(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 3 Mar. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts. For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.
Yesterday, I mentioned that the Emperor-centered NWO plan that the “Emperor Faction” people are trying to implement is actually a plan to reproduce the underground city of Agartha in this world.
The Emperor-centered NWO plan is nothing more than a plan to reproduce the underground city of Agartha on Earth. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-emperor-centered-nwo-plan-is-nothing-more-than-a-plan-to-recreate-the-underground-city-of-agartha-on-earth/
The earth’s interior is hollow, and that hollow is a four-dimensional world, and in that four-dimensional world there is a city called Agartha.
To be honest, when it comes to stories like this, it is now “up to you whether you believe it or not. “
However, whether we believe this story or not, it seems that the “Emperor Faction” is completely convinced of the existence of this “Agartha.
So, I decided that this “Agartha” is hell itself.
Today I would like to talk about some of the reasons.
First of all, the capital of this Agartha is “Shambhala.
Buddha called this “Shambhala” “Paradise.
So many Buddhists in this world think that “paradise” means “the other world,” the world after death.
But actually, Tibetan monks do not consider “Shambhala” to be the “Pure Land of Paradise.
In fact, Tibetan monks do not consider “Shambhala” to be “a particular region in this world” or “the world that exists in reality.
For more information, see the links below.
Journey to Shambhala (*)The link has expired.
So, where is this “special area”, it is actually the underground, and the entrance to the underground is in Tibet. ……
At least that is what the Tibetan monks believe.
So when Hitler heard this story, he became very interested in Tibet and began to investigate Tibet.
According to one theory, the passageways connecting the underground kingdom run from the United States to Easter Island to the “Potala Palace” in Tibet (see image above), covering almost the entire world.
Tibetan monks guard the entrance to the Potala Palace.
So, Shambhala is still like an ideal place for human beings, and the Tibetan monks who protect it are very good Buddhists. ……
But the Tibetan monks were in league with the evil Nazis.
And when I say Nazis, I don’t mean just any Nazis.
They were working with the shadiest of Nazi organizations.
—————- (The following is reprinted from I’d Like to See You on Mars & Wander Around)
(*)The link has expired.
Among the various organizations of Nazi Germany, the “Ahnenerbe” stands out.
Its official name is the Deutsche Ahnenerbe (Society for German Antiquities).
It was originally a private organization founded in 1933.
but later became an official institution of Nazi Germany.
In 1939, the “Ahnenerbe” was incorporated into the Nazi SS.
It was then promoted to a branch equivalent to other sections of the SS.
Combined with the personal tendencies of SS-Director Heinrich Himmler, it came to be recognized as a research and educational organization of the SS.
Headquarters of the Deutsche Ahnenerbe
As Nazi Germany entered World War II, the tendencies and actual missions of the Ahnenerbe took a darker, more radical turn. The “Ahnenerbe” eventually became a large organization with as many as 50 departments and a special occult intelligence unit, like the one in the “Indiana Jones” movies.
Research topics included the verification of Helbiger’s heretical cosmology “Ice Universe Theory”, the investigation of the Hollow Earth Theory, alchemy, the confirmation of ley lines, the meaning of the ban on the Irish lyre, and many other topics.
Incidentally, since many of the “Ahnenerbe” were elite Nazi scholars, it was a kind of status to be associated with Ahnenerbe.
(Note: It is similar to the fact that it is a status to join “Dentsu”, which is the center of the Japanese underworld. Sorry to the innocent “Dentsu” employees).
Ahnenerbe’s research was not limited to Europe.
She also had her eyes on the Far East.
For the mystics flocking to Nazi Germany, Tibet was considered the original homeland of the ancient Aryan race. To substantiate the Aryan-Tibetan origin theory, the “Sven Hedin Society” was founded under the umbrella of the “Ahnenerbe” and sent a research team to Tibet.
