(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 4 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Yesterday I spoke about how various events around the world are the surface of the battle between the Imperialists (Emperor = Rothschild) and the Papists (Vatican = Rockefeller), giving specific examples.
No matter how much the underworld wants to hide the battle between the ‘Emperors’ and the ‘Popes’, a look at the current world situation shows that they are fighting each other in one shot. https://nozomi-creation.com/no-matter-how-much-the-underworld-tries-to-hide-the-battle-between-the-emperors-faction-and-the-papal-faction-a-glance-at-the-current-world-situation-shows-that-they-are-fighting-each-other-in-a-si/
Anyway, the Underworld, especially the Emperor and the Vatican, do not want anyone to know that they are the masterminds of evil in this world.
Therefore, they have manipulated the media in this world and deliberately disturbed the information to keep it hidden all the time that the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction” are fighting each other.
For this reason, they have made countries that are not fighting each other (e.g. Japan and China, Japan and North Korea) appear to be allies when in fact they are fighting each other (e.g. Japan and the USA).
And they have deliberately told complicated stories about the world situation in this world, so that the decisive battle between the ‘emperors’ and the ‘papists’ is not known to anyone.
So now many people cannot even have a proper understanding of the background to the emergence of the Islamic State and the situation in the Middle East.
They are simply bombarded by a flood of information from the media, which confuses them and leaves them in a state of panic and fear.
Even in the case of the current Islamic State turmoil, it all started with the fight over oil pipelines in the Middle East.
Russia is now building an oil pipeline in the Middle East.
But the US doesn’t like that.
So, they invented the Islamic State and let it run rampant in the Middle East.
Then, under the guise of wiping out Islamic State, they have been bombing the Middle East and obstructing the construction of the Russian oil pipeline.
See the links below for more information.
For those who have tried and failed to understand the Islamic State and the chaotic situation in the Middle East.
The ‘Emperor’s Faction’ that controls Russia was furious about this.
With the help of Abe, they have been spending large sums of money in the Middle East.
They have tried to gather friends to help them wipe out the US ‘papists’ in the name of the ‘Islamic State’.
Perhaps Abe’s disbursing diplomacy has worked so far.
The US ‘papists’ got angry and used the Islamic State to threaten Japan.
So, the Japanese government left the hostages to die and increased the anger of the Japanese people against the ‘Islamic State’.
At the same time, it created a mood that the Islamic State could attack Japan at any time.
And Abe will use this as an excuse to further expand the military.
He does not care whether the public understands this or not.
He may say that he doesn’t know when the Islamic State will attack, so he will launch a pre-emptive attack from here.
Or rather, he has already said that.
—————- (reproduced below from Mainichi Shimbun)
There is a security-related bill that the government plans to submit to the current Diet session.
The bill would allow the government to exercise the right of collective self-defence if it deems the situation to be ‘one that causes economic damage to the people’, even if an armed attack on Japan is not foreseen.
The National Security Bureau, which serves as the secretariat of the National Security Council (NSC), prepared the report on 3 January.
It states that the ‘scope of the use of force’ set out in last July’s Cabinet decision should be interpreted as broadly as possible.
It also deals with wartime minesweeping in the Strait of Hormuz in the Middle East.
The Komeito is ready to reject the proposal.
As usual, the Komeito party seems to be opposed to this Abe proposal.
However, just as in the past when they were so strongly opposed to allowing the right of self-defence, but in the end expressed their support for it, it is obvious that the same trend will be seen this time as well.
After all, the Komeito (Soka Gakkai) is a perfect agent of the ‘Emperor Faction’.
And today the Islamic State killed a hostage in Jordan.
So, the Jordanian government announced that it would retaliate against the Islamic State on a large scale.
—————- (Reproduced below from Reuters)
On 3 March, the Islamic State militant group released a video showing the burning of a Jordanian military pilot, believed to be Muaz Kasasbeh, whom they were holding.
In response, the Jordanian military said it would retaliate ‘on a large scale’.
The video shows a person believed to be Mr Kasasbeh, dressed in orange, standing in a black cage and being burnt alive.
Mr Kasasbeh had been held by Islamic State since December last year after he was killed in a crash during an air strike.
In a televised statement, a military spokesman confirmed the death of the military pilot and said that ‘the retaliation will be as massive as the disaster that hit Jordan’.
