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No matter how much you investigate the movements of moneylenders, you will eventually hit a cul-de-sac.

You have to understand that this world is made up of Satanists fighting Satanists. (Translator&#8217 …

Thoughts on the fifth anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death. The famous song “BAD” was a challenge to the Illuminati.

(Translator’s Note)The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on Jun …

A secret nuclear facility lies beneath the University of Tokyo.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 18 …


それにしても世の中には不可解な事件が多いと思ったことはありませんか。 そのような不可解な点と点が結ばれ繋がった気がして、これこそ真実だと気付かせてくれたRAPT理論。なかでも悪魔崇拝に関する考察こそが …

People who are quick to say ‘I can’t, I can’t’ are not humble, nor do they lack confidence. Rather, they are proud.

(Translator’s Note) The following is a translation of a partial excerpt of an article posted o …