Sven Hedin is the name of the greatest explorer of the 20th century who discovered the Trans-Himalayas and confirmed the migration of Lob Noor Lake.
—————- (reprinted here)
So, it was actually such a dubious organization that the Tibetan monks were in cahoots with.
Moreover, the person who spread the “Shambhala legend” to the world is said to be “Ms. Blavatsky”, who is said to be an authority on “Theosophy”.
This person is said to be an authority on “Theosophy.
The word “Theosophy” sounds like a very respectable subject, but in fact it is not.
In fact, this “Theosophy” is nothing but occultism.
—————- (Reprinted below from Wikipedia)
Theosophy aims to unite various religions, mystical thought, and the occult under one truth.
So, naturally, various religions, mysticism and occultism are dealt with in it.
For example, Ancient Egyptian Mysticism, Hermetic Thought, Greek Philosophy, Christianity, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Vedas, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Yoga, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Magic, Alchemy, Astrology, Psychicism, Mythology, etc. are quoted and discussed in various contexts.
Theosophy maintains that the deep secrets of religion, mysticism, and the occult have been handed down and defended by a select few in every age because of the power and danger they control.
Knowledge of religion, mysticism, and the occult is said to come from one’s own inner awareness, psychic powers, mystical experiences, spiritual awakening, and direct observation.
Religious, mystical, and occult thinkers, including ancient Egyptian and Indian sages, are said to have in some ways better perception and understanding than modern positivist scientists who analyze various external phenomena and emphasize objectivity and rationality.
Such people who are well versed in the teachings of religion, mysticism, and the occult, and who have been handed down the secrets of the mysteries, are generally called “entrants into the secrets of esotericism”.
Among them, those who have mastered the depths are said to possess various supernatural powers (materialization, telepathy, etc.), to have maintained their physical bodies much longer than normal, and to be outstanding in their understanding of the various phenomena of the universe and in their love for humanity.
Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, is said to have studied with and received teachings from these initiates.
—————- (reprinted to here)
Blavatsky established the study of “Theosophy” and founded the “Theosophical Society”.
The emblem of the “Theosophical Society” is shown below.

Oh, no. It’s amazing.
The “snake”, the “swastika”, the “ankh cross” and the “six-pointed star”. ……
All the symbols of the devil are lined up in a row.
It seems better to call it the “Satanic Society” than the “Theosophical Society”.
However, Ms. Blavatsky herself, like other Satanists, probably believed that the “devil” was “God”.
Therefore, she may have thought that she was seriously studying “God.
This alone shows how suspect Tibetan Buddhism is as a religion.
In addition, Tibetan Buddhism has a mandala called the Jirin Mandala (Kalachakra Mandala).
I am sure you have seen this mandala at least once.

The basis of the Wheel of Time Mandala is a Buddhist scripture called the Wheel of Time Tantra.
According to Tibetan Buddhist legend, “Suchandra, the king of Shambhala, visited India for the benefit of the people of 96 countries in Shambhala, and the teachings are said to have been given to him by the Buddha.
Wheel of Time Tantra – Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%99%82%E8%BC%AA%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9
According to the Dalai Lama, the head of Tibetan Buddhism, the essence of the Wheel of Time mandala is “light”.
—————- (The following is reprinted from the Wheel of Time Mandala)
As the sun shines
The Jirin Mandala (Kalachakra Mandala).
This is the ultimate of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism and the essence of esoteric art.
The first-class mandala is so powerful that if a sensitive person has it in their bedroom, it will take them a long time to fall asleep because something is stimulating them.
The Dalai Lama wrote in his book,
“The essence of this mandala is ‘light’.
Just by looking at a correctly drawn and blessed mandala, it is possible to purify the evil karma that has accumulated over the ages.
He said, “The Dalai Lama is the most important person in the world.
Like the sun shining on the earth, the Wheel of Time Mandala dispels all evil and brings great happiness and success.
Many practitioners use the mandala to practice qigong and meditate in front of it for its beneficial effects.
