(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 5 December 2014, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17682
(Translated text below)
Yesterday we suddenly went into ancient history, so some of you may have been a bit confused.
Why are the Satanists so obsessed with their Japan-centric NWO plan? Japan must have been the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17651
However, without going back to ancient times and unravelling history in this way, it is impossible to know exactly who and what Satanists are.
Yesterday I tried to find out why Satanists are so eager to establish a Japan-centered NWO.
But I would not have been able to find a satisfactory reason if I had only looked at it from a political and economic perspective.
In case you missed it, the gist of yesterday’s story was that “Satanism was first practiced in Japan in this world. And that was tens of thousands of years ago.”
But for some people, this story may have been totally unbelievable.
Most people would not have believed that human beings existed and had an advanced civilization tens of thousands of years ago.
However, if you know anything about au-parts and the like, you may not be surprised at all.
OOPARTS means “out-of-place artefacts” .
And it refers to relics of advanced civilizations that are believed to have been created tens of thousands of years ago.
Many such items have been found in many parts of the world.
See the following sites for more information. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%84
This video is also interesting.
However, orthodox scholars ignore the existence of these OOPARTS, insisting that an advanced civilization could not have existed tens of thousands of years ago.
Why do they persist in ignoring the existence of OOPARTS?
Perhaps because if they put forward such a theory they will be treated as heretics and will not be able to get funding for their research.
In other words, there are people above them who do not want them to do such research.
Who are these people?
They are probably Satanists like Rothschild.
They are the only ones who can provide such funding and will fund any amount of research that is good for them.
But they will not fund anything that is bad for them, and they will even kill scientists.
This is evident in the case of the murder of Mr Sasai at RIKEN.
Sasai’s death was definitely not a suicide.
For more information, see the links below.
The RIKEN/Sasai murder theory has been confirmed. As in the case of Minister Matsuoka, the cause of death seems to have been deliberately avoided. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=14193
We have been taught in school as if human history began thousands of years ago.
Television and newspapers also report such an assumption.
But whichever way you look at it, this is clearly a false understanding of history.
This can be seen, for example, in the construction of the great pyramids in ancient Egypt.
The pyramids of ancient Egypt are considered impossible to build even with modern technology.
And scholars have not even figured out how they were built.
This means that ancient Egypt had advanced technology that was superior to that of today.
Of course, such advanced technology could not have developed overnight.
So,we can only assume that there was a long human history long before ancient Egypt.
Moreover, we know that this ancient Egyptian dynasty was founded by Satanists who were the survivors of the Atlantean civilization that supposedly sank into the sea.
This means that the technology possessed by these Satanists was most likely developed in ancient Atlantis.
We also learned that an artificial pyramid was built in Japan even earlier than Atlantis.
And since this pyramid is a symbol of Satanism, it is very likely that Japan is the birthplace of Satanism.
And this is the truth of history, which is why Satanists have been trying so hard to establish a world government centered on Japan all this time.
Therefore, the continent of Mu may have been “Japan”.
Moreover, since many ancient ruins have sunk in the seas near Japan, ancient Japan must have had a much larger continent than it has now.
However, when it comes to this kind of story, there are always people who blame aliens.
They say, “There must have been aliens in ancient times, and those aliens must have brought us humans an advanced civilization.
But when you try to trace the origin of civilization back to aliens, you always end up at a dead end.
Many people have propounded the theory of alien origins, and they have all suffered the same fate.
I have seen many such people, so I still cannot believe in the alien origin theory alone.
In prehistory (tens of thousands of years ago), highly civilized humans existed and eventually perished.
After that, it is more natural to assume that prehistory as we know it began anew.
This makes more sense.
I am not sure when the prehistoric period is defined, but let us assume that it is 6,000 years ago.
During those 6,000 years, human beings went from a primitive age to the advanced civilization we have today.
If there were people in prehistoric times who also had a history of 6,000 years or even longer, it would not be at all surprising if they had an advanced civilization similar to ours.
And when that civilization died out for one reason or another, the remnants of that civilization remained as the so-called Four Great Civilizations.
However, the truth of history is that the Four Great Civilizations eventually declined and humanity had to build a civilization from scratch again.
However, whenever such a theory is put forward, orthodox scholars always try to dismiss it.
They will try to dismiss it as heresy and treat it as “ton demo”.
Furthermore, they try to spread falsehoods that can be easily identified as “ton demo” by interweaving them with their theories.
Then they try to brainwash people into believing that the theory is a lie by saying, “Well, this is a lie no matter what you think.
The propagation of the theory of extraterrestrial origins must have been a manipulation to hide the truth of history.
They deliberately tried to hide the truth by mixing up stories that no one would believe.
In fact, it is known that Zecharia Sitchin, the first person in the world to advocate the theory of extraterrestrial origins, was a Freemason.
Similar sabotage was also used in the investigation of the pyramids in Egypt.
You may have heard of the “Curse of Tutankhamun”, but it turns out that this story was just a hoax.
What is the Curse of Tutankhamun? http://www.moonover.jp/bekkan/mania/thutan.htm
The death of Lord Carnarvon, who was researching Tutankhamun, was probably also an assassination.
The other misfortunes that befell the investigators must have been mere rumors, gossip or sabotage.
They played various pranks on the researchers and spread rumors that these events were the “Curse of Tutankhamun” so that no one would approach the pyramids because they were too afraid.
In the past, many of the people who investigated these pyramids were struck by misfortune after misfortune.
And the investigations were abandoned.
As I have said many times before, coincidences and mysteries do not happen very often in this world.
When they do happen, there is always someone pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Magic tricks and conjuring tricks may seem like miracles and mysteries.
In reality, however, they are neither miracles nor mysteries, but only tricks.
In the same way, many of the miracles and mysteries that occur in this world have some kind of trick behind them.
Satanists scare people by calling their tricks “curses” so that no one will know the secret of Satanism or its prehistoric history.
And if you unravel the history of the world based on this premise, everything that has seemed so disjointed will fit together in a logical and orderly way.
Of course, it is up to you to decide whether you believe this or not.
But it is on this premise that I intend to speak from now on.