—————- (reproduced here)
The underworld has thus increased the hatred of the whole world towards the Islamic State.
They are trying to build up momentum for war.
In fact, no one has objected to the Jordanian government’s announcement of ‘large-scale retaliation’.
In fact, everyone is watching as a matter of course.
The international community is not trying to stop Jordan’s move. It is simply watching from the sidelines, as if retaliation were a foregone conclusion. In this way, preparations are being made to start a war in the Middle East.
So, I did some quick research to find out whether this Jordanian country is an ‘imperialist’ or ‘papist’ country.
I found that Jordan seems to be a country that corresponds to the ‘Emperor’s faction’.
As many of you may know, Abe donated 14.7 billion yen to Jordan just last month, on the 18th, in the name of ‘humanitarian aid’.
Oh dear.
14.7 billion yen for refugee aid – Jordan-Japan summit – SATCH News – Sankei Photo
I don’t know what the prices are in Jordan.
But, well, 14.7 billion yen must be a considerable price in Jordan. This means that Jordan is now completely under the power of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’.
That is why the Islamic State, the puppet of the ‘papists’, was angry.
And that is why they kidnapped (pretended to kidnap) Jordanian pilots and threatened Jordan.
However, it seems that Jordan was more under the influence of the ‘Emperor’s Faction’.
This is because the Jordanian flag has exactly the same color scheme as the Afghan flag.

By the way, here is the flag of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
It then came under Rothschild rule.

This is because all communist countries are under Rothschild control.
So, they are under the control of the ‘Emperor’s School’.
So, for a while the flag of Afghanistan was all red, the symbolic colour of the Rothschilds.
Later, however, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan left the hands of the Rothschilds and became the property of the US Rockefellers.
And the red color disappeared completely from the national flag.

However, the Rothschilds created an Islamic extremist group, the ‘Taliban’, to oppose this US.
It then let them run rampant in Afghanistan to bring the country back under its power.
This has brought the Rothschild symbol ‘red’ back into the national flag.
In case you are interested, here is another link to an article about the evolution of the Afghan flag.
Flag of Afghanistan – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%95%E3%82%AC%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%81%AE%E5%9B%BD%E6%97%97
The fact that the Afghan flag is not entirely red, as it used to be, is probably a sign that it is not entirely ‘emperor-oriented’.
Also, the fact that the ‘star’ symbol is written on it means that it is under the power of the ‘Yomotkuni’ or ‘lunar calendar’.
In other words, it means that it is under the control of the ‘papists’.
Papists = Lunar Calendar = Kingdom of the Moon. The papists = solar calendar = kingdom of the sun. The structure of the world appears more and more simple. https://nozomi-creation.com/papists-lunar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-moon-emperors-solar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-sun/
Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the ‘Emperor’s faction’ and the ‘Papal faction’ had already begun in prehistoric times. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/
In short, the forces of the ‘imperial faction’ and the ‘papal faction’ are probably in a tug-of-war inside Jordan.
It really is a tug of war.
And the fact that the Jordanian flag has exactly the same colors as the Afghan flag means that Jordan is in a similar situation.
But the best of all is the Jordanian ‘national emblem’. It looks like this.

The Emperor’s symbol, the Chrysanthemum Crest, is proudly displayed in the center.
If you doubt that this is the national emblem of Jordan, please see the following Wikipedia page.
You will see that I am not lying.
Jordan – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A8%E3%83%AB%E3%83%80%E3%83%B3
It seems that Jordan and Japan still have a very strong connection.
At least this possibility can no longer be denied.
However, the shape of this ‘Chrysanthemum Crest’ is slightly different from the ‘Chrysanthemum Crest’ of the Emperor’s family.
There are fins between the petals and there are fewer petals.
Does the number of petals indicate rank?
I am a little worried about this.
In any case, it is no coincidence that the Islamic State took the Japanese and Jordanians hostage.
Both Jordan and Japan had reasons to hate the Islamic State.
By accepting Abe’s barrage, Jordan, like Japan, has completely turned against the ‘papalists’.
The Islamic State threat is, after all, a declaration of war by the papalists against the emperor.
And this time the Jordanian government has announced a large-scale retaliation.
This means that the Jordanian government has responded to the challenge by saying that it ‘accepts’ the threat.
