English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

To those who still believe that the Islamic State is the true Islam.


You should understand that the truth is beyond your common sense.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 2 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Once again, my old site has been blocked by the rental server company Lollipop since last night.

If I had not set up this new site, my site would be down again today and I would not be able to update my articles properly.

It was a good decision to set up the new site as soon as possible.

Anyway, you should never register for ‘Lollipop’ alone.

Anyway, the underworld media still report on the Islamic State as if they were real Muslims.

They report as if Muslims have radicalized, become terrorists and are shaking up the whole world.

But I wish they would think about things a little more calmly.

Of course, all the major media in the world are puppets of the underworld.

So, they are not allowed to think for themselves and report the news. ……

However, it is already common knowledge on the Internet that, for example, 9/11, a terrorist attack by Muslims, was staged by the US government and that Al-Qaeda (Bin Laden) and the US government (then President Bush) were in on it.

For example, when searching for ‘9/11’ on Google, the following article came up about three times from the top.

According to this article, 9/11 was a terrorist attack orchestrated by the US government.

The American Situation 2: American Lies 1 (Lies of 9/11, lies of the war on terror, and modern warfare created by the US) – There is no right or left to protect Japan. http://blog.nihon-syakai.net/blog/2014/11/4400.html

So, the fact that 9/11 was a US orchestrated event is information that is available to everyone, whether they believe it or not.

It is not a secret or a deep secret.

Yet, ignoring this information, the mainstream media still report ‘9/11’ as a terrorist attack by Muslims.

If the media claims to be fair and neutral, shouldn’t they investigate everything thoroughly and not just assume all information is bullshit from the start?

Isn’t that the proper attitude of a journalist?

A real journalist should throw away all common sense, stereotypes and prejudices once and for all and then investigate everything in the world.

Otherwise, they will always be bound by the common sense of this world and will never be able to get to the truth.

The approximate truth of this world is always far from human common sense.

What is common sense to a small frog is completely different from what is common sense to a large whale.

If you call yourself a journalist, shouldn’t you quickly shed your frog skin and become a whale to see this world?

Even now, there are people on this blog who sometimes criticise my articles, calling them ‘mere fantasies’.

But it is as if they are revealing their own ignorance.

It is as if they are revealing their own lack of research skills.

I am so appalled that I ignore all such people these days.

I don’t want to have anything to do with people who are stuck in common sense.

Anyway, there is so much information on the internet that ‘9/11’ was a terrorist attack orchestrated by the USA.

So, you should look at that information a bit more carefully instead of just dismissing it out of hand as bullshit.

This is what the mainstream media should be doing.

Firstly, a significant number of ordinary people in the USA have realized that ‘9/11’ was staged by the US government.

They have even filed lawsuits against the government.

Attorney Stanley Hilton Families of 911 Victims file class action lawsuit seeking $7 billion in damages against President Bush. http://www.asyura2.com/10/warb7/msg/690.html

Yet the major media are not reporting any of this. They are still keeping it all under wraps.

Also, the internet is full of information that al-Qaeda chief Bin Laden was a former CIA agent.

But the mainstream media are still keeping this under wraps.

Below is an article I researched and wrote about this information.

Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization created by the US CIA. Announced invasion of Baghdad to raise oil prices. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=11289

This means that al-Qaeda is not a genuine Muslim organization.

It is a puppet of the US government. It is a puppet of the Bush family. No, perhaps it is better to call them friends rather than puppets. After all, Bush and Bin Laden are business partners.

Incidentally, in the article linked above, I wrote that Al-Qaeda invaded Baghdad to drive up the price of oil.

But I now have a different view.

This should be seen as a sabotage of the ‘emperor’s’ oil pipeline by the ‘ papist ‘.

This is because Al-Qaeda (USA) is ‘papist’ and there is a Russian (‘emperor’s’) oil pipeline in Iraq with Baghdad as its capital.

For more on this, see the following article.

For those who have tried and failed to understand the Islamic State and the confused situation in the Middle East. https://nozomi-creation.com/for-those-who-have-tried-and-failed-to-understand-the-islamic-state-and-the-confusing-situation-in-the-middle-east/

And the now problematic ‘Islamic State’ was also originally an al-Qaeda-linked militant organization.

This is not a self-serving assumption on my part, but something that has been clearly stated by the major media.

———— (reprinted below from Asahi Shimbun)

On January 12, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an international terrorist organization linked to al-Qaeda that has overrun several cities in northern Iraq, announced on its website that it would invade the capital, Baghdad.

The Maliki regime has been placed in a critical situation as the militants’ sphere of influence could spread further.

ISIS has intervened in the civil war in neighboring Syria and has influence in the east of that country.

The latest offensive has brought the border areas between the two countries under its control.

According to the Associated Press, an ISIS spokesman called on the public to ‘go to Baghdad’. He also said that the southern city would also fall.

Concerns over Iraq’s oil production drove up the price of North Sea Brent crude futures by almost $2 to around $112 a barrel on 12 December.

—————- (reprinted here)

This was an article in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper in June 2014, when the Islamic State was not as well-known as it is today.

That’s why I think every single one of them is declared to be an al-Qaeda-linked militant organization.

And as I said, al-Qaeda is a puppet of the US government.

If that is the case, then the Islamic State, which is an al-Qaeda-affiliated militant organization, is also a puppet of the US.

