As we saw last time in my article, We were able to confirm again that cancer is full of contradictions. Malignant tumors do exist, but many patients who do not need to die have died from cancer treatment
Especially in Japan, anticancer drugs continue to be used despite being known to be toxic. Hundreds of thousands of people, both past and present, have died from the toxicity of anticancer drugs.
So why is this happening?
The conclusions that RAPT theory has solved are summarized below.
Table of contents
1. Cancer is made up of lies
2. Who spread the cancer lie
3. The true nature of cancer explained by “apoptosis”
1. Cancer is made up of lies
Although a “malignant tumor” exists, it is not a disease that dies with such a high probability.
However, more lives are lost by cancer treatment than necessary. In conclusion, this is a “cancer lie”.
Hospitals that treat cancer patients, pharmaceutical companies that manufacture anti-cancer drugs, insurance companies that handle cancer insurance, doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, etc.
An organizational structure has been established to earn large amounts of money from cancer patients and insurance subscribers
1-1. Drug price system
Anti-cancer drugs are subject to high medical subsidies due to their high drug prices.
There is a system similar to a public-private joint scam where the patient‘s window is about 80,000 yen (800 USD) per month, and most of the medical expenses are covered by taxes.
1-2. Cancer insurance
Insurance companies that sell cancer insurance broadcast large amounts of TV commercials. TV infuses viewers with fear of getting cancer, such as “Cancer is dangerous” and “Cancer requires expensive treatment costs”.
As a result, the common sense of society is that cancer is a terrible disease. Aflac Life Insurance Co., Ltd., the No. 1 cancer insurance provider, has always had the problem of non-payment of insurance for cancer patients.
1-3. Education system for doctors
As we saw in the previous article, the doctor himself says, “I don’t use anticancer drugs even if I get cancer.” It is said that anticancer drugs are toxic and do not know if they are effective until you use them.
In addition, there are many testimonies that when studying cancer at medical schools, the fundamental cause and scientific grounds of “why cancer occurs” are not mentioned at all.
Even if we go to the hospital, there is a possibility that if we do not know the cause, we will be treated as cancer, and it is a mechanism that doctors can decide subjectively.
2. Who spread the cancer lie
Look at the logos related to medical associations in Japan and around the world. It is only a snake that symbolizes the devil in Christianity.

In conclusion, the Illuminati who worshiped the devil has systematically spread cancer lies in the medical industry. Below is a look at the core figures that have spread cancer lies in Japan.
People who accuse cancer lies and research that reduces the loss of cancer rights have been incorporated into the Illuminati. If it didn’t work, it was crushed and the researchers lost their social status, and in the worst case they were assassinated. On the other hand, research linked to cancer rights has been praised for being awarded the Nobel Prize.
2-1. Core figures who have built a cancer rights structure
The Emperor family has run the Japanese Red Cross Society for a long time.
Through the National Cancer Center, they are thought to be at the heart of cancer’s interest in brainwashing people, cancer is dangerous, cancer is terrifying and will die if it becomes cancerous.
The Empress has been appointed Honorary President of the Japanese Red Cross Society for generations.
The Honorary Governor of the Cancer Research Society is His Imperial Highness Prince Masahito Hitachinomiya, the younger brother of Emperor Heisei.

The National Cancer Center was established in Japan by Taro Takemi (1904-1983), who served as the chairman of the Japan Medical Association for 25 years from 1957. He was also the chairman of the World Medical Association. Taro Takemi is close relative to Taro Aso, Minister of Finance (Taro Aso is close relative to the Emperor) and is regarded as the core person who created the structure of cancer interests.
Another prominent cancer interest is Shigeaki Hinohara (1911-2017), who has served as president of St. Luke’s College of Nursing and Director of St. Luke’s International Hospital. He was the first person in Japan to establish a human dock, spread what is preventive treatment, and made a scheme to make healthy people cancer patients by diagnosing lies. He has a conservative thought, revered the imperial family and is often invited to the Imperial Events.

