RAPT理論の紹介 世の中の仕組み 医療 教育・マスコミ

The story that cancer is dangerous is a lie (Ⅰ)


In Japan, the number of cancer deaths is increasing. Now, one in three Japanese men die from cancer.

I also have family members and friends who died of cancer, but I suspect that they died from anticancer drugs.

There is a theory that most cancer deaths are due to treatment with anticancer drugs. For example, here is a country comparison of breast cancer mortality: In the UK and US, it has decreased significantly over the past 20 years, but in Japan it has almost doubled. The hypothesis is this. Many breast cancer screenings have been conducted in Japan, and cancer treatment has begun and many have died.
On the other hand, the risk level of anticancer drugs has recently been recognized in the UK and US . However, I hear that the Japanese anticancer drug market is many times larger than the international level.

The more you check, the more contradictions there are about cancer.

table of contents

1. Contradictions about the cause of cancer

1-1. Conflicts between smoking rates and lung cancer data

Traditionally, cigarettes has been the cause of lung cancer. However, there is data that lung cancer has increased dramatically in spite of a significant decline in smoking rates in recent years.

Looking at materials from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare below, the death rate from lung cancer among Japanese men has increased about fivefold over the 40 years from 1970 to 2010.(shown by the red line in left figure)

On the other hand, although there is data that the smoking rate is at least half or less during the same period,

I feel that my personal sense has also declined considerably.

What was the story of cigarettes causing cancer?

1-2. “Causes of cancer” that change and increase with the times

Despite many years of cancer research, I cannot understand why the cause of cancer changes from time to time.

Traditionally, alcohol and cigarettes have been the cause of cancer, and around 2014 it was widely said in Japan that the sugar that everyone ingests was also the cause of cancer.

However, in Japan, Nagano Prefecture is the number one sugar intake in the country, and at the same time the cancer mortality rate is the lowest in the country, so there is of course no relationship between sugar and cancer.

1-3. 116 cancer factors announced by WHO

In 2015, the World Health Organization published 116 factors that cause cancer.


First, there are too many items. It seems that you will get cancer no matter how you live.

Surprisingly, it is written that “anticancer drugs” that should be a cure for cancer are the cause of cancer. Many anticancer drugs such as No.54 1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate and No.56 Chlorambucil are listed.

X-radiation and gamma radiation, which is radiation from radiation therapy, is also listed as a factor in cancer.

Anyway, I don’t understand the reason, but this can’t be cured.

2. Contradictions on cancer detection

2-1. You cannot make a correct judgment without following up

In the first place, cancer is a tumor caused by the growth of cancer cells, but at the time of X-ray examination, it is not clear what is reflected in it. It is said that it will be understood only after cancer cells are actually taken out and taken for pathological examination.

The pathological examination is to make a judgment that the extracted meat piece or tissue can be observed with a microscope.

Many doctors testify that tumors can only be determined as malignant over a period of months or years.

 Let’s look at the doctor’s testimony below.

Dr. Tokio Onodera: 1930. Graduated from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. Involved in the surgical treatment of gastrointestinal cancer as Deputy Director of Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital and Director of Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu Hospital. Treat more than 5,000 cancers and touch more than 2500 cancer deaths.

————— Excerpt of article ————–

Unfortunately, for now, there is no way to examine the nature of the cancer first, and doctors don’t immediately know whether it is a “(benign) leisurely type” or “(malignant) impatient type”.

“The only way to tell if it’s a leisurely type is to look at the progress from months to years. If you leave it alone and it doesn’t grow too much and it doesn’t metastasize, it’s a leisurely type. It can only be judged by results theory.

To make matters worse, even if it is easy at first, it may suddenly transform into an impatient type after some 5 to 20 years.

I think that cancer that doesn’t need to be rushed is removed, but doctors can’t explain it until it has passed, so it can’t be explained to patients.”


Even if it is suspected to be cancer, it is doubtful that treatment will start as soon as possible. So why is surgery and anticancer drug treatment still started? Take the testimony of another doctor.

Dr. Manda Ryokuhei: Born in 1964. Graduated from Gunma University School of Medicine. After belonging to Gunma University Hospital First Department of Surgery, he became a palliative care doctor.

————— Excerpt of article ————–

Although there are some structural problems that hospitals and doctors will benefit from, such as medical rewards and drug administration points, and the results of surgery, doctors are basically serious, well-trained and excellent. That‘s why I think it is my mission to cure. On the other hand, doctors are ignorant about what happens when they stop treatment. Doctors do not know well what happens to patients when they stop treatment. I haven’t received that kind of education, and I can only treat patients in hospitals in the form of continuing treatment.


In other words, even if there is a suspicion of cancer, you can see that you should not start surgery or anticancer drug treatment immediately, but observe the course anyway.