—————- (reprinted here)
I am not sure what it means.
Somehow, I feel that this pattern must represent “sun” or “light” or something like that.
However, I am tempted to say that if it only represents “light” or “sun,” then what on earth does the building in the middle represent?
So, we imagine that this building must have some deep meaning in its own way.
If you look closely, you will see this Kalachakra Mandala (Wheel of Time Mandala). It looks very much like something, doesn’t it?
Yes, it does. This is it.

When they say “sun” or “light,” they are probably referring to the sun inside the earth, which is called the “central sun.
And the building in that cavity might be the underground city of “Agartha. In other words, it is the paradise of Shambhala.
And if you look closely, you can see that the second circle from the outside is surrounded by many human-like objects.
So, this could represent the earth.
And if you look more closely, you will see that there are eight holes in the earth, four of which are connected to the underground. This could be the entrance from the earth to Agartha.
And if you look closely, the rectangle in the middle looks like a passageway leading underground.
But wait a minute.
The hollow earth theory is a theory that has been around since 1800.
Whether this theory is true or not is still uncertain.
In other words, even with modern science, the truth of this theory is still unknown.
How is it possible that the Buddha, who lived hundreds of years before Christ, knew about the hollow earth theory?
Or is it possible that the hollow-earth theory is just a hoax, and those who advocate it are simply spreading the Buddha’s teachings to the world?
No, no, no. No, no, this is not true. As you can see from yesterday’s article, there is a scientific basis for the Hollow Earth theory. It is not just a hoax.
This makes us wonder if “Buddha” really saw the underground city of Shambala.
But what is more important here is the person(?) who is said to have created this “Shambhala”.
According to Ms. Blavatsky, the creator of this “Shambhala” was a sage named Sanat Kumara, who came from Venus 18.5 million years ago.
Sanat Kumara – Wikipedia
When you hear the word “Venus”, some people immediately think of something.
That’s right, “Lucifer. Lucifer. Lucifer” is Latin for “flame-bearer” or “Venus.
And, of course, “Lucifer” is the head of the devil (Satan).
Therefore, it is honestly written on various websites, including Wikipedia, that “Sanat Kumara” has been misunderstood to mean “Lucifer”.
No, no, no. This is not a misunderstanding.
Sanat Kumara” is nothing more than “Lucifer.
After all, Ms. Blavatsky herself is a Satanist.
The Wikipedia article on “Sanat Kumara” also states that
Sanat Kumara is considered a great guru and savior of the earth.
We can find Sanat Kumara in all major religions.
The first Kumara in Hinduism
Daikokuten in Buddhism
The Old Man of the Day in Judaism and Christianity
Ahura Mazdar in Zoroastrianism
Also known as al-Hadil (the Green Man) by Sufi Muslims.
Some people may find it difficult to understand because all the names are new to them.
However, it is not an exaggeration to say that Zoroastrianism, for example, is a cult of Satanism itself.
After all, Zoroastrianism gave birth to Mithraism, which is considered the greatest Satanism in history.
The God of Satanism is Ahura Mazdar, and the fact that Ahura Mazdar and Sanat Kumara are identical is as good as saying that Sanat Kumara is the Devil.
Moreover, the fact that this “Sanat Kumara” created “Shambala” is proof that “Shambala” is nothing but hell.
This is precisely why I have judged Shambhala (Agartha) to be hell.
Nevertheless, the “emperor faction” promotes this “Agartha” and “Shambhala” as an ideal world for humanity through cartoons and movies.
It is really a good delusion.
We must know the truth and not be deceived by them.
By the way, there seems to be a surprising relationship between Tibet and Japan. Please refer to it.
TWIST & EQUAL Before and after TWIST Potala Palace and Japan EQUAL http://equaljapan.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-161.html
Tibet may seem like a very distant country, but when you look at it like this, you realize that it is actually a very close country.