English translation Translation of RAPT Blog

The Jesuits (Illuminati) rule the world, and the head of the Jesuits is the Emperor.


(Translator’s Note) The following is a partial excerpt translation of an article posted on 8 Feb. 2015, from the vast amount of RAPT blog posts.  For the original source, please refer to the following URL link.


Yesterday I told you that the Jesuits are actually an organization of the “Emperor’s Faction.

I also told you that the Jesuits had already taken over the Vatican and that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of the presence of this Jesuit base.

The reality is that the Vatican had already been taken over by the “Emperor’s Faction”. Or the reason why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-reality-is-that-the-vatican-had-already-been-taken-over-by-the-emperor-faction/

With these new revelations, this blog will take on a new dimension.

The structure of the Underworld will now be more clearly understood.

Moreover, as I wrote in yesterday’s article, by equating the “Jesuits” with the “Illuminati,” I am now clearly convinced that the story of the “Illuminati controlling the world,” which has been a common conspiracy theory, is not a hoax.

I have used this diagram before, but the following diagram still seems to be a fairly accurate representation of the internal structure of the “Illuminati”.

(Reprinted from this article.) https://rapt-neo.com/?p=16928

It is my opinion at this time that the chart is mostly correct, except for the sentence “The Emperor is not an evil organization.

In other words, the Underworld is an organization called the “Illuminati.

And at the head of this organization is the “Emperor.

The “Emperor” is the only one that no one else can match.

However, some of them have rebelled against the Emperor.

This is the basic structure of the underworld.

According to the Takeuchi documents, the world was ruled by the Emperor in prehistoric times.

The “Emperor” was the head of the world.

And this “Illuminati” wants to revive this ancient world-like ruling structure (i.e. the Emperor-centered NWO) in the modern world.

Several proofs that Japan is the oldest Satanic shrine in the world. https://nozomi-creation.com/several-proofs-that-japan-is-the-oldest-satanist-sanctuary-in-the-world/

However, in this ancient world, there were those among the people who did not want the “emperor” at the top.

The Kingdom of the Sun = Hiizukuni. The Kingdom of the Moon = Yomotsukuni. The struggle between the “Emperor” and “Papal” factions had already begun before the beginning of history. https://nozomi-creation.com/kingdom-of-the-sun-hiizulukuni-kingdom-of-the-moon-yomotsukuni/

That is why they, the Satanists (Illuminati), were divided into two.

And so, they have been in a fierce struggle since ancient times.

I have called those who rebel against the “Emperor” “Papists” or “Moonists.

And those who support the “Emperor” I have called the “Emperor Faction” or the “Sun Faction.

In the beginning of AD, the men of the “Moon School” created what became the “Vatican”.

And they tried to create their own NWO.

The “Solar Faction” created the “Society of Jesus” to sabotage the efforts of the “Moon Faction”.

And they have continued to sabotage the Vatican while infiltrating the Vatican.

The following is the content of the oath given upon promotion to the rank of “Commando” in the Jesuits, as allegedly revealed by Alberto Rivera (a Jesuit defector) in 1981.

—————- (The following is an excerpt from The Jesuits Are a Military Intelligence Organization: Jesuit Connections in Japan HAARP)


Son, you have been taught to pretend to be a Roman Catholic among Roman Catholics and to act as a spy even among your own people.

You have been taught to trust no one and to put your trust in no one.

Act like a Reformer among Reformers, like a Huguenot among Huguenots, like a Calvinist among Calvinists, and always like a Protestant among Protestants who are in opposition to Roman Catholicism.

Even stand on their podiums, while earning their trust, and preach sermons condemning our holy teachings and the Pope with heartfelt ill feeling.

And sometimes go down and blend in as a Jew among the Jews and gather information as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”

 —————- (reprinted here)

In other words, they are told to thoroughly carry out “deception,” which is the devil’s usual method.

In this way, the “Jesuits” planned to infiltrate the Vatican and destroy the power of the “Moon faction”.

However, this did not go as planned and the power of the Vatican continued to grow.

At times, the power of the Vatican expanded rapidly, and at other times, the power of the “Emperor Faction” was greatly weakened.

