English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

In fact, the “Islamic State” and “Israel” were puppets of the Emperor’s Party.


Once again, Ⅰ try to reconstruct the conspiracy theory.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 12 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Why do the “emperors” and the “popes” always act so cozy together, even though they are at odds with each other?

Yesterday, I briefly explained why.

Why have the “emperor faction” and the “pope faction” always acted in concert even though they are at odds with each other? https://nozomi-creation.com/why-have-the-emperor-faction-and-the-papal-faction-always-acted-together-despite-their-hostility/

In other words, there is a strong possibility that the “papists” and the “emperors” live together in every organization, group, or nation in this world.

In fact, the Keiseikai, the “emperor faction,” and the Seiwa-kai, the “church faction,” have lived together in the Japanese political world.

The Seiwa-kai and the Keisei-kai have long competed for power.

About the Seiwa-kai and the Keiseikai. Or a simple way to distinguish between the “emperor faction” and the “church faction” of Japanese politicians. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18039

Also, the Soka Gakkai, a subordinate organization of the Emperor, was originally created to support the power of the “Emperor Faction”.

Along the way, the “Papal Faction” tried to take over and went into hiding.

However, in the process, the “Papal Faction” tried to take over and infiltrate the organization.

Ichiro Ozawa has deep ties to the Soka Gakkai. He must be a central figure in the Emperor’s family. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17608

In the U.S., there was the assassination of Kennedy, followed by the elevation of Johnson, who had been vice president, to the presidency without an election.

Then Nixon became president and left office after the Watergate scandal.

In the end, all these slapstick events can be seen as a conflict between the “imperial faction” and the “papal faction.

In other words, the U.S. government is a mixture of the “papalists” and the “imperialists.

The Jesuits, the Illuminati, were a mixture of both.

This led to a lot of internal strife and the previous Jesuit president was unexpectedly appointed by a “papist”.

I do not know if he was found out and removed from the presidency.

In any case, he was forced to resign as president, and as a way to vent his anger, he may have tried to blackmail the “papists” by causing 3/11.

So, the current president of the Jesuits became a “papist faction”, and even the Pope became a “papist faction”.

So, the Vatican has indeed been taken over by the Imperial Faction.

For more details, see the following link.

The reality is that the Vatican has already been taken over by the “Imperial Faction”. Or why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Since there is a mixture of the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/

In every organization, we have always assumed that the underworld is all one force.

This is because, as such, there is a mix of “imperialists” and “papists” in any organization.

Moreover, all the famous conspiracy theories in this world were agents of the Emperor Faction.

Therefore, we have been brainwashed to believe that all underworld organizations are puppets of the U.S. Rockefellers.

However, the real mastermind is the “Emperor” and both Rothschild and Rockefeller were his subordinates.

However, Rockefeller rebelled against the “Emperor” so violently that the Emperor and Rothschild became angry.

They exposed the Rockefeller conspiracy and made it widely known that “Rockefeller is the root of all evil.

However, Rockefeller’s power is now completely suppressed.

This is not surprising since the Vatican, Rockefeller’s command post, has been taken over by the “Emperor’s Faction.

Therefore, Shinzo Abe, who was a puppet of Rockefeller, has now completely shed his Rockefeller colors.

And he is working diligently as a puppet of the emperor.

Heizo Takenaka, who had been pushing the U.S. traitor policy so hard, has hardly a whiff of U.S. traitor since he became the chairman of a Soka-affiliated company called Pasona.

It may be that he had already changed his position from the “faith faction” to the “emperor faction” by the time he became the chairman of Pasona.

In fact, Abenomics, which he has been promoting, is a policy to divide the people of Japan into rich and poor.

It is not the Rockefellers in the U.S. who benefit from this policy, but rather the Emperor and the Tabuse clan.

The underworld’s plan to take over Japan is already complete. They intend to establish a world government under the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16982

Therefore, Heizo Takenaka is not a traitorous politician for the US as he once was.

And even someone like him, who has done a lot of treacherous policies for the US, is in this situation.

If so, it is very likely that many other agents of the “Papalists” will turn to the “Emperor’s Faction”.

And as I looked at these developments in the world, I came to believe that it was necessary to re-examine the Islamic State.

In other words, I wondered if the “Islamic State” was really a “sect of the Pope.

Or perhaps it would be better to say that I have come to suspect that it is.

It has long been said that the Islamic State is an Islamist extremist group derived from al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda was originally a CIA agent, in other words a puppet of the “papists”.

I wrote about this the other day.

To those who still believe that the “Islamic State” is a true Muslim. You should understand that the truth is beyond your common sense. https://nozomi-creation.com/to-those-who-still-believe-that-the-islamic-state-is-the-true-islam/

That is why I have always assumed that this “Islamic State” is a pawn of the “Pope’s Faction”.

But then, why did they bother to change their name to “Islamic State” instead of “Al Qaeda”?

Of course, the media has given us some complicated explanations.

But none of the explanations seem to make any sense to me.

 I could not help but wonder if there was a struggle between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” within al-Qaeda.

In other words, I suspected that the “Emperor faction” had infiltrated al-Qaeda and conspired to overthrow the “Papal faction.

 In fact, many media outlets reported that there was a fierce internal struggle within al-Qaeda.

Leader of al-Qaeda’s Iraq branch killed in infighting – International News: AFPBB News https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/2219082?act=all

As a result of this conflict, the “Pope faction” lost power within al-Qaeda and the “Emperor faction” gained power.

The “Emperor Faction” claimed to be an offshoot of al-Qaeda, founded the Islamic State, and began rampaging across the Middle East. ……

It is not inconceivable that this could be the case.

Again, I always thought that the “papists” created the Islamic State.

