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The Jordanian government, which has announced massive retaliation against Islamic State, is a puppet of the Emperor and the Rothschilds.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 4 F …

Both Shinzo Abe and Nobusuke Kishi were not being used by the US, but were actually spies for the Emperor sent to the US.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 24 …

Agartha hidden in Taro Okamoto’s Tower of the Sun.

The devil is always whispering to us, even from works of art. (Translator’s Note) The followin …


今般のウクライナ情勢の報道をみて、マスコミの姿勢に違和感を覚えた方も多いのではないでしょうか。(もちろんコロナもそうですが) また、元お笑い芸人という異色の経歴を持つゼレンスキー大統領が胡散臭いという …

About the charade of power struggles within the Illuminati.

A brief summary of the past. (Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translatio …