Rockefeller and Bush are probably the greatest contributors to this.

They have taken the huge nation of “America” as their own and have tried to bring the whole world under their control by using their enormous wealth and power.

At times, they misled and enticed ordinary people to become their allies as they expanded their power around the world.

The result of their efforts was the creation of NATO.

The battle between NATO and BRICS can be said to be a power struggle between the Vatican and the Emperor that has come to the surface. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=18097

In an attempt to suppress their power, the ” Imperialist faction ” fought against the “Papalists ” by starting World War I and World War II.

However, the power of the “Papalists” only increased.

The “Emperor” was so spectacularly defeated in World War II that he was forced to make a “human declaration.

The “Papists”, riding on this momentum, even thought of taking over the “Jesuits” as well.

This would put them at the head of the “Illuminati”.

As I wrote yesterday, Pedro Arrupe was the president of the “Jesuits” during World War II.

He spent a long time in Hiroshima, Japan, where the “papists” dropped an atomic bomb during the last World War. They probably wanted to kill him.

Meanwhile, he escaped death in that attack.

However, there must have been many Jesuit centers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

So the strongholds of the Jesuits must have been destroyed by the atomic bomb, and their power must have been further diminished.

After Pedro Arrupe retired as president of the Jesuits, he was succeeded by a man named Peter Hans Kolvenbach (1983-2008), who is an eccentric.

According to a well-known conspiracy theorist, this man is rumored to be the mastermind of the 3/11 attacks.

He is said to have worked with Rockefeller and Bush to cause the massive man-made earthquake.

(Translator’s Note) The latest RAPT theory elucidates that the mastermind behind the 3/11 disaster was the Chinese Communist Party.

Peter Hans Kolvenbach

In short, the “Papalists” have placed their own agents in the hands of the president of the “Jesuits.

Or is it that they have managed to turn the “Emperor faction” into the “Papal faction”?

However, 3.11 happened in 2011.

Peter Hans Kolvenbach had already resigned as president of the “Jesuits”. He was president until 2008.

Was he removed from his position as Chancellor because it was discovered that he was a “Papist”?

Or did he turn to the “papists” after leaving the position of president?

In any case, it is certain that the “papists” also planned to infiltrate the “Jesuits” and destroy the organization from within.

However, Peter Hans Kolvenbach was succeeded by the current president, Adolfo Nicolas.

As you can see, he seems to be quite friendly with the current Pope, Francis.

As I wrote yesterday, Francis is the first “Jesuit” Pope.

Everything he does has the smell of the “Emperor’s School” in it. In other words, the “Jesuits” have taken over the Vatican. It means that the “Emperor Faction” has finally begun to roll back in the internal struggle of the Illuminati.

The story that the Illuminati is experiencing an internal schism has actually been confirmed by many people.

For example, the following articles can be found on the Internet.

—————- (The following is reprinted from Tenka Taihei)


First, yesterday I met with Mr. Paul Izumi, famous for his book series on man-made earthquakes, and through Mr. Izumi’s introduction, with Mr. Nagafusa Takayama, an active Illuminati official and a senior member of the Sem Mason, the Emperor’s Freemasonry that has continued since the Jomon period.

Profile of Mr. Nagafusa Takayama

Executive of the Asian and Japanese Regional Illuminati Semmeson

Has 26,000 subordinates in Japan

Illuminati Emperor Semmeson by birth

35 generations of Uda Emperor family

Nagafusa  XVI, the 16th generation of Ukon Takayama, successor of the Templars

President of the Order of the Rising Sun of the Uda Emperor Family

President, Fusoukai of the Taisho Emperor Family


Chairman, International Association for Political, Economic and Cultural Studies

Advisor, International Institute for Science and Technology

Chairman, Japan Anti-Defamation League


To be clear, Mr. Takayama is a member of the “Draconian Illuminati”.

He is from an organization that is effectively in opposition to the “Reptilian Illuminati” who are now ruling the world like cattle and trying to drive the earth to extinction.

Many of you may still be skeptical.

But this “Draconian” is from the Emperor’s family lineage and is a Reptilian from the continent of Mu.

