English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Several proofs that Japan is the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 7 December 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


(Translated text below)

Let us go back to ancient times.

The other day I told you about a 23,000-year-old pyramid in Japan.

Here is the article from the other day.

Why are the Satanists so obsessed with their Japan-centered NWO plan? Japan was probably the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17651

It is a fact that there was an advanced civilization in prehistoric times. However, Satanists have long obstructed research. https://nozomi-creation.com/it-is-a-fact-that-there-was-an-advanced-civilization-in-prehistoric-times-however-satanists-have-long-obstructed-its-study/

 Someone commented that they had not expected to see the Takeuchi and Miyauchi documents on my blog.

I myself did not expect to come to such a conclusion.

As for the Miyashita document, I am a complete outsider at this point.

There was a time many years ago when I read several books about the Takeshita document.

But no matter which book I read, there was always something I didn’t understand.

I found that they didn’t tell me anything I wanted to know, so I stopped reading them.

I tried to connect Japanese-Jewish syncretism with the emperor system and Satanism.

Then I could solve all the mysteries in a logical way.

Proof that the Emperor is in fact a Satanist. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16687

In the same way, I feel that if you look at the Takeuchi documents in the context of Satan worship, all the mysteries will eventually be solved in a logical way.

So, I am doing a lot of research on the Takeuchi Documents and I am finding out a lot about them.

Before I talk about that, I would like to present to you all today the evidence that Japan is considered to be the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world.

The other day I mentioned that the oldest pyramid in the world is here in Japan.

This pyramid was built 23,000 years ago.

This pyramid is Ashitakeyama in Hiroshima.

Some people may think that it cannot be a man-made pyramid and that it is just a mountain.

However, it is known that there are not only Ashitakeyama but also many other pyramids in Japan.

Of course, some people may still think, “It must be just a mountain” after looking at this page.

They do not look proper like Egyptian pyramids or Mayan pyramids, and they are surrounded by trees.

So if you think they are mountains, they certainly look like mountains.

But if you think the opposite, these pyramids were covered by trees because people did not take them seriously at all and did not notice that they were pyramids.

This is evidence that these pyramids were built in very old times.

This is why they may have been built in prehistoric times.

As a result, the pyramids may have weathered over time, lost their original shape and been ignored by many people.

However, several pyramids that are clearly recognizable as pyramids have been discovered in Japan.

In Okinawa, for example, three pyramids have been found that have exactly the same layout as the pyramids of Giza. See the video below for more details.

(translator’s notes)  That YouTube channel is now defunct.

It seems that TV programs used to report such important information.

It is very different now.

This program does not clearly mention when this pyramid was built.

But it is said that this pyramid was already there at the time of the former “Ryukyu Kingdom” (450 years from 1429 to 1879).

And this king used this pyramid as his castle and fortress.

So it can be concluded that it was built in a very ancient time.

There is also an underground ruin called “Tonkararin” in Kumamoto Prefecture.

The picture above shows the entrance to Tonkararin.

(translator’s notes)  That YouTube channel is now defunct.

This is an artificially created “underground passage”.

It is known that the structure of this passageway is exactly the same as that of the pyramids in Egypt.

In other words, this Tonkararin and the Egyptian pyramids were built for exactly the same purpose.

They were built for Satanic rituals.

As I have said many times before, the pyramids are a symbol of Satanism.

This is evident from the fact that the Freemasons, a Satanic organization, often use the triangular pyramid as a symbol of Satanism.

Satanism is a religion that worships the devil Lucifer.

It is perhaps better described as a cult than a religion.

Satanism always involves human sacrifice, especially of children.

Children in particular are sacrificed.

Satanists appear to have offered the lives of their children to the devil, while eating their flesh and drinking their blood themselves.

This was recently revealed in the Vatican Satanism trial.

For more information, see the following links.

Sacrificial rituals and child slaughter by the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Pope and the royal family are revealed in court. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=9088

Conviction of Pope Francis for child abuse and human trafficking. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13698

We also know that Satanism was a common practice among the ancient Aztec, Mayan and Inca civilizations.

—————- (Reprinted below from Wikipedia)

Human sacrifice

Sacrificial ritual. The chest is cut open with a stone knife and the heart is removed.

What is remarkable about Aztec society is the ritual of human sacrifice.

Human sacrifice is a ritual that was common in many parts of the world.

However, the Aztecs were unique compared to others.

In Mesoamerica there was a widespread apocalyptic belief that the sun would disappear.

It was believed that the sun’s disappearance could be delayed by offering fresh human hearts to the gods. As a result, people routinely performed human sacrifices and offered the hearts of their victims to the gods.

The Aztecs also performed human sacrifice rituals when they prayed to the gods for rain and a good harvest.

The Aztecs needed many sacrifices. They sometimes went to war to secure sacrifices.

The sacrifice to Witsilopochtli was laid on its back on a stone table on the altar.

The priests bound the limbs and used obsidian knives to cut open the chest while still alive and remove the beating heart by hand.

Sacrifices were made to Sipe Totek, where the priests removed the living skin from the sacrifice while it was still alive, dressed it for several weeks and danced around it.

The ritual of human sacrifice took different forms depending on the purpose, and sometimes the victim was thrown into the fire.

From the point of view of modern man, these rituals were extremely cruel.

However, being sacrificed was also an honor for the person being sacrificed.

Usually, a healthy and virtuous looking person was chosen for the sacrifice from among prisoners of war or slaves who had been bought.

They were treated with respect until the day of the human sacrifice ritual.

Depending on the ritual, nobles, young men and even small children were sometimes sacrificed.

—————- (Reprinted here.)

Numerous pyramids have been found in this Aztec, Mayan and Inca area.

We also know that human sacrifices were made when these pyramids were used as ritual sites.

