English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

Many signs that we humans have been protected by the hand of God.

投稿日:2024-12-04 更新日:

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 4 December 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link. 


(Translated text below)

Many signs that we humans have been protected by the hand of God. Many signs that Satan’s destruction is imminent.

In the last three days since New Year’s Day, I have briefly discussed how to fundamentally destroy Satanists.

The Devil is not a figment of the imagination, nor is he a fictional entity. Satanists are not those who worship such unrealistic things. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-devil-is-not-a-figment-of-the-imagination-nor-is-he-a-fictional-entity/

Satanists have hidden the existence of the “spirit world” from us, the common people. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-secret-of-the-spirit-world-satanists-have-hidden-the-existence-of-the-spirit-world-from-us-the-general-public/

The way to destroy Satanists is to destroy them fundamentally. It starts with knowing the secrets of the “spirit world”. https://nozomi-creation.com/how-to-fundamentally-destroy-satanists-it-begins-with-knowing-the-inner-workings-of-the-spirit-world/

After all, it is Yahweh who can defeat the devil Lucifer.

And by praying to Yahweh, the devil can be destroyed.

Once this devil is destroyed, the devil worshippers who have received wisdom and power from the devil will naturally perish.

I would also like to make a few additions to this story.

We humans seem to see everything, but in fact we see only a limited number of things.

We seem to hear everything, but actually we hear only a limited number of things.

For example, the sky you see all the time is blue.

But in reality, the sky has seven different colors.

The reason the sky only looks blue to our eyes is because our human eyes can only see light in a limited range of frequencies.

Sometimes you can see a rainbow after it has rained.

In fact, the colors of that rainbow are the true colors of the sky.

For more information, visit the following websites.

Why blue skies, red sunsets, red lunar eclipses and seven-colored rainbows? http://butterflyandsky.fan.coocan.jp/sky2/skycolor.html

There are sounds in this world that cannot be heard by the human ear.

These are commonly known as ‘ultrasounds’.

Certain animals, such as dolphins, whales and bats, communicate with each other by emitting these ‘ultrasound’ sounds, which cannot be heard by the human ear.

However, this ‘ultrasound’ is a sound that these animals hear as a matter of course.

It is just that the human ear cannot hear it.

So, we see everything but we do not see everything, and we hear everything but we do not hear everything.

We only see and hear a very narrow range of things.

So, if you think that what you see and hear is all there is, you are wrong.

There is definitely a world in this world that our human eyes cannot see, and our human ears cannot hear.

And it is easy to understand when we consider that the ‘spirit world’ exists in the frequency band that is invisible to the human eye and in the frequency band that is inaudible to the human ear.

Generally speaking, people who are said to be ‘psychic’ are those who can see and hear things in a slightly wider range of frequencies than normal people.

Therefore, people who see ghosts or hear the voices of ghosts cannot be said to be particularly abnormal.

However, the world still considers such people to be insane, sick, or strange.

Scientists in this world could easily understand this if they thought about it for a moment.

But for some reason they don’t.

Are they afraid that if they do, they too will be treated as a freak?

In any case, whenever a person appears in this world who talks in detail about the spirit world, he or she is immediately treated as a fraud.

This is because the Satanists declare the person to be an anomaly and spread bad rumors in order to prevent his discourse from spreading.

As I wrote yesterday, Jesus Christ is a typical victim of this.

However, in the case of Jesus, his teachings spread so quickly throughout the world that the Satanists were unable to stop the spread of Christianity altogether.

They therefore hastily created an organization, the Vatican, which brought all the Christians of the world under its control.

This was to prevent knowledge of the ‘spirit world’ from spreading throughout the world.

And their manipulation of it has worked to some extent.

They have worked to some extent because now most people in the whole world don’t know, don’t understand or don’t believe in the ‘spirit world’.

However, when a person like me, who is highly spiritual, reads the Bible, I can’t help but react to the word ‘spirit’ in the Bible.

I can’t help but notice that word. I have never seen any other book that describes ‘spirit’ in as much detail as the Bible does.

That is why I have read the Bible with more interest than other people.

I never expected to be able to understand all the details of how the world works.

It is truly a piece of cake off the shelf.

However, when I talk about God being stronger than the devil, as I did yesterday, there’s always at least one person who says: ‘The devil seems to be stronger than God, but what’s the point of praying to God?

In fact, one person made such a comment yesterday.

Well, maybe you have to think like that. I can only answer.

After all, almost no one has ever really known the depths of the “spirit world” except Satanists.

This means that the Devil’s power can only be stronger than God’s.

However, this does not mean that God has sat on His hands and done nothing.

God has been protecting us, the human race, all this time.

He has thwarted the devil’s plans so that mankind would not fall under his control.

In fact, the demons have been plotting to establish a NWO in the world from ancient times to the present day.

But so far this goal has never been achieved.

 This shows how God protects us.

In the Old Testament, for example, we read.


The whole earth had the same pronunciation and the same language.

Sometimes the people went to the east and took a plain in the land of Shinar and lived there. They said to each other: “Come, let us make bricks and burn them well. So they got brick instead of stone, and bitumen instead of plaster.

And they said again: ‘Come, let us build cities and towers, and let their tops reach to the sky. And we will make a name for ourselves, and we will not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.

At that time the Lord came down and saw the cities and the towers which the sons of men were building, and he said: ‘The people are one, and all of them are of one language. They have already begun to do this. Nothing that they shall do shall be able to stop them any longer.

Now I will go down and there I will destroy their language, so that they will not be able to speak to each other. So the Lord scattered them from there over the face of the whole earth, and they ceased to build the city.

So the name of the city was Babel. For there the Lord disturbed the word of the whole earth. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

 —————- (Genesis 11:1-8)

When I first read this Bible passage, I thought it was just a fairy tale.

