(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 12 December 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
(Translated text below)
The day before yesterday and yesterday we talked about how the Second World War and the Cold War were a power struggle between the “Emperor = Rothschild” and the “Vatican = Rockefeller”.
The Cold War was a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17844
The Second World War was a power struggle between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-second-world-war-was-a-power-struggle-between-rothschild-and-rockefeller/
Yesterday we talked about how Germany and the Soviet Union seemed to be enemies during the Second World War, but in fact they were connected under the surface through Rothschild.
So, Rothschild was trying to use the Soviet Union and Germany to invade European countries in order to establish an Emperor-centered NWO.
They first invaded and occupied Poland. Poland was originally a Christian country ruled by the Vatican.
In fact, Poland has produced a Pope (John Paul II) in the past.
In other words, they wanted to take Poland out of the hands of the Vatican (and Rockefeller) and incorporate it into the NWO under the rule of the Emperor.
However, along the way Hitler joined forces with Rockefeller and betrayed Rothschild.
As a result, Rothschild’s plan was foiled.
Furthermore, Germany invaded the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union and Germany had to fight.
As a result, Germany was defeated and divided into East and West.
On the surface there are incomprehensible explanations such as an ideological conflict or a proxy war between the Soviet Union and the United States.
But this is simply a territorial dispute.
It is simply a territorial dispute between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
To be clear, wars are not fought over ideological conflicts.
Wars are always fought over conflicting interests.
But until now, no one has noticed this simple fact.
Historians and well-known conspiracy theorists have kept it from us for a long time.
In particular, most of the famous conspiracy theorists are agents of Rothschild and the Emperors, so they do not try to tell the truth about Rothschild and the Emperors.
They only expose and criticize the conspiracy of Rockefeller and his puppets.
To be frank, Rothschild is a villain who created the worst ideology in history, communism.
The same is true of the Emperor, who has joined hands with Rothschild.
How many people have suffered and died because of the spread of communism in the world?
Moreover, if Japan had not been occupied by the USA, Japan might also have become communist, and then we might not have been able to live as prosperously as we do now.
I shudder to think of it. In that sense, Japan is still protected by God.
We have been spared some of their influence because of the devil’s confrontation with us.
However, well-known conspiracy theorists, still puppets of Rothschild and the Emperor, have repeatedly beaten up Abe in this election campaign, praising Ichiro Ozawa and urging people to vote for Ozawa Ichiro and his Life Party.
This is the height of folly.
Abe is a bad man, but Ozawa Ichiro is just as bad.
They are all minions of the same devil worshippers, they just have different masters.
And yet a well-known conspiracy theorist is still silent, shouting that Ichiro Ozawa will do politics for the people and that the Life Party will do politics for the people. They are not explaining how the people will benefit from electing Ichiro Ozawa.
Why are they not explaining anything? The answer is simple.
It is because there are no benefits. Perhaps by electing Ozawa, Japan will become even worse off than it is now.
The evidence for this is clearly stated in the article linked below.
Please read it.
Ichiro Ozawa has deep connections with the Soka Gakkai. He must be a central figure in the Emperor’s family.
I digress…anyway, famous conspiracy theorists don’t want to talk about WWII in too much detail.
No wonder.
If it were revealed that “Rothschild = Communism = Emperor,” the image of the Emperor would be considerably tarnished.
Some people might say, “How can you say ‘Communism = Emperor’ when Japan and the Soviet Union were enemies during World War II?
But that person is completely deceived by the falsehoods of the underworld.
It would be better for you to study World War II again.
Sure, the Soviet Union was on the side of the Allies and Japan was on the side of the Axis.
So on the surface they were enemies.
But did Japan and the Soviet Union ever fight during the Second World War? In fact, not even once.
If the Soviet Union and Japan were really enemies, then when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Japan should have attacked the Soviet Union and pinched it from the east and the west.
But for some reason Japan did not. Instead, it somehow went on to attack the United States.
Why did they do such a stupid thing?
If Japan had attacked the Soviet Union there, wouldn’t the Axis side have won?
Many historians and history buffs have wondered about this, but the answer is simple.
Japan was not an enemy of the Soviet Union.
In fact, Japan and the Soviet Union were in league.
And even Germany was in on it.
Otherwise, why would the Soviet Union and the United States, which were supposed to be allies, start a Cold War as soon as the Second World War ended?
It would be absurd in any case.
The Soviet Union was not on the side of the Allies from the beginning.
It only pretended to be on the side of the Allies.
Whether it was Rockefeller or Rothschild, they did not want anyone to know that the Second World War was just a struggle for power, so they deliberately disrupted information and pretended that the Soviet Union was on the Allied side.
Take a closer look.
The following chart shows the wars that Japan fought during the Second World War.
What do you think?
Japan never fought against the Soviet Union.
It also never fought China, which is also a communist country.

As long as China was also communized, it was as good as in Rothschild’s hands.
Not to mention Manchukuo, which was in the hands of Japan, so there was absolutely no need for Japan to fight China during the Second World War.
Just as the Cold War was a power struggle between the “Vatican-Rockefeller” and the “Emperor-Rothschild”, the Second World War was exactly the same.
When we analyze the Second World War with this understanding, the movements of each country, which until then had seemed so complicated, become very simple.
In other words, the Second World War was merely a territorial struggle between these two forces on this planet.
Of course, the division of the Korean peninsula happened for the same reason as in Germany.
In other words, it was a territorial dispute between “Vatican=Rockefeller” and “Emperor=Rothschild”.
The Korean peninsula was originally under Japanese control, but when the USA won the war, it tried to take the Korean peninsula from Japan.
However, as there were a lot of natural resources in North Korea, Japan was reluctant to hand them over to the US.
We have written about this before, so please see the following link for more information.
Why Satanists want to take over North Korea.
In fact, North Korea is one of the most resource-rich countries in the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17569
As a result, the Korean peninsula was divided into two, as it is today.
The fact that North Korea became a territory of the Soviet Union is only a superficial story; in fact, the Soviet Union and Japan were connected under the surface, so North Korea was left as a Japanese territory.
That is why the present leader of North Korea has Japanese blood in his veins. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17555
In fact, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is a descendant of the emperor’s family.
The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is a descendant of the Japanese imperial family.
It is also suspected that his father, “Kim Jong-il”, was also Japanese.
The theory that Kim Jong-il was Japanese https://ameblo.jp/souldenight/entry-11120164578.html
The fact that North Korea is still under Japanese rule is proof that North Korea and Japan are not enemies.
North Korea and Japan are not enemies.
The two countries are still full allies.
Japan and North Korea are full allies and both countries are effectively controlled by the Korean people. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17542
But this is not limited to North Korea.
All the “communist states” of the world are connected with Japan behind the scenes.
Rothschild and the Emperor control these countries.
On the other hand, we can assume that the Vatican and the Rockefellers control the countries where communism has not penetrated and Christianity has.
And we can imagine that Germany and the Korean peninsula have been divided in two as a result of territorial disputes between these two powers.
In this way, the structure of the world looks very simply.
Not only does it look simply, but the real picture of the world becomes clear.
Of course, it is up to you whether you think this is my imagination or not.
But no matter where you think I am coming from, I am sure that this analysis is correct.