine, with the agency’s regulations stating that ‘Jingu is the main religion of Shinto shrines and the agency shall provide support for it’ (Article 61). This was an extension of the state Shinto religion and an attempt to ensure the continuity of shrine Shinto as a religion.
With the establishment of the Jinja Honcho, the emperor-centered state and the centralized organization of shrines of the State Shinto period were to continue in principle, but in a different form.
In the 1960s, the Shinto Agency intensified its efforts to revive state Shinto.
In 1969, it established the Shinto Political League, and in 1970, the Shinto Political League’s Advisory Council of Diet Members.
Murakami criticized these moves at the time.
Moreover, the leadership of the Honcho, which is linked to reactionary forces, is hostile to democracy and calls for the anachronistic revival of state Shinto, and by imposing its insistence from above on the 78,000 or so Shinto shrines under its jurisdiction, it blocks the possibility for Shinto shrines to transform themselves by their own hands.
If such an anachronistic and fanatical ideology is only the ideology of one religious group, I have no intention of criticizing it.
However, this ideology is certainly influencing LDP Diet members and is increasingly being reflected in actual policies.
The results of the movement promoted by the Shinseiren in cooperation with the Diet National Assembly include the enactment of the General Law, the National Flag and National Anthem Law, the establishment of “Showa Day” (abbreviated), and the prevention of the revision of the Imperial Household Law and a bill to separate the surnames of married couples.
In 2000, then Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori caused controversy with his “God’s country” comment, saying that “Japan is a country of God with the Emperor at its center.
This statement was made at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the National Diet of the Shinto Political Union of Japan.
And as mentioned at the beginning of this article, 16 of the 19 ministers in the Abe cabinet are members of the National Diet of the Shinto Political Federation.
Most of their policies are in perfect synchronization with the political goals of the Jinja-Honcho = Shinto Political Union.
These include the enactment of an independent constitution, the creation of a national army, the establishment of state rituals at the Yasukuni Shrine, the promotion of moral and religious education, the denial of the Tokyo Trials and the war of aggression, the defense of Class A war criminals, and opposition to couples with different surnames. ……
In addition, Eriko Yamatani, minister in charge of the abduction issue, and Haruko Arimura, minister in charge of women’s activities, two people who have made headlines for their bloody conservative views, are so closely associated with the organization that they could be said to be candidates put forward by the Jinja Honcho.
The real issue we should be concerned with now is not the relationship with less influential cult groups such as Zaitokukai and neo-Nazis.
It is the integration of the regime with the Jinja Honcho, the largest religious organization in Japan with 91.25 million followers and fully recognized by society.
And it is the very nature of this religious organization.
To be clear, the ideology of this organization is completely different from ancient Japanese traditions and shrine beliefs.
In fact, the Jinja Honcho is not afraid to trample on the beliefs that Shinto has cherished since ancient times.