2-2. Entertainer as an advertising tower for cancer
In Japan, many celebrities such as entertainers and athletes have died of cancer in recent years.
On the other hand, there are few people who have died of cancer among those who are in the power and information center such as those who have experienced the prime minister. I studied the past 30 years, and 15 prime ministers, from Prime Minister Kaifu to Prime Minister Abe, never died of cancer. Despite the time when one in three Japanese men died of cancer, none of the 15 prime ministers died of cancer.
It seems that the powers know that there is no “dangerous illness of cancer” or that it is better not to administer anticancer drugs immediately if a tumor is found.
Given that, many entertainers who die of cancer are considered victims who have been selected as advertising towers for cancer rights.
The magnificent fiction is maintained by a huge power structure that is in control not only in medical administration and the media, but also in the entertainment world.
3. The true nature of cancer explained by “apoptosis“
Finally, what is the true nature of biological and medical cancer? What should we think about this question? RAPT theory takes the following positions.
In the first place, there are about 60 trillion human cells, and it is said that 300 billion new cells are made every day. On the other hand, it is said that 300 billion old cells necrotic due to trauma etc. will disappear and be replaced by new cells. The 300 billion cells produced each day include 3000 to 5000 defective cells, ie cancer cells. But they are originally programmed to disappear naturally by apoptosis. In other words, cancer cells are prone to apoptosis (programmed cell death), and cancer cells never grow indefinitely. However, as a result of symptomatic treatment (such as anti-cancer drug treatment) that does not improve lifestyle or misappropriate immunity, it may fall into the illusion that cancer cells are proliferating without progressing to apoptosis. On the other hand, this is also why natural regression of cancer is more common among patients who have improved their lifestyle and who have not received symptomatic treatment.
I also think the above explanation is correct. I had suffered from atopic dermatitis, not cancer, but had an experience that led me to a similar conclusion.
I eventually went to many hospitals, but the only response was steroids. The root cause has not been identified and no root treatment has been received. As a result, it was cured by drastic review of eating habits and life. In retrospect, we found that there were signs on the skin that should change the instability of the body, and removing the rough skin would not solve anything.
I also introduce the explanation that reinforces the above theory on the site of the Japanese NPO “Thinking about Medical Medicine in the 21st Century” as below.
Although cancer cells may seem to be more robust and grow indefinitely despite any adverse conditions, they are a little different. |
When cultured in the laboratory, the cancer cell itself is a delicate cell that is unexpectedly prone to death. It does not feel like cancer will increase even if left alone. |
If you don’t take care of it quite often, it will die.I myself have been involved in clinical and research for a long time as a specialist in malignant brain tumors, and I have been answering my own questions for over 20 years. |
Do not think that the existence of is self-contradictory. The more cancer is in the body, the more the host (patient) will eventually die, and the cancer will die at the same time. If you proliferate to prosper, you won’t agree. |
It means that cancer does not grow at all. I think that cancer cells did not originally grow for the purpose of proliferating indefinitely, but that they eventually occurred because of suicide (apoptosis). |
Surprisingly, cancer cells are prone to suicide (apoptosis). |
It is a complete illusion that cancer appears to be growing intentionally indefinitely. |
Because patients receive symptomatic treatment that relieves their immunity without changing their way of thinking and conventional lifestyles, I think that as a result, they are simply fertile and have an increased number of cancer cells. |
In fact, there are many cases of natural regression among patients who have been reluctant to rethink their current way of thinking, patients who have been abandoned by doctors and decided to do something on their own, |
and patients who have not actively received symptomatic treatment. I think that will be attached. |
Cancer may be a kind of yellow card. It may be a warning to radically change the way of thinking and lifestyle. Cancer may be a proverb for us. |
Despite repeated warnings, those who do not repent will take an unfortunate turning point for that, but I think that those who have repented and repented will head toward healing. |
It might be easy to understand in this example. For example, consider cancer cells as a motercycle gang. |
Originally good youth, the result of the devastation / depletion of society, has become a motercycle gang and is releasing unfocused energy. Its existence is a yellow card for society. |
It’s also worthwhile to get rid of the motercycle gang, but it’s not a fundamental solution. It takes time, but by changing the wrong society into a healthy society, the gang will naturally disappear. |
Let’s go back, but cancer is a proverb. If that proverb is heard, it loses its value and disappears naturally. |
Based on the above theory, we can solve all the questions, including many of the contradictions we have seen since the last article, and there is nothing wrong with it.