However, when I realised that Satanists were serious about establishing a NWO, I began to think that this story must be true.

The city or tower that people tried to build here was the famous ‘Tower of Babel’.

This does not literally mean a high tower, but perhaps the central city of the NWO or something.

But this Genesis was written four thousand years ago.

If you talked to people then about the NWO, about world government, nobody would have understood it.

No, even today most people would not understand such a story.

That is why Moses, who wrote this book of Genesis, described the world government as a ‘Tower of Babel’ so that everyone could understand it.

So when God intervened to prevent this ‘Tower of Babel’ from being built, it means that God intervened in the devil’s NWO plan.

So God has been thwarting the devil’s plans since such ancient times.

And indeed, the world is now divided into many nations and many languages.

We don’t know how it was divided, but the fact is that it is divided.

This should have made it difficult for the Satanists to rule this world as one.

In fact, their plans are much more difficult.

If all the people on this planet spoke the same language and had the same ethnicity, it would have been much easier for them to mind control us, the common people.

But this world is divided into a number of countries and a number of languages.

So, they had to mind-control people in each country, in each region, in each different way.

In other words, even if they could successfully mind-control people in the USA, they would not necessarily be able to mind-control the Japanese in the same way.

This is because they have completely different languages, different ways of thinking and different ethnicities.

In this way, God has properly thwarted the devil’s plans and protected us human beings.

However, some people might say, “No, this world was originally divided into many countries and languages from the very beginning.

God has not divided countries and languages.

It is true that in prehistoric times, as we know it, this world was divided into many countries and languages from the very beginning.

But the fact is that human history had already begun in this world in prehistoric times, and in that world one person (the emperor) clearly ruled this entire world.

At least we cannot deny this possibility.

I have written an article about this before, see the link below.

It will be easier to understand if you read them in order from the top.

Why Satanists are so obsessed with Japan-centric NWO plans. Japan was probably the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17651

It is a fact that there was an advanced civilization there in prehistoric times. But Satanists have been obstructing research for years. https://nozomi-creation.com/it-is-a-fact-that-there-was-an-advanced-civilization-in-prehistoric-times-however-satanists-have-long-obstructed-its-study/

There are several proofs that Japan is the oldest Satanist sanctuary in the world. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-proofs-that-japan-is-the-oldest-satanist-sanctuary-in-the-world/

The Takeuchi documents are an ancient propaganda book written by Satanists to glorify the Emperor. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=17760

The following website, by the way, will tell you more about how ancient Egypt actually had its roots in ancient Japan, from a different angle.

The secret of the super old secrets 4: Hieroglyphs: Sacred or divine writing? Kazumoto Iguchi’s blog https://quasimoto.exblog.jp/22303997/

In prehistoric times, Japan was the center of the world and the emperor at the head of Japan ruled the whole world.

The Takeuchi documents were a detailed record of this history.

However, the Japanese government considered the Takeuchi documents to be forgeries and confiscated them.

To add insult to injury, the documents were believed to have been destroyed during the Second World War.

This is a very dubious story.

There is a strong suspicion that the Tabuse clan hastily tried to suppress this document because the truth was written in the Takeuchi documents.

Nevertheless, the contents of this ‘Takeuchi document’ are still being properly communicated among some people. The contents of the document can be seen briefly on the Internet.

For example, the following video.

In fact, the more I examine ancient sites and artefacts, the more I discover that there was an advanced civilization in prehistoric times, and that there is a clear unity there.

It is very likely that this world was once one great nation, ruled by a single king.

It is therefore premature to dismiss the story of the Tower of Babel as a mere fairy tale.

There is definitely a bit of truth in this story.

It means that God has been protecting us from the hands of the devil since the beginning of time.

Moreover, even today, these Satanists are divided into the “Emperor faction” and the “Papal faction” and are in conflict with each other, destroying each other’s plans.

This is exactly what it means to conquer poison with poison.

This must be God’s plan.

Of course, their conflicts have caused many wars and man-made earthquakes, and we, the common people, have suffered various calamities so far.

However, if either the ‘Emperor Faction’ or the ‘Papal Faction’ had won and come to rule us, this world would have been closed to further darkness by now.

Many people would be languishing in even greater suffering than they are now.

In reality, however, the world is not yet completely corrupted, and the order of the world is to some extent well preserved.

And even though the Satanists are mixing a lot of poisons into food additives, drugs and vaccines, we are certainly healthier and living longer than we have since the Edo period.

Civilisation has also made life more comfortable, keeping us warm in cold winters and cool in hot summers. We don’t have to die of hunger, we can enjoy fashion, live in nice houses and eat good food.

The Satanists’ conflicts have also derailed the TPP and the Far East War.

All their plans have been thwarted in the end.

This just goes to show how well protected we, the human race, are.

There are still so many people who have been and are still being victimized by the devil.

Too many to count.

It is truly unfortunate.

That is why I have started this blog to tell you this truth and to make you aware of it.

And in the last few days I have even called people to pray for the destruction of the devil.

We have written such articles on many occasions, not just yesterday.

If you are interested, please see.

Let us all pray together for the destruction of the Satanists and the blessing of the Japanese people. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16837

The truth is that Satanists also suffer from insecurity. They are like weak dogs that want to bark at everyone. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16852

Please believe that your prayers and spreading of information will change this world. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18262

However, neither the ‘Emperor Faction’ nor the ‘Papal Faction’ have caused any spectacular incidents recently.

Are they checking each other out and getting in each other’s way?

Or have my articles influenced them in some way?

Either way, the world seems to be moving in a better direction.

I can see a number of such signs.

The rest depends on our actions.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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