In the future, the Japanese government will offer to cooperate with the Jordanian government as fellow hostages who have also been killed, and will try to send the Self-Defence Forces to the Middle East under the guise of “allowing the right of self-defence to be exercised”.
They will pretend that there is a ‘situation that could cause economic damage to the people’, which I mentioned earlier, and send the Self-Defence Forces.
If the situation is not resolved, they will extend the war to the rest of the world.
The intentions of the underworld are already clear.
And the imperialists insist that it is only natural that the SDF should be deployed.
Famous conspiracy theorists only accuse the USA of inventing the ‘Islamic State’ and refuse to mention the emperor or the Rothschilds.
Or they will shout at the top of their lungs that the war against ‘Islamic State’ is about making money for the Gold Jews. I’m tired of hearing that.
If it is just about making money, there are plenty of other easier ways to make money.
To be clear, this is a power struggle between the ‘Emperor faction’ and the ‘Papal faction’.
It is a struggle over who will be the center of the NWO, Japan or the USA.
The two Satanic forces are fighting each other for the power of world domination.
For God’s sake, stop pretending that you don’t know, all you imperialists and known conspiracy theorists.
Why don’t you talk about the real other side of the world?
The structure of the world is not that complicated and complex. It is much simpler and clearer.
By the way, there are still some people who send me emails saying that they are so worried about the world situation.
To those people I say, please think you have been deceived and read the Bible. It will calm your mind a little.
Please throw away your beliefs that you can’t understand the Bible, that you don’t like religion, that the Bible can’t possibly have that kind of effect, and just do what you can.
Otherwise, fear would not go away. If anxiety disappeared by itself, no one would have a hard time.
The reason there are so many depressed people in Japan is because they have been deceived by the media and because they hate religion.
And it is the result of relying on ineffective psychotropic drugs.
It was during my university years that I came across the ‘Bible’.
When I was studying English Literature, the Bible happened to be a compulsory subject and I had to read it.
Now I feel that I was very lucky to have come across the Bible in that way.
Whenever I had something difficult or anxious, I could always read the Bible to keep my peace of mind.
The media and agents of this world have prevented people from reading such books by spreading propaganda such as ‘The Devil’s Book’.
And they have made people feel insecure and afraid.
Moreover, many mentally deranged people who have been trapped in fear and anxiety for a long time still believe the falsehoods and say things like ‘Christianity is Satanism’, further derailing their minds. This is the height of folly.
Religion itself is not evil. It is the Satanists who have hijacked religion and put on the mask of religion who are evil. Do not misunderstand this.
The human mind, if left unchecked, will always flow in the wrong direction.
Just like the physical body, the human mind will definitely go bad if it is not properly managed. Therefore, you must always strive to keep your mind at peace.
If you don’t, you are exactly where the devil wants you to be.
This is because the devil enjoys destroying people’s minds more than anything else.
This is something I have told you many times before.
Two patterns in which the devil destroys people’s hearts and sacrifices their lives.
People are able to completely separate what is going on around them from what is going on in their own hearts. They can avoid being emotionally disturbed by what is happening around them.
Just as you can train your body to be strong, you can train your mind to be as strong as you want it to be.
However, many people are immediately disturbed when something happens around them.
They are immediately upset, panicked and frightened.
Perhaps this is because, in my opinion, they have not acquired proper religious knowledge.
This is the only advice I can give you at the moment.
I have no power to stop the war or destroy the underworld. All I can do is expose and write about their plans.
And I can only pray that their plans are thwarted.
But for once, both the ‘Emperors’ and the ‘Papalists’ are ready to go to war.
In fact, I think it is almost impossible to stop the war.
If one or the other is unwilling to come on board, there will be no war. If one of them is unwilling, there will be no war.
But to all appearances they are both ‘willing’. At least for the moment.
If you hear stories like this and immediately feel uneasy, try as hard as you can not to feel uneasy. If you do nothing, nothing will change. Only you can change your mind. Nobody else can do that for you.
If you expect me to tell you that there is no war, or that it will never happen, do you expect me to tell you that? Do you expect me to tell you that? But if I say that, I have lied. I didn’t set up this blog to lie.
Anyway, changing your mind is not an impossible task. Anyone can do it if they try.
I also pray that you will always have a peaceful heart.