2-2.Experimentally proven cancer screening hazards

Rather than suspecting the effectiveness of cancer screening, research results have been found to be harmful.

For example, in a test conducted in the Czech Republic in 1990, 6300 healthy smoking men were drawn into two groups, A and B, for follow-up. Group A undergoes lung cancer screening twice a year for three consecutive years, and Group B does not undergo any screening.

The result was that group A had 1.3 to 1.4 times more lung cancer incidence, lung cancer deaths, and total deaths than group B.

Again, the hypothesis is that the cancer treatment is causing death, although the cancer test can be left unattended.

2-3. Strange inspections appearing one after another

It is a cancer that should have been studied for many years, but on the other hand, there are a lot of strange test methods published here.

“Cancer Detecting Dog”, which has only 5 in Japan, the discovery rate is 99.7% 2017.5


Cancer testing, easy with urine, Hitachi demonstration experiment 2018.4


————— Excerpt of article ————–

Hitachi announced on the 16th that it will start a demonstration test of urine cancer testing this month. The presence of pediatric cancer and adult biliary tract cancer is detected by analyzing substances contained in urine. Compared to the conventional method of collecting blood in a medical institution, there is an advantage that a test can be easily performed.Although it depends on the type of cancer, it aims at commercialization as early as the early 2020s.

—————– Excerpt End —————–

Cancer test with nematodes Development of equipment with 20 times the number of analyzes 2018.7.4


There was a story that if the tissue was taken out and not examined, it would not be understood that it was “cancer”.But where has the story gone?

Judging by the smell of urine gives me a rough and outrageous impression.

3. Contradictions about cancer treatment

The three major treatments for cancer are said to be surgery, which is a surgical treatment, and anticancer drugs and radiation, which are medical treatments. Let’s look at anticancer drugs first.

3-1. Contradictions of anticancer drug treatment

(1) Anticancer drugs are made of poison gas

Many people have already admitted that anticancer drugs are poisonous.

————— Excerpt of article ————–


The world‘s first anticancer drug was born from mustard gas. It was found that the poison gas used in the First World War, mustard gas (also called yperit), has a function to suppress cell division. Research progressed during World War II, and mustard gas derivative nitrogen mustard was first used as an anticancer drug

And it is well posted on Wikipedia as below. What is mustard gus:

“Mustard gas is slow-acting and delays being noticed when it is damaged. It was known to cause damage to the digestive tract and hematopoiesis as well as the skin. Nitrogen mustard, which is a derivative of mustard gas, is applied as an anticancer agent (for malignant lymphoma) by applying this action on hematopoietic organs. “

(2) Incidents that died due to misadministration

In June 2018,  in the National Hospital Organization Medical Center in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, an incident occurred in a patient who had been treated for a fracture due to a misadministration of an anticancer drug.

Died if administered incorrectly. In other words, if you administer it, that person will die. It ’s a really terrible poison.

(3) Toxic to pharmacists who dispense

The preparation of anticancer drugs is toxic to pharmacists, and strict management is required as shown in the photo below.

Is it really okay to administer such poisons to patients?


(4) Doctor’s testimony example: “I do not want to use anticancer drugs for myself or my family”

Many doctors testify that they do not want to use anticancer drugs for themselves or their families. Let’s take a look at Dr. Niwa’s testimony.

Dr. Niwa The world‘s authority in this field, since the earliest in the world (from the 1970s) as a clinician researching active oxygen and SOD. SOD and other research papers were published following well-known English international medical journals such as “Blood” In 2012, a paper summarizing the treatment results of 3,000 cancer patients over six years will be accepted and published in the international cancer journal (Integrative Cancer Therapies).

“I woke up only after my son, died. I was doing anticancer drugs for hundreds of cancer patients, but I knew it wasn’t effective.But this was the only thing that the university taught me, and only this was written in the book. I have suffered and killed hundreds of cancer patients for 23 years. In order for God to stop me from taking cancer drugs, I don‘t even know tormenting others, so I wouldn’t know if I could show it in the worst living hell of this beloved son.“

“My son who died of leukemia taught me that anticancer drugs are more than torture”

“The heart of the doctor taught by the son of leukemia” published by Soshisha  

3-2.Radiation therapy contradiction

Needless to say about this, radiation is generally said to be carcinogenic.As expected, WHO has also announced that X-radiation and gamma radiation are the cause of cancer, as described above.

As you can see, there are many contradictions in “cancer”.

The first thing I can say is that I don’t want to receive anticancer drug treatment.

So what exactly is the truth about?

Let’s take a look at the points of RAPT theory that will solve the contradiction next time.

-RAPT理論の紹介, 世の中の仕組み, 医療, 教育・マスコミ



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