Such human sacrifices were almost always hidden from public view.

However, for some reason the Aztec, Inca and Mayan civilizations seem to have performed them openly in front of the public.

For this reason, images and texts of human sacrifice have survived.

But don’t be surprised.

Among the stone statues found in the Maya, there is one engraved with the exact pattern of the Emperor’s “Chrysanthemum Crest”. (Above both ends of the stone statue below)

In other words, there is a connection between the Maya and the Japanese emperors.

What kind of connection?

Until now we humans had no idea. But I have clarified it.

They are the same Satanists.

In fact, in Egypt, where sun worship = Satanism is said to have been actively practised, a number of relics with the same pattern as this “Chrysanthemum Crest” have been discovered.

Looking at these artefacts without any explanation, any Japanese person would assume that they were related to the Emperor’s family.

However, these artefacts were not found in Japan, but in ancient Egypt.

<Tutankhamun’s relics.>

<Excavated from the tomb of Psenes I, Pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty>

As I said, the pyramids are a symbol of devil worship.

And the fact that the “Chrysanthemum Crest” was found in Egypt, where many pyramids were built, means that the Japanese emperors, who have this “Chrysanthemum Crest” as their family crest, are also devil worshippers.

At least this possibility cannot be denied. For more information, see the following links

Ancient Egyptian sun worship = Satanism, until it drifted over to the present Japanese emperor family, making the emperor family one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

Let me show you further evidence that devil worship has been practiced in Japan since ancient times.

As many as 100 mummies were found during excavations at “Mt.Tsurugi” in Shikoku, which is considered one of the pyramids of Japan.

—————- (The following is reprinted from the Mystery Hall, Kaikeidori Branch)

The Ark lies on Mount Tsurugi! Part 1

In 1936, a man silently climbed the steep mountain trail of Mt. Tsurugi.

His name was Masanori Takane.

He was a well-known scholar and Bible researcher who served as the principal of an ordinary high school in Kanagawa Prefecture.

The next two men were Fumikichi Uchida, a wealthy man, and Kiyohiko Tsunoda.

The purpose of the three men, led by Takane, was to excavate the summit of Mt. Ostensibly, it was a “geological survey of the Mt. Tsurugi mining area”, but their real purpose was something else entirely.

It was to find “Solomon’s Treasure”.

Mr. Takane is well versed in Shintoism’s so-called “Kotodama (Spirit of Speech)”, the belief that words have a soul.

He used the Spirit of Words to unravel the Old Testament and concluded that the Ark was buried on Mt. Sinai.

Mr Takane’s attention was drawn to ‘Crane Rock’ and ‘Turtle Rock’, located near the summit of the mountain.

Together with his comrades, Mr Takane spent several years digging about 150 meters under Turtle Rock.

As it turned out, although no arc was found, a huge spherical “sun rock” was found at 131m.

We also found the same spherical rock 4m further back.

They also discovered a marble archway and a pyramid-shaped room about 15 meters high!

In today’s world this would have been world news, but it was over 70 years ago.

This information quickly reached the ears of the “government” and Mr Takane’s excavation here was put on hold.

All but a few of the excavated items were confiscated….

However, rumors of Masanori Takane’s adventures would ignite the hearts of men all over Japan.

After the war, many adventurers made their way to Mount Tsurugi in search of Solomon’s treasure, which was said to be worth 800 billion yen!

Among them was a man who discovered more than Masanori Takane.

He was Eisuke Yamamoto, a former naval general.

Yamamoto identified the “hole” that Takane and his team had found and dug deeper.

On the 16th day of digging, he discovered something extraordinary.

Deep in a brick corridor, more than 100 mummies lay dormant!

In the end, Yamamoto was also hampered by various problems, such as funding, and was unable to reach the Ark, but Takane, Yamamoto and many other men discovered that Mt. Tsurugi was an “artificial” mountain and that there were “underground facilities” near the summit, like some kind of “ruins”.

—————- (reprinted here)

They were supposed to find the Lost Ark, but instead they found 100 mummies.

The survey team must have been very surprised.

The survey also revealed that “Mt. Tsurugi” is an obvious settlement, and that there are “underground facilities” such as “ruins” under the mountain. It is clearly a pyramid.

Therefore, it is certain that these 100 mummies are the remains of people who were sacrificed for devil worship.

The results of this investigation were immediately brought to the attention of the modern-day Satanists, the Tabuse family and the Emperor’s family, who immediately put a stop to this investigation.

They even confiscated all of the excavated materials.

Of course they did.

They probably don’t want us to find any traces of past Satanism.

If they were to investigate such things, they would be exposed as Satanists.

So, just as they obstructed the investigation of Tutankhamen and Mount Kuromata, they used their own power to obstruct the investigation of Mount Tsurugi by force.

It is a fact that there was an advanced civilization in prehistoric times. However, Satanists have long obstructed research into this.  https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17682

Therefore, we can only assume that the numerous pyramids in Japan are related to Satanism.

In order to practice Satanism, population pyramids were built in various parts of Japan.

And since the oldest pyramid in Japan was built 23,000 years ago, we can be sure that Japan was the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world.

This is why today’s Satanists, the Emperors and the Rothschilds, must be eager to establish a Japan-centered NWO.

Come to think of it, I hear that foreign capitalists are building luxury hotel after luxury hotel in Heian-kyo, or Kyoto, the Jerusalem of Japan.

(see here for details https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17054)

This movement may have something to do with this Japan-centered NWO plan.

One after another, foreign hotels are moving into Kyoto, including top brands : Economy : Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Perhaps the Bank of Japan’s additional monetary easing and the extreme depreciation of the yen are also measures to allow foreign devil worshippers to settle in Japan at a discount.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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