(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 9 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Sometimes, as new facts come to light, things that seemed insignificant before turn out to be very important.
This time we found out that the ‘Jesuits’ and the ‘Vatican’ were completely different organizations and that they had been enemies.
This made me realize in many ways that various facts that I had not thought of before were actually very important.
Yesterday someone wrote the following comment
In the picture of Baphomet next to Lucifer in the picture, the moon is drawn in the upper left and lower right. There are statues of Baphomet in the same pose as the Nagasaki Peace Memorial and George Washington, the first President of the United States of America. Does this mean anything?
To be honest, this was another complete blind spot. The “Emperor Faction” worships the sun, and the “Papal Faction” worships the moon. ……
Whether they really worship them or not, they use the “sun” and “moon” as their symbols.
I just recently found out that this is the case.
So, I never noticed the moon symbol on the Baphomet painting until now.
Papists = Lunar Calendar = Lunar Kingdom. The papists = solar calendar = kingdom of the sun. The structure of the world becomes simpler and simpler. https://nozomi-creation.com/papists-lunar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-moon-emperors-solar-calendar-kingdom-of-the-sun/
Baphomet” is a “type of demon” that is something of a hot topic among conspiracy theorists.
The following is the “Baphomet.

There are three great demons at the top of the list of demons.
They are the demons Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth.
Thus, Satanists worship these three great demons as gods.
This is why the “trinity” of gods always appears in Satanist myths.
And in Christianity, too, the “trinity” of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son appears. That is why some people say, “Christianity is one of the Satanic religions.
But this is a completely different dimension.
People who do not know about religion are easily deceived by these trivial stories.
It would take a long time to explain each one of them, so I will skip this part today.
Ancient Egyptian mythology also features a “trinity” of gods: Osiris, Isis, and Horus.
As I have told you many times before, devil worship was a big part of ancient Egyptian culture.

