You have to understand that this world is made up of Satanists fighting Satanists.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 5 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Many new readers have flocked to this blog since I wrote my article about Mr Goto, who was kidnapped by the Islamic State, being a South Korean.
They seem to have responded to my theory in a variety of ways: amazed, puzzled, bemused, ridiculed.
On this new site, Goto’s article has just passed 50,000 PV, as you can see from the ‘popular articles’ on the right-hand side.
On the old site, however, it currently has over 140,000 PV and would normally be the most popular article on this blog.

So now the blog is getting more and more visitors.
So many people are asking me all sorts of questions.
But most of the questions are poisoned by the conspiracy theories I have heard.
In other words, they have not escaped the brainwashing that following the moneylenders’ movements is a conspiracy theory.
Or we have been poisoned by the theory that only the US is the bad guy.
Once again, I want to be very clear: I do not believe that the US is on top of the world.
I reject all the previous conspiracy theories that the US is the boss of the world or that the moneylenders are the boss of the world.
Of course, the moneylenders themselves may think they are in control of the world and be proud of it.
In fact, without their money, nothing in the history of the world would move.
So, you could say they are right.
But they are only lending money to move history.
They themselves do not have a vision of how to move history.
They don’t care whether they create a Japan-centered NWO or an American-centered NWO.
Whether they believe in the sun (the emperor) or the moon (the pope), they don’t care either way.
However, Rothschild and some of the Rockefellers are somewhat special.
Although they are money lenders, they seem to be acting with a firm policy in mind, trying to establish a Japan-centered NWO or a US-centered NWO.
But what I don’t want you to misunderstand is that there are many people in the Rothschild and Rockefeller families who don’t care about such policies.
Most of them just want to make money.
The Rothschild family bosses (the Jacob faction of the British family) are indeed promoting an Emperor/Japan-centered NWO with their ‘sun worship’.
But some of them do not care, or think that the Pope is more important than the Emperor, and the USA more important than Japan.
Conversely, the head of the Rockefeller family (David Rockefeller) promotes a Vatican-US-centered NWO with his ‘moon worship’.
However, some of them still don’t care about such things, or think that the Emperor is more important than the Pope, and Japan more important than the USA.
I have written about this before, but here is an excerpt again. (Excerpts from the article here below)
■Rothschild Financial Conglomerate
(1) Jacob faction of the British family = ‘Emperor faction’
Leader: Baron Jacob Rothschild
Central company: RIT Capital Partners
(2) Evelyn faction of the House of England = ‘Papists’
Leader: Evelyn R. de Rothschild
Central company: N M Rothschild & Sons
(3) House of France = ‘Papists’
Leader: Baron David René James de Rothschild
Central company: Rothschild Company Bank (Bank of Paris-Orléans)
(4) House of Switzerland = “?”
Leader: Banjaman Rothchild
Central company: LCF Rothschild
■Rockefeller Financial Conglomerate.
(1) Brother David faction >= ‘Papists’
Leader: David Rockefeller
(2) Brother Jay’s faction >= ‘Emperor’s faction’
Leader: Jay Rockefeller
(3) Brother’s faction = “?”
Thus, both Rothschild and Rockefeller are divided into the ‘papists’ and the ‘emperors’.
“?” can be either the neither-nor school or the either-or school.
So, if you only follow the Rothschild and Rockefeller movements, you will see absolutely nothing of the world movements.
For they are all acting in their own interests.
That is why so many conspiracy theorists have disagreed with each other in various ways, such as that Rockefeller and Rothschild are fighting each other, or that they are friends, or that Rockefeller is working for Rothschild.
Each of these views is partly true. But together they are very wrong. For the convict running the world’s history is neither Rothschild nor Rockefeller.
The real convicts are the heads of Satan-worshipping religious organizations (cults).
Demons are not imaginary or fictitious beings. Satanists are not those who worship such unreal things.
And I think that the top Satanists are the ‘Emperor’ and the ‘Pope’, and I have been following their movements and writing about them all this time.
And it is not the ‘Emperor’ and the ‘Pope’ that we know, but the ‘Backup Emperor’ and the ‘Backup Pope’ who never appear in public.
As a result, I now know that my hypothesis is almost certain, and I can also see the world in a very simple way.
It was only because the premises were correct that all sorts of things in the world could be sorted out in an orderly and rational way.
Yes, it’s true. It is the Satanists who really run this world. Moreover, they have been divided into two factions, the ‘Emperors’ and the ‘Popes’, and have been fighting for supremacy from ancient times to the present day.
The Emperors use the solar calendar, worship the sun, and are royalty and aristocracy.
They worship the constellation of Orion (or Sirius) in the south and plan a Japan-centered NWO.
The ‘Papists’, on the other hand, use a lunar calendar, worship the Moon and are from the common people.
They worship the Big Dipper (or Polaris) and plan an American-centered NWO. For more information see the links below.
The Big Dipper, believed by the Tokugawa family, and Orion, believed by the emperors. The battle between the ‘emperor’s faction’ and the ‘papacy’ had already begun in ancient times.
Papalists = Lunar calendar = Kingdom of the Moon. Papalists = solar calendar = kingdom of the sun. The structure of the world seems increasingly simple.
Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the ‘Emperor Faction’ and the ‘Papal Faction’ had already begun in prehistoric times.
And the moneylenders made money by lending money to one or the other, or both, every time they started a war.
Recently, some have commented on the Savoy and Hessian families, a group of moneylenders said to be even higher up than the Rothschilds.
But the same is true of the Savoy and Hessian families.
They too are nothing more than mere moneylenders.