And the famous “Reptilians” are a lineage of royalty and nobility mainly from Europe and the United States, and are reptilians from the continent of Atlantis.


What? Reptilians?” you may think, “What?” But this is not a statement by occultists or conspiracy theorists, but a direct statement by Mr. Takayama, the head of Freemasonry and the top executive of the Illuminati.

With time, there is a strong possibility that this fact will be revealed to the general public in the near future.

So if you are still skeptical, prepare yourself now or you will have a heart attack or panic in your head during the future public revelations.

As you might expect, none of the members of our group who gathered that day had any doubts about the subject.

On the contrary, this was a special meeting that brought together some very big names.

Therefore, I believe that by working together with Mr. Takayama, we will make a great contribution to the liberation of humanity and the prevention of the destruction of the earth in the future.

Anyway, according to Mr. Takayama, the war between the Draconians and the Reptilians has been going on incessantly now and in the past.

If this continues, there seems to be a strong possibility that it will eventually destroy the human race on Earth once again, as it has done since Mu and Atlantis.


As I have repeatedly told you, Earth may not be a habitable environment for human beings in the future.

The drastic decrease in food production due to the Ice Age, the collapse of the ozone layer and the thermosphere due to the misuse of plasma weapons such as HAARP, the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the effects of solar flares and solar radiation…

Furthermore, nuclear accidents, radioactive contamination of the Earth due to nuclear war, and the sinking of continents are just a few of the many possibilities.

Of course, the current ruling and all-knowing Reptilian Illuminati have been anticipating this for quite some time.

They have already finished building underground shelters (over 5,000 in Russia) and have begun to flee to planets other than Earth (Mars bases, etc.).

They plan to survive and even take power on Earth after the human race is destroyed again.

But now the Draconian Illuminati are rising up and taking aggressive action to prevent this from happening.

It seems that more than 30 million Draconians are already living in the civilization on the underground world.

They are trying to bring in a large number of new people (terrestrials) from Earth. They are also preparing to use UFOs to transport those who cannot enter the underground world to other planets.

According to what Mr. Takayama told me, the goal is within 30 years.

There seems to be a plan to reduce the number of human beings on Earth to zero within 30 years, when the human race will be eliminated by space wars and nature and the rulers.

But, of course, the Reptilian Illuminati are aware of the plan and are trying to prevent the earthlings from escaping.


As we have previously reported, the Sanhedrin, 13 brilliant Reptilians, now reign at the top of the ruling class.

They direct and order the Reptilian Illuminati, which in turn is run by their subordinate organization, the Freemasons.

It appears that Rothschild and Rockefeller are only the heads of Freemasonry and not of the Reptilian Illuminati.

The members of the Sanhedrin are shamans, also known as clairvoyants or witches, who are also alchemists.

They seem to be extraterrestrials who can use magic circles and other means to summon spirits from the wisdom handed down since the time of Atlantis.


By the way, eight of them are said to be transformed into Westerners and the remaining five are chosen from the Illuminati who have strong mixed blood.

Anyway, it seems that the Sanhedrin’s plan to reduce the human race is about to get into full swing.

It seems that after October, the world will start moving again in a big way.

I don’t know the details, but I think the U.S. should be careful…there may be a civil war and FEMA may be triggered in the near future.

Well, I have heard many other amazing stories from Mr. Takayama about UFOs and other things.

I hope to be able to tell you more about them soon.

Of course, I can only tell you as much as I know.

After the meeting with Mr. Takayama, I had dinner in the heart of Tokyo with another great person. I cannot tell you more about this person because he has a close relationship with the Imperial Family and has not yet revealed his identity to the public.

We also heard many interesting stories here.

—————- (reprinted here)

Readers of this blog will immediately realize that this “Takayama Nagafusa” is not a righteous man as described here.

His titles are also all dubious, such as “Illuminati Sem Mason executive,” “Knight Templar heir,” “Rothschild type,” and so on.

He is exactly what I call the “Emperor Faction.

And it seems that this person is the one who first brought up the “draconian” and “leptarian” alien stories.

Even now, many conspiracy theorists are misled by the stories of such underworld agents and believe that the “Draconians” are on the side of justice and that the “Emperor” is also on the side of justice.

