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Why the Satanic Baphomet, the Nagasaki Peace Statue and the statue of George Washington, the first President of the United States, are in the same pose.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 9 F …


はじめに:混乱が続く世界情勢/感謝が絶えない私の日常 世界は混乱と矛盾に満ちています。特に、この数年はコロナや予防接種・紛争テロ等々について目も当てられない偏向報道と愚策が続く毎日です。この閉塞感に堪 …

Ancient Egyptian sun worship = devil worship, until it drifted into today’s Japanese emperor family, making the emperor family one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted o …

The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅰ)

In Japan, the number of cancer deaths is increasing. Now, one in three Japanese men die from cancer. …

The real mechanism by which Nazi Germany lost the war.

Or about the ‘Green Dragon Society’ that manipulated Hitler. (Translator’s Note) T …