They too do not care whether they worship the sun or the moon, whether they are US-centric or Japan-centric. They think that as long as they can make money, that’s all that matters.
That’s how I see them now.
They have no policy, so there is no consistency in their movements.
So, no matter how much you investigate their movements, you will never find out anything about the truth in this world.
Above all, it is much more difficult to find out about the Savoy and Hessian families than it is to find out about the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds.
There is very little information about them in the world.
Even on the internet, very few people have mentioned them.
Moreover, the origins of the people who write them are not even known.
They also write about information of uncertain origin, so I am afraid to take their information on board.
For this reason, I have never mentioned the Savoy or Hessian families in my life.
I will not mention them much in the future.
Because even if I don’t mention them, the truth of this world will always come out. For moneylenders do not conceive the history of this world, nor do they actually direct it.
No matter how much wealth they have, it doesn’t matter much.
It is the Satanists who really conceive and direct the history of this world.
To be more precise, it is the top Satanists.
And these heads have been running the history of this world from ancient times to the present day, fighting each other for the top position.
Perhaps those in the underworld who are not at the top like them think that it doesn’t matter whether it is “sun worship” or “moon worship.
And whether it is a US-centered NWO or a Japan-centered NWO, whether the Pope or the Emperor is the top leader, they probably don’t care either way.
I have a feeling that many of the Tabuse family members also think that it doesn’t matter which side of the power structure they are on as long as they are happy.
This is clearly evident in the actions of Shinzo Abe.
Abe was supposed to be a Rockefeller puppet in the Seiwa-kai.
But as soon as his power was threatened by the “Emperor Faction,” which exposed the scandals in his cabinet and brought about a general election, he suddenly became a puppet of the emperor.
And he began to distribute large sums of money around the world to expand the power of the “Emperor Faction.
Perhaps most of the underworld has no sense of either.
That is why the “Emperor Faction” has to use Prime Minister Abe to distribute money all over the world one by one.
If the majority of people in the world had been clearly divided into two groups from the beginning, the “Emperor Faction” would not have had to distribute so much money in the first place.
And as a result of the power struggle, their power is now roughly distributed in this way. (Reprinted from this article.)
■ Papists (Rockefeller)
Rockefeller promotes US-centered NWO plan.
Pope is head of world.
Leaning toward Korea
Unification Church, Aum (except Aleph?)
International Union for Victory and Co-operation
No investigation by Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.
■ Emperor Faction (Rothschild)
The Emperor’s faction (Rothschild) promotes a Japan-centered NWO plan.
The Emperor is the top of the world.
Leaning toward North Korea
Soka Gakkai, Seicho-no-Ie
National Socialist Japan Workers Party (Neo-Nazi)
Right Wing
Cool Japan
Under investigation by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.
However, this distribution of power is likely to change rapidly in the future.
In a sense, all but the top leaders of the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” are in a state of limbo, or in a state where they do not care which side they are on.
Therefore, I always return my attention to the leaders of the “Emperor’s Faction” and the “Papal Faction” when I am confused about the movements of the world.
I always go back to the starting point of what they are thinking and what they are trying to do.
But I don’t always know immediately what the leaders are doing.
Therefore, I also carefully study the movements of the moneylenders, politicians, entrepreneurs, and government scholars who are below them.
That way I can understand what the tops are thinking.
However, if I were to focus only on the movements of money lenders, I would end up at a dead end or in a complicated labyrinth, just like I did with conspiracy theories.
If I focus only on the movements of politicians, I will end up with the same convoluted and mysterious stories as the media and journalists of this world.
The view from the top of that small mountain is completely different from the view from the top of Mount Everest, from an airplane, or from a space station.
What we see is not a lie or a delusion, but the truth of the world.
But the view from a low vantage point is only a small part of this world, and the rest of the world we cannot see can only be written about in our imagination.
Today’s general journalism is truly at the level of looking out from a small mountain.
In a manner of speaking, one might say that the conspiracy theories of this world are at the level of looking over from the top of Mount Everest.
If you look at the world from the level of the Savoy or Hessian families, you might say that it is the level of looking out of an airplane.
But if you look at the world from the level of the top Satanists, you can truly say that you are looking from a space station.
If you go that far, you will be able to see the movement of the earth as if it were rolling in the palm of your hand. The world becomes very simple.
If you have been reading my blog for a long time, you have probably experienced this feeling many times.
The world that seemed so big will now seem small, as if you could roll it around in your hands.
Of course, I was able to develop such a perspective because I have read the Bible a lot since I was young.
The Bible is written from God’s point of view.
I believe that by reading the Bible over and over again, I have somehow come to see the world from God’s perspective.
And by looking at this world from such a perspective, I have come to realize that the demons are actually fighting each other in this world.
And when I really looked into the history of this world and world affairs in detail, I came to be able to prove that demons are really fighting each other.
If I had only followed the movements of the moneylenders, this would have been absolutely impossible.
If I had only followed the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, I would never have found such a simple and clear answer.
In some ways Rothschild and Rockefeller are like water and oil, and in other ways they are like water and sugar.
This is because in some places they never mix, and in other places they mix easily.
This is true not only of Rothschild and Rockefeller, but of every moneylender, corporation, organization or nation in the world.
However, only the tops of the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction” have always been water and oil from the past until now. This is the only one that has never wavered.
Therefore, if you really want to know the truth of this world, you should always go back to the starting point of what the top leaders of the Emperor Faction and the top leaders of the Papal Faction think and do.
At least I will continue to look around the world, research, and write articles from this point of view.
If you have come to this blog recently, please read it with that understanding.
Of course, the same goes for those of you who have been reading this blog for a long time.
Thanks in advance.