English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

When the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, it was as good as proof that the Islamic State is a puppet of the Emperor’s Faction.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 10 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Looking at the conspiracy theories that are currently circulating on the Internet, the theory that the Islamic State is a puppet of the United States and Israel seems to be gaining ground.

However, if many people believe this theory, it can only be said that we are completely in the clutches of the underworld.

Anyway, I have only one thing to say about the Islamic State scandal. The Islamic State is not a puppet of the United States or Israel. It is a puppet of the “emperor faction.

I have written about this many times.

In fact, the Islamic State and Israel are puppets of the Emperor Faction. Once again, we try to reconstruct the conspiracy theory.

To be more precise, the “Islamic State” fiasco was fabricated by the “Nippon Foundation. This “Nippon Foundation” is a subordinate organization of the “Jesuits.

And these “Jesuits” are the “Illuminati” themselves.

The head of the Illuminati is the Emperor. For more information, see the following link.

The Egyptian bombing of Libya and the Jesuits (Illuminati) behind it.

And now an Islamic extremist group called “Boko Haram” has announced that it will cooperate with the Islamic State.

This is another clear proof that the Islamic State is a puppet of the “Emperor’s Faction.

—————- (The following is reprinted from the Asahi Shimbun)

Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, which is gaining power in the West African nation of Nigeria, released an audio clip on the Internet on April 7 pledging allegiance to Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (IS) militant group, AFP reported.

Shekau said in a statement that the suspect “declares his allegiance to the caliphate”. The Baghdadi suspect calls himself a “caliph,” meaning a representative of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Boko Haram has been allied with the international terrorist organization al-Qaeda since its founding in 2002. Last July, however, it announced its support for the Islamic State. Recently, the group has adopted IS methods, such as using the Internet to provoke the government and attract supporters.

 —————- (reprinted here)

Boko Haram is an organization created by Rothschild to extort diamond concessions in Africa.

This Rothschild is the “Emperor Faction”.

In addition, the Japanese Red Cross Society, run by the Emperor’s family, is also deeply involved in this African diamond concession.

For more details, please see the following links.

The main purpose of the Ebola scare is for Rothschild to monopolize the rough diamonds in West Africa. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16492

Therefore, “Boko Haram” is essentially a puppet of the “Emperor’s Faction”.

The fact that Boko Haram has joined hands with the Islamic State means that the Islamic State is in the same boat as Boko Haram.

In other words, it is a puppet of the Emperor’s Faction.

However, it can be said that the story that the Islamic State is a puppet of Israel is half true, because Israel is a puppet of the “Emperor’s Faction. Israel is a good friend of the Emperor’s Faction.

Relocation of the UN headquarters to Israel; closure of the CIA. The bias in the host countries of the World Cup and the Olympics. Everything is the way the “emperor faction” wants it. https://nozomi-creation.com/un-headquarters-moved-to-israel-closure-of-the-cia/

Yet famous conspiracy theorists only bash Israel and the U.S. as the bad guys.

Not a word about the fact that the Emperor Faction is behind Israel.

The “Emperor’s Faction” is the one that started the “Islamic State” racket.

They want to create the “Islamic State” racket. They are trying to seize the territory of the “papists” in the Middle East and take their oil interests.

That is why the “papists” like the USA are bombing the “Islamic State” with blinders on.

The “imperial faction” is also angry with the USA and bombs the “papists” under the pretext of bombing the “Islamic State”.

The story of the battle between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” under the pretext of the “Islamic State”. https://nozomi-creation.com/on-the-structure-of-the-battle-between-the-emperors-faction-and-the-papal-faction-under-the-pretext-of-the-islamic-state/

As described above, the Underworld (Illuminati) has been fighting territorial disputes with each other in various parts of the world but has kept this fact hidden from the general public for a long time.

This is how they have always done it.

In fact, they used exactly the same tactics in World War II.

In fact, World War II was nothing more than a territorial dispute between the “imperial faction” and the “papal faction. However, in order to hide this fact, they created two powers, the “Allied Powers” and the “Axis Powers (Japan, Germany and Italy),” and made it look as if World War II was caused by a struggle between these two powers.

The real reason Nazi Germany lost the war. Or about the “Green Dragon Society” that manipulated Hitler. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-real-mechanism-by-which-nazi-germany-lost-the-war/

The “Emperor’s Faction” first invaded Poland with the help of Nazi Germany and tried to seize the territory of Poland.

In addition, the “Soviet Union” also invaded Poland under the pretext of defending Poland.

They pretended to be fighting against Germany and then seized the territory of Poland.

The following map is evidence of this.

In fact, the “Soviet Union” was in collusion with the Axis Powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy), not with the Allies.

This is the map after the German invasion of Poland (the thin “green” and “blue” areas are Poland).

You can clearly see that Germany and the Soviet Union have neatly divided Poland into two separate parts.

However, in history classes we are taught that the Soviet Union and Germany fought each other in World War II.

Because of this bullshit, no matter how much we learned about World War II, we could never understand the meaning of the war, and our minds were always confused.

The same can be said about the Ukrainian political upheaval.

There is no need to explain it now.

Russia is a country of the “imperial faction” and Ukraine is a country of the “papal faction.

However, only the Crimean peninsula, which is inside Ukraine, is an “imperialist” peninsula.

Therefore, only the Crimean peninsula was forcibly incorporated into Russia.

You can easily understand this trick by looking at their respective flags and national emblems.

There is absolutely nothing on the Ukrainian flag that symbolizes “red” or “sun”.

The “red” is the color of the Rothschilds, and the “sun” represents the “emperor.

But the fact that these are not present at all means that Ukraine is not an “imperialist” country, i.e. it is a “papist” country.

What about Crimea? ……

The flag has exactly the same color scheme as Russia.

The national emblem is “red” and “sun”.

This is a clear indication that they are the “Emperor’s Faction”.

By the way, the flag and emblem of Russia are as follows.

Thus, the “imperial faction” and the “papal faction” are violently fighting for territory in Ukraine.

However, the media does not inform us, the common people, about this fact. Famous conspiracy theorists only say that “the political upheaval in Ukraine is Rockefeller’s bullying of Russia.

But this is only half the story.

That is only half the story, because Russia is also trying to grab Ukrainian territory.

In fact, Russia has forced the Crimean Peninsula, which is part of Ukraine, to hold a referendum so that it can be incorporated into Russia.

And there are rumors that this referendum was also rigged.

But famous conspiracy theorists do not accept this rumor at all, saying that it is simply “Rockefeller’s sore loser”.

2014 Crimean Referendum – Wikipedia


For some reason, however, the mainstream media has been heavily blaming Russia for the political situation in Ukraine.

This is probably a disinformation campaign to hide the fact that Japan and Russia are in bed together.

Just yesterday there was news that Yukio Hatoyama is planning to visit Crimea, and the media is bashing him heavily.

The media is beating him hard. This means that Japanese politicians should not do anything that would benefit Russia.

Former Prime Minister Hatoyama’s “plan to visit Crimea” was canceled by the Foreign Ministry (1/2) – Politics & Society – ZAKZAK


Or maybe the “papalists” are beating up the puppets of the “imperialists” like Hatoyama to keep Japan and Russia from getting closer.

In any case, we should calmly analyze every event that happens in this world and not just believe what the media and well-known conspiracy theorists say.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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