And yet the mainstream media and even some conspiracy theorists still write articles about Islamic State as if it were a genuine Muslim organization.

How far have they stopped thinking?

For a while there were reports that al-Qaeda and the Islamic State were at loggerheads.

But as long as Al-Qaeda is a puppet of the US and the Islamic State is an offshoot of it, this is not a problem.

Whether they get along or not, they are puppets of the US to begin with.

Besides, in the Koran, the Islamic holy book, killing is considered a sin.

It is true that there are parts of the Koran that seem to condone war.

But it is strictly forbidden to kill people except in war.

So why do Muslims go to the trouble of taking hostages and killing people, and then proudly show it on video for the whole world to see?

This makes all real Muslims angry and shake their heads.

—————- (Reproduced below from Asahi Shimbun)

Muslims in Japan are also outraged: ‘I don’t understand what they are saying and doing.

On the evening of the 1st, volunteers from the Muslim community in the Kansai region held a soup kitchen for the homeless in Osaka city.

On the day the video of the body of Kenji Goto, 47, believed to have been held by Islamic State, was posted online, the volunteers wanted people to know that the true religion of Islam is to be kind to others and to live in peace.

The event was started in November last year by a group of volunteers who wanted to do something for the Japanese people.

This was the sixth such day. About 20 Muslims of different nationalities, including Pakistani and Japanese, took part. They made curry, croquettes, cakes and biscuits for 100 people and served them to the homeless, saying: ‘It’s cold, isn’t it?

Commenting on the Japanese hostage crisis, Zolkanain bin Hasan Baseli, 40, an employee of a Malaysian company in Kawachinagano City, Osaka Prefecture, who attended the conference, said

We have not been taught that it is OK to kill people.

I don’t understand what the Islamic State says and does.

Fitriana, 34, an Indonesian housewife from Osaka, said: ‘Islamic State does not represent Muslims. Islam is a religion that values helping each other.

The soup kitchen will continue on a monthly basis.

 —————- (reproduced here).

See also

—————- (Reproduced below from Mainichi Shimbun)

Killing of Mr Goto: Muslims are also dismayed, saying it goes against their teachings.

On the morning of 1 February (Japan time), a group believed to be the Islamic State (IS) extremist organisation released a new video on the internet claiming to have killed Kenji Goto, 47, a freelance journalist from Sendai who had been detained.

Muslims who had visited the mosque in Nishi-Yodogawa Ward, Osaka City, to pray also expressed their dismay and outrage, saying that killing people is against the teachings of Islam.

One man, 24, who came to Japan from Indonesia three years ago to study nursing, shook his head and said, ‘I have no idea what IS wants to do or what its original purpose is.

Although his daily life has not changed since the incident, he said: ‘A Japanese acquaintance warned me to be careful because some people might overreact.

A Japanese male university student (22) from the same district who became a Muslim last year said: ‘From the moment the incident happened, I thought the worst possible outcome was possible.

Of IS, he said: ‘They are not Muslims, they are terrorists. Their actions could destroy the friendly relations with the Japanese that Muslims have built up in Japan.

Amjad Nazar, 56, a Pakistani who runs a grocery shop near the mosque, said: ‘It hurts me as a Muslim because Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world. We all need to think about what we should do to eliminate IS.

—————- (reproduced here)

I have written many times in the past that the Vatican is not a group of true Christians, but a group of Satanists.

These Satanists are active in both the front and back worlds of this world. But when they are active in the front world, they always wear some kind of title.

For some reason, they are particularly keen to wear religious titles when they go to war. The Crusades are a prime example. Or Christian armed organizations like the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta or the Knights of the Garter.

They are all, in fact, Satanist groups.

Killing is also clearly forbidden in Christianity.

In the case of Christianity, not only killing people, but even hating people is considered a ‘sin’. But why would Christians openly kill people ‘for God’s sake’?

So many serious Christians who do not know the background of this world have been wondering and worrying about this armed Christian organization.

And now Muslims are suffering the same fate.

OK. Think again, with a clear head.

Why are the same Muslims, one cooking for peace, the other killing hostages and threatening foreign governments?

Why is there such a huge difference in thinking between people who believe in the same religion?

There is no need to think too hard. The answer is simple and obvious. It is because the Islamic State are not really Muslims.

They are just an underworld organization masquerading as Muslims.

I am also puzzled by the term ‘Islamic State’ as terrorists.

Because they are not even terrorists.

First of all, if they are really an armed group of individuals, how can they make threats against military powers like the US and Japan?

No superstate, no major corporation, no matter how much they hate them, should be afraid to make an enemy of the US or Japan.

Because they would never be able to defeat them, even if they threatened them.

But for some reason the Islamic State can. Why are they able to do such ruthless things in a fair and honest way? Why is that?

Because they have enormous support behind them. Because they have the baggage of the US behind them. More precisely, they have the backing of the Vatican. What other answer is there?

Any sane person would have at least that level of imagination.

But for some reason many people in this world cannot even imagine such a simple thing. Even those who are paid for their journalism can’t imagine such a simple thing. ……

Anyway, I wrote this article today by going back to basics, because there are too many people who still believe that Islamic State is a genuine Muslim organization.

First of all, the basics need to be understood.

Otherwise, no matter how much I write about the battle between the ‘emperors’ and the ‘papists’, no one will ever understand it.

I really feel sorry for those at the advanced level.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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