And I thought they were using the Islamic State as an excuse to bomb and blow up Russian-built oil pipelines.

But the fact may be the opposite.

The reason why the Islamic State went on the rampage may actually have been so that the “Emperor’s Faction” could complete the oil pipeline.

The current leader of Syria is Assad.

For a long time now, there has been a rebel faction in Syria that does not support Assad.

In fact, these Syrian rebels are the “Papists,” and they may have been the force that tried to destroy the “Emperor’s” oil pipeline.

Syrian Uprising – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E9%A8%92%E4%B9%B1

The ” Emperor’s ” may have created the “Islamic State” to exterminate the Syrian rebels, and they may have used this Islamic State to exterminate the Syrian rebels.

Then the “papists” may have lost their temper and used the U.S. to bomb the Islamic State.

It makes more sense to think this way.

And more at …….

The leader of this “Islamic State” is a “Mossad” agent and his name is Simon Elliot.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but one day a famous conspiracy theorist suddenly leaked this information.

The leader of ISIS in Iraq is a Jew and a Mossad agent. His real name is Simon Elliot. (*)The link has expired.

Mossad, as you know, is Israel’s intelligence agency.

The exact name is “Israeli Intelligence Agency”, but most people in the world call it “Mossad”.

Israeli intelligence and special services agency – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A8%E3%83%AB%E8%AB%9C%E5%A0%B1%E7%89%B9%E5%8B%99%E5%BA%81

If Israel is a puppet of the “papists” in league with the Rockefellers, as has been claimed by well-known conspiracy theorists, then the Islamic State was indeed created by the “papists”.

Recently, however, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been drawing closer to Japan for some reason.

In fact, he recently had an audience with the Emperor of Japan. This was last May.

Furthermore, there is news on …… that Japan and Israel are going to cooperate on this “Islamic State” issue.

What is this all about?

Defense Minister to Coordinate with Israel on Anti-Terrorism NHK News (*)The link has expired.

On the other hand, it seems that the US (White House) and Israel do not have a good relationship these days.

—————- (The following is reprinted from the Nikkei Shimbun)

U.S. White House officials announced on March 6 that Vice President Biden is expected to miss Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress scheduled for March 3. He said he has plans to travel abroad.

The vice president also serves as president of the Senate and usually attends speeches before Congress.

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was requested over the head of the White House by House Speaker John Boehner, a member of the opposition Republican Party.

The White House expressed its displeasure, and President Obama does not intend to meet with Netanyahu, citing the fact that it comes just before Israel’s general election.

Officials did not provide details of Biden’s visit, including where he would visit, but stated that “plans have been in the works for some time.”

According to the White House, the only previous time Biden missed a speech to Congress was in March 2011, when he addressed then-Australian Prime Minister Gillard, who was also on an overseas visit.

 —————- (reprinted here)

And Pope Francis, the first ‘Jesuit’ pope who was also “Emperor‘s Faction“, seems to be very friendly with the former president of Israel, Peres.

 —————- (The following is reprinted from the Asahi Shimbun newspaper)

Roman Catholic Pope Francis met with former Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Vatican on April 4.

According to Italian public broadcaster RAI and other media, Peres proposed the creation of an ‘International Union of Religions’, which would be a version of the United Nations for religious organizations, as a means of preventing conflicts and terrorism caused by religious confrontations.

The proposal is to create a ‘religious charter’ like the UN Charter, and all religious organizations that agree should become members.

Explaining the need for the new organization, Mr Perez said: ‘Until now, wars have been fought on the basis of the logic of states. But now they are being fought on the basis of religion’ and that it was ‘the best way to counter terrorists in the name of faith’.

Vatican spokesman Lombardi said that ‘the Pope listened attentively to the proposals, but will not get personally involved, but will respond through the department in charge of inter-religious dialogue’.

Peres, who retired in July, is one of Israel’s leading peacemakers and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

While in office, he invited Pope Francis to visit Israel at the end of May.

He also visited the Vatican in June with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and together they prayed for peace.

—————- (reprinted here)

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also visited the Vatican last January and had a friendly meeting with Pope Francis.

Moreover, Abe seems to be good friends with Netanyahu.

—————- (The following is reprinted from World Business Satellite)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is on a tour of the Middle East, met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, the third country he has visited.

They agreed to conclude negotiations on an investment treaty between Japan and Israel by the end of this year.

Prime Minister Abe urged the resumption of Middle East peace negotiations.

They also reaffirmed their intention to strengthen anti-terrorism measures.

If progress is made in the Middle East peace negotiations, security risks in the region will be greatly reduced.

As a result, it will provide a tailwind for Japanese companies to enter the region.

Executives from 26 Japanese companies accompanied the top sales executives on their visit to Israel.

Israel is known as the Silicon Valley of the Middle East for its advanced IT and cutting-edge technology.

Japanese companies are beginning to pay attention to Israel’s high technological capabilities.

During his visit, Prime Minister Abe also inspected a walking aid developed by a local venture company.

Cooperation with Japan has already begun, including a technological development partnership with Yaskawa Electric Corporation, a manufacturer of industrial robots.

Such cooperation between Israeli and Japanese companies may continue in the future.

—————- (reprinted here)

Japan (Emperor and Abe), the Vatican (Francis), and Israel (Netanyahu and Peres).

They all seem to get along quite well.

And the Emperor, Abe and Francis are the “Emperor faction”.

Does this mean that Israel is also an “Emperor faction”?

And if Israel is really an “Emperor’s Faction,” then Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, is also an “Emperor’s Faction.

So, if the Mossad created the Islamic State, then the Islamic State is also a faction of the emperor.

It becomes a somewhat outrageous story.

Tomorrow I would like to discuss this “Islamic State” issue in more detail.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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