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The secret of the “spirit world”. Satanists have hidden the existence of the “spirit world” from us, the general public.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 2 D …

Solid evidence that the Emperor, Prime Minister Abe and the politicians in Nagata-cho are Satanists who believe in “esoteric Buddhism”.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 8 M …


先月、RAPTさんの待望の次なる作品が発表されました。 東京の夜景の写真集です。 RAPT写真集・第1弾『RAPT×PHOTO 闇に浮かび上がる光』の発売が決定しました!! この写真集の案内を見た瞬間 …

The story that radioactivity is dangerous is a lie

Do you think that radioactivity and nuclear power are difficult to understand? When I heard that the …