It is commonly believed that the kings of ancient Egypt worshipped Osiris, Isis, and Horus as gods.
In reality, Satanists do not worship these deities.
In Japan, Satanists also created a god named Amaterasu.
If you ask them if they really worship Amaterasu, they do not.
It is the same thing.
Of course, they supposedly worshipped Amaterasu.
And the kings of Egypt probably also pretended to worship Osiris, Isis, and Horus in front of their people.
But what they were really worshipping were the three demons mentioned above, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth.
So under these three major demons, “Lucifer,” “Beelzebub,” and “Astaroth,” there are the six senior demons.
One of these six senior demons is the aforementioned “Baphomet”.
To be precise, the demon “Baphomet” is not one of the six great demons of the higher ranks.
However, since “Satanakia,” one of the Six Superior Demons, and “Baphomet” look very similar, it is generally believed that “Baphomet” refers to “Satanakia.
Baphomet – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%90%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%A1%E3%83%83%E3%83%88
The reason this “Baphomet” has become so famous is actually due to a Christian armed group called the “Knights Templar” in the past.
They were found to be worshipping this “Baphomet” and were violently suppressed.
(For more information, see the “Satanakia” section of the following link)
So, the person who drew this picture of “Baphomet” above is called “Eliphas Levi”.
From what I have seen in the Wikipedia article, he seems to be a Satanist from all angles.
Romantic poet and hermetic thinker from Paris, France.
At the age of 41 he changed his name to “Eliphas Levy”, a Hebrewized version of his real name, and wrote hermetic works.
He attended the literary salons of the Petit Romantique school in Paris.
He later studied Kabbalah, alchemy, hermeneutics, and Christian mysticism, and became a symbol of the revival of witchcraft in modern Europe.
He claimed that witchcraft was a rational science based on reason.
In reality, his doctrinal system lacked precision.
He attempted to lump together under the name “witchcraft” such diverse traditions as ancient esoteric rites, tarot, and ritual magic.
Such a person went out of his way to draw such a picture of the devil, and yet he drew the “moon” in the picture.
Then I had to suspect that if this “Baphomet” was the devil worshipped by the “Moon School”.
I thought that Eliphas Levi was a “sun faction” and that he was exposing the demon they worshiped in front of the people to discredit the “moon faction”. ……
In other words, I suspected that the Templars had been taken over by the “Moon Faction” at that time, and that the “Sun Faction” had begun to oppress the Templars as a result.
However, it seems that the Templars are now in favor of the Emperor’s Faction.
You can read about this in yesterday’s article.
The Jesuits (Illuminati) rule the world, and the head of the Jesuits is the Emperor. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-jesuits-illuminati-rule-the-world-and-the-head-of-the-jesuits-is-the-emperor/
The Sun worshippers worship Lucifer as the supreme deity.
More specifically, they worship the three major demons, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth.
However, this raises the suspicion that the “Moon Faction” may have worshipped “Baphomet” as the supreme deity instead of the three demons.
Among conspiracy theorists, many people think of “Baphomet” when they think of Satanism.
Especially in the case of Japanese people, they do not have much knowledge of the Bible, so they do not know that the supreme devil is “Lucifer.
Therefore, I think many people assume that “Baphomet” is the god of Satanism based only on their knowledge of the Internet.
As for me, I thought there was a lot of false information flooding the Internet.
However, maybe the “Moon Faction” does not worship “Lucifer” but “Baphomet”.
Maybe that is why they have started to rebel against the “Sun Faction.
I have told you many times that the “Sun Faction” and the “Moon Faction” have been fighting each other since ancient times.
If you are not familiar with this area, please refer to the following links.
The Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. The Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” began before the beginning of history. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/
However, the “Moon People” must not have suddenly begun to worship this “Baphomet” for no reason.
Perhaps “Baphomet” actually rebelled against “Lucifer” in the spirit world and proclaimed himself the supreme god, deceiving the people of the ancient people “Yomotsukuni”.
For those who do not believe in the existence of the spirit world, such a story may sound like a mere fairy tale.
However, I personally feel more comfortable with the idea.
It is more natural to think that a big event in the spirit world caused a big change on Earth.
And because of this coup by “Baphomet” in the spirit world, the people of “Yomotsukuni” believed that “Baphomet” was the true God.
And it may be that they began to rebel against the emperor who believed in “Lucifer.
This is at least a possibility.
Just the other day I mentioned that the atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima because the Jesuits were based in those two cities.
It is believed that the “papist” USA dropped the atomic bombs on those two places to destroy the “papist” Jesuits.
For more details, see the following links.
The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor Faction”. Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/
After the defeat in the war, a peace statue (the top picture on this page) was erected in Nagasaki, which has the same pose as that of “Baphomet”.
Perhaps the statue was not really erected as a prayer for peace, but simply as a declaration of victory by the “Papalists”.
In other words, they borrowed the name of peace and erected a statue of the devil.
Rumor has it that the Peace Statue cost 30 million yen (20 million yen for the base separately) and took four years to create.
The 30 million yen was raised through donations from Japan and abroad.
The 20 million yen for the pedestal was also budgeted by the city of Nagasaki.
However, when the Peace Statue was completed in 1955, neither the government nor the city of Nagasaki provided any legal assistance to the hibakusha.
The hibakusha had to pay for all treatment for illnesses and injuries caused by the atomic bombing.
I would like to say that instead of spending 50 million yen to build such a wasteful statue, they should pay some of the costs of medical treatment.
(Incidentally, the first law on atomic bomb survivors, the Law on Medical Care for Atomic Bomb Survivors, was enacted in 1957).
Just looking at it, you can smell the devil in the air.
There are also rumors that the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki because it was aimed at the residence of ‘Thomas Glover’.
This ‘Thomas Glover’ was also a Freemason who contributed to the Meiji Restoration.
At least that is the rumor.
For more information see the links below.
Urban Legend Hiding in the Shadow of the Meiji Restoration! Thomas Blake Glover’s misdeeds in Nagasaki and his biography of a great man! – NAVER Summary (*)The link has expired.
In other words, he was also a key figure in the change in the top leadership of Japan from the Tokugawas to the Emperors, and is a clear ‘Emperor faction’.
So, it is no surprise that he is resented by the ‘Papists’.
It is no surprise that the Papists tried to destroy his villa.
Nevertheless, by this time Thomas Glover had disappeared.
It is unlikely that an attack on a dead man’s home would have been of any use to the ‘Papists’.
It therefore seems more natural to think that the bombing of Nagasaki was aimed at the bases of the Jesuits and other ‘imperialists’ rather than at Glover’s residence.
Thomas Glover’s residence in Nagasaki was probably also due to the presence of an ‘Emperor’s Faction’ base.
The article linked above also states that both Thomas Glover and Ryoma Sakamoto were Freemasons and that they were connected behind the scenes.
The article also states that both Thomas Glover and Ryoma Sakamoto were Freemasons and that they were connected behind the scenes.
The inexplicable link between Benesse and Pasona. Both Tadao Ando and Ryotaro Shiba …… Soka Gakkai members have always worked as a circle under the financial Jews. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=13048
In short, Sakamoto Ryoma is also a member of the ‘Emperor faction’.
That is why he initiated the Meiji Restoration and tried to make the Emperor the head of Japan.
As you all know, it was Ryotaro Shiba who made Sakamoto Ryoma a national hero.
Let me be clear: without Ryoma Shiba’s novels, Sakamoto Ryoma would not have become so popular with the public.
The reason for this is that Sakamoto Ryoma did not normally do anything of this magnitude.
And Ryotaro Shiba is actually a member of the Soka Gakkai.
The Soka Gakkai, as I have said many times before, is a subordinate organisation of the Emperor.
So Ryotaro Shiba was also a member of the Sun Faction.
That is why he wrote a novel with Sakamoto Ryoma as the hero and promoted the Meiji Restoration as if it was a great event for Japan.
He made the emperor’s accession to the throne sound like a joyous occasion.
NHK deliberately spent a huge amount of money to dramatise ‘Saka no ue no kumo’ (Clouds over the Hill).
This was probably also to further remind and brainwash the public that Ryoma Sakamoto was a hero.
The statue of George Washington in the same pose as ‘Baphomet’ is also shown below.

George Washington, as you all know, was the first President of the USA.
And the ‘papists’ are those who have been trying to establish a US-centred NWO.
Therefore, they may have tried to declare that ‘America is ours’ by having the first President of the USA take the same pose as ‘Baphomet’.
So, it seems that the independence of the USA was also the beginning of a NWO project by the ‘papists’.
In case you are wondering, I have spoken about this on several occasions.
So, the possibility has become even more likely.