However, the story of this “Takayama Nagafusa” is not 100% false.

There are many truths in his words.

One of the most important is that the Illuminati is divided into two forces that are fighting each other.

Moreover, from what he said, the conflict is exactly what I call the conflict between the “Emperor Faction” and the “Papal Faction.

And he goes a step further and says that the “Emperor faction” is Draconian and from the continent of Mu, and the “Papists” are Leptarians and from Atlantis.

I think he has a point.

Also, “The members of the Sanhedrin are shamans, also known as spiritualists or witches, who are also alchemists and can summon spirits using magic circles from the wisdom handed down since the time of Atlantis” is very similar to my previous theory.

He also mentioned that there are underground facilities of the “Papalists” in Russia.

Is it possible that the “Papalists” built such underground facilities between the collapse of the Soviet Union and Putin’s appearance?

Then, when Putin suddenly began to exclude the “papalists” from Russia, the “papalists” might have become angry and started to beat Putin.

It would not be surprising if such things were happening behind the scenes.

Anyway, this “Takayama Nagafusa” is a person.

He is a man of many stories, which at first glance seem to be mere fantasy.

In fact, his stories are quite plausible.

What is even more interesting is that this person says that the “Reptarians” and “Draconians” aliens are “spiritual beings”.

They are not mentioned in the article above, but they clearly say so elsewhere.

 —————- (excerpted below from Tenka Tahei)


Reptilians, however, are spirits, so they are not real, but we can capture them as images.

Since it is from a top-secret file, it is probably the first time it has been shown to the world.

 —————-(excerpt ends here)

In other words, isn’t a reptilian what I call a “demon” itself?

The devil is not a figment of the imagination, nor is he a fictional entity. Satanists do not worship such unrealistic things. https://nozomi-creation.com/the-devil-is-not-a-figment-of-the-imagination-nor-is-he-a-fictional-entity/

When I say “dragon,” I mean a dragon.

A “reptile” is a reptile.

And the Bible speaks of both as the same “devil.

—————- (See Revelation 12:7-9 below)

Now there was a battle in heaven. Michael and his angels fought the dragon. Both the dragon and his angels fought back, but they could not win. And there was no more room for them in heaven. And that great dragon, the serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was thrown to the earth, and his angels were thrown to the earth with him.


Both the serpent (i.e., reptile) and the dragon are Satan and the devil.

And yet this “Takayama Nagafusa” says that “draconian = dragon” is a friend of righteousness. It is absolutely cryptic.

Some conspiracy nuts still say that the “Draconians” are on our side, but are they also agents of the Underworld?

Are those who say such things also agents of the underworld?

Or are they just misled by the theories of this “Takayama”?

In any case, the underworld has always spread false conspiracy theories to the world in order to keep us, the general public, in the dark about the real truth.

In other words, they tell the truth 99% of the time and lie 1% of the time.

However, if we can discern which parts of their words are truth and which parts are lies, we, the general public, will eventually be able to arrive at the real truth.

In short, while they are trying to deceive us, they are actually revealing their own secrets to us.

I am very grateful for this.

I am now convinced that the “Illuminati” rule this world from behind the scenes and that the Emperor reigns at the head of the “Illuminati”.

Moreover, since the Vatican has been taken over by the “Jesuits” and is now under the power of the “Emperor’s Faction”, only Rockefeller and Bush will fight the “Emperor’s Faction” from now on.

It will be interesting to see which side Queen Elizabeth is on now.

I intend to investigate this area carefully in the future.

Perhaps the recent Scottish independence election will be the key to solving this mystery.

However, the pinnacle of evil in this world is still the “emperor,” no matter how you look at it.

This fact will never change.

And the battle between the “emperor faction” and the “faith faction” is now being dominated more and more by the “emperor faction.

That is why the “papists” are in a hurry to create an “Islamic state” commotion and are desperately trying to stop the Emperor-centered NWO plan.

As for us common people, we can only hope that they will violently fight each other and fall together.

At the same time, we fervently hope that the sparks they throw will not reach us, the common people.

Therefore, we must continue to pray and spread the fact.

-English translation, Translation of RAPT Blog



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